quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

Rogue State of Israel XII : Licenced to Lie Cheat Kill?

on our watch

Channel 4: Gaza in rubbles

Como os jornalistas que estão cobrindo o massacre que a IDF está fazendo em Gaza, o representante do Alto Comissariado da ONU para Refugiados Christopher Gunness emocionou-se ao vivo na Al Jazeera. 
O drama macabro está mesmo insuportável  até para os durões.
Like all of us, UNRWA Christopher Gunness Breaks down in tears on live TV after israeli attacks on schools, in Gaza. Afterwards, he would be forced to moderate his words.   

As Nações Unidas condenaram o bombardeio do outro abrigo da ONU que foi bombardeado na madrugada de quinta-feira pegando crianças e mães dormindo, mas não ousaram pronunciar as palavras certas: crime de guerra, crime contra a humanidade. Porque é Israel, e Israel é intocável; até quando?
Bombardeiam, matam sem piedade, batem e escondem a mão, e culpam o Hamas. São especialistas em contra-informação, pois sabem que mesmo todo mundo sabendo através dos funionários da ONU presentes que foram eles que bombardearam, apesar de insinuarem o contrário, a dúvida está semeada na cabeça dos sionistas irredutíveis e das pessoas manipuláveis.  
United Nations officials described the killing of sleeping children as a disgrace to the world and accused Israel of a serious violation [one more] of international law after a school in Gaza being used to shelter Palestinian families was shelled 5 times during the night on Jabalya refugee camp Wednesday. More than 15 people, mostly children and women on the bombing. Israel chooses nights, while people are sleeping, to conduct relentless bombardment across Gaza. It is a pattern. And afterwards they blame Hamas. Cheating is what they do best. 
And in the late afternoon, a crowded market in Shujai'iya was hit causing more than 17 deaths, including a journalist, and injuring about 200 people.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu announced: "We have destroyed dozens of terror tunnels and we are determined to finish this mission - with or without a ceasefire." Which means no deal, more death, more sorrow to come indefinitely.

Perdas humanas na Operação Protective Edge até hoje à 1:00 GMT.
O Secretário de Saúde de Gaza anunciou que 1.361 palestinos já foram mortos na Faixa de Gaza e 6.780 feridos.
Entre os mortos: 315 crianças;  166 mulheres;  58 idosos.
Entre os feridos: 2.307 crianças;  1.579 mulheres;  287 idosos.
O número de mortos palestinos na Cisjordânia é de 13 e 577 feridos. 388 atingidos por bala.
A IDF anunciou a perda de 59 israelenses: 55 soldados;  1 soldado "morto em ação sem conhecimento do local de enterro";  2 civis israelenses;  1 trabalhador tailandês. 

Channel 4: Israelis support the carnage

Palestinian Death toll in Gaza until today at 1:00 GMT:
The Gaza Health Ministry announced that 1.361 have been killed and more than 6.780 were injured since the start of Israel’s Protective Edge offensive.
Out of the killed : 315  Children;  166  Women;  58    Elderly.
Out of the injured: 2.307 Children;  1.529 Women;  287    Elderly.
The Palestinian Death toll outside of Gaza of those killed in clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli occupation army/police in Jerusalem/West Bank: 13 Palestinians were killed and at least 577 have been injured. At least 388 of them have been injured from live ammunition.
Israeli Death toll: 59 have been killed in Israel so far, including: 55 Israeli soldiers;  1  Israeli soldier "killed in action whose burial site is unknown";  2 Israeli civilians;  1 Thai citizen working in Israel was also killed.

UN spokeperson official on the Israeli attack on a UN shelter
Representante da ONU falando sobre o ataque do abrigo em Gaza   

Demonstrações contra Israel e sua ocupação da Palestina são anti-semitas? Judeus respondem abaixo.  
Are demonstrations against Israel's occupation anti-semitic? Jews reply below. 

