domingo, 31 de março de 2019

The Great March of Return to their ancestral Land, Palestine

The Great March of Return

Eleições em Israel representam o maior perigo para a segurança dos palestinos. Toda vez que elas se aproximam, os bombardeios a Gaza se intensificam, os hospitais transbordam de feridos, dezenas e centenas de famílias choram seus entes perdidos, e o mundo acorda para a ocupação israelense ilegal e desumana da Palestina.
A história se repete também em 2019.
E a fachada democrática que Israel divulga na grande mídia soa extremamente vazia.
É preciso lembrar que a Grande Marcha Palestina do Retorno é um movimento não-violento e os participantes estão desarmados. No aniversário do dia 30 de março, três menores e um rapaz de 20 anos foram mortos pelos soldados israelenses que feriram gravemente cerca de 300 dos milhares de manifestantes que comemoraram a data pacificamente.
The United Nations recently released statistics stating that the Israeli army has killed 195 Palestinians since March 30 2018 only in Gaza. 41 of which were children. Around 29.000 Palestinians were wounded, 25% of them with live fire. One Israeli soldier was killed and 50 Israelis were reported injured by Palestinian actions in the same period
It is crucial to remember that the Palestinian Great March of Return is a non-violent protest and demonstrators are unarmed.
Land Day is a yearly event during which Palestinians commemorate the Israeli government’s confiscation of thousands of dunums of land from Palestinian citizens of Israel in 1976, and the killing of six Palestinians in the protests that followed.
This year, protesters also came out in support of Gaza and to mark the one-year anniversary of the Great March of Return. The series of marches and protests started one year ago to protest the blockade and demand the Palestinian right of return, to which Israeli soldiers have responded with lethal force.

March 30th is Palestinian Land Day. Day in which the Gaza Strip marked one-year anniversary of the Great March of Return protests, anticipating more of the same lethal violence that has characterised Israel's approach since the demonstrations began.
Last month, the United Nations Commission of Inquiry (COI) published a damning indictment of Israeli forces' conduct in suppressing the protests.
According to the COI, Israeli soldiers have been deliberately shooting civilians, killing and maiming protesters - including children, as well as journalists and medics.
The COI's findings were welcomed by human rights groups who last year unsuccessfully challenged the army's rules of engagement and its shooting policy in Israel's Supreme Court.
Those rules permit soldiers to target so-called "main inciters" - civilians deemed to be encouraging protesters to approach the fence.
"Israel has simply invented the concept of 'main inciters,'" said Professor Kevin Jon Heller, associate professor of public international law at the University of Amsterdam. "No such status exists under international humanitarian law (IHL) or international human rights law (IHRL). Under IHL, you are either a combatant or a civilian. Under IHRL, force of any kind requires the target to pose some kind of actual threat. You can't simply shoot someone in the leg because you think they are leading a demonstration. And lethal force requires the target to post an imminent threat to life."
No, you can't; no civilized army can; except the rogue IDF of Israel. And Nothing happens. No sanctions, No restrains. No intervention whatsoever.
More than 250 Palestinians have been killed since the protests began and thousands more have been injured.
In its new report, the UN found that 189 Palestinians were killed between March 30 and December 31 last year.
Israel's response to the Great March of Return protests is only the latest in a series of actions in Gaza that have drawn international condemnation.
During the 50-day offensive in 2014, for example, Israeli officials were slammed for a policy that saw Palestinian family homes repeatedly targeted over supposed links to armed faction members.
"Israel constantly stretches the limits of IHL and IHRL to justify its use of force against Palestinians," said Heller. 
Legal opinion confirmed by a B'Tselem spokesperson: "Instead of using international law as a minimal standard designed to protect civilians, Israel uses it as a 'war manual' ... looking for loopholes and basing its actions on unreasonable and legally flawed interpretation, founded on a morally repugnant world view. "This is not a legalistic or theoretical issue: this guise of legality legitimizes Israel's immoral, lethal policies in the eyes of both the Israeli public and the international community, which allows Israel to persist in its action with their fatal outcomes."
And the hasbara - vile propaganda - too is a lethal weapon. At first, it was a rocket, Israel claimed, which prompted another round of bombing of the civilians in the Gaza Strip. After damaging 500 Palestinian homes, and with talk of the Zionist state increasing its military presence on the nominal Gaza borders, the first anniversary commemorating the Great March of Return protests on 30 March is being cited as the next stage for the colonial entity’s premeditated bloodshed.
Former Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Chief Benny Gantz is still pushing for more violence and has, once again, mentioned a return to targeted assassinations of Palestinians if he is elected next month.

Yes, Israeli public opinion backs Netanyahu's crimes, despite his lies.

