sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Rogue State of Israel XIV : Licenced to Lie Cheat Kill?

Desmond Tutu, emérito arcebispo sul-africano que lutou contra o apartheid na África do Sul com todos os meios pacíficos possíveis, fez um veemente apelo ao boicote de Israel através das empresas que financiam direta ou indiretamente as colônias judias na Cisjordânia, ilegais segundo as leis internacionais.
Desmond Tutu é um dos .5 milhões de pessoas espalhadas pelo mundo que já aderiram à campanha da organização Avaaz, em um momento crucial em que Israel continua sua campanha destrutiva em Gaza e a repressão violenta dos protestos dos jovens palestinos na Cisjordânia.
Esta campanha visa principalmente companhias como Hewlett Packard, S, Caterpillar, ABP, Veolia, e perifericamente, todas que contribuem ou/e que aproveitam da ocupação da Palestina.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, the South African activist who fought to end apartheid, has joined a worldwide campaign calling on corporations profiting from Israel's occupation of Palestinian Territories to pull out their funding.
Desmond Tutu is among 1.5 million people who have already joined the initiative, launched by the global campaign organisation Avaaz, as Israel continues its offensive against the Gaza Strip.
The campaign targets companies including Hewlett Packard, G4S, Caterpillar, ABP and Veolia, which are either directly or indirectly financing activities in the occupied territories that serve Israeli settlements which are illegal under international law.
DesmondTutu said/disse o seguinte: "The withdrawal of trade with South Africa by multinational corporations with a conscience in the 1980s ultimately brought the apartheid state - bloodlessly - to its knees.
Those corporations understood that by contributing to South Africa's economy, they were contributing to the repression of black South Africans.
So they cut off apartheid's oxygen supply. Where the world's political and diplomatic leaders had failed, civil society succeeded.
The crisis we are witnessing in Gaza today is not a Jewish or a Muslim crisis. It is a human crisis.
Those who continue to do business with Israel fund the perpetuation of a profoundly unjust status quo.
Those who withdraw their business are saying Israelis and Palestinians are equally entitled to dignity and peace. Gaza is going to test who believes in the worth of human beings."
Este apelo do Arcebispo acompanha outras ações contundentes contra as ações ilegais de Israel na Palestina - ocupação civil e militar da Cisjordânia e bloqueio da Faixa de Gaza - tais como o Fundo de pensão holandês PGGMretirou milhões de euros de bancos israelenses; a Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates se retiraram da G4S; e a Igreja Presbiteriana dos Estados Unidos retirou cerca de US$21 milhões das companhias HP, Caterpillar e Motorola. Outra vitória importante do movimento cívico internacional foi a União Europeia ter "aconselhado" os cidadãos europeus a evitar negócios ou investimentos relacionados com as colônias/invasões israelenses na Cisjordânia.
The call for divestment comes after several public pull-outs in recent months.
Dutch pension fund PGGM withdrew tens of millions of euros from Israeli banks, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation divested from security firm G4S, and the US Presbyterian Church divested an estimated $21m from HP, Motorola Solutions, and Caterpillar.
It also follows warnings issued earlier in July by 17 EU governments urging their citizens to avoid doing business in or investing in illegal Israeli settlements.

Vergonha. Vergonha de François Hollande por sua fraqueza cega e de Barack Obama por ousar dizer que a captura de um soldado é um ato bárbaro. Vergonha do Presidente dos Estados Unidos não considerar bárbaro, selvagem, inadmissível o assassinato de centenas de civis, dezenas de mulheres e crianças, as centenas de crianças com ferimentos tão graves que sua vida vai ser uma morte lenta em vez de um crescimento como das nossas crianças. Vergonha dos dois pesos e duas medidas.
Vergonha deste homem desumano, irresponsável, que considera ato "bárbaro" a suposta captura de um soldado israelense e não diz nada sobre as execuções sumárias que estes mesmos soldados vêm praticando em Gaza, "vingando" seus companheiros mortos em combate.
Vergonha de Barack Obama que continua fornecendo dinheiro e armas a Israel em vez de atender o apelo do Secretário de Saúde de Gaza que pede que a comunidade internacional tire os gazauís da jaula a céu aberto e trancados por drones, muros e navios, sem ter pra onde escapar. Rafah fica na fronteira com o Egito e está espremida entre os tanques da IDF e o muro de separação, enquanto os F16 gringos bombardeiam de cima. Uma vergonha achar que a captura de um soldado, que invadiu território alheio para matar, que é para o que foi feito, vale mais do que a de idosos, mulheres e crianças palestinas. Sem contar as execuções de civis que os soldados da IDF veem fazendo em vingança dos companheiros mortos. Um escândalo, e crime de guerra. Com certeza.

Shame on François Hollande for his blind weakness and on Barack Obama for saying that the capture of a soldier is barbaric and not using the same word for the slaughtering of hundreds of civilians, dozens of women and children. 
Shame on you, Mister Obama! 
Shame on you and on those who find an allegedly israeli soldier barbaric and don't even aknowledge the execution of young Palestinians by those very soldiers. Witnesses said six youths had been taken to a house and executed by Israeli forces. The bodies were left there for several days. One man said: "It is a mass execution of six Palestinian youths who were brought to this bathroom. Look at the gunshots on the wall." And there they were, the gunshots on the wall. Just like the nazis in World War II.
Shame on you who keep sending arms and money to Israel insted of answering to the call from Gaza Secretary of health for immediate international assistance to evacuate thousands of civilians "trapped under heavy Israeli bombardment in Rafah. Some 5km between Salah al-Eddin street and al-Najar hospital is under intense and indiscriminate artillery fire, ambulances are unable to reach the wounded and thousands of civilians are trapped in their homes. We cannot reach the civilians to evacuate them, the wounded to provide medical care, or the dead to retrieve their bodies."

No 27° dia de ataque, hoje Israel, além de enclausurar mais de 100 mil civis em Rafah, bombardeou a Universidade e uma mesquita em Gaza. E deixou para trás em Beit Hanoun centenas de minas, "avisando" a população para ter cuidado com os explosivos "deixados pelo Hamas". A maudade impera. Criminosos de guerra.
Today, besides trapping thousands of civilians in Rafah, Israel attacked gazan University and left behind in the Beit Hanoun area hundreds of explosive devices saying that it was left by Hamas.

Lire la Lettre Ouverte que Edwy Plenel a écrit au président François Hollande, publiée dans Mediapart, dont Eric Cantona parle ci-dessus: http://www.mediapart.fr/biographie/23.
E ci-dessous, l'article de l'ancien premier ministre Dominique de Villepin, plus court et percutant:
Dominique de Villepin : «Lever la voix face au massacre perpétré à Gaza»

FIGAROVOX/EXCLUSIF- Dans une tribune publiée dans Le Figaro, l'ancien premier ministre s'inquiète du silence de la France face à l'escalade de la violence entre Israéliens et Palestiniens. Il appelle de ses vœux une interposition de l'ONU.

Cliquez pour lire l'article >

Brian Eno sends an Open Letter to his American friends
Carta Aberta de Brian Eno a seus amigos estadunidenses.
"Dear All of You,
I sense I’m breaking an unspoken rule with this letter, but I can’t keep quiet any more.
Today I saw a picture of a weeping Palestinian man holding a plastic carrier bag of meat. It was his son. He’d been shredded (the hospital’s word) by an Israeli missile attack – apparently using their fab new weapon, fléchette bombs. You probably know what those are – hundreds of small steel darts packed around explosive which tear the flesh off humans. The boy was Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra. He was four years old.
I suddenly found myself thinking that it could have been one of my kids in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anything has for a long time.
Then I read that the UN had said that Israel might be guilty of war crimes in Gaza, and they wanted to launch a commission into that. America won’t sign up to it.
What is going on in America? I know from my own experience how slanted your news is, and how little you get to hear about the other side of this story. But – for Christ’s sake! – it’s not that hard to find out. Why does America continue its blind support of this one-sided exercise in ethnic cleansing? WHY? I just don’t get it. I really hate to think it’s just the power of Aipac [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee]… for if that’s the case, then your government really is fundamentally corrupt. No, I don’t think that’s the reason… but I have no idea what it could be. The America I know and like is compassionate, broad-minded, creative, eclectic, tolerant and generous. You, my close American friends, symbolise those things for me. But which America is backing this horrible one-sided colonialist war? I can’t work it out: I know you’re not the only people like you, so how come all those voices aren’t heard or registered? How come it isn’t your spirit that most of the world now thinks of when it hears the word “America”? How bad does it look when the one country which more than any other grounds its identity in notions of Liberty and Democracy then goes and puts its money exactly where its mouth isn’t and supports a ragingly racist theocracy?
I was in Israel last year with Mary [a mutual friend]. Her sister works for UNRWA [the UN agency for Palestinian refugees] in Jerusalem. Showing us round were a Palestinian – Shadi, who is her sister’s husband and a professional guide – and Oren Jacobovitch, an Israeli Jew, an ex-major from the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] who left the service under a cloud for refusing to beat up Palestinians. Between the two of them we got to see some harrowing things – Palestinian houses hemmed in by wire mesh and boards to prevent settlers throwing shit and piss and used sanitary towels at the inhabitants; Palestinian kids on their way to school being beaten by Israeli kids with baseball bats to parental applause and laughter; a whole village evicted and living in caves while three settler families moved on to their land; an Israeli settlement on top of a hill diverting its sewage directly down on to Palestinian farmland below; The Wall; the checkpoints… and all the endless daily humiliations. I kept thinking, “Do Americans really condone this? Do they really think this is OK? Or do they just not know about it?”
As for the Peace Process: Israel wants the Process but not the Peace. While “the process” is going on, the settlers continue grabbing land and building their settlements… and then when the Palestinians finally erupt with their pathetic fireworks they get hammered and shredded with state-of-the-art missiles and depleted uranium shells because Israel “has a right to defend itself” (whereas Palestine clearly doesn’t). And the settler militias are always happy to lend a fist or rip up someone’s olive grove while the army looks the other way. By the way, most of them are not ethnic Israelis – they’re “right of return” Jews from Russia and Ukraine and Moravia and South Africa and Brooklyn who came to Israel recently with the notion that they had an inviolable (God-given!) right to the land, and that “Arab” equates with “vermin” – straightforward old-school racism. That is the culture our taxes are defending. It’s like sending money to the Klan.
But beyond this, what really troubles me is the bigger picture. Like it or not, in the eyes of most of the world, America represents “The West”. So it is The West that is seen as supporting this war, despite all our high-handed talk about morality and democracy. I fear that all the civilisational achievements of The Enlightenment and Western Culture are being discredited – to the great glee of the mad Mullahs – by this flagrant hypocrisy. The war has no moral justification that I can see – but it doesn’t even have any pragmatic value either. It doesn’t make Kissingerian “Realpolitik” sense; it just makes us look bad.
I’m sorry to burden you all with this. I know you’re busy and in varying degrees allergic to politics, but this is beyond politics. It’s us squandering the civilisational capital that we’ve built over generations. None of the questions in this letter are rhetorical: I really don’t get it and I wish that I did".

