domingo, 5 de junho de 2016

Brasil, Palestine, Israel, USA, France: Hipocrisias & Autoritarismo

A França é um dos países ocidentais mais sionistas. O presidente François Hollande, o primeiro ministro Manuel Valls, o Supremo Tribunal local, já provaram em palavras e atos, como a proibição do boicote de Israel - permitido contra a África do Sul durante o apartheid.
Como esses sionistas de carteirinha têm coragem de propor mediação de um acordo de paz entre Israel e a Palestina?
Como pessoas que não reconhecem a ocupação israelense e o direito de resistência dos palestinos pode mediar um acordo justo e coerente?
Como convidar Mahmoud Abbas - que perdeu todo o respeito e legitimidade com suas medidas de cumplicidade com Israel para conter a Terceira Intifada - e deixar de lado Khaled Meshaal, presidente do Hamas, e représentantes de partidos influentes como o Jihad? 

É normal que os palestinos estejam mais do que céticos, temerosos de mais uma propaganda-negociação para melhorar a imagem de Israel. Pois é certo que a proposta que será apresentada aos palestinos é inaceitável desde o início: abdicar de território; dobrar-se ao apartheid dentro de suas próprias terras; direito de retorno dos refugiados, nada; continuação do bloqueio de Gaza; etc. etc. e tal. E quando os palestinos recusarem, a grande-mídia internacional dirá que o acordo gorou por causa da má-vontade dos palestinos. Já vimos este filme varias vezes em Campo David. Só que desta vez são os franceses que estão fazendo o trabalho sujo dos Estados Unidos e de Tel Aviv.
Shame on them!

Inside Story: France initiative  

Resultados da pesquisa

.  presidente não pode receber visitas sem aviso prévio no Palácio da Alvorada, está proibida de viajar com aeronaves oficiais e teve verba para alimentação temporariamente.
No DIA 10, manifeste a favor da Democracia:
  This Confirms It was a Coup: Brazil Crisis Deepens as Evidence Mounts of Plot to Oust Dilma Rousseff. Confirmação de premeditação no golpe de estado.
Por que os golpistas querem adiantar o golpeachment?

Caros Amigos

Leticia Sabatella firme na resistência aos golpistas
Palhaço Xuxu, idem
Ator Guilherme Weber no Jô: Fora Temer!
Ney Matogrosso: Fora Temer
Apesar de você, no ocupa o MinC


New York embraces fascism

The former head of the Israeli Defense Force’s interactive media branch, Avital Leibovich, spoke at the Newseum, a museum that claims to honor slain journalists. There she was met with protests. Leibovich has publicly justified the killings of Palestinian journalists in 2012, claiming they were terrorists. Journalist and author Max Blumenthal attended the event, and tells RT’s Alex Mihailovich that hosting Leibovich at the Newseum was hypocritical to the organization’s mission.

RT News: Going Undergroung:with Miko Peded, the general's son. 

Novo vídeo mostra como as facas são postas do lado dos cadáveres dos jovens palestinos que os soldados e os colonos israelenses executam nos checkpoints e nas ruas das cidades palestinas. Este mostra Abdel Fatah al-Sharif.

Mesma cena em hebraico e com mais detalhes: 

Ofer Ohana: One of the provoking fascist settlers of Hébron

As soldiers who served in the occupied territories, we're well aware of the problematic nature of the relationship between IDF soldiers and settlers in the West Bank. This month we were exposed to yet another example of this issue when an IDF soldier shot a wounded and neutralized Palestinian in Hebron. Moments after this incident occurred, the soldier was documented shaking hands with prominent right wing extremists of the Hebron settlement. One of these figures is Ofer Ohana, a resident of Kiryat Arba and an infamous figure in Hebron. BS

