segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2014

Rogue State of Israel XXXVI : Licenced to Lie Cheat Kill?

The Palestinians are preparing "to go to the UN Security Council to enforce an end to the [Israeli] occupation", said Wasel Abu Yusef, a senior PLO - Palestine Liberation Organization official.
Labour minister Ahmad al-Majdalani also said that Au Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) was "working towards... holding an international conference to set a timetable for an end to the occupation".
Neither official gave any details on when the Palestinian demand would be presented.
In the event of a likely veto by the United States at the Secutiry Council, the Palestinians would consider fast-tracking an application to become party to the International Criminal Court, Abu Yussef said. "If the US uses a veto, then we still have the ICC card".
The move comes as Palestinians and world leaders continue to push for a halt to seven weeks of bloodshed in Gaza, and seek a more permanent end to Israeli violence.
Os palestinos estão se preparando "para ir ao Conselho de Segurança da ONU formalizar uma demanda que o Conselho ponha fim à ocupação israelense", declarou um representante da OLP - Organização pela Libertação da Palestina - Wasel Abu Yusef nesta segunda-feira.
O Ministro do Trabalho Ahmad al-Majdalani acrescentou que Mahmoud Abbas "está preparando... uma conferência internacional para que se estabeleça uma agenda para o fim da ocupação da Palestina".
Nenhum dos dois deu detalhes da demanda e nem de quando será apresentada. Mas é um grande avanço.
E caso os Estados Unidos imponha seu veto, o que é provável, os palestinos agilizariam seu registro na Corte Penal Internacional, disse Abu Yussef: "Se os EUA usarem seu direito de veto [como fazem sempre], ainda teremos o recurso da CPI".  
A iniciativa é concomitante às tentativas de parar a carnificina que Israel está protagonizando na Faixa de Gaza e assegurar um fim permanente da violência.

Channel 4: Gaza Strip before Operation Protective Edge  

Israeli soldiers and tanks were deployed this morning near the Gaza border amid continued rocket strikes on southern Israel. The Israeli military said the Al-Qassam Brigades launched 117 rockets and mortars on Sunday (nine of them intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome system) in response to the massive Israeli dombardements (which have left so far more than 2,100 Palestinians dead).
Thousands of homes in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed or badly damaged during Operation Protective Edge. Nearly 500 thousand people have been displaced in the territory of 1.8 million where Palestinians, citing Israeli attacks that have hit shcools, hospitals and mosques, say no place is safe.
And Israeli continues its policy of assassination. The last to be murdered was Hamas financial official Mohammed al-Ghul. 
What if Hamas had killed Israeli Financial Minister, would it have been considered a regular act of war or a war crime? 
Soldados e tanques israelenses estão na fronteira de Gaza prontos para outra invasão terrestre. A IDF disse que as Brigadas al-Qassam lançaram mais de 117 foguetes em Israel (nove foram interecptados pelo Iron Dome) em resposta aos repetidos bombardeios israelenses que já mataram mais de 2.100 palestinos.
Milhares de residências na Faixa foram destruídas ou muito estragadas durante a Operação Protective Edge e cerca de 500 mil palestinos estão desabrigados no território de 1.8 milhões de habitantes onde, citando Israel, não há nenhum lugar seguro. Escolas, hospitais e mesquitas são alvos "militares" e a população continua enclausurada e continua morrendo, apesar de em menor quantidade diária.
E Israel continua sua campanha de assassinatos. O último a ser executado em seu carro foi o responsável financeiro do Hamas Mohammed al-Ghul, morto em seu carro com outras pessoas.  
Se o Hamas matasse o Ministro da Economia de Israel, seria considerado ato regular ou crime de guerra?

Abaixo, dê uma olhada na "Buffer zone" delimitada unilateralmente por Israel. Estreita mais ainda a Faixa de Gaza e desabriga mais gente, pois já está abocanhando inclusive bairros da cidade de Gaza que a IDF insiste que sejam evacuados.
Para as famílias irem para onde? Imaginem se os moradores de Tel Aviv fossem obrigados a evacuar suas casas deixando seus pertences para que tudo fosse bombardeado ou servir de base militar para o ocupante?
Imagine se fosse você, em seu país invadido e cercado por todos os lados, em sua cidade, na sua casa. Ir para onde? 

