domingo, 12 de março de 2017

Israeli Apartheid Week 2017 I: It's about time to react to genocide

Este ano, em vez de reportar os eventos da Semana do apartaheid Israelense, resolvi contribuir com informação.
This year, instead of informing of Israel Apartheid Week events, I decided to explain my reasons for supporting the Palestinian cause.
Bear with me.
The magnitude of the injustice expreienced by the Paletinians at the hands of Israel can no longer be denied.
The repeated murderous attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip are only the most overt manifestation of these policies.
More entrenched are ethnic cleansing, illegal colonisaton, racism, torture, imprisonment of children, daily humiliation of both children and adults, and the denial of statehood.
Palestinian civil society has, in response, chosen to adopt the non-violent strategy of boycott to bring pressure to bear on the powerful and unaccountable.
This use of boycott has numerous succesful precedents, notably the decades-long boycott of white-ruled South Africa that was a key contributor to the collapse of apartheid.
Our generation can choose between being accomplice of genocide of pacxificvally react boycotting Israel until it stops its crimes.
For decades, Israel has been waging a merciless amora war not ony on Palestinians but also on Human Rights, on International law, on Humanity itself, on us all. 

STAY HUMAN: Boycott Israel to support the Palestinians rights
That has to be clear. It is impossible to evade it. Without the uprooting of the Palestinians [726,000 of them], a Jewish state would not have arisen here. Benny Morris, Israeli historian, 2004.
Since before the establishment of Israel, the aim has been to secure as much territory for the state with as few Palestinians in it as possible. The deliberate ethnic cleansing of 1947-8 displaced the majority of Palestinians to neighbouring states. Those forced out, and their descendants, are denied the right to return and live in exile. Two out of every five of the world’s refugees are Palestinian.
In stark contrast, anyone who can claim Jewish descent, wherever they live in the world and regardless of whether or not they have any family connection with the land, has an automatic entitlement to all the privileges of Israeli citizenship.
After 1967, the situation of Palestinians deteriorated further: the war brought millions of them in the West Bank and Gaza under Israeli control. 
The refugee camps also became bigger and more numerous. Between Israel’s illegal and de-facto annexation of Jerusalem in 1967, and 2010, over 14,000 Jerusalem IDs had been revoked, forcing Palestinians to either leave the city or reside within it illegally. The ID-based exclusion prevents many Palestinians from accessing their own homes, leaving them liable to confiscation.
The ‘Arab demographic danger’ has been stressed by Israeli academic geographers and military people alike. Many Israeli policies can be understood as aiming to make life for Palestinians so unpleasant that they will leave. The ‘separation wall’ became an opportunity to secure 8.5 per cent of West Bank land onto the Israeli side, but without its Palestinian farming owners. 
Building controls, planning regulations and legalistic pretexts are used to prevent Palestinians from building the homes they need, and to demolish those that they have in areas eyed for Jewish encroachment. 
Together with the burgeoning settlements and the apartheid road system, all this forces Palestinians into overcrowded and impoverished bantustans. Other results include the disruption of social relations and of education, and indeed the devastation of the local economy.
In the Gaza Strip, 1.8 million Palestinians live within what is in effect an open-air prison, subject to periodic attack by Israel. The occupying state’s actions there constitute an unlawful collective punishment of the Palestinian people. Israel’s Cast Lead assault on Gaza in December 2008/January 2009 killed some 1400 Palestinians, the great majority non-combatants by any standards, and injured another 5000. 
Twenty thousand people were made homeless. Protective Edge in 2014 was even more savage. The Goldstone Report on Cast Lead for the United Nations found that there was a prima facie case that the IDF (as well as Palestinian militant groups) had committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity.

Pink Floyd Roger Water speaks up for Palestinian rights.
A common claim in defence of Israel is that it is ‘at least’ a democracy, unlike, say, China. But the 1.3 million Palestinians who live in Israel, who have Israeli citizenship and vote in elections, are nonetheless subject to an array of systematically discriminatory laws and practices which would be illegal in any Western democracy. 
Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, lists ‘more than 50 Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel in all areas of life, including their rights to political participation, access to land, education, state budget resources, and criminal procedures’.
One law that has a devastating impact is the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law of 2003. It severely restricts Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel from living together in Israel with their Palestinian spouses from the Occupied Palestinian Territory or from ‘enemy states’, defined by the law as Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq. In Adalah’s view: ‘The Supreme Court approved a law the likes of which do not exist in any democratic state in the world, depriving citizens from maintaining a family life in Israel only on the basis of the ethnicity or national belonging of their spouse.’ At the time of writing, Adalah reported 29 additional discriminatory bills passing through the Knesset system.