A cultura da impunidade que a B'Tselem denuncia e que está inflamando a Cisjordânia.
Meir Ettinger, o colono assassino de três membros de uma família palestina, inclusive um bebê, no dia 31 de julho do ano passado, com uma bomba incendiária, foi absolvido e solto, causando uma onda de revolta na Palestina inteira.
Israel has freed the settler behind last year’s arson attack which killed three members of a Palestinian family including a toddler.
Meir Ettinger was arrested and placed under administrative detention in the wake of the attack. Ettinger’s release comes weeks after Israeli prosecutors decided not to extend his detention. In the pre-dawn attack on July 31 last year, Israeli assailants including Ettinger hurled firebombs into the home of the Dawabsheh family burning alive 18-months-old boy and seriously injuring his parents who later succumbed to injuries. Activists and rights groups have denounced Ettinger’s release calling it a culture of impunity for Israeli settlers and soldiers committing crimes against Palestinians. Tensions are high in the West Bank amid mounting settler violence against the Palestinians

OXFAM: As the blockade imposed by Israel approaches its 9th anniversary, it continues to devastate the lives and livelihoods of 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza. More: This collective punishment keeps people poor, denies them their rights and fails to make Israel safer. 

Na semana passada publiquei mais um capítulo da série sobre as operações militares israelenses no Oriente Médio em geral e na Palestina com assídua particularidade.
Falo dos danos humanos, danos materiais, mas não tenho abordado os danos ambientais. Que na Faixa de Gaza são ainda mais flagrantes. Tanto, que foi apresentada uma moção na ONU reconhecendo tais prejuízos, incorrigíveis, se não houver uma política determinada imediata, e cara.
Pois bem, no sábado passado os Estados Unidos e Israel, com a cumplicidade do Canadá, enterraram, literalmente, a resolução que estava em pauta.  Parece que Barack Obama quer deixar a seu sucessor herança pior do que a que herdou de GW Bush. Uma vergonha. Aliás, Obama é uma fraude total. Deixará o mundo em um estado muito piorado. Nenhum presidente dos EUA apelou tanto para as armas quanto ele. E ao ouvir Michelle Obama dizer "the US doesn't build wall"  pensei: ou essa mulher é cega e não enxerga o murão que o marido continuou construindo na fronteira com o México e o que co-patrocina na Cisjordânia, ou é mais cínica ainda do que o marido.

Al Jazeera: Gaza's water and sewage crises pose a threat to health and the environment. Palestinians blame both, Israel and Egypt, for the blockade on the strip.

PressTV: Israel has lowered the fishing limit off the coast of Gaza for Palestinian fishermen to 6 nautical miles. The restriction will reduce the already poor fish catches and further threaten the livelihoods of thousands of fishermen in the impoverished coastal enclave.
B'Tselem: My own private Gaza, reinventing electricityWhat do you do when there’s no electricity or access to advanced technology? Enterprise, innovation and ingenuity try to fill the void. Khaled al-‘Azayzeh, a B’Tselem field researcher in the Gaza Strip, brings us a portrait of Gaza as seen through his own eyes. A third installment in a series.

A vida quotidiana dos hebronitas, na Palestina. Como esses meninos podem crescer sem ódio desses soldados sádicos?
On 24 May 2016, once again, dozens of soldiers spread through the streets of the Jaber neighborhood in Hebron, gathering children and teens. They stood 20 of them against a wall, asked them about a stone-throwing incident earlier that day, photographed each one and let them go. At least 14 were minors, seven including under the age of criminal liability. The goal of this conduct appears to have been to intimidate the children. 

B'Tselem's The Occupation Fig Leaf : Israel Military's lax enforcement system as whitewash crimes
Os adultos também são perseguidos pela IDF noite e dia. A história abaixo data de 2009, mas como as demais, ao serem denunciadas, o processo em Israel enrola, enrola, até ser engavetado. On 28 Jan. 2009, soldiers who had mounted an ambush happened upon Sharif Abu Hayah, 66, as he grazed his flock near his village. The soldiers assaulted him, handcuffed him, covered his face, and dragged him on the ground. On 17 Feb. 2009 B’Tselem applied to the Military Advocacy for Operational Affairs demanding an investigation. An investigation was opened that very day, yet three years later it was closed with no measures taken against anyone involved in the assault. Like so many other cases, the system operated as a whitewash mechanism, as described in our report The Occupation’s Fig Leaf.