Israel's "protective" aggression of unlimited duration, extent, and intensity must be stopped now, say doctors and scientists. 
Open letter from doctors and scientists on what Israel is doing to Gaza.
"We are doctors and scientists, who spend our lives developing means to care and protect health and lives. We are also informed people; we teach the ethics of our professions, together with the knowledge and practice of it. We all have worked in and known the situation of Gaza for years.
On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel.
We ask our colleagues, old and young professionals, to denounce this Israeli aggression. We challenge the perversity of a propaganda that justifies the creation of an emergency to masquerade a massacre, a so-called “defensive aggression”. In reality it is a ruthless assault of unlimited duration, extent, and intensity. We wish to report the facts as we see them and their implications on the lives of the people.
We are appalled by the military onslaught on civilians in Gaza under the guise of punishing terrorists. This is the third large scale military assault on Gaza since 2008. Each time the death toll is borne mainly by innocent people in Gaza, especially women and children under the unacceptable pretext of Israel eradicating political parties and resistance to the occupation and siege they impose.
This action also terrifies those who are not directly hit, and wounds the soul, mind, and resilience of the young generation. Our condemnation and disgust are further compounded by the denial and prohibition for Gaza to receive external help and supplies to alleviate the dire circumstances.
The blockade on Gaza has tightened further since last year and this has worsened the toll on Gaza’s population. In Gaza, people suffer from hunger, thirst, pollution, shortage of medicines, electricity, and any means to get an income, not only by being bombed and shelled. Power crisis, gasoline shortage, water and food scarcity, sewage outflow and ever decreasing resources are disasters caused directly and indirectly by the siege.1
People in Gaza are resisting this aggression because they want a better and normal life and, even while crying in sorrow, pain, and terror, they reject a temporary truce that does not provide a real chance for a better future. A voice under the attacks in Gaza is that of Um Al Ramlawi who speaks for all in Gaza: “They are killing us all anyway—either a slow death by the siege, or a fast one by military attacks. We have nothing left to lose—we must fight for our rights, or die trying.”
Gaza has been blockaded by sea and land since 2006. Any individual of Gaza, including fishermen venturing beyond 3 nautical miles of the coast of Gaza, face being shot by the Israeli Navy. No one from Gaza can leave from the only two checkpoints, Erez or Rafah, without special permission from the Israelis and the Egyptians, which is hard to come by for many, if not impossible. People in Gaza are unable to go abroad to study, work, visit families, or do business. Wounded and sick people cannot leave easily to get specialised treatment outside Gaza. Entries of food and medicines into Gaza have been restricted and many essential items for survival are prohibited.3 Before the present assault, medical stock items in Gaza were already at an all time low because of the blockade.3 They have run out now. Likewise, Gaza is unable to export its produce. Agriculture has been severely impaired by the imposition of a buffer zone, and agricultural products cannot be exported due to the blockade. 80% of Gaza’s population is dependent on food rations from the UN.
Much of Gaza’s buildings and infrastructure had been destroyed during Operation Cast Lead, 2008—09, and building materials have been blockaded so that schools, homes, and institutions cannot be properly rebuilt. Factories destroyed by bombardment have rarely been rebuilt adding unemployment to destitution.
Despite the difficult conditions, the people of Gaza and their political leaders have recently moved to resolve their conflicts “without arms and harm” through the process of reconciliation between factions, their leadership renouncing titles and positions, so that a unity government can be formed abolishing the divisive factional politics operating since 2007. This reconciliation, although accepted by many in the international community, was rejected by Israel. The present Israeli attacks stop this chance of political unity between Gaza and the West Bank and single out a part of the Palestinian society by destroying the lives of people of Gaza. Under the pretext of eliminating terrorism, Israel is trying to destroy the growing Palestinian unity. Among other lies, it is stated that civilians in Gaza are hostages of Hamas whereas the truth is that the Gaza Strip is sealed by the Israelis and Egyptians.
Gaza has been bombed continuously for the past 14 days followed now by invasion on land by tanks and thousands of Israeli troops. More than 60 000 civilians from Northern Gaza were ordered to leave their homes. These internally displaced people have nowhere to go since Central and Southern Gaza are also subjected to heavy artillery bombardment. The whole of Gaza is under attack. The only shelters in Gaza are the schools of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), uncertain shelters already targeted during Cast Lead, killing many.
According to Gaza Ministry of Health and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),1 as of July 21, 149 of the 558 killed in Gaza and 1100 of the 3504 wounded are children. Those buried under the rubble are not counted yet. As we write, the BBC reports of the bombing of another hospital, hitting the intensive care unit and operating theatres, with deaths of patients and staff. There are now fears for the main hospital Al Shifa. Moreover, most people are psychologically traumatised in Gaza. Anyone older than 6 years has already lived through their third military assault by Israel.
The massacre in Gaza spares no one, and includes the disabled and sick in hospitals, children playing on the beach or on the roof top, with a large majority of non-combatants. Hospitals, clinics, ambulances, mosques, schools, and press buildings have all been attacked, with thousands of private homes bombed, clearly directing fire to target whole families killing them within their homes, depriving families of their homes by chasing them out a few minutes before destruction. An entire area was destroyed on July 20, leaving thousands of displaced people homeless, beside wounding hundreds and killing at least 70—this is way beyond the purpose of finding tunnels. None of these are military objectives. These attacks aim to terrorise, wound the soul and the body of the people, and make their life impossible in the future, as well as also demolishing their homes and prohibiting the means to rebuild.
Weaponry known to cause long-term damages on health of the whole population are used; particularly non fragmentation weaponry and hard-head bombs. We witnessed targeted weaponry used indiscriminately and on children and we constantly see that so-called intelligent weapons fail to be precise, unless they are deliberately used to destroy innocent lives.
We denounce the myth propagated by Israel that the aggression is done caring about saving civilian lives and children’s wellbeing.
Israel’s behaviour has insulted our humanity, intelligence, and dignity as well as our professional ethics and efforts. Even those of us who want to go and help are unable to reach Gaza due to the blockade.
This “defensive aggression” of unlimited duration, extent, and intensity must be stopped.
Additionally, should the use of gas be further confirmed, this is unequivocally a war crime for which, before anything else, high sanctions will have to be taken immediately on Israel with cessation of any trade and collaborative agreements with Europe.
As we write, other massacres and threats to the medical personnel in emergency services and denial of entry for international humanitarian convoys are reported.6 We as scientists and doctors cannot keep silent while this crime against humanity continues. We urge readers not to be silent too. Gaza trapped under siege, is being killed by one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated modern military machines. The land is poisoned by weapon debris, with consequences for future generations. If those of us capable of speaking up fail to do so and take a stand against this war crime, we are also complicit in the destruction of the lives and homes of 1·8 million people in Gaza.
We register with dismay that only 5% of our Israeli academic colleagues signed an appeal to their government to stop the military operation against Gaza. We are tempted to conclude that with the exception of this 5%, the rest of the Israeli academics are complicit in the massacre and destruction of Gaza. We also see the complicity of our countries in Europe and North America in this massacre and the impotence once again of the international institutions and organisations to stop this massacre".
Paola Manduca:  New Weapons Research Group and University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Iain Chalmers: James Lind Library, Oxford, UK
Derek Summerfield: Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London, UK
Mads Gilbert: Clinic of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromso, Norway
Swee Ang:  Barts and the Royal London Hospital, London, UK On behalf of 24 signatories.

Inside Story: Regev defende o indefensável 

"Israel forces have killed more than 200 palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days. In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim "sel-defence" and conted that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shiels. Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying and occupied Palestinian civilian population. These civilian deaths are not collateral damage. They are war crimes.
On July 20, around 2:20 am, 16-year-old Anas Mahmoud Hussein Muammar from Rafah went out onto the second-floor balcony of his home to join his older brothers for a cup of coffee. Soon after, an Israeli drone-fired missile directly targeted him and his brothers, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International Palestine. His brothers were killed instantly. Anas suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at Abu Yousef An-Najjar Hospital about 10 minutes later.
A complete disregard of international humanitarian law and the direct targeting of civilian homes, schools, hospitals, and civilians such as Anas have so far characterised Israel's military offensive on Gaza.
For Palestinians in Gaza, where 43 percent of the population is under 14 years of age, Israeli military offensives are not new. Over the past 14 years, not including the most recent killings, Israeli forces are responsible for the death of over 1,400 children in the occupied Palestinian Territory, including over 1,000 in Gaza alone. Most recently in November 2012, 33 children were killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza. Between December 2008 and January 2009, Israeli forces killed at least 353 children.
To justify the current onslaught on the Palestinian civilian population of the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials repeatedly assert that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Speaking by phone recently to his Canadian counterpart, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "Hamas uses innocent civilians as a human shield for terrorist activity." Israeli military spokesperson, Lt Col Peter Lerner, alleged Palestinian armed groups were "intentionally abusing" hospitals and "other international protected symbols to indiscriminately attack Israel."
To be clear, the use of civilians as human shields is prohibited under international law and involves forcing civilians to directly assist in military operations or using them to shield a military object or troops from attack. The rhetoric continually voiced by Israeli officials regarding "human shields" amounts to nothing more than generalisations that fall short of the precise calculation required by international humanitarian law when determining whether something is actually a military object.
Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.
In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage. Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack. This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct.
In Khan Younis on July 20, 19 children from the Abu Jami' family were killed when an Israeli fighter jet targeted and destroyed their home where they were sheltering. Israeli officials stated that the intended target was a Hamas member visiting the house at the time of the strike.
The mere alleged presence of a member of a Palestinian armed group is an insufficient justification for an attack on a family home. Based on a preliminary investigation, the Abu Jami' home was not being used for any military purpose at the time of the attack and was unlawfully targeted by Israeli forces.
A civilian home, school, or hospital that is in some way deemed by Israeli forces to be "affiliated" with Hamas or another Palestinian armed group does not in itself provide legal justification under international humanitarian law to direct an attack at that object. The standard demands much more, and requires an exacting calculation. Precision is necessary because imprecision leads to war crimes.
Palestinian civilians must not be blamed for their own deaths. Even if Hamas or another Palestinian armed group may have violated the laws of war and used civilians as human shields, this does not relieve Israel from its obligations under international law nor does it justify an attack on civilians or civilian structures.
A generation of Palestinian children in Gaza have been shot, shelled and bombed since the outbreak of the second intifada in September 2000. Their homes and schools have been attacked and destroyed, sometimes repeatedly, and they have come of age witnessing death and suffocated by a life under siege. They have lost parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, and entire families.
In addition to an immediate ceasefire, the international community, including the US, must demand an end to Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza and challenge systemic impunity by investigating allegations of war crimes and holding perpetrators accountable".
Brad Parker is a staff attorney and international advocacy officer with Defence for Children International Palestine, an independent child-rights organisation dedicated to defending and promoting the rights of children living in the occupied Palestinian Territory. DCI-Palestine provides free legal assistance to children, collects evidence and conducts advocacy targeting various duty bearers. 
Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn

NAMING THE DEAD on hundreds of Israeli strikes since Monday, July 7, until 06:00 GMT, August 03
Nome dos mortos já identificados, com as idades e a localidade. Estatística apenas desta Operação Protective Edge, de segunda-feira dia 7 de julho às 06:00 GMT do dia 03 de agosto.
Casualties on the Israeli side are also listed below, names provided by the IDF. Mortos israelenses também estão anotados.
The following 1.372 names have been confirmed - the actual number is over 1.732. 80% of civilians and 65% of women and children.
Esta lista só contém os 1.372 nomes confirmados, mas o número de palestinos mortos já ultrapassou 1.732. 80% de civis. Dentre eles, 65% de mulheres e crianças.
This site, 'Beyond Numbers', has pictures of many of these victims.

Killed Sunday, August 3
  1. Fares Abu Jazar, 2, Rafah.
  2. Maria Abu Jazar, 2, Rafah.
  3. Amani Abu Jazar, 23, Rafah.
  4. Issa Sha’er, Rafah.
  5. Saed Mahmoud al-Lahwani, Rafah.
  6. Hater Abdul-Rahman Wahdan, 50, Jabalia.
  7. Seniora Wahdan, 27, Jabalia.
  8. Jamila Jamal Wahdan, Jabalia.
  9. Mohammad al-Hour, 30, Rafah.
  10. Nasrallah al-Masry, Rafah.

Killed Saturday, August 2

  1. Haitham Yasser Abdel Wahab, 16, Rafah.
  2. Mohamed Issa Ashaar, Rafah.
  3. Hossam Yassin Abu Naqira, 20, Rafah.
  4. Mousa Yasin Abu Naqira, his brother, Rafah.
  5. Ola Bassam Al-Nairab, Rafah.
  6. Arwa Mohamed al-Nairab, Rafah.
  7. Fida Yousef Abu Suleiman, 23, Rafah.
  8. Mariam Hasan Abu Jazzar, 60, Rafah.
  9. Maha Raed Abu Suleiman, Rafah.
  10. Mohammad Rami Abu Suleiman, Rafah.
  11. Ahmad Rami Abu Suleiman, Rafah.
  12. Lama Rami Abu Suleiman, Rafah.
  13. Jana Rami Abu Suleiman, Rafah.
  14. Mohammad Fouad Al-Dedda, 28, Jabalia.
  15. Issa Saadi Ashaar, 40, Khan Younis.
  16. Yasser Yousef Abu Dbagh, 20, Nusseirat, Central Gaza.
  17. Amro Tareq Hasan Qandil, 17, Central Gaza
  18. Wael Nihad Sayyed, 23, Central Gaza
  19. Mohammad Taiseer Hasan Qandil, 20, Central Gaza.
  20. Hamdi Mohammad Abdul-Aziz Ayyad, Gaza.
  21. Shadi Hamdi Mohammad Ayyad, Gaza.
  22. Sadia Abu Taha, 40 , Rafah.
  23. Mohammed Abu Taha, 27, Rafah.
  24. Youssef Abu Taha, Rafah.
  25. Rezeq Abu Taha, two months, Rafah.
  26. Yousef Daoud Abu Madi, 65, Nusseirat.
  27. Hassan Yousef Abu Madi, Nusseirat.
  28. Karim Yousef Abu Madi 24, Nusseirat.
  29. Amin Yousef Abu Madi, 5, Nusseirat.
  30. Muhammad Hassan Qeshta, Rafah.
  31. Ahmed Shtewi Qeshta, Rafah.
  32. Yahya al-Nems, Rafah.
  33. Hazem al-Nems , Rafah.
  34. Mohammad al-Nems, Rafah.
  35. Osama Abu Nakirah, Rafah.
  36. Mousa Mohammad Ahmad Abu Rajila, 25, Rafah.
  37. Salma Suleiman Mohammad Radwan, 86, Rafah.
  38. Ibrahim Abdel-Hakim Daoud al-Zaqzouq, 22, Rafah.
  39. Mohammad Foaz Ibrahim Abu Rajilah, 26, Rafah.
  40. Hazim Khaled Abdel-Maadi Awda', Rafah.
  41. Hathifa Abu Teir, Gaza City.
  42. Nabil al-Najjar, Gaza City.
  43. Kamal Abu Teir, Gaza City.
  44. Ahmad Abu Teir, Gaza City.
  45. Yahya Jamal Musa Shabat, 29, Gaza City.

Killed Friday, August 1

  1. Abdul-Malek Abdul-Salam al-Farra, 58, Khan Younis.
  2. Osama Abdul-Malek al-Farra, 34, Khan Younis.
  3. Emad Abdul-Hafeth al-Farra, 28, Khan Younis.
  4. Awatef Ezzeddin al-Farra, 29, Khan Younis.
  5. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Farra, 12, Khan Younis.
  6. Lojein Bassem al-Farra, 4, Khan Younis.
  7. Yara Abdul-Salam al-Farra, 8, Khan Younis.
  8. Nadine Mahmoud al-Farra, Khan Younis.
  9. Abdullah Awad al-Breem, Khan Younis.
  10. Mohammad Suleiman al-Breem, Khan Younis.
  11. Maisoun Ra’fat al-Breem, Khan Younis.
  12. Raed Abdul-Latif al-Qarra, Khan Younis.
  13. Sami Suleiman al-Madani, Khan Younis.
  14. Husam Suleiman al-Madani, Khan Younis.
  15. Ahmad Salim Abdin, Khan Younis.
  16. Mohammad Ahmad Hamad, Khan Younis.
  17. Mousa Hamad Abu ‘Amran, Khan Younis.
  18. Hilal Eid Abu ‘Amran, Khan Younis.
  19. Ismael Zuheir Mohammadein, 26, Khan Younis.
  20. Maher Ja’far Hajjaj, 54, Khan Younis.
  21. Ahmad Mohammad Hassanein, Gaza.
  22. Basil Diab al-Basyouni.
  23. Shadi Mohammad Jom’a Abu Daher, 29, Khan Younis.
  24. Hasan Abdul-Majid al-Bayyoumi, Deir al-Balah.
  25. Mohammad Reziq Hassanein, 20, Shuja'eyya, Gaza.
  26. Ibrahim Sulayman Al-Masri, 50 yrs, Rafah.
  27. Nadia Yousef Al-Masri, 45 years, Rafah.
  28. Ibrahim Al-Masri, 6 years, Rafah.
  29. Mohamed Anas Arafat, 4 months, Rafah.
  30. Anas Ibrahim Hamad, 5 years, Rafah.
  31. Sabri Shaykh Al-Eid, 35 years, Rafah.
  32. Mohammed Khalid Al-Aloul, 30 years, Rafah.
  33. Ibrahim Mostafa Ghaneem, Rafah.
  34. Amna Azamaly, Rafah.
  35. Yahya Abd Al-Karim Lafi, Rafah.
  36. Musa Mohamed Abu Omran, Rafah.
  37. Hilal Eid Abu Omran, Rafah.
  38. Salama Mohamed Al-Zamaly, Rafah.
  39. Nuha Jamal Abu Ziyada, Rafah.
  40. Taiseer Ali Moamir' , Rafah.
  41. Hussein Salaam Al-Jaafari, Rafah.
  42. Yousra Mohamed Abu Hazir, Rafah.
  43. Ataf Hamad Al-Mahmoum, Rafah.
  44. Mousa Ibrahim Abu Hazir, Rafah.
  45. Ahmed Wisam Al-Abeed, 4 years, Central Gaza.
  46. Souad Ali Al-Bahri, 60 years, Beit Lahia.
  47. Samal Nail Al-Barawi, 8 months, Beit Lahia.
  48. Osama Abdul-Malik Abu Mualla, 37 years, Nuseirat
  49. Atif Sohail Kandil 24 years, Maghazi
  50. Nihad Mohammed Yasin 24 years, Gaza City
  51. Faiz Tareq Yassin 16 years, Gaza City
  52. Hassan Ismail Yassin, 32 years old, Gaza City.
  53. Ambulance officer Atef Zamili, Rafah.
  54. pathologist Joseph Jameen Sheikh Eid, Rafah.
  55. ambulance volunteer Yousef Jaber Drabiah, Rafah
  56. Wajih Sha'ath, Khan Younis.
  57. Fadi Al-Qawasmi , Khan Younis.
  58. Ali Barbakh , Khan Younis.
  59. Aseel Sha’ban Gheith, 3, Rafah.
  60. Sufian Farouq Gheith, 35, Rafah.
  61. Farouq Gheith, 65, Rafah.
  62. Ahlam No’man Zo’rob, 18, Rafah.
  63. Sabiha Zo’rob, 55, Rafah.
  64. Amir Ra’fat Zo’rob, 7, Rafah.
  65. Odai Ra’fat Zo’rob, 7, Rafah.
  66. Rawan Nath’at Siyam, 12, Rafah.
  67. Su’ad No’man Zo’rob, 34, Rafat.
  68. Shahd Ra’fat Zo’rob, 10, Rafah.
  69. Khaled Ra’fat Zo’rob, 8, Rafah.
  70. Musa Yasin Abu Naqira, 22 