17-year-old Palestinian Qusay Hassan al-Amour was killed by IDF soldiers after he was shot three times in the chest. It happened a few weeks ago. One of many daily Israeli murders.

Israel is sustained by the backing of our own Western governments and many of our businesses and institutions, which gives us both the responsibility and the opportunity to remove this support.
There are many countries around the world that face retribution by some or all of the ‘international community’ for breaching international norms – Israel is not one of them. At the time of writing, Syria has had its foreign assets frozen, Zimbabwe faces embargoes on international loans and arms imports, and the US and EU have imposed an array of sanctions on Russian individuals and businesses.
But Israel experiences the opposite. It commits war crimes and offends every principle of human rights – and in return it gets rewarded. Since 1948, Israel has received nearly $234bn in US tax dollars. Between 1967 and 2011 the US vetoed 42 UN Security Council resolutions critical of Israel. Often the US was almost alone in its negative vote. Indeed of the 55 single-handed vetoes that the US has exercised at the UN, only 15 were not in support of Israel.
In February 2014, Amnesty International said Israel had shown ‘callous disregard for human life’ by shooting and killing dozens of unarmed civilians, including children, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the previous three years. In July and August 2014, Israel killed more than two thousand Gazans (of whom only around 276 were members of armed groups), wounded close to 11,000, and reduced the homes of hundreds of thousands to rubble – but US aid continues regardless. The US administration, while bemoaning the scale of civilian deaths, actually re-supplied Israel with ammunition during the 2014 onslaught.
Our governments make Israel’s abuses possible. 
Bilateral trade between Britain and Israel, for instance, in the region of £5.1bn in 2013, is reported to be growing. France's is even bigger. The European Union issued a directive in 2013 preventing any of its funding to Israel being spent on activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. But the impact of this restriction is trivial by comparison with that of the wide-ranging EU-Israel Association Agreement, signed in 1995, which remains in place. Israel is de facto a member of the EU, while flagrantly violating the common values and human rights commitments that are supposed to bind EU member states together. 
Israel, allow me to say, is a member of the European Union without being a member of the institutions. It’s a member of all the programmes, it participates in all the programmes. Xavier Solano, EU foreign policy chief, 2009.
If the diplomatic defence system erected by our own governments had not existed, there would have been UN-backed sanctions on Israel decades ago.
Boycott is a way of dismantling this defence system – of generating pressure on our governments to end the policy of guaranteeing Israel’s impunity.
IDF soldiers are known for their cowardness. Here it is clear, as they use Palestinian child as human shield to avoid stones during a demonstration in the occupied West Bank.

Decades of business-as-usual cultural exchange with Israeli state-supported institutions have not yielded any progress towards rights and justice for the Palestinians, as the besieged people of Gaza can testify. Culture, in the context of Israel’s occupation, has not served to ‘build bridges’, but has acted as a cover for the state’s crimes.
Cultural import and export are a crucial part of the ‘Brand Israel’ programme, a strategy aimed at overlaying the brutality of ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism with a veneer of civilised sophistication.  
Challenges to this strategy of cultural whitewashing have an important effect. Refusals by British cultural figures like Iain Banks, musicians Elvis Costello and Nigel Kennedy and the physicist and author Stephen Hawking, have generated not only column inches in Israel, but also high-level debates within Israeli intelligence, government and business circles, about how to counter what they see as a serious challenge to the credibility of Israel’s narrative abroad. 
For Israel, culture is never unpolitical.  It is after considerable contemplation that I have lately arrived at the decision that I must withdraw from the two performances scheduled in Israel … 
"There are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent. I must believe that the audience for the coming concerts would have contained many people who question the policies of their government on settlement and deplore conditions that visit intimidation, humiliation or much worse on Palestinian civilians in the name of national security … I hope it is possible to understand that I am not taking this decision lightly or so I may stand beneath any banner, nor is it one in which I imagine myself to possess any unique or eternal truth. It is a matter of instinct and conscience". Elvis Costello, musician, May 2010.  
Elvis is more than right
By the way, there's a very good new Israelo-Palestinian movie coming out - Junction 48. Ckeck it outPalestinian Hip-Hop Star Tamer Nafar Fights Racist Israeli Policies in BDS.
Boycott Israel - cultural, acabemic, economical, social