Over half of Israelis believe that Israel’s recent attack on the Gaza Strip was too weak, while only three per cent thought it constituted an excessive approach.
The poll – which was published by Israel’s public broadcaster Kan this morning – found that 53 per cent of respondents think Israel’s attack on Gaza in the past few days was “too weak”. Only three per cent said Israel’s response was “excessive”, while 29 per cent said Israel’s response was “sufficient without being excessive,” Arutz Sheva reported.
The poll also found that Israelis were divided over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s performance throughout the attack, with only 24 per cent of Israelis characterising his performance as “good”. A further 33 per cent said it was “poor”, while 33 per cent gave the prime minister a “moderate” rating.
This comes after Israel on Monday launched an attack on the already-besieged Gaza Strip, continuing to bombard the coastal enclave throughout the week. In what the Israeli army claimed to be a response to a rocket fired from Gaza at a town north of Tel Aviv, Israel sent two army brigades – amounting to over 1,000 soldiers – to the Gaza fence and called up reservists from aerial units in preparation for air strikes.
It also locked down the Strip, closing the Kerem Shalom (Karm Abu Salem) and Erez (Beit Hanoun) crossings – which allow goods and medical supplies into Gaza – and reduced the fishing zone it imposes off the Strip’s Mediterranean coast.
This was followed by a series of intense bombardments of Gaza which saw multiple buildings destroyed, including a mosque and the office of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas which governs the enclave. Images of the destruction have since revealed that, contrary to the Israeli army’s claims to have only targeted military positions, civilian infrastructure including Palestinians’ homes was also hit. Palestine’s Public Works Minister, Mufeed Al-Hasayneh, announced that in only one day “30 houses were completely destroyed and 500 houses were damaged” across Gaza.

One of the Palestinian teenagers killed by Israeli occupation forces in the Palestinian occupied territories, was a volunteer medic in Bethlehem, in the West Bank.
Sajid Muzher, 18, was shot while trying to treat wounded Palestinians, during a predawn raid of Dheisheh camp by the Israeli army.

In democratic countries, elections are conventionally described as “a celebration of democracy.” But in an undemocratic reality, elections sadly become an overt celebration of violence.
In Israel, election campaigns like the one that is going on  thoughtlessly celebrate the privileges of those eligible to vote, while showing almost complete apathy to the exclusion of millions of subjects. Palestinians, of course, have no need to be reminded of their condition — they are well aware of the reality in which they live. But even so, a situation in which every few years Israelis spend months wondering exactly how they should continue to control the lives of others marks a nadir in the violence we have internalized.

Whether public discourse during the elections includes a debate on these issues, or whether politicians and the public do everything they can to avoid mentioning the occupation, the political choices Israelis make determine how to entrench the occupation regime. Israeli Jews are the ones that determine how they will manage the enormous prison that is the Gaza Strip from the outside; how many homes they will demolish and how many communities they will displace in the West Bank; and how many Palestinian families will be deprived of their homes in East Jérusalem.
Immediately after the election Campaign, and in the intervening years before the next one, Israeli Jews will rely on these "democratic elections" to both justify what Israel does to the people it  subjects on both sides of the Green Line as well as to market this reality as an acceptable one.
In this way, the election actually forms a vital component in legitimizing the ongoing control of Israell's crimes againts the people whose country they occupy.
After all, every Israeli decision, no matter how arbitrary, is seen as the product of these elections. This is an inherently violent situation, since it is impossible to justify the ongoing ethnic cleansing along with land-house-natural ressources  theft without being part of these crimes itself.
Israeli violence is manifed not only when a soldier shoots or beats a Palestinian. It is there every time a lawyer in Israel's State Attorney's Office closes a file of a Killing, or when a official prevents another Palestinian student from travelling abroad to continue their studies or deny sick or wounded Palestinians the right to treatment, or hold 2 million Palestinians in a concentration camp which has bein called an open air prison which they bomb once in a while while starving the human beings they see as disposable animals.
Every single Palestinian life lies in the hads of the Israeli Jewish citizens and they Apply this violence through a slow, protacted and arbitrary bureaucracy.
Moreover, the presence of "democratic elections" is of great importance not only in terms of image and propaganda, but also as a crucial valve that hinders assertive action by the international Community that would, at last, express its rejection of this horrendous reality.
Bottomline, Israel upcoming elections in April are just a sham.
A way to hide the crimes of a Jewish supremacist society, as says Norman Finkelstein. 