Killed Thursday, July 31

  1. Suleiman Baraka, 31, Gaza.
  2. Aref Baraka, 58, Gaza.
  3. Ahmed al-Loah, 22, Gaza.
  4. Baraa' Yousef, 19. Gaza.
  5. Maha Abdul-Nabi Salim Abu Hilal, Rafah.
  6. Majdi Mohammad Ahmad Fseifis, 34, Khan Younis.
  7. Mohammad Juma’ an-Najjar, 32, Khan Younis.
  8. Hani Abdullah Abu Mustafa, Khan Younis.
  9. Hanan Yusef Abu T'aima, Khan Younis.
  10. Mahar an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  11. Mahmoud Fouad an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  12. Mohammad Daher, Gaza.
  13. Fadel Nader Almeghari, 27, Rafah.
  14. Mahdiyya Suleiman Omar Abu Louly, 58, Khan Younis.
  15. Tha'er Naji al-Amour, 22, Khan Younis.
  16. Mohammed Yousef Al-Abadla, 21, Khan Younis.
  17. Abdullah abu Shabab 20, Khan Younis.
  18. Alaa' 'Alweh 22, Khan Younis.
  19. Ahmed Salim Abdin , Khan Younis.
  20. Mohamed Ahmed Hamad, Khan Younis.
  21. Atiyyeh Salameh al-Hashash, 68, Rafah.
  22. Hamza Fa'ek Ahmad al-Haddad, 20, , eastern Gaza City.
  23. Ibrahim Asa'ad Ahmad al-Haddad, 21, eastern Gaza City.
  24. Mohammad Ammar Sharaf, 10, Gaza City.
  25. Mohammed Ra'fat Na'eem, Gaza Old City.
  26. Husam Ra’fat Na'eem, Gaza Old City.
  27. Kamal Abdul-karim al-Louh, 32, Deir al-Bala.
  28. Ibrahim Abdul-karim al-Louh, 29, Deir al-Bala.
  29. Khaled Nasr al-Louh, 46, Deir al-Bala.
  30. Amaal Abdul-karim al-Masri, 48, Deir al-Bala.
  31. Ilham Yahya al-Louh, 27, Deir al-Bala.
  32. Samih Kamal Abu al-Kheir, 63, Khan Younis.
  33. Othman Fawzi ‘Abdeen, 17, Khan Younis.
  34. Siham al-Ham, Khan Younis, Nusseirat.
  35. Mohammad Adel Ashour, Nusseirat.
  36. Renad Ashraf Ashour, Nusseirat.
  37. Abeer Nahed al-‘Ata, Nusseirat.
  38. Naima Darwish Abu Shouq, Nusseirat.
  39. Zaher Tawfiq Abu Maktoum, Nusseirat.
  40. Ama’ Rafat al-‘Asa, Nusseirat.
  41. Hasan Nassr Zaqqout, Nusseirat.
  42. Labibeh Abu Shouqa, 23, Nusseirat.

Killed Wednesday, July 30

  1. Ahmad Mohammad Yassin al-Majayda, Khan Younis.
  2. Ali Mahmoud al-Astal, 23, Khan Younis.
  3. Khaled Salim al-Astal, 26, Khan Younis.
  4. Mohammad Salim al-Astal, 26, Khan Younis.
  5. Ramzi Ibrahim al-Astal, 21, Khan Younis.
  6. Odah Ahmad al-Astal, 25, Khan Younis.
  7. Ahmad Mahmoud Suleiman al-Astal, 26, Khan Younis.
  8. Ahmad Ibrahim Ali al-Astal, Khan Younis.
  9. Khalil Ibrahim Ali al-Astal, Khan Younis.
  10. Ezzedddin Jabr Mohammad al-Astal, Khan Younis.
  11. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Astal, Khan Younis
  12. Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Abadla, 21, Khan Younis.
  13. Fahd Mahmoud Jaber al-Agha, 23, Khan Younis.
  14. Asma’ Abu al-Kaas, 16, al-Boreij, Central Gaza.
  15. Walid Shihda Marzouq Moammar, 51, Rafah.
  16. Sojoud Abdul-Hakim Oleyyan, 11, Gaza.
  17. Issam Jaber al-Khatib, Jabalia.
  18. Sa’id Abu Jalala, Jabalia.
  19. Taiseer Hammad, Jabalia.
  20. Lu’ay al-Feery, Jabalia.
  21. Bassem Khaled Najjar, Jabalia.
  22. Tha’er Khaled Najjar, Jabalia.
  23. Osama Mohammad Sohweil, Jabalia.
  24. Bilal Midhat al-‘Amoudi, Jabalia.
  25. Abdullah Midhat al-‘Amoudi, Jabalia.
  26. Mohammad Mousa Ghaban, Jabalia.
  27. Ramadan Khader Salman, Jabalia.
  28. Alaa' Khader Salman, Jabalia.
  29. Ali Ahmad Shaheen, Jabalia.
  30. Rami Barakat, Jabalia.
  31. Adel Mohammad Abu Qamar Jabalia.
  32. Mohammad Ezzat Abu Sweireh, 34, Central District.
  33. Hussein Mohammad Abu Rezeq, 36, Rafah.
  34. 'Aed Zaqqout, Gaza City (coach of Palestine National Football Team)
  35. Abdul-Aziz Hosni Abu Hajras, 23, Khan Younis.
  36. Omar Awad al-Breem, Khan Younis.
  37. Kamal Ahmad Al-Breem, 57, Khan Younis.
  38. Jihad Salah Mohammed al-Breem, 28, Khan Younis.
  39. Mariam Ahmad Hejazi, Khan Younis.
  40. Salah Hejazi, Khan Younis.
  41. Sabha Ibrahim Hejazi, Khan Younis.
  42. Ibrahim Mousa al-Ghalban, Khan Younis.
  43. Ismael Mahmoud al-Ghalban, Khan Younis.
  44. Ahmad Suleiman Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  45. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  46. Marwa Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  47. Marah Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  48. Yasser Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  49. Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  50. Mona Hajjaj Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  51. Jihad Salah Mohammad Al-Breem, 25, Khan Younis.
  52. Zeinab Abu Jazar, Khan Younis.
  53. Maisara Mohammad at-Ta’ban, 35, Deir al-Balah.
  54. Iftikhar Mohammad Shahin (Abu Zrei’ey) 50.
  55. Odai Yahia Zaki Abu Jneid, 19, Beit Lahia.
  56. Abdul-Jalil Mohammad Kamel Abu Shodoq, 35, Beit Lahia.
  57. Jamal Shihda Abu Shodoq, 40, Beit Lahia.
  58. Jamalat Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  59. Salama Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  60. Mahmoud Salama Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  61. Yamen Omar Salama Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  62. Shorouq Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  63. Arwa Mahmoud Dheir, Khan Younis.
  64. Ramadan Mohammad Abu Jazar, Khan Younis.
  65. Ali Ahmad Shahin, Gaza.
  66. Taiseer Sababa, 22, Beit Lahia.
  67. Ammar Suleiman Ali al-Masdar, 31, Gaza.
  68. Hamza Yasser Mohammad Mheisin, 23, Gaza.
  69. Wisam Dardouna, Beit Lahia.
  70. Anwar ‘Adel Abu Nasr, 20, Khan Younis.
  71. Ismael Walid Abu Nasr, 18. Khan Younis.
  72. Ahmad Khalil Abu ‘Anza, 32, Khan Younis.
  73. Shadi Abdullah Abu ‘Anza, 38, Khan Younis.
  74. Ali Mahmoud Abu ‘Anza, 27, Khan Younis.
  75. Ahmad Abdullah Abu ‘Anza, Khan Younis.
  76. Mohammad Suleiman Baraka, Khan Younis.
  77. Mustafa Ahmad Abu Jalala, Beit Lahia.
  78. Husam Mohammad an-Najjar, northern Gaza
  79. Sha'aban Abdul-aziz al-Jamal, northern Gaza
  80. Alaa' Joudy Khader, northern Gaza
  81. Mohammed Mazen Moussa Foda, Sheja’eyya
  82. Ahmad Abdulkarim Hannoun , Sheja’eyya
  83. Saadi Saadi Faraj , Sheja’eyya
  84. Hussein Saeed Kar're'ra , Sheja’eyya
  85. Hamdi Sadi Abu Zour , Sheja’eyya
  86. Abdulkarim Hussein El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  87. Aahed Ziad Al Gharabli , Sheja’eyya
  88. Abdulaziz Ibrahim El-Beltagy , Sheja’eyya
  89. Lena Ala'a El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  90. Abdulaziz Mohammed El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  91. Abdel Halim Mohammed El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  92. Moataz Bassam Deeb , Sheja’eyya
  93. Mahmoud Mohamed Ragab , Sheja’eyya
  94. Moaaz Khaled Tayeh , Sheja’eyya
  95. Malak Jalal El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  96. Amina Mohammed El-Selk , Sheja’eyya
  97. Layan Nael El-Selk, Sheja’eyya
  98. Abdullah Fayez Fayad 23, Gaza City
  99. Suhaib Salleh Salama 23, Gaza City
  100. Ibrahim Yusuf al-Astal 35, Gaza City
  101. Aassem Ahmed Baraka 25, Khan Younis.
  102. Mayar Jamal Abu musbeh, 9 yrs, Deir al-Balah
  103. Mohammad Tayseer Abu Hazaa', 25, Deir al-Balah

Killed Tuesday, July 29

  1. Naji Ahmad al-Raqqab, 19, Khan Younis.
  2. Ramy Khaled al-Raqqab, 35, Khan Younis.
  3. Mahmoud Osama al-Qosas, Khan Younis.
  4. Shadi Abd al-Kareem Farwana, Khan Younis.
  5. Mustafa Abd al-Samiee al-Ubadala, Khan Younis.
  6. Yahiya Mohammad Abdullah al-Aqqad, 49, Khan Younis.
  7. Yusef Emad Qaddoura, child, Jabalia.
  8. Huna Emad Qaddoura, child, Jabalia.
  9. Mohammad Musa Alwan, child, Jabalia.
  10. Mariam Khalil Ruba, 70, Jabalia.
  11. Hani Abu Khalifa, Jabalia.
  12. Soheila al-'Ejel, 70, Gaza City.
  13. Mo'nes Ahmad, Nusseirat, Central Gaza.
  14. Ezzat Dheir, 23, Rafah.
  15. Turkeyya Dheir, 80, Rafah.
  16. Yasmeen Dheir, 25, Rafah.
  17. Mary Dheir, 12, Rafah.
  18. Tasneem Dheir, 8, Rafah.
  19. Soheil Hasan Nassar, Beit Lahia.
  20. Anis Abu Shammala, Al-Boreij (Mayor).
  21. Ayman Samir Qeshta, 30, Rafah.
  22. Ismael Shahin, 27, Rafah.
  23. Baha’ ed-Deen al-Gharib, Rafah.
  24. Ola Baha’ ed-Deen al-Gharib, Rafah.
  25. Tahrir Nasr Jaber, 15, Northern Gaza.
  26. Mohammad Ata Najjar, 2, Khan Younis.
  27. Rafif Ata Najjar, 3, Khan Younis.
  28. Baha' ed-Deen Khatib, (Journalist), Rafah.
  29. 'Ola Baha' ed-Deen Khatib, Rafah.
  30. Waddah Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  31. Ahmad Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  32. Mohammed Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  33. Marwa Ahmad Abu Amer , Khan Younis.
  34. Marah Ahmad Abu Amer , Khan Younis.
  35. Yasser Ahmad Abu Amer , Khan Younis.
  36. Suleiman Ahmad Abu Amer, Khan Younis.
  37. Moha Hajjaj Abu Amer , Khan Younis.
  38. Mos'ab Ahmad Sweih, 17, Gaza.
  39. Nariman Khalil al-Agha, 39, Gaza.
  40. Ali Mohammad Abu Ma'rouf, 23, Gaza.
  41. Dr. Bashir al-Hajjar, northern Gaza.
  42. Samir al-Hajjar, northern Gaza.
  43. Hana’ Na’im Balata, Jabalia.
  44. Doa’ Na’im Balata, Jabalia.
  45. Esra’ Na’im Balata, Jabalia.
  46. Mariam Na’im Balata, Jabalia.
  47. Yahia Na’im Balata, Jabalia.
  48. Sahar Motawe’ Balata, Jabalia.
  49. Naim Nathmi, Jabalia.
  50. Zaher Ahmad Najjar, 6, Khan Younis
  51. Suleiman Mos'ad Barham al-Hishash, 30, Rafah.
  52. Jamal Ramadan Lafi, 50, Rafah.
  53. Karam Abu Zeid, 1.