Alguns israelenses humanos e esclarecidos também revoltam-se - uma minoria, infelizmente - contra a política de limpeza étnica da Palestina.  Respeito à coragem exemplar de Asaf Harel por seu monólogo abaixo.  
Prominent Israeli comedian slams his country for apartheid: "We've been abusing the Palestinians on a daily basis for years, denying them their basic rights."
Thank you Asaf Harel foi being a decent soul and Israel's conscience!
The Israeli lobby in the UK  proved its efficiency this year during Israeli Apartheid Week. Check it out.
09/03/2017 Free speech on Israel under attack in universities - Letter from 243 academicsMonday 27 February 2017
Jo Johnson, UK universities minister, has asked Universities UK to disseminate the government’s definition of antisemitism and it ended in the repression of Israeli Apartheid Week 2017. To which 243 much respected academics reacted with the following open letter:
"The spike in far-right antisemitic incidents on UK campuses that you report (UK universities urged to act over spate of antisemitic stickers and graffiti, 18 February) seems to reflect the increase in xenophobia since the Brexit vote. Yet the government has “adopted” the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, which can be and is being read as extending to criticism of Israel and support for Palestinian rights, an entirely separate issue, as prima facie evidence of antisemitism. This definition seeks to conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. Now Jo Johnson, the government minister whose brief includes universities, has written to Universities UK asking for this definition to be disseminated throughout the system. His letter specifically mentions  Israeli Apartheid Week (a worldwide activity at this time of year since 2005) as a cause for concern. The response has been swift. Late last week, in haste and clearly without legal advice, the University of Central Lancashire banned a meeting that was to be addressed by journalist  Ben White as well as by academics. The university statement asserted that the “Debunking misconceptions on Palestine” contravened the definition of antisemitism recently adopted by the government, and would therefore not be lawful. Meanwhile, the Campaign Against Antisemitism, a body set up during the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2014, cites this definition in asking its supporters to “record, film, photograph and get witness evidence” about events; and “we will help you to take it up with the university, students’ union or even the police”. These are outrageous interferences with free expression, and are direct attacks on academic freedom. As academics with positions at UK universities, we wish to express our dismay at this attempt to silence campus discussion about Israel, including its violation of the rights of Palestinians for more than 50 years. It is with disbelief that we witness explicit political interference in university affairs in the interests of Israel under the thin disguise of concern about antisemitism.
Prof Jonathan Rosenhead, Prof Conor Gearty, Prof Malcolm Levitt, Tom Hickey, Prof Dorothy Griffiths, Prof Moshé Machover, Sir Iain Chalmers, Prof Steven Rose, Prof Gilbert Achcar, Prof Penny Green, Prof Bill Bowring, Mike Cushman, Jim Zacune, Dr Jethro Butler, Dr Rashmi Varma, Dr John Moore, Dr Nour Ali, Prof Richard Hudson, Dr Tony Whelan, Dr Dina Matar, Prof Marian Hobson, Prof Tony Sudbery, Prof John Weeks, Prof Graham Dunn, Dr Toni Wright, Dr Rinella Cere, Prof Ian Parker, Dr Marina Carter, Dr Shirin M Rai, Andy Wynne, Prof David Pegg, Prof Erica Burman, Dr Nicola Pratt, Prof Joanna Bornat, Prof Richard Seaford, Dr Linda Milbourne, Dr Julian Saurin, Dr Nadia Naser-Najjab, Prof Elizabeth Dore, Prof Colin Eden, Dr Neil Davidson, Jaime Peschiera, Catherine Cobham, Prof Haim Bresheeth, Dr Uriel Orlow, Dr Saladin Meckled-Garcia, Dr