Israel is not interested in the Golan Heights for security


In the weeks since Jose Guaidó declared to a crowd of supporters in Venezuela that he was the new president of Venezuela a lot has happened and very little has happened. The United States, Brasil and Colombia—three of the most right-wing governments in the Americas—unsurprisingly declared their support of Guaidó. Others followed. Indeed, it is more than reasonable to assume that it was the United States that not only encouraged Guaidó’s declaration but was intimately involved in preparing it. As much as been verified by numerous news articles and even a few statements from US Secretary of State John Bolton.
Venezuela is the first new country hit by the Trump administration’s indispensable need to establish its American-exceptionalist, “Presidentialist,” bona fides. It is the Goldilocks target. 
Not too small: It is, in fact, a significant country with world’s largest oil reserves, and a proclaimed socialist government that’s been a thorn in the gringo boot on Latin America for almost twenty years. 
Not too big: It’s no military match for U.S. & Latin American proxy armed forces, and nobody will start WWIII to defend it. 
Just right: A decisive win, at little apparent cost. And just the kind of amuse-boucheneeded to get the U.S. population’s juices flowing for a more costly and difficult attack on the ultimate target—Iran. At least, that’s the way they think.
It seems that very few statements from anti-intervention organizations and individuals do not include some kind of disclaimer that distances the writer, organization or speaker from the Maduro government. Many of these disclaimers call Maduro a dictator. Others have used essentially racist tropes by comparing Maduro to “the kind of guy who tied ladies to railway lines in silent movies.” 
And there are those writers and folks who are opposed to US intervention in Venezuela but tend to emphasize how much they do not like Maduro as much if not more than their opposition to the coup and sanctions. I can’t help but be reminded of the proverb: “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”
In other words, if one doesn’t consider the United States to be a weird democracy then they would be hard-pressed to label Venezuela as a dictatorship. The only reasoning that would allow this distortion would be one that sees the United States as an exemplary exception to the rest of the world. 
It would be a perception that ignored the fact of Trump’s installation in the White House despite losing the popular vote. 
It would be a perception that ignored the fact that the US Senate guarantees an unequal representation that has historically granted the monied right-wing elements of the US polity more power than the majority. Besides the almighty influence of the Zionist lobby AIPAC.
It is a perception that ignores the fundamental inequality based on class and race that is part and parcel of US history. In other words, it is American exceptionalism, a myth that too many on what passes for the US liberals have accepted as reality.

Daily Life Occupation 

NO to Eurovision in Tel Aviv

A Semana Anual do Apartheid israelense está acontecendo até o dia 8 de abril no mundo inteiro.
Ainda há tempo de ativar um comitê em sua cidade, escola, universidade.
Para organizar as manifestações político-culturais, entre em contato com o BDS Brasil ( ou acesse diretamente o link internacional e organize as atividades de solidariedade com o povo palestino há 71 anos ocupado.
O tema deste ano é "Parem de armar o Colonialismo".
E não se esqueça de checar a origem dos produtos que consome para boicotar Israel, inclusive Hewlett Packard.
The 15th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week of actions will take place all around the world between March 18th and April 8th 2019 under the theme “Stop Arming Colonialism”. 
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It now takes place in over 200 cities across the world, where events such as lectures, film screenings, direct action, cultural performances, postering, among many more help in grassroots organizing for effective solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.
Israel is able to maintain its illegal occupation and apartheid regime over Palestinians partly due to its arms sales and the military support it receives from governments across the world. The United States alone is the single largest supplier of arms and military aid to Israel, followed by European states. These directly sustain Israel’s oppression and human rights violations.
In the Global South, Israel has been known to supply weapons to genocidal regimes in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and elsewhere. Presently, Israel is a major arms exporter to right-wing, authoritarian regimes from Brazil to India, the Philippines and beyond. These weapons are promoted as ‘field-tested’, which means they have been used to kill or injure Palestinians. In fact, Israel is already promoting the technology it has used to repress the Great March of Return in Gaza calling for the right of refugees to return home and an end to the siege. These arms deals finance Israel’s apartheid regime and its illegal occupation while simultaneously deepening militarization and persecution of people’s movements and oppressed communities in countries where they are bought.
The Palestinian-led BDS movement has reiterated the demand for a military embargo on Israel in the light of Israel’s violent repression of the Great March of Return. International human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have also responded to the Israeli massacre in Gaza with this demand. The UK Labour Party, in its conference in September 2018, passed a motion condemning Israel’s killing of Palestinian protesters in Gaza and called for a freeze of arms sales to Israel.
Ending arms trade, military aid and cooperation with Israel will undercut financial and military support for its regime of apartheid, settler-colonialism and illegal occupation. It will also end the flow of Israeli weapons and security technology and techniques to governments that suppress resistance of their own citizens, people’s movements and communities against policies that deprive them of fundamental rights, including the right to the natural resources of their country.
A military embargo on Israel is a measure for freedom and justice of Palestinians and oppressed peoples in many parts of the world. It can successfully be achieved with massive grassroots efforts, similar to the sustained global mobilization that eventually compelled the United Nations to impose a binding international military embargo against South Africa’s apartheid regime.
Israeli Apartheid Week 2019 will be an important platform for building the campaign for a military embargo on Israel. We invite progressive groups to organize events on their campuses and in their cities to popularize and build momentum in this direction.
If you would like to organize and be part of Israeli Apartheid Week 2019 on your campus or in your city, check out what events are already planned at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, register online and get in touch with IAW coordinators in your region.

Daily Life Under Occupation


AOS FATOS:Todas as declarações de Bolsonaro, checadas

domingo, 24 de março de 2019

Media lack of accuracy to cover Israel ethnic cleansing of Palestine

As the United Nations observed World Water Day last Friday, let us get the facts straight about Palestinian Blue Gold.
The UN brought people's attention to teh estimayted 2.1 billion people around the world who do not have access to clean water. 
It did not mention that at least 1.6 million of them are in the United States of America. Actually, this is the number of Americans without a tap or toilet in their home.
As Lula and Dilma used to say, a rich country is one without poverty. No doubt about that.