EUA fala em cessar-fogo, porém, fornece mais arma e o Congresso aprova mandar mais dinheiro para Israel esmagar os palestinos na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza.
Os Estados Unidos possui um estoque de armas no território isralense para "emergências". Israel tem o direito de fazer uso do arsenal em caso de "emergência". 
Barack Obama dá uma de bonzinho "condenando" o massacre das crianças gazauís, contudo, está deixando Israel lançar mão do equipamento militar estadunidense para continuar seu genocídio com mais eficiência e impunemente.  
US double talk: plays negotiator and gives more money and arms to Israel to crush Gaza  
The United States has allowed Israel to tap a local US arms stockpile in the past week to resupply it with grenades and mortar rounds, Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon's press secretary, has said.
The munitions were located inside Israel as part of a programme managed by the US military and called War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel (WRSA-I), which stores munitions locally for US use that Israel can also access in "emergency" situations.
Israel, however, did not cite an emergency when it made its latest request about 10 days ago, a defence official said on Wednesday, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Barack Obama doubles talks, calling for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza and giving Israel the means to carry on its salughreing of Gazans.
So far, Washington allowed Israel to access the strategic stockpile to resupply itself with 40mm grenades and 120mm mortar rounds "to deplete older stocks that would eventually need to be refreshed"
Shame on the White House and on the US Congress for giving Israel more money!

Efeitos da destruição da central elétrica de Gaza

Rabbi Henry Siegman, leading voice of US Jewry, on Gaza: "A Slaughter of Innocents".
Rabino Henry Siegman, representante de uma das três principais organizações judias dos EUA.  
Part I

Open letter to the family of the one thousndth victim of Israel's genocidal slaugher in Gaza
Carta aberta à família da milésima vítima do massacre genocídio israelense em Gaza. by Ilan Pappe
"I do not know yet who your loved one was. She might have been a baby a few months old, or a young boy, a grandfather or one of your children or parents. I heard about your loved one’s death from Chico Menashe, a political commentator on Reshet Bet, Israel’s main radio station.
He explained that the killing of your loved one, as well as turning Gaza neighborhoods to rubble and driving 150,000 people from their homes, is part of a well-calculated Israeli strategy: this carnage will destroy the impulse of Palestinians in Gaza to resist Israeli policies.
I heard this while reading in the 25 July edition of the supposedly respectable Haaretz the words of the not so respectable historian Benny Morris that even this is not enough.
He calls the genocidal policies so far “refisut” — feebleness of mind and spirit. He demands far more massive destruction in the future with the knowledge that this is how you behave if you want to defend your “villa in the jungle,” as former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak described Israel.
Inhuman wilderness
Yes, I am afraid to say the Israeli media and academia are fully behind the massacre apart from few, hardly audible voices in this inhuman wilderness. I am not writing this to tell you that I am ashamed — I long ago dissociated myself from this state ideology and do all I can as an individual to confront and defeat it. Probably it has not been enough; we are all inhibited by moments of cowardice, egotism and maybe a natural impulse to take care of our family and loved ones.
And yet I feel the urge today to make a pledge to you, which none of the Germans my father knew during the time of the Nazi regime was willing to make to him when the thugs committed genocide against his family. This is not much of a pledge at your moment of grief, but it is the best I can offer and saying nothing is not an option. And doing nothing is even less than an option.
This is 2014 — the destruction of Gaza is well documented. This is not 1948 when Palestinians had to struggle hard to tell their story of horror; so many of the crimes Zionist committed then where hidden and never came to light, even until today. So my first and simple pledge is to record, inform and insist on the truth.
My old university, University of Haifa, has recruited its students to disseminate Israel’s lies all over the world using the Internet, but this is 2014 and propaganda of this kind will not hold water.
Pledge to boycott
But surely this is not enough. I pledge to continue the effort to boycott a state that commits such crimes. Only when the Union of European Football Associations throws Israel out, when the academic community refuses to have any institutional ties with Israel, when airlines hesitate to fly there, and when every outfit that may lose money because of an ethical stance in the short-term understands that in the long run it will gain both morally and financially — only then we will begin to honor your loss.
The boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement has had many achievements and continues its tireless work. The obstacles still include the false allegation of anti-Semitism and the cynicism of politicians. This is how an honorable initiative by British architects to force their colleagues in Israel to take a moral stance rather than be accomplices in the criminal colonization of the land was blocked at the last moment.
Similar initiatives were sabotaged elsewhere by spineless politicians in Europe and the United States. But my pledge is to be part of the effort to overcome these hurdles. The memory of your loved one will be the driving force, together with the vivid memory of the suffering of the Palestinians in 1948 and ever since.
I do it all egotistically. I really pray and hope that in this worst moment of your life when Palestinians stand in Shujaiya, Deir al-Balah or Gaza City, gazing at the slaughterhouse created by Israeli warplanes, tanks and artillery, you would not lose hope in humanity.
This humanity even includes Israelis, those who do not have the courage to speak but who express their horror in private as my overflowing email and Facebook inboxes attest, as well as the small handful who demonstrate publicly against the incremental genocide in Gaza.
It also includes those not born yet who perhaps will be able to escape a Zionist indoctrination machine that teaches them, from cradle to grave, to dehumanize the Palestinians to such a level that the burning alive of a sixteen-year-old Palestinian boy fails to move them or shatter their belief in their government, army or religion.
For their sake, mine and yours, I wish we can also dream of the day after — when Zionism will be defeated as the ideology that governs our lives between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea and we all have the normal life we crave for and deserve.
So I pledge today not to be distracted even by friends and Palestinian leaders who still foolishly pin their hopes on the long-gone “two-state solution.” If one has the impulse to be involved in bringing regime change in Palestine, the only reason to do this is for a struggle for equal human and civil rights and full restitution for all those who are and were victimized by Zionism, inside and outside the beloved land of Palestine.
May whoever is your loved one rest in peace knowing that their death was not in vain — not because it will be avenged and revenged. We do not need more bloodshed. I still believe there is a way of bringing evil systems to an end with the power of humanity and morality.
Justice also means bringing the murderers who killed your loved one and so many others to court, and we must pursue bringing Israel’s war criminals to trial in international tribunals.
It is a far longer way and, at times, even I feel the impulse to be part of a force that uses hard power to end the inhumanity. But I pledge myself to work for justice, full justice, restorative justice.
This is what I can pledge — to work to prevent the next stage in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza."
The author of numerous books, Ilan Pappe is professor of history and director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter.