Abdul B Shaikh, Dr Mark Leopold, Prof Michael Donmall, Prof Hamish Cunningham, Prof David Johnson, Dr Reem Abou-El-Fadl, Dr Luke Cooper, Prof Peter Gurney, Dr Adi Kuntsman, Prof Matthew Beaumont, Dr Teodora Todorova, Prof Natalie Fenton, Prof Richard Bornat, Dr Jeremy Landor, Dr John Chalcraft, Milly Williamson, David Mabb, Dr Judit Druks, Dr Charlie McGuire, Dr Gholam Khiabany, Glynn Kirkham, Dr Deirdre O’Neill, Dr Gavin Williams, Prof Marsha Rosengarten, Dr Debra Benita Shaw, Dr João Florêncio, Prof Stephen Keen, Dr Anandi Ramamurthy, Dr Thomas Mills, Dr Don Crewe, Prof Robert Wintemute, Andy Gossett, Prof Mark Boylan, Angela Mansi, Dr Paul Taylor, Tim Martin, Keith Hammond, Karolin Hijazi, Dr Kevin Hearty, Prof Daniel Katz, Dr Richard Pitt, Prof Ray Bush, Prof Glenn Bowman, Prof Craig Brandist, Prof Virinder S Kalra, Dr Yasmeen Narayan, Prof Michael Edwards, John Gilmore-Kavanagh, Prof Nadje Al-Ali, Prof Mick Dumper, Graham Topley, Dr Shuruq Naguib, Prof David Whyte, Peter Collins, Dr Andrew Chitty, Prof David Mond, Prof Leon Tikly, Dr Subir Sinha, Dr Mark Berry, Dr Gajendra Singh, Prof Elizabeth Cowie, Dr Richard Lane, Prof Martin Parker, Dr Aboobaker Dangor, Dr Siân Adiseshiah, Prof Dennis Leech, Dr Owen Clayton, Dr John Cowley, Prof Mona Baker, Dr Navtej Purewal, Prof Mica Nava, Prof Joy Townsend, Dr Alex Bellem, Dr Nat Queen, Gareth Dale, Prof Yosefa Loshitzky, Dr Rudi Lutz, Dr Oliver Smith, Tim Kelly, Prof Laleh Khalili, Prof Aneez Esmail, Fazila Bhimji, Prof Hilary Rose, Dr Brian Tweedale, Prof Julian Petley, Prof Richard Hyman, Dr Paul Watt, Nisha Kapoor, Prof Julian Townshend, Prof Roy Maartens, Dr Anna Bernard, Prof Martha Mundy, Prof Martin Atkinson, Dr Claude Baesens, Dr Marijn Nieuwenhuis, Dr Emma Heywood, Dr Matthew Malek, Prof Anthony Milton, Dr Paul O’Connell, Prof Malcolm Povey, Dr Jason Hickel, Dr Jo Littler, Prof Rosalind Galt, Prof Suleiman Shark, Dr Paula James, Dr Linda Pickard, Pat Devine, Dr Jennifer Fortune, Prof Chris Roberts, Dr Les Levidow, Dr Carlo Morelli, Prof David Byrne, Dr Nicholas Cimini, Prof John Smith, Prof Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, Dr Peter J King, Prof Bill Brewer, Prof Patrick Williams, Prof Daphne Hampson, Dr Wolfgang Deckers, Cliff Jones, Prof Luis Pérez-González, Prof Patrick Ainley, Dr Paul Kelemen, Prof Dee Reynolds, Dr Enam AlWer, Prof Hugh Starkey, Dr Anna Fisk, Prof Linda Clarke, Prof Klim McPherson, Cathy Malone, Prof Graham Dawson, Prof Colin Green, Prof Clément Mouhot, Prof S Sayyid, Prof William Raban, Prof Peter Hallward, Prof Chris Rust, Prof Benita Parry, Prof Andrew Spencer, Prof  Philip Marfleet, Prof Frank Land, Dr Peter E Jones, Dr Nicholas Thoburn, Tom Webster, Dr Khursheed Wadia, Dr Philip Gilligan, Dr Lucy Michael, Prof Steve Hall, Prof Steve Keen, Dr David S Moon, Prof Ken Jones, Dr Karen F Evans, Dr Jim Crowther, Prof Alison Phipps, Dr Uri Horesh, Dr Clair Doloriert, Giles Bailey, Prof Murray Fraser, Prof Stephen Huggett, Dr Gabriela Saldanha, Prof Cahal McLaughlin, Ian Pace, Prof Philip Wadler, Dr Hanem El-Farahaty, Dr Anne Alexander, Dr Robert Boyce, Dr Patricia McManus, Prof Mathias Urban, Dr Naomi Woodspring, Prof David Wield, Prof Moin A Saleem, Dr Phil Edwards, Dr Jason Hart, Dr Sharon Kivland, Dr Rahul Rao, Prof Ailsa Land, Dr Lee Grieveson, Dr Paul Bagguley, Dr Rosalind Temple, Dr Karima Laachir, Dr Youcef Djerbib, Dr Sarah Perrigo, Bernard Sufrin, Prof James Dickins, John Burnett, Prof Des Freedman, Dr David Seddon, Prof Steve Tombs, Prof Louisa Sadler, Dr Leon Sealey-Huggins, Dr Rashné Limki, Dr Guy Standing, Dr Arianne Shahvisi, Prof Neil Smith, Myriam Salama-Carr, Dr Graham Smith, Dr Peter Fletche.
Israeli Apartheid Week held at 30 UK universities, despite repression.
Israeli and South African Apartheid
Noam Chomsky set the record straight: Israeli apartheid policy is much worse than White South African's.