Killed Monday, July 28

  1. Samih Jebriel Jneid, 4, Jabalia.
  2. Mohammad Abu Louz, 22, Jabalia.
  3. Ahmad Abdullah Hasan Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  4. Widad Ahmad Salama Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  5. Sham'a Wael Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  6. Mariam Marzouq Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  7. Falasteen Mohammad Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  8. Abdullah Nidal Abu Zeid (child), Rafah.
  9. Bissan Eyad Abu Zeid, Rafah.
  10. Abdul-Hadi Abu Zeid (Child9, Rafah.
  11. Seham Najjar, 42, Khan Younis.
  12. Abdul-Samad Mahmoud Ahmad Ramadan, 16, Central District.
  13. Ayman Adnan Mousa Shaker, 25, Central District.
  14. Issa Kamel Abdul-Rahman Mousa, 61, Central District.
  15. Salem Mousa Badawi al-Far, 59, Central District.
  16. Ramzi Hussein Ahmad al-Far, Central District.
  17. Salem Mohammad al-Far, Central District.
  18. Azza Abdul-Karim Abdul-Rahman Al-Faleet, 59, Central District.
  19. Mohammad Jom’a Shaat, 30, Khan Younis.
  20. Mohammad Fadel al-‘Agha, 30, Khan Younis.
  21. Marwa Nader al-Agha, Khan Younis.
  22. Ahmad Nader Al-Agha, Khan Younis.
  23. Donia Nader al-Agha, 13, Khan Younis.

Killed Sunday, July 27

  1. Ikram ash-Shinbari, 23, Gaza City, died of earlier injuries.
  2. Yusef Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 16, Gaza City, died of earlier injuries.
  3. Ibrahim Khalil ad-Derawi, 27, central District.
  4. Ala Nahedh Matar, 26, central District.
  5. Hazem Fayez Abu Shammala, 33, central District
  6. Issam Abdul-Karim Abu Sa’ada, Khan Younis.
  7. Ahmad Abu Sweirej, 23, Nusseirat, Central Gaza.
  8. Mohammad Abu Haroun, 29, Nusseirat, Central Gaza.
  9. Fadi Baraka, Gaza, child, died of earlier injuries.
  10. Baha’ ed-Deen Ahmad Sa’id, al-Maghazi, died of earlier injuries.
  11. Yousef Abed Shehada al-Masri, 24, Shuja'eyya, Gaza.
  12. Khaled Abdul-Sattar Samhoud, Khan Younis.
  13. Jalila Faraj Ayyad, Gaza City.
  14. Essam Ibrahim Abu Shab 42.
  15. Mohammad Siyam, 15, Rafah.
  16. Hussein Hasan Abu an-Naja, 65, Khan Younis.
  17. Imad Jami al-Abed al-Bardaweel, 44, Gaza.

Killed Saturday, July 26

  1. Husam Abdul-Ghani Yassin, 17, Gaza.
  2. Ismael Abdul-Qader al-Kojok, 54, Gaza.
  3. Mohammad Said Hosni as-Saqqa, 20, Gaza.
  4. Islam Ibrahim an-Naji, 19. Gaza.
  5. Mohammad Ahmad Matar al-Abadla, 32, Gaza.
  6. Yosra Salem Hasan al-Breem, 56, Gaza.
  7. Mohammad Khalil Mohammad al-Breem, Gaza.
  8. Ibrahim Salman Qabalan, 34.
  9. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Wadia, 19, Gaza.
  10. Abdullah ‘Ayesh Salam Ermeilat, 39, Deir al-Balah.
  11. Eman Hasan ar-Roqab, Khan Younis.
  12. Bara' Mahmoud ar-Roqab, 11, Khan Younis.
  13. Khalil Mohammad an-Najjar, 59, Khan Younis.
  14. Jona an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  15. Ekhlas Najjar, Khan Younis.
  16. Amna an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  17. Majed Sameer an-Najjar, 19, Khan Younis.
  18. Ghalia Mohammed an-Najjar, 56, Khan Younis.
  19. Ahmad Khaled Mohammad an-Najjar,14, Khan Younis.
  20. Eman Salah Mahmoud an-Najjar, 23, Khan Younis.
  21. Sumayya Harb Yousef an-Najjar, 50, Khan Younis.
  22. Kifah Samir Hasan an-Najjar 23, Khan Younis.
  23. Rawan Khaled Mohammad an-Najjar, 17, Khan Younis.
  24. Husam Hussein an-Najjar, 7, Khan Younis.
  25. Samir Hussein an-Najjar, 2, Khan Younis.
  26. Moa’taz Hussein Samir an-Najjar, 6, Khan Younis.
  27. Ulfat Hussein Samir an-Najjar, 4, Khan Younis. (sister of Samir and Moa’taz)
  28. Ikhlas Sameer Hussein Abu Shahla, 30, Khan Younis.
  29. Amir Hammoudeh Khaled Abu Shahla, 3, Khan Younis.
  30. Amira Hammoudeh Khaled Abu Shahla, 1, Khan Younis.
  31. Islam Hammoudeh Abu Shahla, 4, Khan Younis.
  32. Bassam Khaled Abu Shahla, 44, Khan Younis.
  33. Riham Fayez al-Breem, 19
  34. Fadel At-Tawaneh, Gaza City.
  35. Arafat Salem Abu Oweily, 27, Central District.
  36. Abdul-Rahman Ouda at-Tilbani, Central District.
  37. Nidal Ahmad 'Issa Abu al-'Asal, 27, Rafah.
  38. Salim Salaam Abu ath-Thoum, 87, Rafah.
  39. Naim Abdul Aziz Abu Zaher, 36, Deir al-Balah
  40. Abdul-Hamid Mohammad Abdul-Hamid Al-Maghrabi, 31.
  41. Abdul-Majeed Abdullah Abdul-Majeed al-A’ady, 36.
  42. Hamad Mohammad Ala Sheikh Salim, 30.
  43. Mohammad Rafiq Said al-Ayeer, 30.
  44. ‘Amro Abdul-Hakim as-Sheikh Khalil, 25.
  45. Shadi Kamal Ramadan Yassin, 22.
  46. Mohammad Issam Deeb Abu Dalfa, 25.
  47. Walid Said Nassr al-Ijlah, 7.
  48. Osama Issam Fawzi ‘Azzam, 23.
  49. Abdullah Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Leila, 51.
  50. Sami Fathi al-Ar-‘Eir, 49. .
  51. Fathi Sami Fathi al-Ar-‘Eir, 20.
  52. Abdul-Karim Ali Abu Shanab, 40, Deir al-Balah.
  53. Aziza ‘Atiyeh Mohammad Abu Shanab, 77, Deir al-Balah.
  54. Ahmad Walid Nasrallah Samour, Khan Younis.
  55. Hasan Abdullah Mustafa al-Athanna, 59.
  56. Hasan Zaki Hasan at-Tahrawy, 23.
  57. Omar Ismail Ali Quz’aat, 18. .
  58. Rami Faisal Matar as-Shishi, 31. .
  59. Mohammad Abdul Hamid.
  60. Ghassan Yousef Salem Abu Dabakh, Central District .
  61. Khadra Ibrahim Salman Abu Bleimy, 55 .
  62. Nour Mohammad Salameh Abu Dbagh, 13.
  63. Ahmad Ramzi Mohammad Abu Qadoos, 13.
  64. Maisara Anwar Suleiman dar-Azzeen, 6.
  65. Mohammad Anwar Suleiman dar-Azzeen, 13.
  66. Mohammad Abdul-Hamid Mohammad Shaat, 29.
  67. Raja’ Hamad Mohammad ad-Daghme, 36.
  68. Sami Abdullah Ahmad Judeh, 18.
  69. Husam Abdul-Atif Raady, 42.
  70. Mohammad Ibrahim Sobhi al-Arheir, 30.
  71. Wala’ Mohammad Ali al-Qayedh, 15.
  72. Isam Mohammad Saleh Shamaly, 29.
  73. Mohammad Abdul-Nassar Ali Abu Zeina, 20.
  74. Mosab Salah al-Aab Abu al-A’ata, 20.
  75. Ibrahim Aish Abed Abu Ghneimah, 27.
  76. Ismail Aish Abed Abu Ghneimah, 24.
  77. Mohammad Ahmad Khaled Hassouneh, Rafah.
  78. Mazin Adnan Salman Abdin, 25, Khan Younis.
  79. Salah Eshtewy Ibrahim Adbin, 42, Khan Younis.
  80. Mohammed Salameh Mohammed Abu Khousa, 75, northern Gaza (body pulled from rubble).
  81. Salman Mohammed Ahmed Sama'na, 30, northern Gaza (body pulled from rubble).
  82. Do'a' Sani Ibrahim Sama'na, 11, northern Gaza (body pulled from rubble).
  83. Mohammed Sa'id Sha'ban Baba, 40, northern Gaza (body pulled from rubble).
  84. Ikram Ahmed Tawfiq al-Shanbari, 23, Beit Hanoun (body pulled from rubble).
  85. Sami Fathi Ahmed al-'Ar'ir, 50, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  86. Mohammed Rafiq Sa'id al-'Ar'ir, 30, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  87. Hassan Fathi Ahmad al-'Ar'ir, 39, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  88. 'Abdul Karim Fathi Ahmed al-'Ar'ir, 34, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  89. Fathi Sami Fathi al-'Ar'ir, 20, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  90. Khaled Yousef Mohammed Badwan, 48, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  91. Azmi Khaled Yousef Badwan, 16, Gaza City (body pulled from rubble).
  92. 'Abdul Rahman Ziad Hassan Abu Hain, 28, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  93. Mohammed 'Essam Dib Abu Balta, 28, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  94. Mahmoud Ra'ed Mahmoud al-'Eish, 23, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  95. Fadi 'Abdul Qader 'Abdul Malek Habib, 31, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  96. Farid Abdul-Khader Abdul-Malik Habib, 38, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  97. Adham Majed Yousef Dhaher, 18, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  98. Mohammad Mahmoud Rajab Hajjaj, 32, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  99. Mohammad Ahmed Kamel Abu al-'Ata, 32, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  100. Mohammad Mahmoud Sa'id Abu al-'Ata, 28, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  101. Mohammed Riad Sha'ban Shabet, 25, at-Tuffah.
  102. Hisham Abdul-Karim Ahmad Abu Mour, Rafah.
  103. Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad az-Zweidi, 30, Beit Lahia.
  104. Ala' Maher Juma' Tamtish, 19, Beit Lahia.
  105. Abdul-Jawad Ali Abul-Jawad Al-Houm.
  106. Ehab Sa'dy Mohammad Nassr, 22.
  107. Mohammad Abdullah Hussein al-Jawajri.
  108. Wisam Sofyan Omar al-Kilani, 27.
  109. A'ed Mahmoud Ahmad al-Bura'i, 29, medic, Beit Hanoun.
  110. Munther Talal Abdul-Karim Nassar, 33, northern Gaza.
  111. Tamer Talal Abdul-Karim Nassar, 24.
  112. Ala' Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Nassar, 25, northern Gaza.
  113. Taher Ismail Abdul-Rahman Nassar, 18, northern Gaza.
  114. Sharif Rafiq Mohammad al-Hamdin, 26, Gaza City.
  115. Ala' Khaled Najib al-Yaziji, 21, Gaza City.
  116. Jihad Mahmoud Hamed al-Hilu, 59, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  117. Siham 'Ata al-Hilu, 57, Sheja'eyya(body pulled from rubble).
  118. Mohammad Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 29, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  119. Tahreer Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 20, Sheja'eyya(body pulled from rubble).
  120. Najiya Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 15, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  121. Ahmad Jihad Mahmoud al-Hilu, 27, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  122. Hidaya Talal al-Hilu, 25, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  123. Maram Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 2, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  124. Abdel-Kareem Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 1, Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble). Karam Ahmad Jihad al-Hilu, 5 months (twins), Sheja'eyya (body pulled from rubble).
  125. Ayman Anwar Salem Burai'em 39, central Gaza (died of earlier wounds)
  126. Suleiman Zaki 'Abdul Mawla al-Dardissi, 27, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  127. Ahmad Shawqi Mohammad Sa'ada, 37, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  128. Mohammed Ibrahim Hamdan Abu T'aima, 25, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  129. Ra'ed Khalil Hamdan Abu T'aima, 33, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  130. Mamdouh Mallahi Suleiman Abu Naja, 24, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  131. Ayman Akram Ismail al-Ghalban, 22, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  132. Jihad Naji Abu 'Aamer, 22, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  133. Rabah Rashed Mosallam Fayad, 40, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  134. Fadi Mahmoud Sa'd al-Masri, 22, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  135. Eyad Yousef al-Sadi, 24, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  136. Salem Mustafa al-Hadhidi, 18, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  137. Wassim Nasser 'Abdu Shurrab, 22, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  138. 'Ali Mohammed 'Ali al-Astal, 32, Khan Younis.(body pulled from rubble).
  139. Fawzi Ahmad Abu Amsha, 67.
  140. Na'ma Mohammad Hussein Abu Amsha, 64.
  141. Wassim Salah Abu Riziq Al-Masri.
  142. Saed Munir Shida Abu Khater, 19.
  143. Amar Mustafa Rashid Hamdouna, 22.
  144. Tariq Mohammad Moehsin al-Ajrami, 25.
  145. Hamza Mazin Khalil Madhi, 23.
  146. Ismail Younis Abdullah Khalla, 21.
  147. Abdul-Rahman Yusef Ahmad Saadat, 24.
  148. Khaled Abdullah Mahmoud Adwan, 30.
  149. Osama Mohammad Nassr al-Kafarneh, 50.
  150. Khaled 'Ata Mohammad Abu Shehadeh, 23.
  151. Hani 'Adel Mohammad Abu Hashish, 23.
  152. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Dawabe', 19.
  153. Mohammad Ali Khalil Saidam, 17.
  154. Ibrahim Mohammad Awad Barak, 19.
  155. Bilal Bassam Salem al-Masri, 21.
  156. Anwar Abdul-Khader Hasan Younis, 2.
  157. Arafat Salem Ahmad Abu Oweily, 27.
  158. Mohammad Fayez Sha'ban al-Sharif, 23.
  159. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, Central District
  160. Hossam Mohammad Suleiman Abu Ghneifi, 18.
  161. Ghassan Taher Suleiman Abu Kamil, 25.
  162. Ismail Abdul-Jawad Ismail Abu Sa'ada, 26.
  163. Mahmoud Riyadh Abdul-Khader Miq'dad, 22.
  164. Mazin Yusef Suleiman Abu Joerban, 31.
  165. Shaker Ahmad Shaker al-Jamal, 46.
  166. Faisal Fa'eq al-At-Toame, 31.
  167. Hazem Yusef Abdul-Rahman al-Moebid, 34.
  168. Abdullah Nabil Abdul-Khader al-Batsh, 21.
  169. Sharif Jalal Hasan al-Karshali, 27.
  170. Mohammad Arafat Saleh Khalil al-Ghamare, 33.
  171. Abdul-Raziq Shoeban Abed Ommar, 27.
  172. Amjad Nahedh Ala' al-Sarefy, 22.
  173. Adham Majed Yousef Daher, 18.
  174. Hamza Hassan Mahmoud Halas, 25.
  175. Ahmad Mousa Ahmad Ahl, 75.
  176. Mohammad Hussein Hasan al-Nasri.
  177. Mahmoud Husam Mohammad Mansour, 22.
  178. Mosab Mustafa Rajeb Ali, 20.
  179. Mo'amin Mustafa Mahmoud al-Kasha.
  180. Eyas Ahmad Mohammad Abu Ouda, 28.
  181. Nidal Khaled Mohammad Khalil, 20.
  182. Nader Majdi Abdul-Rahman Qassim, 30.
  183. Eman Ibrahim Suleiman al-Ghandour.
  184. Salmad Hamad Salmad al-Amour, 32.
  185. Rifat Nabil Ramadan Oweida, 27.
  186. Ashraf Qassim Mansour Wafi, 25.
  187. Baha Rafiq Oweida, 36.
  188. Ahmad Barham Oleiman Abu Daqqa
  189. Taysir Mohammad Aish an-Najjar