Rewind: Gaza - Children of conflit

As to the main subject of this post, dubbed an open-air prison on account of Israel's and Egypt's ongoing air, land and sea blockade of the coastal enclave, Gaza is, according to Amnesty International and several other rights groups, on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.
In February, António Guterres, the United Nations secretary-general, highlighted the crisis, saying that the near two million Palestinians of the besieged strip "remain mired in increasing poverty and unemployment, with limited access to adequate health, education, water and electricity".
But the mainstream media does not always succeed in telling Palestine's contemporary story with accuracy and empathy.
On March 14th, in the Scottish city of Glasgow, experts discussed the media's role in covering one of the most pressing and divisive issues in international politics. 
The panel was hosted by The Balfour Project, a campaign group created by British citizens to raise awareness over Britain's record in Palestine before and during its Mandate.
"You always come under particular pressure with [reporting on events in Israel and Palestine] because there is an intense and concerted Israeli media lobby - and there always was," said Sarah Helm, a former foreign correspondent for the UK's Independent newspaper. "And that includes a very intense Israeli political lobby working at every single level, which there always was too - and that was no secret and nor would they make a secret of it." 
Sarah was based in Jerusalem in the 1990s. She said that her editors would often come "under pressure from the Israeli lobby in London on what correspondents out in the field were doing in a way that was not really true… [for] other foreign stories. Because newspapers have been got at and persuaded and pressurised by the pro-Israel lobby, the upshot over time is that the reader hasn't got a clue what this place [Palestine] is."
Today, similar concerns remain. 
David Cronin, for example, who had freelanced for The Guardian, wrote in 2015 about his frustrations with the newspaper in Electronic Intifada, where he acts as an associate editor. 
Having reported about atrocities against Palestinians committed by Israel, the paper was later "not keen to have me writing from Gaza", he said, adding that one editor advised him to steer clear of covering the conflict altogether.
Time and space constraints also mean that UK media reports neglect the contextual history of the conflict.
This includes the fact that seven out of 10 Gazans are registered as refugees, with many originating from families who were forced to flee their homes after Israel's foundation in 1948.
"It seems to me that certain absolutely fundamental facts have to be high up in any story," Sarah rightly said. At least that is what we are taught in Journalism school. The problem is that the Western media narrative has been dominated by Israel during the entire 70-year conflict. A fact that is stated even by Ilan Baruch, the former Israeli ambassador to South Africa: "Israel was brilliantly successful in offering a narrative to the western hemisphere that was embraced with little or no objective judgement," said Baruch, who resigned from the foreign service in 2011 because he felt he could no longer represent the Israeli government's policies.
Reporting fatigue also contributes to poor media coverage. 
Sir Vincent Fean, a former British consul-general in Jerusalem, said that Gaza's "complex and deep-rooted" struggle has diminished the "appetite of Western media. In addition to the fatigue, there is also the fact that other crises in the Middle East are bloodier, like Syria and Yemen," said Fean, who was the UK's top-ranking consular officer in Jerusalem from 2010 to 2014. "They take some of the oxygen away from the issue."
Actually, the mainstream media focus is always on Palestinian reaction and not on Israeli action and it insinuates that Palestinians are on the offence when in fact they are on the defence.
To right the wrong, editors must have the courage of their convictions to insist historical context enables the reader, listener or viewer to understand the conflict. This is because History has been allowed - and even recent history has been allowed - to disappear into a swamp. And everyone is so terrified of putting a foot wrong and being accused of being anti-Semitic that they daren't even ask the [necessary] questions.
As several critics of Israeli government policy find themselves accused of anti-Jewish racism, Baruch, the former Israeli ambassador to South Africa, said the debate needed to move past conflating these two notions. "Even criticising Zionism as the inspirational movement that created Israel is not anti-Semitism," he said. "[The anti-Semitism charge] is just a ploy to pull down criticism of Israel."
I totally agree with that and dare to speak up for Palestinian rights. I'm not the only one. I wish the mainstream media allow us to say the Truth out loud and the hell with the hasbara.  