In war-torn Syria, 430,000 Palestine refugees – over 95 per cent of the total Palestine refugee population remaining in the country – don’t have enough food to eat due to volatile conditions, intense armed violence and price inflation.
Why should the world care about Palestinian refugees in Syria? Because the 500.000 Palestinian refugees from Syria survive on humanitarian assistance and deserve adequate shelter, quality education and access to health care.
Because they are two times refugees.
Because they have a nation of their own where they can't go back to because of the United Nations allegiance to the country that stole their land, their lives, their citizenship, their basic human rights.

06/03/17: 2.5 milhões de palestinos servindo o exército israelense, no caso de Um Estado, seria condição sine qua non para ter direito a voto. Rir ou chorar da perversidade? Israeli lawmaker: Only Palestinians who serve in army would be able to vote in one-state.
. Israeli army carries out predawn raids in multiple areas across the West Bank.
Knesset aprova nova lei que proibe a entrada em Israel de qualquer pessoa que apóie . Mesmo que a pessoa só apóie o boicote das colônias/invasões - "assentamentos" ilegais, segundo as leis internacionais - na Cisjordânia ocupada: Israel's welcome now reserved only for Jews who back  Netanhyahu.
Cornel West spoke about the new law denying entry to foreigners who call for a boycott of Israel or the settlements. "It shows that he BDS movement is gaining strength — and Israel is “panicking.” “lt’s a sign of panic, a sign of hysteria, a very sad response to an intense situation,” the African-American philosopher said. “Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel would turn in his grave thinking about the spiritual blackout that is occurring in Israel.” 
Cornell has publicly supported BDS for years, and as such, is one of the prominent public figures who could be denied entry under the new law. West, who supported Bernie Sanders in the Democratic presidential primaries, says he’s worried about Israeli democracy. The law “shows that BDS is getting stronger but it also shows that any critique of the settlements, any critique of the ugly occupation is grounds for excluding people from the country,” he says. “What about the people inside the country?,” he asks. “People who live right there, in Tel Aviv, are you going to say they don’t have the right to be inside their own country? That is what authoritarian regimes do. It’s just sad to see Israel move more and more in that authoritarian direction.”
08/03/201:The IDF sprays herbicides along Gaza border, destroying crops in 200 hectares.
Apesar dos pesares incontornáveis e irreconciliáveis, a Autoridade Palestina ainda tenta fazer um pacto com o diabo. Mahmoud Abbas mandar novo mensageiro a Washington é como um representante judeu apelar para Mussolini deixando seus correligionários à mercê de Hitler. Senilidade pouca é bobagem: New Palestinian Envoy to U.S. Welcomes Trump’s Desire for an ‘Ultimate’ Peace Deal.
Ora, enquanto isso, o Knesset aprovava lei banindo a chamada para a oração na mesquita, equivalente ao badalar dos sinos que precedem as missas em nossas igrejas: Israeli Lawmakers Vote to Silence Muslim Call in Residential Areas.
09/03/17: O boicote esportivo de Israel é crucial para os ocupantes cairem na real, como foi o caso na África do Sul durante o apartheid. É por isso que a FIFA tem de riscar Israel do mapa das competições internacionais: FIFA slammed for failing to tackle Israeli settler clubs.
Por que o boicote acadêmico de Israel também é tão importante? Why is Israel academic boycott is also so important? Because Top Israeli university markets country's arms industry to the world.