Killed Friday, July 25

  1. Maram Rajeh Fayyad, 26, Deir al-Balah
  2. Shaima’ Hussein Abdul-Qadder Qannan (pregnant), 23, Gaza.
  3. Abdul-Hadi Salah Abu Hasanen, 9, Rafah.
  4. Hadi Salah ed-Deen Abu Hassanen, 12. Rafah.
  5. Salah Ahmad Hassanen, 45, Rafah.
  6. Abdul-Aziz Salah Ahmad Hassanen, 15, Rafah.
  7. Abdul-Hadi Salam Ahmad Abu Hassanein, 9.Rafah.
  8. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Khatib, 27, Khan Younis.
  9. Mohammad Samir Najjar, 25, Khan Younis.
  10. Rasmiyya Salama, 24, Khan Younis.
  11. Suleiman ash-Shawwaf, 21, Khan Younis.
  12. Rasha Abed-Rabbo ‘Affana, 28, northern Gaza.
  13. Ali Mohammad Ali Asfour, 58, Khan Younis.
  14. Eid Mohammad Abu Qteifan, 23, Deir al-Balah.
  15. Eyad Nassr Sharab, 24, Khan Younis.
  16. Najat Ibrahim Hamdan an-Najjar, 42, Khan Younis
  17. Sharif Mohammad Salim Abu Hasan, 25, Khan Younis
  18. Mohammad Khalil Hamad, 18, Khan Younis.
  19. Mandouh Ibrahim ash-Shawaf, 25, Khan Younis.
  20. Walid Sa’id al-Harazin, 5, Gaza
  21. Tareq Ismail Ahmad Zahd, 22, Meghraqa, Central District
  22. Salama Abu Kamil, 26. Meghraqa, Central District
  23. Ahmad Mahdi Abu Zour, 25, Gaza
  24. Naji Bassem Abu Ammouna, 25, Gaza
  25. Imad Adnan Mohammad Abu Kamil, 20, Al-Meghraqa
  26. Tamer Bassam Mohammad Abu Kamil, 19, Al-Meghraqa.
  27. Mohammad Yassin Siyam, 29, Zeitoun - Gaza
  28. Rami Mohammad Yassin, 24, Zeitoun, Gaza
  29. Osama Salim Shaheen, 27, Khan Younis.
  30. Hamada Suleiman Abu Younis, 25.
  31. Mohammad Kamel an-Naqa, 34, Khan Younis.
  32. Kamaal Kamel an-Naqa, 35, Khan Younis.
  33. Yousef Kamal Mohammed al-Wasify, 26, Gaza City.
  34. Mazin Abdeen, 23, Rafah.
  35. Adnan Shahid Ashteiwi Abdeen, 35, Rafah.
  36. Mohammad Abdel Nasser Abu Zina, 24, al-Zaitoun.
  37. Abdul Majeed al-Eidi, 35, al-Zaitoun.
  38. Mohammad Ahmed Abu Wadiya, 19, Gaza City.
  39. Hani 'Adel Abu Hassanein, 24, Gaza City.
  40. Yassin Mustafa al-Astal, 38, Khan Younis.
  41. Yosra Salem Hasan al-Breem, 65, Khan Younis.
  42. Mohammad Issa Khaled Hajji, 24, Gaza City.
  43. Hasan Hussein al-Howwari, 39, Gaza City.
  44. Hosam Rabhi, Gaza City.
  45. Hamed al-Bora'ey, a medic, Beit Hanoun.
  46. Mohammad Matar al-'Abadla, 32, medic, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
  47. Husam Mohammad Najjar, Beit Lahia.
  48. Sha’ban Abdul-Aziz al-Jamal, Beit Lahia.
  49. Mohammad Wisam Dardouna, Beit Lahia.
  50. Ala’ Joudy Khader, Beit Lahia.

Killed Thursday, July 24

  1. Ahmad Rif’at Ar-Roqab, 23, Khan Younis.
  2. Salman Salman al-Breem, 27, Khan Younis.
  3. Mohammad Hasan Abdul-Qader al-Astal, 43, Khan Younis.
  4. Ismael Mohammad al-Astal, 48, Khan Younis.
  5. Ahmad Mohammad Ismael al-Astal, 20, Khan Younis.
  6. Mahmoud Mohammad Ismael al-Astal, 19.
  7. Mohammad Saleh Mohammad al-Astal, 18.
  8. Malak Amin Ahmad al-Astal, 24, Khan Younis.
  9. Tha’er Omran Khamis al-Astal, 30.
  10. Milad Omran al-Astal, 29, Khan Younis.
  11. Mohammad Omran Khamis al-Astal, 33, Khan Younis.
  12. Ahmad Thaer Omran al-Astal, 33, Khan Younis.
  13. Amin Thaer Omran al-Astal, 3 Khan Younis.
  14. Nada Thaer Omran al-Astal, 5, Khan Younis.
  15. Yazid Sa’dy Mustafa al-Batsh, 23, Gaza.
  16. Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Aita, 67, Jabalia.
  17. Ahmad Ibrahim Abdullah Abu Aita, 30, Jabalia.
  18. Jamila Salim Abu Aita, 55, Jabalia.
  19. Adham Ahmad Abu Aita, 4, Jabalia.
  20. Mohammad Ibrahim Abu Aita, 32, Jabalia.
  21. Khalil Nasser Aita Wishah, 21, Central District.
  22. Ahmad Ibrahim Sa’ad al-Qar’an, 26, Central District.
  23. Hadi Abdul-Hamid Abdul-Fatah Abdul Nabi, 3, Jabalia
  24. Abdul-Hadi Abdul-Hamid Abdul Nabi, 2, Jabalia.
  25. Abdul-Rahman Mahmoud Abdul-Fatah Abdul Nabi, 1, Jabalia.
  26. Yahia Ibrahim Abu 'Arbaid, Beit Hanoun
  27. Mohammad Suleiman an-Najjar, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
  28. Bilal Zayad 'Alwan, 20, Jabalia
  29. Majed Mahmoud Mohammad Hamid, 28, Jabalia.
  30. Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Daqqa, 42, Khuza'a, Khan Younis
  31. Akram Ibrahim Abu Daqqa, 50, Khuza'a, Khan Younis.
  32. Salameh al-Rade'a, toddler, northern Gaza.
  33. Ismail Hassan Abu Rjeila, 75, Khan Younis.
  34. Nafeth Suleiman Qdeih, 45, Khan Younis.
  35. Nabil Shehda Qdeih, 45, Khan Younis.
  36. Baker an-Najjar, 13, Khan Younis.
  37. Shadi Yusef an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  38. Mohammad Ahmad Najjar, Khan Younis.
  39. Anwar Ahmad Najjar, Khan Younis.
  40. Anwar Ahmad Abu Daqqa, Khan Younis.
  41. Sami Mousa Abu Daqqa, Khan Younis.
  42. Adli Khalil Abu Daqqa,Khan Younis.
  43. ‘Atef Kamal Mahmoud Abu Daqqa, 54, Khan Younis.
  44. Shoeban Moussa Abu Hiya, 64, Khan Younis.
  45. Ahmad Abdul-Karim Ahmad Hasan, Khan Younis
  46. ‘Ola Abu Aida, 27, Zahra - Khan Younis.
  47. Mohammad Ismael Khader, Zahra – Khan Younis.
  48. Anas Akram Skafi, 18, Shujaeyya - Gaza.
  49. Sa’ad Akram Skafi, 18 (twin brother) Shujaeyya - Gaza.
  50. Mohammad Jihad Matar, Beit Hanoun
  51. Hanan Jihad Matar, Beit Hanoun.
  52. Tamam Mohammad Hamad, Beit Hanoun
  53. Khader Khalil al-Louh, 50, Atatra, Northern Gaza
  54. Rasmi Mousa Abu Reeda, Khan Younis
  55. Mohammad Radi Mahmoud Abu Reeda, 22, Khan Younis.
  56. Mohammad Abu Yousef, Khan Younis
  57. Ahmad Qdeih, Khan Younis
  58. Rami Qdeih, Khan Younis
  59. Badr Hatem Qdeih, 13, Khuza’a, Khan Younis.
  60. Anas Hatem Suleiman Qdeih, 7, Khuza’a, Khan Younis.
  61. Hanafi Mahmoud Abu Yousef, 42, Khuza’a, Khan Younis.
  62. Abdel Aziz Nour El Din Noor, 21, Sheja’eyya.
  63. Amir Adel Khamis Siam 12, Rafah.
  64. Issam Faisal Siam, 24, Rafah.
  65. Mahmoud Silmy Salim Abu Rowaished, 49, Rafah.
  66. Ahmed Abu Jm'ean Hji'er 19, Al-Bureij.
  67. Amer Abdul-Raouf Mohamed El Azab, 26, Deir al-Balah.
  68. Thaer Ahed Owda Shamaly, 17, Sheja’eyya.
  69. Mohammed Yousef Mansoub Al-Qadi, 19. (had been in Egyptian hospital)
  70. Yasmin Ahmed Abu Moor, 27(had been in Egyptian hospital)
  71. Mohammad Suleiman Nimr ‘Oqal, 34
  72. Mohammed Rateb Abu Jazr, 25, Khan Younis.
  73. Hisham Mohammad Farhan Abu Jazr, 23, Khan Younis.
  74. Mohammed Farhan Abu Jazr, 48, Khan Younis.
  75. Shadi Suleiman Kawar'e, 31, Khan Younis.
  76. Ra'ed Abu Owda 17, UN School, Beit Hanoun.
  77. Ashraf Ibrahim Hasan Najjar, 13, Khan Younis
  78. Mahmoud Jihad Awad Abdin, 12, Khan Younis
  79. Ahmad Talal Najjar, Khan Younis
  80. Mohammad Samir Abdul-Al an-Najjar, 25, Khan Younis
  81. Mahmoud Abdo an-Najjar, Khan Younis.
  82. Sana’ Hasan Ali al-Astal, Khan Younis
  83. Nabil Mahmoud Mohammad al-Astal, 12, Khan Younis
  84. Ashraf Mahmoud Mohammad al-Astal, Khan Younis
  85. Mahmoud Suleiman al-Astal, 17, Khan Younis
  86. Laila Ibrahim Zo’rob, 40, Rafah
  87. Mahmoud As’ad Ghaban, 24, Beit Lahia
  88. Ibrahim Jihad Abu Laban, 27, Zeitoun - Gaza
  89. Mahmoud Jihad Awad Abdin, 12, Khan Younis
  90. Ibrahim Sheikh Omar, 36 months, Gaza