Gaza (18'): nominated for the Goya Prize 2019


"Hoje é a Venezuela, amanhã pode ser o Brasil",
The application of hate as an instrument of control puts at risk; innocent, political neutral bystanders and everyone else. It is a stored surplus for any power-seeking malevolent intentions to acid strip away any reasonable doubt to question authority and imperial rule. It is the perfect rationale that best camouflages racism, bigotry, cruelty and vengefulness. Its coiled tension when released can cause irreversible damage. Hence, the grip of hate can evolve into violence and evil acts of destruction. It points to an emotional/calculating path of insanity that goes in many directions and can be as permanent as Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine and U.S Imperial hegemony with different levels of undiscriminating forms of punishment.
The Jekyll and Hyde character of empires according to its national security excuses and interest will determine the degree of humane rights violations and destruction with no regrets or remorse what so ever. Golda Meir, one of Israel's most proeminent user of the hasbara - apology for Zionism genocide - made an awful excuse for the massacres of the Palestinians: "We can forgive [the Palestinians] for Killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with them when they love their children more than they hate us". I am absolutely sure she projected her own hate onto the people she and her friends massacred.
Just like Israel, the United States feed themselves on conquests, oppression and live in denial. Past U.S presidents have made it very clear as did H.W Bush during an international incident, “I will never apologize for the United States of America. I don’t care what the facts are.” I have no doubt she was projecting her own hate onto the Palestinian people. 
U.S Imperialism draws its adrenaline from the logic of a biblical syndrome as the chosen one to lead as a divine favor to the world. Not to say the least the rewards that come plundering and domination.
The banality of hate normalizes everyday practices with justifications that conceal the inhibited ability to a face-to-face discussion without the vantage point of might or superiority.
It is unable to see eye to eye with otherness as equals for it is easier to harm, stereotype and accuse when the other is under the scope of hate. Hate is a manipulative variable, a barrier and an essential component to suppressing truth. Hate short circuits the will to dialogue and allows degenerate thinking possess hearts and souls. It is the first step to indifference. Caution to fall under its spell is a moral and an ethical defeat against sanity, peace and justice. 
The targeting of Venezuela is not just to remove its political Bolivarian identity but to build animosity amongst people of the region towards one another. It is a tactful jingoistic approach against Venezuela to fragment a unifying possibility while Bolivarians seeks a way out from the shadows of a world economic system made from the simmering ashes of colonization. The assault to its national sovereignty by U.S imperialism stokes anxieties of distrust and seeks out the fissures within its boundaries like it did in Chile 1973. Such hostility is an extension of Eisenhower’s dictum during the Korean War: “Set Asian to fight Asians.”In the case of Venezuela, it is ‘set the Venezuelans to fight Venezuelans.  The imperial goal is to pry open the country to the will of a global economic ruling status quo at all cost.
The psych-ops against Venezuela from both spheres of the world; the global north and their obedient collaborators of the global south Led by U.S, is a strategy of throwing the other of balance based on insidious fake accusations driven by deceiving social media networks, journalist and short-sighted reporters. For Argentinian journalist Rudolfo Walsh (1927-1977) conformist and imperial abiding reporting are ‘cultural tranquilizers.’
Just like Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion created Histadrut in Palestine in the 1920's to take over all national infrastructure companies and natural ressources in order to steal land and subjugate and take control of the country and of the natives, the attempt by the U.S government  and the Lima group as an accomplice to steal and control Venezuela’s natural resources, oil (the largest oil reserve in the world), nickel, copper, natural gas, gold, water is not the only objective in this conflict; it’s to delay and push back decades the possibility to strategize a healthy regional economic system for Venezuelans and partners that can counter capitalist imperial ambitions. The coveting of such natural wealth by U.S is disturbing as is the manufacturing of destruction by its arrogant use of its military might and world influence. The repeated historical pattern of coveting strategical resources once again proves that U.S hegemony is lethal to a safe planet. Such bold imperial plan to heist Venezuela’s main source of state revenues (oil production) could not have better been expressed other than by National Security Advisor John Bolton: “We’re in conversation with major American companies now,” he said. “I think we’re trying to get to the same result end here. … It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.”
Any extreme measures vs radical measures for Hannah Arendt does not imply change. In the case of Venezuela, the extreme measures (first phase of indirect violence) against its sovereignty are regressive actions of economic strangulation (sanctions) meant to frustrate and bend the will of its democratically elected government, president, its citizens at a time of economic difficulties. All attempts by Venezuelan government to an open dialogue have been canceled by the opposition. The attack against Venezuela is against a possible radical shift that implies an economic structural change were by power and destiny lays in the hands of its constituency without any outside interference. While the freezing of Venezuela’s accounts and access to loans essential for trade and to pay for imports is animperial geographical reliningof Venezuela’s ability to escape the financial chokehold imposed by the financial power houses of the world. Hence it is an extension of an undeclared war.
Venezuela’s reliance on its military for protection is questioned by some. The answer is, how can it not be when the powerful grow powerful and the weaker grow weak resisting zealot medieval inquisitions by Europe, Canada, U.S and a harmful reactionary opposition. 
Corporate media has confined Venezuela’s military support of Maduro as having been paid off… as if loyalty and dignity in defending their country did not exist. Could it be U.S attempts at buying the generals failed?  What is ignored is the anti-imperialist character of the Bolivarian forces. The Venezuelan military deserters who crossed over to Colombia on February 23, 2019, now find themselves abandoned both by Colombia and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. The UNCHR and the Colombian Government have given the soldiers 4 days to leave the refugee camp.
The whole theatrical show of humanitarian aid and U.S war planes landing on a dusty border town in Colombia with reporters reporting from the frontline with serious faces of concern is a typicalhollywoodscript while the American public as spectators watch each scene unfold like a movie that is meant to be seen only from afar. For the act of watching requires no input and neither is the spectators expected to contribute in any way other than to watch and be entertained. Like extras in a film the participants  as well as the viewers are regulated to take orders and perform according to the script. It is either you like or not. If you don’t, then turn the channel, move away and look the other away. In his 2005 epilogue to America the New Empire,(pg.390) Scottish Historian V. G Kiernan expressed the following: “a significant portion of the U.S public has come to regard maintenance of Empire as a great sacrifice, involving humanitarian devotion to the spread of democracy and the global well-being.”
As states from the global south dismantle and liquidate their resources and state own enterprises (some willingly others forced) to the highest bidders of the North, they cease to be owners and instead are converted into managers for the rich and the mighty at the expense of the people present and future. Any subsidizing is reserved for corporations, banks and entities vital to imperial domination and not to beneficial healthy planetary programs.
U.S war traumas derived from defeats are superseded by more wars. It is condemned like Sisyphus to a never-ending task of perpetual war after reaching the top of the hill only to restart again. For it is sentenced by the very same nature of empire ambitions (market expansion+ unlimited/appropriation of natural resources+ finance capital control+ cultural hegemony+ Military might.) and its institutional arrogance that comes from conquering and dominating. No peace can come from this systematic harassment towards Venezuela: “It is meant to destroys the social fabric and cuts at collective bonds – using chaos to get its way.”
It is transferred over to the uncritical and consciously naïve citizen: the political neutral bystander, the innocent, and everyone else. Be it left or right, center left or center right, liberals and democrats the absence of an ethical complicity with any victim of empire ventures is complicit with its system. For hate allied with injustice, racism and depravation of basic human needs is a blinding factor that can and has subjected the innocent, the uncritical and consciousness naïve citizen to participate in direct or indirect horrendous acts of human rights violations by allowing it to happen. Under such circumstances hate can be best described when it crystalizes into what Arendt describes as the banality of evil.
Imperial propaganda, its motives and its persuasive ways are hidden in the colonial details in Palestine as well as in the countries the US covets. There are plenty of historical facts that counter the conjured lies by unscrupulous governments, mostly of the US and Israel. If anything, taking a closer look at the facts and moving away from any biases in the cases of Palestine and of Venezuela, is an important step to take. It shall assist our co- responsibility we owe to ourselves and to others with justice, truth, fairness and dignity for all.