What if it were the Palestinians the that have crossed the Green Line and did to Israel everthing that Israel is doing to them since 1948?
What if the Palestinians, against internacional laws, built Palestinian colonies on shortened Israeli land and those colons brutalized Israeli population and vandalized Israeli properties everyday, and furthermore, built walls around Israeli cities to allow these colons to occupy more land and walk around defiant, as if everything belonged to them? 
What if the Palestinians started a campaign of assassination of  Israeli top officials, executing one after another in cold blood during 14 years, with no concern for human rights or collateral damage?
What if the Palestinians, in one of their regular big military operations, decided to eliminate not only Israeli generals but also every Israeli top civilian official only because they belonged to the "wrong" party?    
What if the Palestinians laid siege to an Israeli region and stablished an endless blockade?
What if the Palestinians, furthermore, terrorized day an night that imprisoned Israeli population and every two years came to "mow the lawn" (Israeli expression for their military operations) destroying homes, hospitals, schools, private businesses, public infrastructures, and killing Israelis as if they were worth nothing whatsoever, only as a reminder of their military might?
What if the Palestinians, in a third major military operation, killed more than 2,000 Israelis, including more than 550 children?
What if they destroyed one by one Israeli most important synagogues?
What if they demolished more than 30 per cent of Israel's constructions and all its infraestructures?
What if the Palestinians left Israel without water, without power, without food and without any means to get the necessary products to rebuild their lives?
What if the Palestinians destroyed the biggest appartment tower of Tel Aviv with the families inside?
What if the Palestinians were the invaders and oppressors and Israelis the oppressed? 
What if...?
How would the world react, besides calling the Palestinians anti-semitics?
How would the Israelis react? 
Would they let the Palestinians come with bombs to rob, empoverish and slaughter them without putting on a fight?
Why does Israeli safety, freedom and lives are worth more than Palestinians and everyone else's in the Planet, including ours?    
Russia did less than all this in Ukraine and was/is submerged by sanctions.
The double standards that the "international community" developped and practice with Israel are intolerable and bring shame on humanity as a whole.

Cross Talk: Gaza's Resistance 

E se os palestinos atravessassem a Linha Verde, invadissem Israel com uma das cinco Forças Armadas mais poderosas da Terra, e contra todas as leis internacionais, começasse a construir colônias árabes cristãs e muçulmanas, instalasse colonos que brutalizassem, depredassem suas casas, cisternas, lavouras, matassem seus rebanhos dia e noite, protegidos pelos soldados?
E se os palestinos, para combater a resistência, começassem uma campanha de assassinatos de todos os políticos importantes israelenses que julgassem perigosos para sua ocupação, matando também pessoas que não tinham nada a ver com sua paranóia?
E se os palestinos bloqueassem uma região de Israel durante 8 anos a transformando em um grande prisão super-populada, sem contato nem com os outros israelenses?
E se, além disso, os palestinos aterrorizassem dia e noite estes "prisioneiros" israelenses e de dois em dois anos atacasse a prisão para "mow the lawn" (podar a grama, como dizem os israelenses) destruindo casas, hospitais, escolas, comércios e fábricas privadas, infra-estrutura pública, e matando israelenses como se não valessem nada apenas para demonstrar sua potência e presença?
E se os palestinos, em uma terceira grande operação militar, matasse mais 2.108 israelenses, cerca de 75% de civis, incluindo mais de 550 crianças?
E se eles destruíssem uma a uma as maiores sinagogas israelenses?
E se eles demolissem mais de 30 por cento das construções e todas as infra-estruturas israelenses e mantivesse o bloqueio como se nada tivesse acontecido?
E se os palestinos deixassem Israel sem energia, sem água, sem comida e sem nenhum meio de subsistência e incapacitados de reconstruir suas vidas e suas cidades?
E se os palestinos destruissem o maior prédio de apartamentos de Tel Aviv com as famílias dentro?
E se...?
Como o mundo reagiria, além de chamar os palestinos de anti-semitas?
Como os israelenses reagiriam? Deixariam os palestinos virem bombardeá-los de braços cruzados? P
or que a segurança, o bem-estar e a vida dos israelenses valem mais do que as dos palestinos e do "resto" do mundo?
A Rússia fez mil vezes menos do que isso na Ucrânia e ficou atolada em sanções.
Os dois pesos e duas medidas que a chamada "comunidade internacional" desenvolveu e aplica a Israel é uma vergonha para a humanidade inteira.

