terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014

Rogue State of Israel XXIV : Licenced to Lie Cheat Kill?

While negotiations continue in Cairo, the United Nations has named experts to an international commission of inquiry into possible human rights violations and war crimes committed by both sides during Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip.
Israel responded to Monday's announcement, dismissing the inquiry as a UN Human Rights Council "kangaroo court".
Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said: "Hamas welcomes the decision to form an investigation committee into the war crimes committed by the occupation [Israel] against Gaza and it urges that it begin work as soon as possible."
Like in 2009, it won't be hard to prove Israel's crimes. Let's hope this serial killer will be punished this time.  
1.945 Palestinians were killed in Israeli Operation Protective Edge. 449 children.
Enquanto as negociações continuam no Cairo, as Nações Unidas nomearam uma comissão internacional de juristas para investigar "possíveis" violações de Direitos Humanos e crimes de guerra cometidos "de ambos os lados" duante a Operação Protective Edge em Gaza.
Israel reagiu com a arrogância de sempre, dizendo que o Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU é um "Tribunal cangurú".
Sami Abu Zuhri, porta-voz do Hamas, disse: "O Hamas está satisfeito com a decisão da ONU de investigar os crimes cometidos pela ocupação [Israel] contra Gaza e gostariamos que começasse o mais cedo possível".
Os depoimentos já se acumulam aos montes nas ONGs de Direitos Humanos e vai ser fácil provar os crimes flagrantes de Israel. Tomara que desta vez este criminoso em série seja punido.
1.945 palestinos foram mortos na Operação israelense Protective Edge. 449 crianças.

One of many israeli daily crimes in Palestine that were committed in Operation Protective Edge in Gaza: An Israeli bulldozer crushed the outside of Mohammed Khalil al-Najjar’s house, pushing rubble through his kitchen. Dozens of Israeli soldiers then entered his home, many of them masked, moving from room to room, weapons in-hand.
"We are 14 family members inside this home, all civilian women and children, in addition to my two boys," al-Najjar screamed to the army commanders in Hebrew. "I want safe haven for my 14 family members," the 57-year-old eventually told the soldiers, four hours after they first entered his home. Moments later the Israeli soldiers used the family as human shields - walking behind them through the streets of Khuza’a, a small town in southern Gaza.
The soldiers then told al-Najar to "take the women and go to Khan Younis, Rafah, or anywhere".
Um bulldozer da IDF esmagou a casa de Mohammed Khalil al-Najar com seus 14 familiares dentro e um bando de soldados armados e alguns encapuzados invadiram a residência. Ele pediu para pouparem sua família.e os soldados usaram as mulheres e crianças como escudo humano para caminhar nas ruas de Khuza, no sul de Gaza - como fazem sempre. Depois disseram para o pai de família de 57 anos levar as mulheres e crianças para qualquer outro lugar. Quando ele voltou durante um cessar-fogo, viu que os soldados tinham saqueado a casa inteira e destruído todos os móveis e bens. 

Israelis barbaric behaviour have no limits. Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz published that IDF soldiers were given pictures of Gaza before and after the bombardements as a "victory memento".
O comportamento bárbaro israelense não tem limite. O jornal Haaretz de Tel Aviv publicou que os soldados israelenses ganharam de presente fotos de Gaza - antes e depois das bombas - para guardarem de "lembrança".

Noam Chomsky on Israeli Operation Defensive Edge: "A Hideous Atrocity".
Noam Chomsky, professor do MIT, analisa a Operação israelense Defensive Edge
Part I

Noam Chomsky analisa a Operação israelense Defensive Edge
Part II
Noam Chomsky: "Sadistic and Grotesque" 
How Israeli limits medicine and food in occupied Gaza
Noam Chomsky, analisa a Operação israelense Defensive Edge
Part III

Noam Chomsky on BDS and How the Israeli Occupation 
is "Much Worse Than Apartheid"
Part IV

Noam Chomsky on Media's "Shameful Moment" in Gaza
and how a US Shift could End the Occupation
Part V

For the children who manage to escape physical injury, the psychological effects of this latest Israeli operation will be hidden, but severe and resounding, like after Operation Cast Lead. Many have lost one or both parents, or other family members. Some have lost their entire extended families. All have experienced violence, fear and instability at close quarters. The list of fatalities that I have been publishing here obscure the reality that awaits Palestinian children in Gaza. Those who survived are emerging to find their previous lives almost unrecognizable, as the families, schools, hospitals and mosques that framed their world are systematically destroyed. They are hungry and are given one sardine can a day to eat; they are thirsty and are given a dirty glass of hardly drinkable water to drink; they are afraid and nobody can reassure them that things will be all right. Nobody dares to lie.
As crianças que saíram da Operação Protective Edge sem ferimentos aparentes não saíram ilesas. O preço que já estão pagando é alto. Os sobreviventes estão com ferimentos psicológicos inimagináveis. A lista de perdas humanas que publico neste blog está longe da realidade. Muitos destes meninos perderam familiares, parentes, amiguinhos, presenciaram violências horríveis, vivenciaram o medo e a instabilidade em uma potência incalculável. É muito triste ver os meninos voltarem para sua antiga casa e encontrarem escombros, buracos; procurarem um familiar e não encontrarem;  pedem comida e recebem uma lata de sardinha por dia; estão com sede e recebem um copo sujo com um líquido nada potável; e sobretudo, não entendem porquê foram agredidos de maneira tão bárbara. Perguntam se está tudo bem e ninguém ousa dizer que sim. Ninguém ousa mentir que o bicho papão não vai voltar mais com seus soldados que invadem suas casas e esmagam sua infância com caterpillars armados e explosões.

"Now I know that the Israeli Defence Forces are famous in song and legend. Humanitarian, courageous, self-sacrificing, restrained, willing to give their own lives for the innocents among their enemies, etc, etc...
But when the Israeli ambassador to the US told us (after almost 2,000 Palestinians had been slaughtered, most of them civilians) that the Israeli army should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its “unimaginable restraint” in the Gaza war, I had to glance at the calendar. Was it 1 April, perhaps? Was this some kind of gargantuan joke, so obscene, so grotesquely inappropriate, that it contained some inner meaning, some kernel of truth, which I had missed? The Nobel Prize for “unimaginable restraint”, according to Ron Dermer, should have been solemnly handed out to an army which much of the world believes guilty of war crimes". 
Robert Fisk, The Independent

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