Juan Guaidó is a useful pawn for U.S. interests in Venezuela, but is he expendable?
On January 15th, the White House reported that VP Mike Pence spoke by phone “today” with Guaidó, the president of Venezuela’s National Assembly.  It claimed the call was made “to recognize his courageous leadership following his arrest and intimidation this weekend, and to express the United States’ resolute support for the National Assembly of Venezuela as the only legitimate democratic body in the country.” On the 23rd, Guaidó declared himself interim president of Venezuela.
In its brief statement about the call between Pence and Guaidó, the White House failed to report that the VP “pledged” that the Trump administration would support him “if he seized the reins of government from [elected President] Nicolas Maduro by invoking a clause in the South American country’s constitution.”
This was revealed by The Wall Street Journal and sheds light on what actually was said during the conversation. “That late-night call set in motion a plan that had been developed in secret over the preceding several weeks, accompanied by talks between U.S. officials, allies, lawmakers, and key Venezuelan opposition figures, including Mr. Guaido himself,” it reported.  Citing an anonymous administration official, it noted, “Almost instantly, just as Mr. Pence had promised, President Trump issued a statement recognizing Mr. Guaido as the country’s rightful leader.”  On the 23rd, Trump twitted, “President @realDonaldTrump has officially recognised the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.”
The Journal went further, pointing out, “Other officials who met that day at the White House included… [Sec. of State] Pompeo and [National Security Advisor] Bolton, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who presented Mr. Trump with options for recognizing Mr. Guaido.” It added, “Mr. Trump decided to do it. Mr. Pence, who wasn’t at that meeting, placed his phone call to Mr. Guaido to tell him, ‘If the National Assembly invoked Article 233 the following day, the president would back him.'”
On the 30th, as reported by Roll Call, Trump placed a follow-up call to Guaidó.  Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement, the call was made to “congratulate him [Guaidó] on his historic assumption of the presidency and to reinforce President Trump’s strong support for Venezuela’s fight to regain its democracy.” During the call, Guaidó “noted the importance of the large protests across Venezuela against former dictator Maduro, set to occur today and Saturday,” she added.
Almost on cue, following Trump’s call 11 European Union countries quickly recognized Guaidó as Venezuela’s president, including Austria, Britain, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. By mid-February, 65 countries had recognized him as president.  Quickly thereafter, Canada, Israel and the bloc of right-wing Latin American governments known as the Lima Group recognized Guaidó.
As if they were a Greek chorus cheering from the sidelines, the U.S. mainstream media joined it anointing Guaidó as president.  As summarized by GreyZone, “The New York Times editorial board hailed Guaidó as a ‘credible rival’ to Maduro with a ‘refreshing style and vision of taking the country forward.’ The Bloomberg News editorial board applauded him for seeking “restoration of democracy” and the Wall Street Journal declared him ‘a new democratic leader.’”
The innumerable print and media reports about the on-going Venezuela crisis share a common portrait of Guaidó, one in which he emerged, like an innocent new-born politician, from the social chaos to take leadership. More troubling, it presents him as a unifier of large spectrum of political groups in opposition to the Maduro regime.  This portrait is not only mostly a fiction but serves to hide not only his history as a rightwing militant but the role the U.S. government has played for a decade-a-half in shaping Guaidó for his current effort to orchestrate a coup d’etat.
In the highly informative expose, “The Making of Juan Guaido,” Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, report that as a student, Guaidó strongly opposed Venezuela’s former president Hugo Chavez and supported the 2002 coup attempt against him.  He backed Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), the privately-owned rightwing radio station, that played a key role in fermenting the 2002 coup by helping mobilize anti-government demonstrations, blaming government supporters for attacks on anti-government forces and blocking pro-government reports about the coup.
Guaidó graduated from Caracas’ Andrés Bello University in engineering in 2007 and went on for a graduate degree in the governance and political management program at George Washington University.  At GW, he studied under the Venezuelan economist Luis Enrique Berrizbeitia, a leading Latin American neoliberal economist.
In 2007, the Maduro regime refused to grant RCTV’s a license renewal and Guaidó helped lead anti-government rallies protests against the decision.  Guaidó and some of his closest associates were part of a rightwing youth group, “Generation 2007,” that sought to overthrow the Chavez government. The group included Leopoldo López, a Princeton-education man who came from one of Venezuela’s richest families and was a descended from his country’s first president, who long worked with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and was elected mayor of a district in Caracas.  López founded the Popular Will (Voluntad Popular) party which Guaidó eventually came to lead.
Two years earlier, in October 2005, some of those who would form the Generation 2007 group – but apparently not Guaidó — went to Belgrade, Serbia, for rightwing insurrectionary training.  The trip was sponsored by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) and largely funded by the NED. Stratfor, the military-intelligence contractor, reported that “[CANVAS] may have also received CIA funding and training during the 1999/2000 anti-Milosevic struggle.”