E Banksy continua firme e forte no seu combate à ocupação israelense: Banksy Withdraws Invitation to Fatboy Slim to Perform at Walled Off hotel in occupied Bethlehem
Isso foi depois deste grande artista inglês inaugurar o Walled Off Hotel com a pior vista do planeta, que dá de cara com o muro da vergonha que Israel construiu cortando as ruas de Belém, junto ao qual recolheu-se o Papa:  Worst view in the world’: Banksy opens hotel overlooking Bethlehem wall.
The Walled Off Hotel: The struggle for decolonisation.
10/03/17: AL-Zaytouna Centre presented an infographic of the Palestinian Population Worldwide by Place of Residence at the Beginning of 2017. It includes the population in various Palestinian territories (West Bank, Gaza Strip and the 1984 occupied territories “Israel”), in addition to the Palestinian population in Arab and foreign countries. It is noted that information are based on the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) figures.
Este é o infográfico que o AL-Zaytouna Centre apresentou da população palestina nos territórios ocupados e na diáspora no início de 2017. 
In a pre-dawn raid attacking a home in el-Bireh, Basil al-Araj, 31, Palestinian youth activist and writer pursued by Israel for nearly a year, was assassinated by invading Israeli occupation forces this morning.  Al-Araj, from the village of Walaja near Bethlehem, fought back and resisted the invading forces for two hours before the attacking occupation soldiers broke into the home where he was staying and executed him at close range. They then seized his body and took it to an unknown location.  The attack on the home included rocket fire as well as al-Araj’s extrajudicial execution in a hail of bullets. Al-Araj’s family home in al-Walaja had been repeatedly raided by occupation forces for months.  Al-Araj, a writer and activist involved in a wide array of Palestinian grassroots struggles for liberation, was among the Palestinian youth dedicated to reviving the Palestinian national liberation movement. One of six Palestinian youth released from Palestinian Authority prisons after nearly six months of detention when they launched a hunger strike, Al-Araj and other youth had been seized in April in what was touted as a victory for security coordination between the PA and Israel. While they were imprisoned by the PA, they were subject to torture and ill-treatment by PA security forces.  After their hunger strike and widespread attention to their case, including protests after reports of their torturesecured their release, four of the youth – Mohammed al-Salameen, Seif al-Idrissi, Haitham Siyaj, and Mohammed Harb – have been seized by Israeli occupation forces. All four have been ordered to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial. 
The extrajudicial execution of Basil al-Araj is yet another example of the ongoing use of “arrest raids” as assassination raids against Palestinian strugglers, including the killing of Abdullah Shalaldeh in the hospital and the murder of former prisoner and struggler Muataz Washaha. It also highlights once again the devastating and deadly reality of “security coordination” between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian Authority for Palestinians struggling for their liberation, pursued and imprisoned through this coordination up to the point of their execution'Basil al-Araj was a beacon for Palestinian youth' .
Norman Finkelstein vs zionist journalist Adam Holm, in Denmark, a few years ago. Unfortunagelly, nothing has changed since the Goldstone report that followed Israeli Operation Cast Lead 2008/09. Things only got worse for the Palestinians.

