domingo, 28 de julho de 2019

Reality check on Corporate Nations: Shameful Trip Advisor Doublespeak

Trip Avisor is hiding a dark secret with its doublespeaking

On June 20, World Refugee Day, TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer published an op-ed urging businesses to help address the global refugee crisis and pledging to donate millions of dollars to humanitarian organisations "to support and help refugees rebuild their lives and reclaim their futures".
This is, of course, a commendable initiative, if only it did not contradict in spirit other practices of the company. While TripAdvisor has decided to help refugees in certain parts of the world, elsewhere - namely in the occupied Palestinian territories - it is contributing to the suffering of the local population, which itself is the source of one of the world's largest refugee communities.
Over the past seven decades, Israel's ruthless policies of land confiscation, illegal settlement and dispossession, coupled with rampant discrimination, have inflicted immense misery among the Palestinians, depriving them of their basic rights. TripAdvisor has also played a role in this ongoing abuse.
In January 2019, Amnesty International released a report called Destination Occupation which exposed how the world's leading digital tourism companies - Airbnb,, Expedia and TripAdvisor - contribute to and profit from the maintenance, development and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements. Such activities amount to war crimes under international law.
TripAdvisor is the second-most visited website (after Google) by foreign tourists arriving in Israel, with over a quarter (more than 800,000 people) saying that they consulted the site for attractions, tours, restaurants, cafes, hotels or rental apartments before arrival.
In Amnesty International campaigning, Kaufner was asked to stop listing or promoting properties, activities and attractions located in illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. TripAdvisor responded by claiming that "[t]he listing of a property or business on TripAdvisor does not represent our endorsement of that establishment". Yet the company does make a profit from listings including those in illegal Israeli settlements.
TripAdvisor and other businesses try to defend their position by claiming that the issue of illegal Israeli settlements is too political, so they cannot take a stance on it. We understand that businesses don't have the mandate to resolve political questions, but they do have a responsibility to ensure that they do not cause harm or contribute to human rights abuses.
The human rights impact of tourism and other business operations in Palestine is perhaps difficult for the reader to envision, but it is very real for the people living under Israeli occupation. For example, we found that TripAdvisor has prominently featured, and acted as a booking agent for the City of David, a popular tourist attraction located in Silwan, a Palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem. The site is managed by an organisation called the Elad Foundation, which is backed by the Israeli government and works to help Israeli settlers move into the area.
Silwan is home to about 33,000 Palestinians. Several hundred settlers now live there, as well in heavily protected settlement compounds. Israel has been moving its citizens into the neighbourhood since the 1980s. This has resulted in numerous human rights violations, including the forced eviction and displacement of Palestinian résidents.
In the past 10 years, at least 233 Palestinians have been displaced from Silwan. Most recently, on July 10, Israeli police and security forces evicted a Palestinian family of five, including four children, from their home in the neighbourhood.
By actively encouraging users to visit the City of David and take guided tours of the site, TripAdvisor has boosted Elad's business and profited from every booking made through its site.
If TripAdvisor had conducted even a basic risk assessment of its business activity in or with Israeli settlements, it would have found that such listings are contributing to sustaining an illegal situation that is inherently discriminatory and abusive of the human rights of Palestinians. It is astonishing that a multibillion-dollar company (which claims to be the world's most visited travel site, with more than 450 million unique visitors a month) has either not done such due diligence on its operations in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, or has done so but decided to continue its activities regardless.
Other digital tourism companies have also sent mixed messages on human rights. In April 2019, Airbnb announced that it would be reversing a previous decision to remove listings in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank following a class-action lawsuit by Israeli lawyers. The company stated that it would donate the profits from these listings to "non-profit organizations dedicated to humanitarian aid that serve people in different parts of the world". Why not in Palestine, in Gaza, where the Palestinians are dying slow deaths from hunger and thirsty?
Airbnb, like TripAdvisor, cannot continue to ignore its business with illegal Israeli settlements which goes against basic tenants of international human rights law, while trying to demonstrate concern for people in need through a corporate responsibility programme.
No amount of donations will erase the wrong they are doing in the occupied Palestinian territories and indeed, no amount of short-term profit should be worth contributing to war crimes.

