domingo, 20 de março de 2016

Israeli Apartheid Week IV: Boycott, Divest, Sancion Israel!

As inscrições continuam chegando no BDSmovement e a mobilização nas universidades aumentando em todas as partes do mundo.
A semana passada foi marcada por vários eventos na França e uma campanha Facebook contra a arbitrária e anti-democrática proibição do governo francês e da prefeita de Paris do direito pacífico de boicote. Se Anne Hidalgo e François Hollande fossem de um governo de partido declaradamente de direita, os franceses estariam na rua há semanas reivindicando o direito inalienável de exprimir-se de maneira pacífica. Mas como são de um partido com etiqueta socialista, tudo passa desapercebido pela grande mídia. Montpellier, por sua vez, já protestara contra a presença do cônsul israelense e os poucos franceses que sabem que boicotar Israel virou delito, não estão muito satisfeitos, mas desviam o olhar.
No mundo árabe também houve vários eventos. Inclusive uma palestra do médico norueguês Mads Gilbert, que Israel baniu da Palestina. Não tenho o vídeo, mas tenho um de 2014 quando ele contou na Noruega o que estava vivenciando em Gaza durante a carnificina israelense da Operation Protective Edge.
Os eventos continuam na América e no mundo árabe. Confira o que está acontecendo na sua região ou/e organize algo:  Events | Israeli Apartheid Week.
Dates pre-established:/ Datas pré-estabelecidas.
Brasil:16-20/03.Brasília,São Paulo   R. G. do Sul; e outros acrescentados o tempo todo, consulte o BDS-Brasil, Stop the Wall Brasil e  IAW.
America Latina: Do dia 10 ao 27 de abril;
Chile: 11-17/04. BDS Chile.
Arab World: March 20-26;
Real News : Defying AIPAC
USA: Mainly between 03/27 to 04/03Philly.bds/ PSolidaritySudburyJVPROCSJPatUW/;  ;  And most of all, learn about anti- legislation by state & take action to protect your . Palestine Legal @pal_legal
America Latina: April 10-27;
Chile: 11 a 17 de abril.
Canada: Various throughout March, check with local organisers-IAWToronto. ; Ottawa;
And more coming everywhere, all the time.
AJ+, Israel's Wall: Security or Apartheid?