Killed Wednesday, July 23

  1. Hasan Abu Hayyin, 70, Shejaeyya, Gaza.
  2. Abdul-Rahman Abu Hayyin, 26, Sheja’eyya, Gaza.
  3. Osama Bahjat Rajab, 34, Beit Lahia.
  4. Mohammad Daoud Hammouda, 33, Beit Lahia.
  5. Hamza Ziyada Abu ‘Anza, 18, Khan Younis.
  6. Saddam Ibrahim Abu Assi, 23, Khan Younis, was seriously injured Tuesday, died Wednesday.
  7. Wisam ‘Ala Najjar, 17, Khan Younis
  8. Mohammad Mansour al-Bashiti, 8, Khan Younis.
  9. Ali Mansour Hamdi al-Bashiti, 1, Khan Younis.
  10. Mohammad Riyadh Sha’aban Shabt, 23.
  11. Mohammad Naim Salah Abu T’aima, 12, Khan Younis.
  12. Salem Abdullah Mousa Abu T’aima, 36, Khan Younis.
  13. Ismail Abu Tharifa, Khan Younis.
  14. Zeinab Abu Teir, child, Khan Younis.
  15. Mohammad Radi Abu Redya, 22, Khan Younis.
  16. Shama Shahin, Khan Younis (Mohammad’s wife)
  17. Mojahed Marwan Skafi, 20, Sheja’eyya, Gaza.
  18. Adnan Ghazi Habib, 23, central Gaza.
  19. Ibrahim Ahmad Shbeir, 24, Khan Younis
  20. Mustafa Mohammad Mahmoud Fayyad, 24, northern Gaza.
  21. Nidal Hamdi Diab al-‘Ejla, 31, Gaza.
  22. Khalil Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
  23. Husam al-Qarra, Khan Younis
  24. Rabea’ Qassem, 12, Northern Gaza
  25. Hasan Salah Abu Jamous, 29, Khan Younis
  26. Mahmoud Yousef Khaled al-‘Abadla, 22, Khan Younis
  27. Nour Abdul-Rahim al-‘Abadla, 22, Khan Younis
  28. Mohammad Farid al-Astal, Khan Younis.
  29. Mohammad Abdul-Ra’ouf ad-Dadda, 39, Gaza.
  30. Ahmad Mohammad Darwish Bolbol, 20, Gaza.
  31. Ahmad Nabil Ahmad Abu Morad, 21, Gaza.
  32. Ibrahim Omar al-Hallaq, 40, Khan Younis
  33. Wael Maher Awwad, 23, Khan Younis
  34. Ahmad Mahmoud Sohweil, 23, Khan Younis
  35. Issam Ismael Abu Shaqra, 42, Khan Younis
  36. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim Abu Shaqra, 17, Khan Younis
  37. Mohammad Ahmad Akram Abu Shaqra, 17, Khan Younis
  38. Ahmad as-Saqqa, 17, Khan Younis
  39. Nayef Fayez Nayef ath-Thatha, 19, Zeitoun – Gaza
  40. Nayef Maher Nayef ath-Thatha, 24, Zeitoun – Gaza
  41. Nayef Maher Nayef ath-Thatha, 24, Gaza.
  42. Jihad Hussein Mahmoud Hamad, 20
  43. ‘Ala Hamad Ali Khattab, 26, Deir al-Balah<--corrected data-blogger-escaped---="">
  44. Abdul-Qader Jamil al-Khalidi, 23, al-Boreij
  45. Ayman Adham Yousef Ahmad, 16, Beit Lahia
  46. Bilal Ali Ahmad Abu ‘Athra, 25, Beit Lahia
  47. Abdul-Karim Nassar Saleh Abu Jarmi, 24, Beit Lahia
  48. Rawan Ayman Saoud Suweidan, 9, central Gaza.
  49. Naim Juma’a Mohammad Abu Nizeid
  50. Jani Rami Nassr al-Maqat’a, 27, central Gaza.
  51. Said Ahmad Tawfiq at-Tawil, 22, central Gaza.
  52. Ola Khalil Ali Abu Obada, 24, central Gaza.
  53. Do’a Ra’ed Abu Ouda, 17, northern Gaza.
  54. Amer Abdul Raouf Abu Ozeb, 26, central Gaza.
  55. Awad Abu Ouda, northern Gaza.
  56. Bilal ash-Shinbari, northern Gaza.
  57. Fatima ash-Shinbari, northern Gaza.
  58. Falasteen ash-Shinbari, northern Gaza.
  59. Abed Rabo ash-Shinbari, northern Gaza.
  60. Ali Sha’boub ash-Shinbari, northern Gaza.
  61. Souha Musleh, northern Gaza.
  62. Mohammad al-Kafarna, Beit Hanoun.

Killed Tuesday, July 22

  1. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, Khan Younis.
  2. Ebtehal Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  3. Yousef Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  4. Eman Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
  5. Salwa Abu Mneifi, Khan Younis.
  6. Abdullah Ismael al-Baheessy, 27, Deir al-Balah.
  7. Mos’ab Saleh Salama, 19, Khan Younis.
  8. Ibrahim Nasr Haroun, 38, Nusseirat.
  9. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sabha, 55, Khan Younis.
  10. Hasan Khader Baker, 60, Gaza City.
  11. Wa’el Jamal Harb, 32, Rafah.
  12. Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, Khan Younis.
  13. Haitham Samir al-Agha, 26, Khan Younis.
  14. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, Gaza.
  15. Mariam Hasan Azzam, 50, Gaza.
  16. Yasmeen Ahmad Abu Mour, 2, Rafah.
  17. Samer Zuheri Sawafiri, 29, Rafah.
  18. Mohammad Mousa Fayyad, 36, Khan Younis
  19. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, Gaza.
  20. Soha Na’im al-Kharwat, 25, Gaza.
  21. Ahmad Salah Abu Siedo, 17, Gaza.
  22. Mohammad Khalil Aref Ahl, 65, Gaza, (remains located Tuesday, killed during Sheja’eyya Massacre, Sunday).
  23. Mahmoud Salim Daraj, 22, Jabalia.
  24. Radhi Abu Hweishel, 40, Nusseirat.
  25. Obeida Abu Hweishel, 15, Nusseirat.
  26. Yousef Abu Mustafa, 27, Nusseirat.
  27. Nour al-Islam Abu Hweishel, 12, Nusseirat.
  28. Yousef Fawza Abu Mustafa, 20, Nusseirat.
  29. Hani Awad Sammour, 27, Khan Younis.
  30. Ahmad Ibhrahim Shbeir, 24, Nusseirat.
  31. Mohammad Jalal al-Jarf, 24, Khan Younis.
  32. Raed Salah, 22, Al-Boreij.
  33. Ahmad Nassim Saleh, 23, Al-Boreij.
  34. Mahmoud Ghanem, 22 Al-Boreij.
  35. Mustafa Mohammad Mahmoud Fayyad, 24.
  36. Ahmad Issam Wishah, 29, Central District.
  37. Ahmad Kamel Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
  38. Raed Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
  39. Nader Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
  40. Ahmad Mohammad Ramadan, 30, Central District
  41. Khalaf Atiyya Abu Sneima, 18, Rafah.
  42. Khalil Atiyya Abu Sneima, 20, Rafah.
  43. Samih Abu Jalala, 64. Rafah.
  44. Hakima Nafe’ Abu ‘Adwan, 75, Rafah.
  45. Najah Nafe’ Abu ‘Adwan, 85 Rafah.
  46. Mohammad Shehada Hajjaj, 31, Rafah.
  47. Fawza Saleh Abdul-Rahman Hajjaj, 66, Rafah.
  48. Rawan Ziad Jom’a Hajjaj, 28. Gaza City.
  49. Mos’ab Nafeth al-Ejla, 30. Sheja’eyya Gaza.
  50. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, Gaza.
  51. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21 Gaza.
  52. Hasan Sha’ban Khamisy, 28 al-Maghazi, Gaza.
  53. Ahmad As’ad al-Boudi, 24, Beit Lahia.
  54. Ahmad Salah Abu Seedo, 17, Gaza.
  55. Salem Khalil Salem Shemaly, 22, Sheja’eyya - Gaza (Killed Sunday, Body Located Tuesday)
  56. Ibrahim Sammour, 38, Khan Younis.
  57. Atiyya Mohammad Hasan ad-Da’alsa, 34, Nusseirat.
  58. Atiyya Mohammad Abdul-Raziq, 34, central Gaza.
  59. Abdullah Awni al-Farra, 25, Khan Younis.
  60. Hamada ‘Olewa, Zaitoun. (found under the rubble of his home)
  61. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Fayre, Jabalia
  62. Rafiq Mohammad Qlub, Jabalia
  63. Ahmad Abu Salah, Khan Younis.
  64. Mohammad Abdul-Karim Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
  65. Amjad al-Hindi, Gaza City.

Killed Monday, July 21

  1. Shahinaz Walid Mohammad Abu Hamad, 1, Khan Younis
  2. Husam Abu Qeinas, 5, Khan Younis
  3. Somoud Nassr Siyam, 26, Gaza City
  4. Bader Nabil Siyam, 25, Gaza City
  5. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, Gaza City
  6. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, Gaza City
  7. Ghaida Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, Gaza City
  8. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8 months, Gaza City
  9. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, Gaza City
  10. Mohammad Mahrous Salaam Siyam, 25, Gaza City
  11. Shireen Mahmoud Salaam Siyam, 32, Gaza City
  12. Ahmad Suleiman Abu Saoud, 34, Khan Younis
  13. Manwa Abdul-Baset as-Sabe, 37, Beit Hanoun
  14. Kamal Balal al-Masri, 22, Beit Hanoun
  15. Bilal Jabr Mohammad al-Ashab, 22, Gaza City
  16. Raed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, Rafah
  17. Zakariya Masoud al-Ashqar, 24, central Gaza
  18. Abdullah Matroud Abu Hjeir, 16, central Gaza
  19. Ahmad Sofyan Abu Hjeir, 23, central Gaza.
  20. Abdul-Karim Hamad Abdul-Karim Hjeir, 33, central Gaza.
  21. Ahmad Salhoub, 34, central Gaza
  22. Raed Issam Daoud, 30, Gaza City
  23. Younis Ahmad Younis Sheikh al-Eid, 23, Rafah
  24. Rajae Hammad Mohammad, 38, Gaza
  25. Ahmad Khale Daghmash, 21, Gaza
  26. Mahmoud Hasan an-Nakhala, Gaza
  27. Saleh Badawi, 31, Gaza
  28. Kamal Mas'oud, 21, Gaza
  29. Mohammad Samih al-Ghalban, Gaza
  30. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazeji, 56, al-Karama, Gaza
  31. Mayar al- Yazeji, 2, al-Karama, Gaza
  32. Anas al- Yazeji, 5, al-Karama, Gaza
  33. Yasmin Naif al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza
  34. Safinaz al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza
  35. Tamer Nayef Jundiyya, 30, Gaza
  36. Kamel Jundiyya, 32, Gaza
  37. Rahma Ahmad Jundiyya, 50
  38. Ahed Kamal Mohammad Jundiyya, 31.
  39. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Maghrebi, 24
  40. Ibrahim Shaban Bakron, 37
  41. Yousef Ghazi Hamdiyya, 25, Gaza
  42. Motaz Jamal Hamdiyya, 18, Gaza
  43. Aaed Jamal Hamdiyya, 21. Gaza
  44. Yasmin al-Qisas, Gaza City
  45. Lamia Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City
  46. Nismaa Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City
  47. Arwa al-Qisas, Gaza City
  48. Aya Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City
  49. Aisha Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City
  50. Aliya Siyam, Gaza City
  51. Fayza Sabr Siyam, Gaza City
  52. Samia Siyam, Gaza City
  53. Fadi Azmi Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  54. Ayman Salaam Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  55. Salaam Abdul-Majeed Buryam, Deir al-Balah
  56. Karim Ibrahim Atiya Barham, 25, Khan Younis
  57. Nidal Ali Daka, 26, Khan Younis
  58. Nidal Jamaa Abu Asy, 43, Khan Younis
  59. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja, Rafah
  60. Atiya Yusef Dardouna, 26, Jabalia
  61. Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53 (father of Yassr, Elias, Susan, Reem & Yasmeen) , Gaza City
  62. Yassr Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 8, Gaza City
  63. Elias Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 4, Gaza City
  64. Susan Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 11, Gaza City
  65. Reem Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 12, Gaza City
  66. Yasmeen Ibrahim Deeb al-Kilani, 9, Gaza City
  67. Taghrid Shoeban Mohammad al-Kilani, 45, Gaza City
  68. Aida Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 47, Gaza City
  69. Mahmoud Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 37, Gaza City
  70. Sura Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 41, Gaza City
  71. Aynas Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 30, Gaza City
  72. Fadi Bashir al-Ablala, 22, Khan Younis