Apartheid Adventures

Tese Onze III e IV, em português
Uma observação às palavras da Sabrina: O direito de retorno dos judeus à Palestina é uma fabricação sionista amoral e ilegal. Tal direito não existe. Intrinsicamente, retorno indica à própria terra; o que no caso dos judeus não se aplica, pois a única coisa que os liga à Palestina é a religião, como nós cristãos, e não direito nacional de nascimento e descendência. Todos os imigrantes sionistas que colonizam o território palestino ocupado na Cisjordânia têm pátria própria de onde emigram para ocupar terra alheia. 
Os palestinos têm direito ao retorno porque é um direito de solo, pátrio, já que a Palestina é o país de seus antepassados por dois mil anos ou mais, no que toca aos descendentes dos filistinos que eram donos da terra antes de David massacrá-los. Os palestinos sim, só têm uma pátria, a Palestina, para a qual têm o direito moral e legal (estabelecido pela ONU) de retornar.
A perseguição e a exterminação de judeus na Segunda Guerra não dá direito ao perseguido de perseguir, oprimir, despojar um povo e exterminá-lo. 


The Intercept Brasil

AOS FATOS:Todas as declarações de Bolsonaro, checadas


domingo, 21 de julho de 2019

Rogue state of Israel vs Palestine: The Boomerang effect

Breaking News
Hundreds of Israeli troops, accompanied by bulldozers, have begun demolishing homes in the Palestinian village of Sur Baher despite Palestinian protests and international criticism.

Residents of the village's Wadi al-Hummus neighbourhood told local media on Monday that 16 residential buildings, which hold around 100 apartments, were being targeted. 
"Preparations started past midnight as hundreds of armed Israeli occupying soldiers/ bulldozers stormed the town. Families threatened with demolitions were woken up/ moved out of their homes," read a tweet by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
The Israeli military considers the homes, which are close to an Israeli separation wall that crisscrosses the occupied West Bank "a security risk".
Dalia Qumsieh, a lawyer from the Palestinian rights group Al Haq, said that since the beginning of the Israeli occupation, the state has "always maintained these policies of the destruction of Palestinian property and homes throughout the occupied Palestinian territories and on both sides of the Green Line. The case of Sur Baher represents the physical translation of the culture of impunity that prevails," she said, speaking from the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. The demolitions are part of "a multi-layered situation of mass human rights violations" which includes the unjustified military destruction of property, the forcible transfer of Palestinians, the separation wall itself, and finally, the violation of Palestinian sovereignty and the absolute right to self-determination. States who fail to respect their obligations as set forth under international law must consider how they can take practical steps to prevent this from happening on a much larger scale. They must also ask themselves how they can activate their political wills in favour of establishing a counter-culture of impunity, a culture that respects the rule of law and international law."