The participation and covering of Israeli Apartheid Week is important because it informs about the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestine and the current Palestinian uprising.
With the developpement of technologies and the popularity of social media comes the rise of pedestrian surveillance of police and state brutality on an international level.
Such documentation is widely used across Palestine as well, for international activists and Palestinians use their phones and cameras to record the various forms of colonial and state violence that they experience on a daily basis.
Why do Palestinians feel the need to document such form of brutality and what does this insinuate?
Every day that Israeli occupation continues, the more the Palestinians are suffering from an illegal and relentless ethnic cleansing that has left them in dire living conditions both inside and outside of Palestine.
The decades of Israel's colonial, military, and economic opprerssion has forced Palestinians to desperately fight for freedom and justice. October 2015 marks the Third Intifada, which initiated after a surge of Israeli violence against Palestinians, particularly against women who sought to protect Masjid al-Aqsa and protest against Israel's constant invasions and blockades of the mosque compound. Since then, there has been a rise in both violent and non-violent resistance across the country which has led to Israel executing many heartbreaking forms of punishment: Israel has killed more than 180 young people, imprisoned over 800 men women and children, invaded hospitals to abduct injured Palestinians seeking treatment, framed Palestinians to offer a justification to the many racially charged settlers attacks against them and demolished the homes of those who have a family member that took part in resisting the occupation.
The difference between the first two Intifadas and this Third is that unlikely the former two, this current uprising takes place with a new generation of young people who are accustomed to the technological developments and are putting it to good to document and record Israel's daily acts of violence.
That's why Israeli ambassador to the USA went to Sillicom Valley to ask Google to censore the videos that show Israeli barbarism, from both settlers and soldiers. Fortunately, Google executives weren't so weak as French, Canadian and British governments - maybe because they don't need zionist lobby's money - and refused Tel Aviv's shameful arguments.
One of those videos uploaded online shows Isra Abed being shot multiple times at a bus station in Jerusalem for allegedly trying to stab and IDF soldier. Another video shows a young Palestinian school girl at a Bethlehem checkpoint being cornered by IDF soldiers who dropped a knife on the floor and forced her to pick it up and afterwards taking her away as she wept. Another type of video involves Israeli soldiers dressed as Palestinians attending protests, and attacking college protestors - one Birzeit University 's student was left seriously injured and another handicapped. Other videos show Palestinian of all genders and ages attending nationwide protests against the occupation and  processions.
AJ+: Undercover Israelis, one more IDF leathal weapon in the West Bank
There is common practice amongst most criminal justice systems in the world that one is innocent until proven guilty. However, the fact that Palestinians feel the need to provide video footage of maltreatment indicates that the narratives of victims who lack political power is not given value when set against those who do have such power and influence over  international media.
The overpowering value of Israeli misleading narrative has the ability to cast aside the narratives of the Palestinians as well as to dehumanize them in order to promote violence against the people they dispossess and occupy.
By recording these events, Palestinians are showing their understanding of this imbalance, and how proof, undeniable evidence, is needed to ensure one people's innocence and another people's guilt among the international community, as well as in Israeli courts. Israeli brutality has a long and dark history and these videos should make it evident that the occupier has time and again infringed upon the basic rights of Palestinians.
However, despite the clarity of these videos, Israelis and their accomplices worldwide cast those aside as being untrue or as being justified acts by making the hasbara claim that the settlers or IDF soldiers are simply defending themselves. With the hasbara of the Israel Project, they manage to 'convince' some people that the Palestinians are violent, backwards, anti-Semitic and uncultured Arabs - which is the very opposite of what Palestinians really ar - and that the Israeli government and its 'defense forces' are doing what they see fit to ensure the safety and security of its 'innocent' people.
The worst part of it is that the hasbara works most of the time, as zionist lobbies control most of the international media.
That's why Palestinians are starting to rely on themselves and the power of the people to instigate change. After decades of Israel's illegal occupation, Palestinian have come to learn that the Palestinian Authority, other internacional governments, and the many NGOs, have prolonged the existence of the occupation instead of putting an end to it.
They understand that the Palestinian Authority has no power against Israel and are too caught up in negotiations using propositions that in no way reflect or represent the wants and needs of Palestinians.
They are also aware that the PA is too caught up in their attempts to oppress its own people and calm down the uprising by banning protests across the country instead of supporting or at least tolerating such forms of resistance.
The USA and all the NGOs that crowd Ramallah, fail to take the source of the occupation and violence, Israel's occupation, by its roots and put and end to the occupier countless crimes against humanity. They have focused instead on promoting coexistence while Israeli aggression against Palestinians is not only continuing but is getting stronger and more vicious every year. With this understanding of the current situation in mind, Palestinians are becoming increasingly less dependent on these different organizations while being more critical of their activities.
The documentation of real events through video makes its viewers witnesses, and it can help prove the innocence or guilt of particular parties and social activities and the like.
That is why I show them in this blog, besides talking over and over about Palestine. So that you won't be able to say afterwards: "I didn't know", as did most people after World War II. 
This contemporary genocide is being carried on in front of everyone. 
Shame on us all.
The Wall will fall

A violência física e psicológica que os soldados e os colonos israelenses exercem sobre as crianças palestinas surtem efeito contrario ao que Tel Aviv desejava: Children join the protest against Israeli occupation in Kufr Qaddum .
Max Blumenthal & Dan Cohen: Killing Gaza

Max Blumenthal:  Under Obama's watch, Israel slaughtered 551 children in Gaza in 2014. All candidates at seem determined to outdo his achievement. In 2012, no American candidate for president even mentioned . Now each one ritually condemns it, siding w/ Israel over the Constitution.

Para os soldados israelenses, a ocupação é uma brincadeira.

Três deputados europeus visitaram a Cisjordânia em outubro de 2012 para entender melhor as consequências da ocupação israelense. Uma equipe da Al Jazeera acompanhou a visita e no fim, fez o documentário Living Under Occupation.
Three European deputies visited the West Bank in October 2012: Living Under Occupation (27')

Apartheid Adventures : War Crimes - an Exact Science

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