B'Tselem: Outro exemplo da B'Tselem é o assassinato de Lubna al-Hanash em 2013. Que também ficou impune como dezenas de outros jovens palestinos.
On 23 Jan. 2013 a soldier shot and killed Lubna al-Hanash as she strolled in a park near Rt. 60 with a relative, who was injured by the gunfire. B’Tselem found that the two women posed no danger and that firing at them was unwarranted. The shooter did not take any precautions to ensure the safety of passersby. On 10 June 2014, a year and a half after al-Hanash was killed, the MAG Corps closed the case without prosecuting the shooter or the senior officer involved in the incident. Like so many other cases, the system operated as a whitewash mechanism, as described in our report The Occupation’s Fig Leaf

Breaking the Silence
Em fevereiro o massacre de Hebron completou 22 anos. Não falei dele então porque estava mergulhada na Israel Apartheid Week, mas publico abaixo a lembrança do Breaking the Silence.

If Baruch Goldstein were to arise today from within the lavish tomb built to coammemorate him in the Meir Kahane public park in Kiryat Arba, there is no doubt he would be proud of the reality that currently engulfs Hebron. Twenty-two years after the massacre he committed in the Cave of the Patriarchs, the city of Hebron is itself a tragic monument to the fact that we have stopped bothering ourselves with questions of morality.
This week marks twenty-two years since that massacre. As soldiers who served in Hebron, we are well aware of the impact that this horrible crime had on this Palestinian city – it was changed forever.
On the morning of February 25th 1994, during the Muslim month of Ramadan, Dr. Baruch Goldstein - a settler from Kiryat Arba - entered the Cave of the Patriarchs (Ibrahimi Mosque), located in the center of Hebron. Armed with a Galil rifle, he opened fire. Within seconds, the site’s prayer hall was transformed into a slaughterhouse. Twenty-nine people were killed, 125 wounded. All Palestinians.
The initial response of the State of Israel and the IDF to this act was imposing limitations on the movement of the city’s Palestinian residents, due to fear of retaliation. Shops were shuttered and sealed, streets were closed to Palestinian movement, and a two-month curfew was imposed on the city – no entry, no exit.
From then and till today, the situation in Hebron has only declined: the movement restrictions that were applied in 1994 have been fortified and enhanced throughout the decades. The start of the Second Intifada saw Hebron transform into the ghost city that it is today. Some 1,800 shops in the city’s center now stand shuttered, abandoned due to the limitations on movement; 80% of the Palestinians who reside in the city’s center - which is under IDF control - live below the poverty line; Palestinian violence is burgeoning; eighteen IDF checkpoints are spread across the city; and at any given moment, 650 IDF soldiers are defending under 1,000 settlers who reside in the heart of a Palestinian city.
In Hebron, Goldstein’s terrorism has won.
Like an entire generation of soldiers before us, we too were sent to defend these settlers, who live in the center of the West Bank’s second largest Palestinian city. For twenty-two years now, we IDF soldiers have been charged with upholding a reality of closing shops and sealing streets to Palestinian movement, a reality of expulsion and oppression.
Like an entire generation of soldiers before us, we too were not aware when we were sent to Hebron that we would be chasing children and preventing them from attending school due to curfews; we were not aware that we would be called to place our very bodies in the way of settler violence in order to block it; that we would take commands from settlers; that we would carry out orders whose purpose was to foster feelings of persecution among the Palestinian population. This is not what we were told we would be doing, and this is not what you are being told.
February 1994, till when?
Breaking the Silence

Why didn't we stop the settlers during our military service?
Abaixo, o comportamento corrente de um colono judeu na Cisjordânia. Aqui contra ativistas israelenses.
Every soldier who served in the Palestinian occupied territories or guarded settlements knows what the role of the Civilian Security Coordinator (CSC) is. The CSC is a civilian resident of a settlement, responsible for its security, who receives authority from the Defense Ministry.
But this is only where their work begins, as every soldier knows how things work in settlements and their surroundings - the CSC gives orders to the army, and not the other way around.
This video from the 16th of October, documents Rabbis for Human Rights as they escort Palestinian farmers, whom they also support 
The olive harvest of lands that are located outside the fence of the settlement Nokdim, was coordinated for that day with the army and the Civil Administration (CA). Formally, there is no requirement for any authorization to access these lands, but because of the current security situation, Palestinian farmers preferred to be escorted by the army.
The settlement's security guard (or as he defined himself: "the sheriff") attempted to prevent and delay Palestinian farmers from accessing their lands. Even when an officer from the CA told him to allow the Palestinian farmers to go through, he didn't listen to their orders. Throughout the event, the security guard continued to argue that he was carrying out the CSC's orders.