Eu, pessoalmente, não sinto necessidade do Dia da Mulher. Talvez por jamais ter me visto como tal nas minhas relações profissionais. Aliás, "jornalista", em português, é comum de dois gêneros e eu mesma nunca me senti discriminada por não ser homem. Muito pelo contrário. Socialmente, gosto de desfrutar dos privilégios do meu sexo "frágil"; que abram a porta para eu passar, carreguem peso no meu lugar, enfim, estes costumes que ainda mantêm os homens bem educados.
Mas sou brasileira, no meu país há igualdade salarial, Delegacias da Mulher espalhadas por todo o território nacional para combater a brutalidade dos brutamontes que acham que suas filhas, namoradas, esposas, são sacos de pancadas ou inferiores em algo.
Há muitos países em que a mulher precisa desse dia para celebrá-la. Por ser cidadã de segunda classe, para ter coragem de denunciar abusos ou simplesmente para existir, de fato.
O Japão é um desses países dos quais pouco se fala e onde estudantes de primeiro e segundo grau são frequentemente molestadas nos transportes públicos a caminho da escola.
Sexual assault of schoolgirls is commonplace on Japan's public transportation, but now more girls are speaking out.
According to Emiko Ochiai, a sociologist and historian at Kyoto University .Confucianism influenced the declining status of women in [Japan]. That ideology was spread by popular stories and dramas and was "reinforced in the process of modernisation under the impact from the West".
Today, "To be a woman is a 'caste' in this society. You cannot get out of that destiny. [Only] if you are very successful in education and business, you can be a man."
But from the women's movement in the 1970s to, more recently, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's agenda to boost women's participation in the workforce as part of an economic growth plan, men's power has been challenged.
"One reason to do groping is to show their power to women and the younger girls. Offenders carefully target vulnerable-looking schoolgirls". She worries that as older schoolgirls begin to speak up, perpetrators will begin to target even younger girls.
"The offenders are not always or necessarily sexually driven; rather, what drives them is the desire to control and dominate a target. The more she seems embarrassed, troubled, or perplexed, the [more the] offender would be satisfied, because it means he is controlling and dominating her. Schoolgirls are young and oftentimes docile and obedient to grown-up men."
Em Israel, os abusos cometidos contra as mulheres são inúmeros. Vários funcionários de primeiro e segundo escalão do governo estão sendo investigados sobre assédio sexual de suas subordinadas. 
Na Palestina é outra história, as mulheres são espezinhadas por Israel tanto quanto os homens, sem nenhuma discriminação positiva, muito pelo contrário. Eis, no seguinte link, doze das milhares que tentam dar voz às suas milhões de compatriotas que resistem à ocupação criando seus filhos da melhor maneira possível, no anonimato:12 Palestinian Women Worth Talking About in 2017's Women's Day. 
And as the world marked International Women's Day, I must speak up for the 65 Palestinian women, including 12 minors, that are being imprisoned by Israel "under dire conditions," according to a statement released by the Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) on Tuesday.  The 65 women are being held in Israel's HaSharon and Damon prisons, where prison cells are unbearably cold in winter and hot in summer. In addition, the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) imposes restrictions on provision of clothes, bed sheets, and shoes, PPS said. The statement said that Palestinian political prisoners were held in cells very close to those of Israeli women held over criminal charges, and they were subjected to routine verbal abuse from the Israeli prisoners. According to the statement, the longest serving female prisoner is Lina al-Jarbouni, who has been jailed since 2002. “Palestinian women continue to suffer severe psychological, physical, and emotional abuse and endure grave acts of oppression, violence, and hardship at the hands of Israel and its unbridled violations," Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee Member Hanan Ashrawi said in a statement on Tuesday to mark the eve of International Women's Day. According to Hanan, since the Israeli military takeover of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in 1967, some 15,000 Palestinian women and girls have been imprisoned by Israeli authorities. 
Hanan went on to honor Palestinian women for their role in the national resistance against Israeli occupation, saying that "the national struggle for self-determination, freedom, and dignity in spite of the challenges and difficulties they face... are the focal principles that govern the struggle of women for their own rights within Palestinian society and beyond." 

Alegria efêmera invadiu a palestina há poucos dias, mas valeu a penas. Yacoub Shaeen, palestino de 23 anos, ganhous o concurso Arab Idol.  
The 23-year-old Palestinian Yacoub Shaeen won the Arab Idol 2017: 'We are a people who love life'. 

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