PS. BRASIL:  "Brazil to Israel: We are not dwarves, by Joe Leahy - Financial Times, July 26
An Israeli spokesperson called Brazil a diplomatic dwarf and described it as irrelevant in terms of international diplomacy.
“This is an unfortunate demonstration of why Brazil, an economic and cultural giant, remains a diplomatic dwarf,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor. “The moral relativism behind this move makes Brazil an irrelevant diplomatic partner, one who creates problems rather than contributes to solutions.”
He went on to insult Brazil even more deeply in an interview on Brazil’s Globo news channel by raising the Latin American football power’s crushing 7-1 defeat to Germany in the World Cup. He said in football, a game that ended 1-1 was considered “proportional” while 7-1 was considered “disproportional”. But no such measures existed in international law when it came to conflicts. “This is not football,” Palmor said.
Brazil’s response to the insults ranged from the diplomatic to the angry. “Brazil is one of the 11 countries in the world that has diplomatic relations with all members of the United Nations … therefore when we speak in the UN we are listened to,” said a measured foreign minister Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado.
Meanwhile, Marco Aurélio Garcia, the advisor on international relations to President Dilma Rousseff (pictured above), retorted that Brazil does not seek the kind of “relevance” that a country achieves by using military forces against the defenceless.
Ironically, the angry response from Israel may be precisely because Brazil is “diplomatically relevant”. It was one of the larger nations that voted in favour of a resolution in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations that called for an investigation into all human rights violations during “military operations” in the Gaza Strip.
The Jerusalem Post acknowledged that the problem with Brazil from Israel’s perspective was that once it voted against Israel, most of Latin America would normally follow suit.
Indeed, in addition to Brazil, all Latin American countries present on the council supported the motion, alongside other emerging countries, including Russia, India, China, South Africa, and a host of other mostly African and Middle Eastern nations. Western European countries abstained while the US was the only one to vote against the motion...
... Whatever the answer [to why Brazil took a stand on Gaza], there is one thing Brazil will not quickly  [you bet!] forget about this week’s row with Israel – the gratuitous insult about the football."

Alison Weir: Against our better judgement (July 30 2014) 
IF AMERICANS NEW: http://youtu.be/x9_5iOYsHFQ

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