Is Egypt an Honest Broker? (July)
Egypt and Israel: United in a Common Cause? (August)

A question from Gaza: Am I not human enough?
"I remember when I attended a three-day workshop on international law and human rights by the ICRC in Gaza, one of the attendees asked the trainer: "What do I do to be qualified to obtain those human rights?" The trainer replied without much thought: "Nothing. You should be a human, that's all".
The question now is, what am I supposed to do/be to be qualified as a human? 
As far as I can tell, I live like normal humans do. I love, I hate, I cry, I laugh, I make mistakes, I learn, I dream, I hurt, I get hurt, I love pizza, I watched Titanic 6 times, I have a crush on Bradly Cooper, I get sick, I sometimes tell lame jokes to which only I laugh and last time I checked myself in the mirror I very much looked human.
The only difference is that an occupying nation came from nowhere to claim exclusive ownership of my land on which an endless chain of my ancestors lived, and they started to ethnically cleanse my people.
My only sin is that I stood up and fought for my lost land and for everything that is dear to me.
The world accused me of terrorism just because I refused to be killed like an animal. But, even an animal will fight for its life.
I obeyed the US and went to elections; I voted for a party which met my expectations. But then I was punished for practicing the very democracy they taught me. I didn't realize that the modern definition of democracy is to elect a party approved by the US, not a party that the majority of voters want.
As a result, I was put under severe blockade and was subject to systematic starvation, locked in a tiny patch of land isolated from the rest of the world for years.
I finished my university degree in that period, studying for my finals by candle light and writing entire research papers by hand. I often spent the long school days without having enough money to buy food because my father, an engineer, had nothing to build with.
Within four strenuous years I graduated with big dreams. Unfortunately, they were bigger than my reality.
I remained jobless despite the huge potential I have.
I stood up and fought for what I perceived as my basic rights but what the whole world calls terrorism. My Gaza that has been exhausted by poverty and isolation was also subject to three deadly wars within less than a decade by the Israeli occupation whose forces are armed to the teeth with weapons of mass destruction, paid for by US tax payers.
And the world again blames me for fighting back with my very humble and often-laughed-at, hand-made weapons.
Tens of my people are being killed on a daily basis and I'm watching my childhood and youth wasted in pain and utter misery and the world is still labeling me a terrorist.
I am a terrorist because I fight for my basic rights which everyone else is taking for granted without shedding a single drop of blood and without being dehumanised.
Twenty-seven days of my short life were robbed from what are supposed to be the most beautiful years of my life. I spent them watching my loved ones getting killed because they were not human enough in the eyes of the world and I will spend many more years recovering from the war trauma instead of building my career.
If I don't survive this war, I would like the world to know that I have never seen a rocket nor stored any in my house.
Rest assured that I was not used as a human shield!
As I am writing this article, my mother told my father that we are out of cooking gas, knowing that we have been out of water and power for days now.
I still have not figured out what crime I have committed to endure this kind of wretchedness. I wonder what being human feels like".
Maisam Abumorr, is a graduate of English Literature, a current student of Translation (high diploma) and Political Science and Media (BA) in the Islamic University of Gaza, a blogger and a body language trainer.  

2 comentários:


  2. O faccioso israelense vai na contramão dos ensinamentos do Torá...