Killed Sunday, July 20

  1. Salem Ali Abu Saada, Khan Younis
  2. Mohammad Yusef Moammer, 30, Rafah.
  3. Hamza Yousef Moammer, 26, Rafah.
  4. Anas Yousef Moammar, 16, Rafah.
  5. Fathiyeh Nadi Marzouq Abu Moammer, 72, Rafah.
  6. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, Rafah
  7. Suheib Ali Joma Abu Qoura, 21, Rafah
  8. Ahmad Tawfiq Mohammad Zanoun, 26, Rafah
  9. Hamid Soboh Mohammad Fojo, 22, Rafah
  10. Najah Saad al-Deen Daraji, 65, Rafah
  11. Abdullah Yusef Daraji, 3, Rafah
  12. Mohammed Rajaa Handam 15, Rafah
  13. Yusef Shaaban Ziada, 44, Al Bureij
  14. Jamil Shaaban Ziada, 53, Al Bureij
  15. Shoeban Jamil Ziada, 12, Al Bureij (son of Jamil)
  16. Soheiib Abu Ziada, Al Bureij
  17. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Moqaddma, 30, Al Bureij
  18. Raed Mansour Nayfa, Shujaeyya (Gaza City)
  19. Fuad Jaber, Medic, Shujaeyya (Gaza City)
  20. Mohammad Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 2, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  21. Kenan Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, al-Rimal - Gaza
  22. Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  23. Suad Mohammad al-Hallaq, 62, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  24. Saje Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  25. Hala Akram Hasan al-Hallaq, 27, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  26. Samar Osama al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  27. Ahmad Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  28. Ismael Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
  29. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, Beit Lahia
  30. Ibrahim Salem Joma as-Sahbani, 20, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  31. Aref Ibrahim al-Ghalyeeni, 26, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  32. Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30, Shujaeyya - Gaza (father of Umama and Khalil)
  33. Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza (mother of Umama and Khalil)
  34. Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  35. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  36. Rebhi Shehta Ayyad, 31, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  37. Yasser Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  38. Esra Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  39. Akram Mohammad Shkafy, 63, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  40. Eman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  41. Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza*
  42. Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  43. Eman Mohammad Ibrahim Hamada, 40, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  44. Ahmad Ishaq Yousef Ramlawy, 33, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  45. Ahmad Sami Diab Ayyad, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  46. Fida Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  47. Narmin Rafiw Diab Ayyad, 20, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  48. Husam Ayman Mohareb Ayyad, 23, Sheja’eyya, Gaza.
  49. Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28
  50. Tala Akram Ahmad al-Atawy, 7, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  51. Tawfiq Barawi Salem Marshoud, 52, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  52. Hatem Ziad Ali Zabout, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  53. Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad, 25, Shujaeyya - Gaza (Journalist)
  54. Khadija Ali Mousa Shihada, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  55. Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbeh, 53, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  56. Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  57. Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  58. Rahaf Akram Ismael Abu Joma, 4, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  59. Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  60. Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  61. Sherin Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  62. Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  63. Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  64. Ahed Saad Mousa Sarsak, 30, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  65. Aisha Ali Mahmoud Zayed, 54, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  66. Abed-Rabbo Ahmad Zayed, 58, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  67. Abdul-Rahman Akram Sheikh Khalil, 24, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  68. Mona Suleiman Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, 49
  69. Heba Hamed Mohammad Sheikh Khalil, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  70. Abdullah Mansour Radwan Amara, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  71. Issam Atiyya Said Skafy, 26, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  72. Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  73. Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 53, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  74. Ala Jamal ed-Deen Barda, 35, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  75. Omar Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  76. Ghada Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  77. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Adwan, 39, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  78. Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  79. Fahmi Abdul-Aziz Abu Said, 29, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  80. Ghada Sobhi Saadi Ayyad, 9, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  81. Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  82. Mohammad Raed Ehsan Ayyad, 6, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  83. Mohammad Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  84. Mohammad Raed Ehsan Akeela, 19, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  85. Mohammad Ziad Ali Zabout, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  86. Mohammad Ali Mohared Jundiyya, 38, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  87. Marah Shaker Ahmad al-Jammal, 2, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  88. Marwan Monir Saleh Qonfid, 23, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  89. Maisa Abdul-Rahman Sarsawy, 37, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  90. Marwa Salman Ahmad Sarsawy, 13, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  91. Mos'ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi, 27, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  92. Mona Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 42, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  93. Halla Sobhi Sa'dy Ayyad, 25, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  94. Younis Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  95. Yousef Salem Hatmo Habib, 62, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  96. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  97. Ahmad Mohammad Azzam, 19, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  98. Ismael al-Kordi, Shujaeyya - Gaza
  99. Fatima Ahmad Abu Jame’ (60), the family matriarch, Khan Younis.
  100. Sabah Abu Jame' (35), Her daughter-in-law and her family:
  101. Razan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (14), Khan Younis.
  102. Jawdat Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (13), Khan Younis.
  103. Aya Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame', (12), Khan Younis.
  104. Haifaa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (9), Khan Younis.
  105. Ahmad Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (8), Khan Younis.
  106. Maysaa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (7), Khan Younis.
  107. Tawfiq Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame' (4), Khan Younis.
  108. Shahinaz Walid Muhammad Abu Jame' (29), pregnant. (Fatima’s daughter-in-law, and her family)
  109. Fatmeh Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (12), Khan Younis.
  110. Ayub Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (10), Khan Younis.
  111. Rayan Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (5), Khan Younis.
  112. Rinat Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (2), Khan Younis.
  113. Nujud Taysir Ahmad Abu Jame' (4 months), Khan Younis.
  114. Yasmin Ahmad Salameh Abu Jame' (25), pregnant (another of Fatima’s daughter-in-laws, and her family):
  115. Batul Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame' (4) , Khan Younis.
  116. Soheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame'(3) , Khan Younis.
  117. Bisan Bassam Ahmad Abu Jame' (6 months) , Khan Younis.
  118. Yasser Ahmad Muhammad Abu Jame' (27) – Fatima’s son
  119. Fatima Riad Abu Jame' (26), pregnant, Yasser’s wife and Fatima’s daughter in law
  120. Sajedah Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (7), Khan Younis.
  121. Siraj Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (4), Khan Younis.
  122. Noor Yasser Ahmad Abu Jame' (2), Khan Younis.
  123. Husam Husam Abu Qeinas (7) (another of Fatima’s grandsons)
  124. Tariq Farouq Mahmoud Tafesh, 37, Gaza.
  125. Hazem Naim Mohammad Aqel, 14, Gaza.
  126. Mohammad Nassr Atiyya Ayyad, 25, Gaza.
  127. Omar Zaher Saleh Abu Hussein, 19, Gaza.
  128. Ziad Ghaleb Rajab ar-Redya, 23, northern Gaza.
  129. Wael Bashir Yahia Assaf, 24, northern Gaza.

Killed Saturday, July 19

  1. Yahia Bassam as-Serry, 20, Khan Younis
  2. Mohammad Bassam as-Serry, 17, Khan Younis
  3. Mahmoud Rida Salhiyya, 56, Khan Younis
  4. Mustafa Rida Salhiyya, 21, Khan Younis
  5. Mohammad Mustafa Salhiyya, 22, Khan Younis
  6. Waseem Rida Salhiyya, 15, Khan Younis
  7. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nassr, 13, Khan Younis
  8. Rushdi Khaled Nassr, 24, Khan Younis
  9. Mohammad Awad Faris Nassr, 25, Khan Younis
  10. Ahmad Mahmoud Hasan Aziz, 34, Beit Hanoun
  11. Said Ali Issa, 30, Juhr ed-Deek, Central Gaza
  12. Raed Walid Laqan, 27, Khan Younis
  13. Mohammad Jihad al-Qara, 29, Khan Younis
  14. Rafat Ali Bahloul, 36, Khan Younis
  15. Bilal Ismail Abu Daqqa, 33, Khan Younis
  16. Mohammad Ismail Sammour, 21, Khan Younis
  17. Eyad Ismael ar-Raqab, 26, Khan Younis
  18. Mohammad Atallah Odah Saadat, 25, Beit Hanoun
  19. Mohammad Rafiq ar-Rohhal, 22, Beit Lahia
  20. Mohammad Ziad ar-Rohhal, 6, Beit Lahia
  21. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 37, Gaza City
  22. Mahmoud Abdul-Hamid al-Zweidi, 23, Beit Lahia
  23. Dalia Abdel-Hamid al-Zweidi, 37, Beit Lahia
  24. Rowiya Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 6, Beit Lahia
  25. Naghm Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 2, Beit Lahia
  26. Mohammad Khaled Jamil al-Zweidi, 20, Beit Lahia
  27. Amr Hamouda, 7, Beit Lahia
  28. Mohammad Riziq Mohammad Hamouda, 18, Beit Lahia
  29. Yousef Kamal Qabdurra Hamouda, 29, Beit Lahia.
  30. Momen Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, Central District
  31. Abdul-Aziz Samir Abu Zaitar, 31, Central District
  32. Mohammad Ziad Zabout, 24, Gaza City
  33. Hatem Ziad Zabout, 22, Gaza City
  34. Fadal Mohammad al-Bana, 29, was killed in Jabalia
  35. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, Beit Lahia
  36. Maali Abdul-Rahman Suleiman Abu Zeid, 24, Central District
  37. Mohammad Ahmad as-Saidi, 18, Khan Younis
  38. Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Odah, 23, Central District
  39. Tariq Samir Khalil al-Hatou, 26, Central District
  40. Mohammad Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Younis
  41. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, Rafah
  42. Ahmad Abu Thurayya, 25, Central District
  43. Abdullah Ghazi al-Masri, 30, Central District
  44. Ayman Nasri an-Na'ouq, 23, Central District
  45. Aqram Mahmoud al-Matouq, 37, Jabalia

Killed Friday, July 18

  1. Majdi Suleiman Jabara, 22, Rafah
  2. Faris Juma al-Mahmoum, 5 months, Rafah related article
  3. Omar Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
  4. Nassim Mahmoud Nassier, 22. Beit Hanoun
  5. Karam Mahmoud Nassier, 20, Beit Hanoun
  6. Salmiyya Suleiman Ghayyadh, 70, Rafah
  7. Rani Saqer Abu Tawila, 30, Gaza City
  8. Hammad Abdul-Karim Abu Lehya, 23, Khan Younis
  9. Mohammad Abdul-Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, Khan Younis
  10. Mahmoud Mohammad Fayyad, 25, Khan Younis
  11. Amal Khader Ibrahim Dabbour, 40, Beit Hanoun
  12. Ismail Yousef Taha Qassim, 59, Beit Hanoun
  13. Ahmad Fawzi Radwan, 23, Khan Younis
  14. Mahmoud Fawzi Radwan, 24, Khan Younis
  15. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, Khan Younis
  16. Monther Radwan, 22, Khan Younis
  17. Hasan Majdi Mahmoud Radwan, 19, Khan Younis.
  18. Mohammad Sami as-Said Omran, 26, Khan Younis.
  19. Hani As'ad Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Younis
  20. Mohammad Hamdan Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Younis
  21. Husam Musallam Abu Issa, 26. Gaza
  22. Ahmad Ismael Abu Musallam, 14, Gaza City
  23. Mohammad Ismael Abu Musallam, 15, Gaza City
  24. Wala Ismael Abu Musallam, 13, Gaza City
  25. Naim Mousa Abu Jarad, 23, Beit Hanoun
  26. Abed Mousa Abu Jarad, 30, Beit Hanoun
  27. Siham Mousa Abu Jarad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  28. Raja Oliyyan Abu Jarad, 31, Beit Hanoun
  29. Haniyya Abdul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, Beit Hanoun
  30. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, Beit Hanoun
  31. Mousa Abul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 6 months, Beit Hanoun
  32. Ahlam Mousa Abu Jarad, 13, Beit Hanoun
  33. Husam Musallam Abu Aisha, 26, Jahr al-Deek
  34. . Mohammad Saad Mahmoud Abu Sa'da , Khan Younis
  35. Ra'fat Mohammad al-Bahloul, 35, Khan Younis
  36. Wala al-Qarra, 20, Khan Younis
  37. Abdullah Jamal as-Smeiri, 17, Khan Younis
  38. Ahmad Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Younis
  39. Hamada Abdullah Mohammad al-Bashiti, 21, Khan Younis
  40. Hamza Mohammad Abu Hussein, 27, Rafah
  41. Ala Abu Shabab, 23, Rafah
  42. Mohammad Awad Matar, 37, Rafah
  43. Bassem Mohammad Mahmoud Madhi, 22, Rafah
  44. Ahmad Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25. Um An-Nasr
  45. Saleh Zgheidy, 20, Rafah
  46. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, Nusseirat, Central Gaza
  47. Yousef Ibrahim al-Astal, 23,Khan Younis
  48. Imad Hamed E'lawwan, 7, Gaza
  49. Qassem Hamed E'lawwan, 4, Gaza (brother of Imad)
  50. Sarah Mohammad Bustan, 13, Gaza
  51. Rezeq Ahmad al-Hayek, 2, Gaza
  52. Mustafa Faisal Abu Sneina, 32, Rafah
  53. Imad Faisal Abu Sneina, 18, Rafah
  54. Nizar Fayez Abu Sneina, 38, Rafah
  55. Ismail Ramadan al-Loulahi, 21, Khan Younis
  56. Ghassan Salem Mousa Abu Azab, 28, Khan Younis
  57. Ahmad Salem Shaat, 22, Khan Younis
  58. Mohammad Salem Shaat, 20, Khan Younis
  59. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, Khan Younis
  60. Mohammad Talal as-Sane, 20, Rafah

Killed Thursday, July 17

  1. Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Qadim, 22, Deir al-Balah
  2. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Hassouna, 67, Rafah
  3. Zeinab Mohammad Said al-Abadla, 71, Khan Younis
  4. Ahmad Reehan, 23, Beit Lahia
  5. Salem Saleh Fayyad, 25, Gaza City
  6. Abdullah Salem al-Atras, 27, Rafah
  7. Bashir Mohammad Abdul-Al, 20, Rafah
  8. Mohammad Ziyad Ghanem, 25, Rafah
  9. Mohammad Ahmad al-Hout, 41, Rafah
  10. Fulla Tariq Shuhaibar, 8, Gaza City related article
  11. Jihad Issam Shuhaibar, 10, Gaza Cityrelated article
  12. Wasim Issam Shuhaibar, 9, Gaza Cityrelated article
  13. Rahaf Khalil al-Jbour, 4, Khan Younis related article
  14. Yassin al-Humaidi, 4, Gaza City (died of earlier wounds). related article
  15. Ismail Youssef al-Kafarna, Beit Hanoun
  16. Hamza Hussein al-Abadala, 29, Khan Younis
  17. Abed Ali Ntheir, 26, Gaza City
  18. Mohammad Shadi Ntheir, 15, Gaza City related article
  19. Mohammad Salem Ntheir, 4, Gaza City related article
  20. Salah Saleh ash-Shafe'ey, Khan Younis

Killed Wednesday, July 16

  1. Mohammad Ismael Abu Odah, 27, Rafah
  2. Mohammad Abdullah Zahouq, 23, Rafah
  3. Ahmed Adel Nawajha, 23, Rafah
  4. Mohammad Taisir Abu Sharab, 23, Khan Younis
  5. Mohammad Sabri ad-Debari, Rafah
  6. Farid Mahmoud Abu-Daqqa, 33, Khan Younis
  7. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, Rafah
  8. Khadra Al-Abed Salama Abu Daqqa, 65, Khan Younisrelated article
  9. Omar Ramadan Abu Daqqa, 24, Khan Younisrelated article
  10. Ibrahim Ramadan Abu Daqqa, 10, Khan Younisrelated article
  11. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.related article
  12. Zakariya Ahed Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.related article
  13. Mohammad Ramiz Bakr, 11, Gaza beach.related article
  14. Ismail Mahmoud Bakr, 9, Gaza beach. related article
  15. Mohammad Kamel Abdul-Rahman, 30, Sheikh Ejleen, Gaza City
  16. Husam Shamlakh, 23, Sheikh Ejleen, Gaza City
  17. Usama Mahmoud Al-Astal, 6, Khan Younis (died of wounds sustained earlier in attack on mosque)
  18. Hussein Abdul-Nasser al-Astal, 23, Khan Younis
  19. Kawthar al-Astal, 70, Khan Younis
  20. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, Khan Younis
  21. Kamal Mohammad Abu Amer, 38, Khan Younis
  22. Akram Mohammad Abu Amer, 34, Khan Younis (brother of Kamal, injured in same incident, then later same day died of his injuries)
  23. Hamza Raed Thary, 6, Jabalia (was injured a few days ago in the incident in which many, including children, were killed while playing in the sand at the beach in Jabalia)
  24. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim Khalil as-Sarhi, 37, Gaza City

Killed Tuesday, July 15

  1. Abdullah Mohammad al-Arjani, 19, Khan Younis
  2. Suleiman Abu Louly, 33, Rafah
  3. Saleh Said Dahleez, 20, Rafah
  4. Yasser Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
  5. Ismael Fattouh Ismael, 24, Gaza City
  6. Khalil Sh'aafy, Juhr Ed-Deek - Gaza
  7. Sobhi Abdul-hamid Mousa, 77, Khan Younis

Killed Monday, July 14

  1. Adham Abdul-Fattah Abdul-Aal, 27
  2. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj, 60, Deir al-Balah
  3. Abdullah Mahmoud Baraka, 24, Khan Younis
  4. Tamer Salem Qdeih, 37, Khan Younis
  5. Ziad Maher an-Najjar, 17, Khan Younis
  6. Ziad Salem ash-Shawy, 25, Rafah
  7. Mohammad Yasser Hamdan, 24, Gaza
  8. Mohammad Shakib al-Agha, 22, Khan Younis
  9. Ahmed Younis Abu Yousef, 22, Khan Younis
  10. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, Rafah
  11. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, Rafah
  12. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, Rafah
  13. Kamal Atef Yousef Abu Taha, 16, Khan Younis
  14. Ismael Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, Khan Younis
  15. Boshra Khalil Zorob, 53, Rafah
  16. Atwa Amira al-Amour, 63, Khan Younis