Gaza's growing humanitarian crisis is finally registering in Israel as a pressing problem requiring "clear and immediate" action. However, it is not the impact of the crisis on the population of Gaza that is sounding the alarm bells in Tel Aviv, but the potential environmental damage Gaza's ongoing misery may cause Israel.
On June 3, researchers from Israel's Tel Aviv and Ben-Gurion universities presented a report, commissioned by the environmental organisation EcoPeace Middle East, in which they warned that "the collapsing water, sewage and electricity infrastructure in the Gaza Strip pose a material danger to Israel's groundwater, seawater, beaches and desalination plants."
One would expect any report on the environmental situation in Gaza to focus on the fact that nearly two million Palestinians in the Strip are living in inhumane conditions due to a relentless 12-year Israeli blockade and repeated devastating military assaults, which are rending the area "uninhabitable by 2020". 
Instead, the report has implied that the local residents are solely responsible for the imminent environmental catastrophe in Gaza which is threatening the security and wellbeing of Israeli citizens. Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which published a detailed report on the presentation, also spun the issue as a matter of national security.
But what Israel has now identified as a "national security problem" is indeed a disaster of its own making. The occupation, colonisation, dispossession and aggression against Palestine and the Palestinians have caused so much environmental damage that now even the Israeli occupier is suffering.
The environmental situation in Gaza is indeed dire at the moment, but it is not the Palestinians who made it so. Neither the "rapid population growth", nor neglect or ignorance of local residents that are its root causes. Countless reports by the United Nations and other organisations have documented in detail how and why the main culprit is Israel, its violent assaults on Gaza and its merciless siege.
Take the problem of untreated sewage ending up in the sea, which is causing problems for Israeli beach-goers and water desalination plants. The reason why Gaza's sewage is getting disposed of in this "irresponsible" way is that water treatment plants are not operational; they were targeted in the 2014 Israeli assault on the Strip and were never rebuilt because the Israeli siege does not allow for construction materials and spare parts to be brought in.
Untreated sewage is part of the larger water crisis in Gaza. As the report rightly points out, Gaza residents are overusing the aquifer under the Strip, which has become increasingly contaminated with sea water and chemicals and which constitutes the only source of fresh water for local residents because of the involuntary separation between the West Bank.
The reason why Palestinians in Gaza are unable to establish a proper water management system is again not their fault. Israel has repeatedly bombed its water infrastructure, including water pipes, wells and other facilities, and the debilitating Israeli siege has prevented the local authorities from fixing it and building a water desalination plant.
Gaza's water problem is not only an annoyance for the Israelis, but a potential source of an epidemic for the Palestinians. Already diarrheal diseases have doubled, reaching epidemic levels, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, while salmonella and typhoid fever are also on the rise. 
Then there is the problem with rubbish, which Palestinians are burning and hence"polluting Israeli air". As Cambridge University academic Ramy Salemdeeb has pointed out, Gaza has been unable to develop a proper waste management system because of economic restrictions due to the Israeli siege and a "limited land availability" because of its isolation from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories. 
What the Israeli report does not mention is that beyond sewage and rubbish problems, Gaza is also suffering from a variety of other environmental disasters, which are again linked to the Israeli occupation and aggression against the Palestinians.
The Israeli army regularly sprays herbicide on Palestinian arable land close to the fence separating the besieged territory from Israel. The chemical it uses most often is glyphosate, which has been proven to cause cancer. According to the Red Cross, these activities not only damage Palestinian crops but also contaminate the soil and water.
Israel's repeated bouts of heavy bombardment of the Strip have also contributed to pollution. There is evidence that the Israeli army has used depleted uranium and white phosphorus in its assaults on Gaza, which not only cause immediate harm to civilian populations but also remain a source of health risk long after the bombardment has stopped.
Likewise, weapons used in Israeli military operations have contaminated the environment in Gaza with heavy metals like tungsten, mercury, cobalt, barium, and cadmium, which are known to cause cancer, birth defects, infertility, etc. 
That Israel, which prides itself on supposedly "making the desert bloom" is responsible for a major environmental disaster in that same "desert" is hardly surprising. Given that it is a settler-colonial project, the (over)exploitation of the colonised land to the detriment of the environment and the local population is naturally a part of its modus operandi.
Indeed, all the land Israel has taken and occupied has suffered from environmental degradation in one way or another, with its harmful effects being conveniently shiftedtowards Palestinians land, villages and cities.
Israel's aggressive settlement-building practices have not only uprooted, segregated and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, but have also harmed the environment. They have led to excessive consumption of water, which has not only diminished significantly the access to water for Palestinians - leading some to talk about "water apartheid", but it has also depleted water resources in general. Aggressive use of water for agriculture - much of it run by illegal settlers in the West Bank - has led to the depletion of aquifers and a sharp decline in water levels in the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River.
Israel is also polluting Palestinian land by literally using it as a dumping ground. It has been estimated that some 80 percent of the rubbish generated by Israeli settlements is being dumped in the West Bank. Various Israeli industries and the army are also known to discard toxic waste on Palestinian land.
Furthermore, over the past few years, Israel has systematically moved polluting factories to the West Bank. It has done so by building so-called "industrial zones" which not only use cheap Palestinian labour, but also release their toxic byproducts into the environment without regard to the wellbeing of Palestinians living nearby.
Israel has also continued its decade-long practice of uprooting Palestinian olive and fruit tree groves. This strategy, meant to sever the connection Palestinians have to their land, has not only resulted in the loss of livelihood for thousands of Palestinian farmers, but also caused soil erosion and accelerated desertification of parts of occupied Palestine.
All of these activities damaging the environment in which the Palestinian people live are accumulating over time. Today they are endangering Palestinian lives, but tomorrow they will threaten Israeli lives as well.
If Israel continues to treat the issue as a "security problem" it will never get resolved because at the heart of it is the destructive logic of a colonial enterprise which seeks to exploit both land and people with no regard for nature and human wellbeing.
In other words, Israel will never achieve security - environmental or otherwise - as long as it continues to oppress the Palestinians, occupy their land and ravage the environment. Israeli air, water and overall environment will never be immune from the Israeli-made disasters in occupied Palestine.  Zavit's video below forgets to mention the main cause of Gaza's problems: the occupation of Palestine and the 13 years illegal and inhuman blockade.
Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have once again opened fire on Palestinians taking part in the 67th Friday of the peaceful protests "Great March of Return" along the separation fence between the besieged Gaza Strip and occupied territories injuring at least 97 peaceful protesters.
The Ministry of Health reported that Israeli occupation force shoots 97 citizens, 49 of them were injured with live ammunition, in addition to 4 paramedics and two journalists, east of Gaza, in the 67th Friday of the Great March of Return that was launched on 30 March 2018 and is still going on every Friday.
Tese Onze, em português


 The Intercept Brasil

AOS FATOS:Todas as declarações de Bolsonaro, checadas