Stratfor outlined CANVAS’s training program in revealing terms: “Success is by no means guaranteed, and student movements are only at the beginning of what could be a years-long effort to trigger a revolution in Venezuela. The trainers have got mad skills. When you see students at five Venezuelan universities hold simultaneous demonstrations, you will know that the training is over and the real work has begun.”
In 2010, Statfor outlined what one analyst called a plan to “drive a dagger through the heart of the Bolivarian revolution.”  The scheme involved upending country’s electrical system, thus leading to a 70 percent in service. “This could be the watershed event, as there is little that Chavez can do to protect the poor from the failure of that system,” a Stratfor internal memo declared. It went on to note, “This would likely have the impact of galvanizing public unrest in a way that no opposition group could ever hope to generate. At that point in time, an opposition group would be best served to take advantage of the situation and spin it against Chavez and towards their needs.”  Nine years later, an idle scheme became a threating reality.
In 2010, Guaidó and a handful of other student activists attended a secret five-day training retreat at Mexico City’s Fiesta Mexicana run by Otpor, the Belgrade-based regime-change trainers backed by the U.S. government, notably Otto Reich, an advisor to the Reagan and Bush administrations.  Venezuela’s Socialist Party legislator Robert Serra claimed, “Behind this [retreat] are big interests and big finances, we´re talking about an international network which sought to destabilise our country.”
One of Guaidó’s associates, Miami-based Maria Corina Machado, was identified as the key to a 2014 plot against Maduro.  She claimed that the plot was OK-ed by U.S. Ambassador to Colombia, Kevin Whitaker. “I have already made up my mind and this fight will continue until this regime is overthrown and we deliver to our friends in the world,” Machado said. And insisted, “If I went to San Cristobal and exposed myself before the OAS, I fear nothing. Kevin Whitaker has already reconfirmed his support and he pointed out the new steps. We have a checkbook stronger than the regime’s to break the international security ring.”
Most troubling, the Popular Will party, including Guaidó, was actively involved in a 2014 campaign known asguarimbas, anti-Maduro street protesters.  He tweeted a video featuring himself wearing a helmet and gas mask and surrounded by masked and armed associates.  They blocked a highway and had violent clashes with the police. The demonstration also took place at universities where students wore T-shirts embossed “Popular Will” or “Justice First.”  The 2014 guarimbas showdown ended with the killing of about 43 people and, in a 2017 incident, 126 people, including many Chavistas and police officers.
In 2015, Guaidówas elected a member of the National Assembly and, in 2018, he spearheaded the opposition coalition named the Democratic Unity Round Table (MUD). As a member of the Venezuelan parliament, Guaido headed an inspection commissioninvestigating high-profile corruption cases, such as the Odebrecht construction company bribery case, involving officials of Maduro’s government. Odebrecht, the largest construction and development company in Latin America, admitted in 2016 to bribing government officials in a dozen South American countries.
As Cohen and Blumenthal report, “Guaidó is known as the president of the opposition-dominated National Assembly, but he was never elected to the position.”  They point out that Guaidó was fourth in line among opposition-group leaders for the position but the first was under house arrest, another was hiding out in the Chilean embassy, the third mysterious did not assume the position and the fourth was Guaidó. The Popular Will party represents only 14 percent of legislators.
In late 2018, Guaidó visited Washington, Colombia and Brazil to help coordinate plans for mass opposition demonstrations during Maduro’s second inauguration in January 2019.  Leading the anti-Maduro campaign, Bolton screeched, “What we’re focusing on today is disconnecting the illegitimate Maduro regime from the source of its revenues. We think consistent with our recognition of Juan Guaidó as the constitutional interim president of Venezuela that those revenues should go to the legitimate government.” As reported in the Journal, another U.S. official said, “We have been engaged with the same strategy: to build international pressure, help organize the internal opposition and push for a peaceful restoration of democracy. But that internal piece was missing.”  A U.S. official said, “He [Guaidó] was the piece we needed for our strategy to be coherent and complete.”
The New York Times confirmed this assessment, quoting William Brownfield, the former American ambassador to Venezuela: “For the first time, you have an opposition leader [Guaidó] who is clearly signaling to the armed forces and to law enforcement that he wants to keep them on the side of the angels and with the good guys.”
Like the tide, the USA's political puppets come and go, some last longer while other serve for but an historical instant. Among the many who’ve served U.S. interests and were, in time, swept from the historical stage are Manuel Noriega (Panama), Augusto Pinochet (Chile), Rios Montt (Guatemala) and Anastasio Somosa (Nicaragua) along with the (Shah) Mohammad Reza (Iran) and right now, Jair Bolsonaro in Brasil. Looking to Guaidó’s fate, Diego Sequera, a Venezuelan journalist, notes, “It doesn’t matter if he crashes and burns after all these misadventures, to the Americans, he is expendable.” There is another "Gauidó" on the line, well trained, ready to be propelled to the top of American slaveryship.