Samaria Settlers Comittee (SSC): Behind every mole planted by Ad Kan, stands The Samaria Settlers’ Committee.
This extreme right-wing organization, subsdized in part by public funding, has succeeded in producing and spreading hate in bounty since it's founding.
Among other things, they supported 'Price Tag' attacks, produced a video with anti-Semitic elements, prompted Palestinians to sexually harass Jewish female bus passengers, funded Ad Kan moles, and the list goes on.
So when you watch a 'report' by Ad Kan moles, remember that they're backed by the SSC. 

Yuli Novak, presidente do Breaking the Silence é "apertada" na televisão israelense e não se deixa intimidar pela campanha de seus oponentes. "I believe that we need to continue to fight for this place. "I believe that the moment people begin to hear and to listen to what the soldiers - we - have to say, about what occupation over a civilian population looks like; about the things we were required to do daily; what 'mappings' are, what patrols are, what checkpoints are - then this wall of silence, and silencing, and disregard, will crack. That's our goal."
Breaking the Silence executive director Yuli Novak, responding to the latest wave of the campaign of incitement agaisnt BS.
Yuli já tinha sido agredida na TV israelense Walla em dezembro de 2015
Em fevereiro de 2016, Yuli teve oportunidade de defender-se do Breaking the Silence Breakers,
em Jérusalem.  A perseguição aos membros da organização continua feroz. Por isso resolvi dar-lhes espaço aqui. 
Vale lembrar que os reservistas da IDF que Break the Silence são uma minoria de patriotas arrependidos das atrocidades "anódinas' que cometeram dia a dia oprimindo os palestinos nos territórios palestinos ocupados.
"A couple months ago a campaign was launched against us with the aim of silencing us. Strong forces have come out against us with government support and backing. Here we are, two months later, stronger than ever. Unapologetic. Unwavering. Daring to dream. We speak of the occupation and of serving in the occupied territories. The day the occupation ends we'll close our doors, but until that happens, we'll be here". BS
Why did you enlist?
Military Occupation
Talking about serving the occupation

What's your dream?

. Addameer:  Israel releases Palestinian lawmaker Khalida Jarrar after 15 months. But since October 2015, Israeli occupation forces have arrested approx 5805 Palestinians.

. Há semanas que blogs como este e sites de jornalistas anti-sionistas, anti-apartheid israelense, vêm sofrendo ataques cibernéticos, mas não temos provas para apontar o/s culpado/s. Mas as ONGs palestinas de direitos humanos vêm sofrendo ataques cibernéticos ainda mais sofisticados e perigosos. Dê uma liâlest Alternet conseguiu identificar os culsendo
Alternet: attack.

Ainda bem que a imprensa está sendo reforçada pela corajosa coleguinha Janna
AJ+: Janna Jihad, 10 years old, has been reporting from Palestine for two to three years now,
sharing with the world the message of “the Palestinian children”.

Mas por outro lado,  a britano-palestina Leanne Mohamad, de 15 anos, foi censurada em um concurso de oratória em Londres.
Leanne Mohamad is a 15 year old British-Palestinian student who won the regional finals of the Speak Out Challenge, the largest youth speaking event in the world. Following her win, she was disqualified from the competition because her speech was not uplifting and full of propaganda. That categorization of her speech is absolutely false.

Hipocrisia ocidental na Síria
RT: Washington has asked Moscow not to conduct airstrikes against al-Nusra Front, which is Al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, for fear that members of the “moderate opposition” could also be hit, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reported. 

The former head of the Israeli Defense Force’s interactive media branch, Avital Leibovich, spoke at the Newseum, a museum that claims to honor slain journalists. There she was met with protests. Leibovich has publicly justified the killings of Palestinian journalists in 2012, claiming they were terrorists. Journalist and author Max Blumenthal attended the event, and tells RT’s Alex Mihailovich that hosting Leibovich at the Newseum was hypocritical to the organization’s mission.

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