Killed Sunday, July 13

  1. Ezzeddin Bolbol, 25, Rafah
  2. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, Deir al-Balah
  3. Fawziyya Abdul-al, 73, Gaza City
  4. Moayyad al-Araj, 3, Khan Younis*
  5. Husam Ibrahim Najjar, 14, Jabalia
  6. Hijaziyya Hamed al-Hilo, 80, Gaza City
  7. Ruwaida abu Harb Zawayda, 30, central Gaza
  8. Haitham Ashraf Zorob, 21, Rafah
  9. Laila Hassan al-Odaat, 41, al-Maghazi
  10. Hussein Abdul-Qader Mheisin, 19, Gaza
  11. Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun
  12. Maher Thabet abu Mour, 23, Khan Younis - related article
  13. Mohammad Salem Abu Breis, 65, Deir al-Balah
  14. Moussa Shehda Moammer, 60, Khan Younis
  15. Hanadi Hamdi Moammer, 27, Khan Younis
  16. Saddam Mousa Moammer, 23, Khan Younis

Killed Saturday, July 12

  1. Anas Yousef Qandil, 17, Jabalia
  2. Islam Yousef Mohammad Qandil, 27, Jabalia
  3. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sneina, 20, Jabalia
  4. Abdul-Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, Jabalia
  5. Husam Thieb ar-Razayna, 39, Jabalia
  6. Ibrahim Nabil Hamada, 30, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  7. Hasan Ahmad Abu Ghush, 24, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  8. Ahmad Mahmoud al-Bal'awy, 26, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  9. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, at-Tuffah - Gaza City
  10. Mohammad Bassem al-Halaby, 28, western Gaza City
  11. Mohammad Sweity (Abu Askar), 20, western Gaza City
  12. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, Nuseirat refugee camp
  13. Ola Wishahi, 31, Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia
  14. Suha Abu Saade, 38, Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia
  15. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sweilem, 20, Jabalia
  16. Rateb Subhi al-Saifi, 22, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  17. Azmi Mahmoud Obeid, 51, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  18. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malsh, 22, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  19. Suleiman Said Obeid, 56, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  20. Mustafa Muhammad Inaya, 58, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  21. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, Sheikh Radwan - Gaza City
  22. Rifat Youssef Amer, 36, al-Saftawi
  23. Rifat Syouti, western Gaza City*
  24. Nahedh Naim al-Batsh, 41, Khan Younis
  25. Baha Majed al-Batsh, 28, Khan Younis
  26. Qusai Issam al-Batsh, 12, Khan Younis
  27. Aziza Yousef al-Batsh, 59, Khan Younis
  28. Ahmad Noman al-Batsh, 27, Khan Younis
  29. Mohammad Issam al-Batsh, 17, Khan Younis
  30. Yahia Ala Al-Batsh, 18, Khan Younis
  31. Jalal Majed al-Batsh, 26, Khan Younis
  32. Mahmoud Majed al-Batsh, 22, Khan Younis
  33. Majed Sobhi al-Batsh, Khan Younis
  34. Marwa Majed al-Batsh, 25, Khan Younis
  35. Khaled Majed al-Batsh, 20, Khan Younis
  36. Ibrahim Majed al-Batsh, 18, Khan Younis
  37. Manar Majed al-Batsh, 13, Khan Younis
  38. Amal Hussein al-Batsh, 49, Khan Younis
  39. Anas Ala al-Batsh, 10, Khan Younis
  40. Qusai Ala al-Batsh, 20, Khan Younis
  41. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah
  42. Shadi Mohammad Zorob, 21, Rafah
  43. Imad Bassam Zorob, 21, Rafah
  44. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah
  45. Mohammad Arif, 13, eastern Gaza City
  46. Mohammad Ghazi Arif, 35, eastern Gaza City
  47. Ghazi Mustafa Arif, 62, eastern Gaza City
  48. Ahmad Yousef Dalloul, 47, Gaza
  49. Fadi Ya'coub Sukkar, 25, Gaza
  50. Qassem Jaber Odah, 16, Khan Younis
  51. Mohammad Abdullah Sharatha, 53, Jabalia
  52. Mohammad Ahmed Basal, 19, Gaza City

Killed Friday, July 11

  1. Wisam Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 31, Rafah
  2. Mahmoud Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 28, Rafah
  3. Kifah Shaker Ghannam, 33, Rafah
  4. Ghalia Thieb Ghannam, 57, Rafah
  5. Mohammad Munir Ashour, 26, Rafah
  6. Nour Marwan an-Ajdi, 10, Rafah
  7. Anas Rezeq abu al-Kas, 33, Gaza City (doctor)
  8. Abdullah Mustafa abu Mahrouq, 22, Deir al-Balah
  9. Mahmoud Waloud, 26, Jabalia
  10. Hazem Ba'lousha, Jabalia
  11. Ala Abdul Nabi, Beit Lahia.*
  12. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan, 24, Beit Hanoun
  13. Mohammad Kamel al-Kahlout, 25, Jabalia
  14. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, Gaza City
  15. Salem al-Ashhab, 40, Gaza City
  16. Raed Hani Abu Hani, 31, Rafah
  17. Mohammad Rabea Abu- Hmeedan, 65, Jabalia
  18. Shahrman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, Al-Bureij
  19. Mazin Mustafa Aslan, 63, Al Bureij
  20. Mohammad Samiri, 24, Deir al-Balah
  21. Rami Abu Mosaed, 23, Deir al-Balah
  22. Saber Sokkar, 80, Gaza City
  23. Hussein Mohammad al-Mamlouk, 47, Gaza City
  24. Nasser Rabah Mohammad Sammama, 49, Gaza City
  25. Abdul-Halim Abdul-Moty Ashra, 54, Deir al-Balah
  26. Sahar Salman Abu Namous, 3, Beit Hanoun
  27. Odai Rafiq Sultan, 27, Jabalia
  28. Joma Atiyya Shallouf, 25, Rafah
  29. Bassam Abul-Rahman Khattab, 6, Deir al-Balah

Killed Thursday, July 10

  1. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, Khan Younis (father of six killed)
  2. Bassema Abdul-fatteh Mohammad al-Hajj, 48, Khan Younis (mother of six killed)
  3. Asma Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, Khan Younis
  4. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, Khan Younis
  5. Saad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, Khan Younis
  6. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, Khan Younis
  7. Tareq Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, Khan Younis
  8. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, Khan Younis
  9. Ayman Adham Yusef al-Hajj,16, northern Gaza.
  10. Baha Abu al-Leil, 35, Gaza City
  11. Suleiman Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 17, Khan Younis
  12. Ahmed Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 24, Khan Younis (Suleiman's brother)
  13. Mousa Mohammed Taher al-Astal, 50, Khan Younis
  14. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan, 24, Khan Younis
  15. Mohammad Khalil Qanan, 26, Khan Younis (Ibrahim's brother)
  16. Ibrahim Sawali, 28, Khan Younis
  17. Hamdi Badea Sawali, 33, Khan Younis
  18. Mohammad al-Aqqad, 24, Khan Younis
  19. Ismael Hassan Abu Jame, 19, Khan Younis
  20. Hussein Odeh Abu Jame, 75, Khan Younis
  21. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazal, 5, Beit Hanoun
  22. Mohammad Ehsan Ferwana, 27, Khan Younis
  23. Salem Qandil, 27, Gaza City
  24. Amer al-Fayyoumi, 30, Gaza City
  25. Raed az-Zourah, 32, Khan Younis

Killed Wednesday, July 9

  1. Hamed Shihab, Journalist - Gaza
  2. Salima al-Arja, 53, Rafah
  3. Miriam Atiya al-Arja, 9, Rafah
  4. Rafiq al-Kafarna, 30
  5. Abdul-Nasser Abu Kweik, 60
  6. Khaled Abu Kweik, 31
  7. Mohammad Mustafa Malika, 18 months
  8. Hana Mohammed Fuad Malaka, 28 (Mohammad's Mother), 27
  9. Hatem Abu Salem, Gaza City
  10. Mohammad Khaled an-Nimra, 22
  11. Sahar Hamdan (al-Masry), 40, Beit Hanoun
  12. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Masry, 14, Beit Hanoun
  13. Amjad Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun
  14. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, Beit Hanoun
  15. Ibrahim Hani Saleh Hamad, 20, Beit Hanoun
  16. Mohammad Khalaf Nawasra, 4, al-Maghazi
  17. Nidal Khalaf Nawasra, 5, al-Maghazi
  18. Salah Awad Nawasra, 24, al-Maghazi. (father of Mohammad and Nidal)
  19. Aesha Najm al-Nawasra, 23, al-Maghazi (mother of Mohammad and Nidal, pregnant in the fourth month)
  20. Naifa Mohammed Zaher Farajallah, 80, al-Mughraqa
  21. Amal Yousef Abdul-Ghafour, 20, Khan Younis
  22. Nariman Jouda Abdul-Ghafour, 18 months, Khan Younis
  23. Ibrahim Daoud al-Bal'aawy
  24. Abdul-Rahman Jamal az-Zamely
  25. Ibrahim Ahmad Abdin, 42, Rafah
  26. Mustafa Abu Murr, 20, Rafah
  27. Khaled Abu Murr, 22, Rafah
  28. Mazin Faraj Al-Jarba
  29. Marwan Eslayyem
  30. Raed Mohammed Shalat, 37, al-Nussairat
  31. Yasmin Mohammad Matouq, 4, Beit Hanoun

Killed Tuesday, July 8

  1. Mohammad Shaban, 24, Gaza
  2. Amjad Shaban, 30, Gaza
  3. Khader al-Basheeleqety, 45, Gaza
  4. Rashad Yassin, 27, Nusseirat
  5. Mohammad Ayman Ashour, 15, Khan Younis
  6. Riyadh Mohammad Kaware, 50, Khan Younis
  7. Bakr Mohammad Joudeh, 50, Khan Younis
  8. Ammar Mohammad Joudeh, 26, Khan Younis
  9. Hussein Yousef Kaware, 13, Khan Younis
  10. Bassem Salem Kaware, 10, Khan Younis
  11. Mohammad Ibrahim Kaware, 50, Khan Younis
  12. Mohammad Habib, 22, Gaza
  13. Ahmed Mousa Habib, 16, Gaza
  14. Saqr Aayesh al-Ajjoury, 22, Jabalia
  15. Ahmad Nael Mahdi, 16, Gaza
  16. Hafeth Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  17. Ibrahim Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun
  18. Mahdi Mohammad Hamad, 46, Beit Hanoun
  19. Fawziyya Khalil Hamad, 62, Beit Hanoun
  20. Donia Mahdi Hamad, 16, Beit Hanoun
  21. Soha Hamad, 25, Beit Hanoun
  22. Suleiman Salam Abu Sawaween, 22, Khan Younis
  23. Siraj Eyad Abdul-Aal, 8, Khan Younis
  24. Abdul-Hadi Soufi, 24, Rafah
. the names with an asterisk have not yet been confirmed by Ministry of Health

Israeli deaths: 64 
  1. Dror Khenin, 37, Erez military base, Tuesday, July 15th.
  2. Major Tsafrir Bar-Or, 32, killed Thursday, July 17th
  3. Captain Zvika Kaplan, 28, a resident of an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, killed Thursday, July 17th
  4. Sergeant Oz Mendelovich, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
  5. Sergeant Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
  6. Sergeant Gilad Yaakobi, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
  7. Eitan Barak, soldier killed Friday July 18th while invading Gaza.
  8. Major Amotz Greenberg, 45, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
  9. Sergeant Adar Bersano, 20, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
  10. Second Lieutenant Bar Rahav, 21, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
  11. Sergeant Bnaya Rubel, 20, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
  12. Ya'er Ashkenazi, killed 7/25 while invading Gaza.
  13. Shon Mondshine, 19, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  14. Oren Simcha Noach, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  15. Ben Itzhak Oanouno, 19, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  16. Daniel Pomerantz, 20, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  17. Shachar Tase, 20, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  18. Max Steinberg, 24, US citizen volunteering in the Israeli army, killed while invading Gaza.
  19. Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, US citizen volunteering in the Israeli army, killed while invading Gaza .
  20. Tzafrir Baror, 32, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  21. Tsvi Kaplan, 28, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  22. Gilad Rozenthal Yacoby, 21, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  23. Moshe Malko, 20, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  24. Jordan Bensemhoun, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  25. Yuval Dagan, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  26. Tal Ifrach, 21, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  27. Nadav Goldmacher, 23, Israeli soldier, killed by Palestinian fighters in Israel.
  28. Yuval Haiman, 21, Israeli soldier, killed by Palestinian fighters in Israel.
  29. Bayhesain Kshaun, 39, Israeli soldier, killed by Palestinian fighters in Israel.
  30. Dolev Keidar, 38, Israeli soldier, killed by Palestinian fighters in Israel.
  31. Oded Ben Sira, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  32. Ohad Shemesh, 27, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  33. Avitar Moshe Torjamin, 20, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  34. Dmitri Levitas, 26, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  35. Natan Cohen, 23, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  36. Paz Elyahu, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  37. Li Mat, 19, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  38. Shahar Dauber, 20, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  39. Guy Boyland, 21, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  40. Barak Refael Degorker, 27, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  41. Liad Lavi, 22, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  42. Rami Chalon, 39, Israeli soldier, killed while invading Gaza.
  43. Amit Yeori, 20, Israeli soldier killed while invading Gaza.
  44. Guy Levy, 21, Israeli soldier killed in Gaza, apparently by other Israeli soldiers to prevent his capture.
  45. Roy Peles, 21, Israeli soldier killed while invading Gaza.
  46. Avraham Grintzvaig, 21, Israeli soldier killed while invading Gaza.
  47. Gal Bason, 21, Israeli soldier killed while invading Gaza.
  48. Auda al-Wadj, 32, civilian, Saturday July 19th, killed by Palestinian rockets fired from Gaza
  49. Narakorn Kitiyangkul, 36, Thai worker, killed by rocket fired from Gaza. 

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