Selling Jerusalem

Cultural boycott of Israel: NO to Eyurovision in Tel Aviv!

A Semana Anual do Apartheid israelense está acontecendo do dia 18 de março a 8 de abril no mundo inteiro.
Ainda há tempo de ativar um comitê em sua cidade, escola, universidade.
Para organizar as manifestações político-culturais, entre em contato com o BDS Brasil ( ou acesse diretamente o link internacional e organize as atividades de solidariedade com o povo palestino há 71 anos ocupado.
O tema deste ano é "Parem de armar o Colonialismo".
E não se esqueça de checar a origem dos produtos que consome para boicotar Israel, inclusive Hewlett Packard.

The 15th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week of actions will take place all around the world between March 18th and April 8th 2019 under the theme “Stop Arming Colonialism”. 
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It now takes place in over 200 cities across the world, where events such as lectures, film screenings, direct action, cultural performances, postering, among many more help in grassroots organizing for effective solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle.
Israel is able to maintain its illegal occupation and apartheid regime over Palestinians partly due to its arms sales and the military support it receives from governments across the world. The United States alone is the single largest supplier of arms and military aid to Israel, followed by European states. These directly sustain Israel’s oppression and human rights violations.
In the Global South, Israel has been known to supply weapons to genocidal regimes in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and elsewhere. Presently, Israel is a major arms exporter to right-wing, authoritarian regimes from Brazil to India, the Philippines and beyond. These weapons are promoted as ‘field-tested’, which means they have been used to kill or injure Palestinians. In fact, Israel is already promoting the technology it has used to repress the Great March of Return in Gaza calling for the right of refugees to return home and an end to the siege. These arms deals finance Israel’s apartheid regime and its illegal occupation while simultaneously deepening militarization and persecution of people’s movements and oppressed communities in countries where they are bought.
The Palestinian-led BDS movement has reiterated the demand for a military embargo on Israel in the light of Israel’s violent repression of the Great March of Return. International human rights organizations such as Amnesty International have also responded to the Israeli massacre in Gaza with this demand. The UK Labour Party, in its conference in September 2018, passed a motion condemning Israel’s killing of Palestinian protesters in Gaza and called for a freeze of arms sales to Israel.
Ending arms trade, military aid and cooperation with Israel will undercut financial and military support for its regime of apartheid, settler-colonialism and illegal occupation. It will also end the flow of Israeli weapons and security technology and techniques to governments that suppress resistance of their own citizens, people’s movements and communities against policies that deprive them of fundamental rights, including the right to the natural resources of their country.
A military embargo on Israel is a measure for freedom and justice of Palestinians and oppressed peoples in many parts of the world. It can successfully be achieved with massive grassroots efforts, similar to the sustained global mobilization that eventually compelled the United Nations to impose a binding international military embargo against South Africa’s apartheid regime.
Israeli Apartheid Week 2019 will be an important platform for building the campaign for a military embargo on Israel. We invite progressive groups to organize events on their campuses and in their cities to popularize and build momentum in this direction.
If you would like to organize and be part of Israeli Apartheid Week 2019 on your campus or in your city, check out what events are already planned at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, register online and get in touch with IAW coordinators in your region.

AOS FATOS:Todas as declarações de Bolsonaro, checadas

Na verdade, os Estados Unidos cobiçam o petróleo da Venezuela, mas mais ainda a água brasileira.