domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Israeli Apartheid Week II : Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel!


A Israeli Apartheid Week, Semana Internacional contra o Apartheid Israelense, continua, e até terminar, vou continuar fazendo minha parte contribuindo com vídeos, informação e dicas de artigos de colegas estrangeiros conscientizados e bem informados.
O evento anual começou no Reino Unido na última semana de fevereiro, e passou a outros países, embora as ações por lá  em várias universidades.
With a demonstration of thousands fo people in support of the BDS movement in Ramallah, on February 27th, Palestinian popular movements kicked off the Palestinian part of the International Israeli Apartheid Week. In the West Bank and Gaza, activities are planned to happen until March 10th in Palestine. Among them, events will be happen in the cities of Bethlehem, Hébron, Ramallah and Jerusalem.
Na semana passada, a Palestina entrou na marcha, com eventos múltiplos e variados. De confêrências, debates, a passeatas pacíficas reprimidas a bala de verdade.
Eis uns vídeos:
IAW na Cisjordânia

E no dia 04 de março, em Qafr Qadum, soldados da IDF atiraram em Khalid, de 12 anos a sangue frio, e em seguida, em Mashhur Jurma, 45, que foi socorrê-lo.
Para os palestinos, para nós jornalistas e para os ativistas estrangeiros que acompanham o conflito é um acontecimento corriqueiro que nos choca sempre, mas é raro que uma câmera registre.
Incredible footage of IDF soldiers shooting Khalid Murad Shtewei, 12 

Os eventos continuam nos quatro cantos do planeta, confira o que está acontecendo na sua região ou/e organize algo:  Events | Israeli Apartheid Week.
Dates pre-established:/ Datas pré-estabelecidas. mas que sã nas:
UK finishes today, but check the last events: London Palestine Action  / / .
Europe   : February 29 - March 7.
Palestine: March 1-10. Gaza: 1st March, 2:00 - 5:00 PM , Red Crescent Society; 2- 2nd - 3rd Mar 11 am - 7 pm Photo Gallery, PNI office; 3- 6th Mar, 11 am - 7 pm , Photo Gallery, Herak Youth Center; 4- 8th Mar, 2:30 Symposium , European Cultural Center; 5-  9th Mar, Gaza - WB symposium , Masarat Center ; 6- 10 th Mar, the 18 Wanted film, Palestinian Red Crescent. tps://

South Africa: March 7-13 - Israeli Apartheid Week South Africa (IAW SA).#‎IsraeliApartheidWeek;
The ANC has announced that it will be taking part in Israeli Apartheid Week, which will be is being held from March 7 to March 13.
The party said the decision was made without hesitation.
"It is without any hesitation that the ANC will be participating in the 12th annual international Israeli Apartheid Week, as we have done in previous years," ANC Deputy Secretary General Jessie Duarte said in a statement on Saturday. He said that the party knows how valuable to international solidarity movement against apartheid was to the Struggle: "Our armed struggle, our civil society campaigns, our mass demonstrations and our negotiations were greatly enhanced and legitimised by the successful international isolation of and solidarity campaigns against Apartheid South Africa during the 1980s. The number of organisations participating in IAW is a sign of our democracy. The vast array of participating organisations is an indication of our vibrant democracy and an opportunity for our people to break religious as well as racial lines and unite behind the ideal of a free Palestine. We as the ANC particularly welcome the involvement of members from the South African Jewish community who will be participating in this year's #IsraeliApartheidWeek."

Brasil: 16 a 20 de março. Atividades em Brasília, Campo Grande, Porto Alegre RS; São Paulo; e outros acrescentados o tempo todo, consulte o Israeli Apartheid Week.
Arab World: March 20-26;
United States: Various, including March 27-April3 2016/;
America Latina: April 10-27;
Chile: 11 a 17 de abril.
Canada: Various throughout March, check with local organisers Israeli Apartheid Week - Toronto. Australia
And more coming everywhere, all the time, check it out: Events | Israeli Apartheid Week
Programme Lebanon (photo HD)

Ocupação = Impunição
Israeli border police officer flipped over Palestinian in wheel chair
Actually, since October 2015, more than 180  have been killed, includind 41 minors.
Na verdade, desde ooutubro de 2015, mais de 180 palestinos foram mortos, incluindo 41 menores.

Ocupação = Destituição de direitos a  e a Educação

David Sheen: Measuring Racism, Israel
David Sheen: The Bullet, The Ballot & Boycott
Novos artigos de Ben White sobre a batalha que dos lobbies sionistas para calar o BDS na Inglaterra/ Ben White new articles:

Israel's new line of propaganda puts Orwell to shame -Sometimes it's hard to tell if we are moving forward in the campaign to defeat Apartheid Israel. This from Gideon Levy tells us we are on the right track. Israel is resorting to lies and deceit about the occupation and its treatment of  the Palestinians to fill the void left by the death of the peace process.In Israeli government's parallel universe, Jerusalem is united, there is no occupation. 

It’s time to admit it. Israeli policy is what it is: Apartheid
I used to be one of those people who took issue with the label of apartheid as applied to Israel. Not anymore.
Outra jovem poetisa palestina: Hala Alyan

Um presente: o poeta-rapper Omar Offendum declama poema do grande Mahmoud Darwish
عربي - English 

Centenas de psicanalistas do mundo inteiro querem que a conferência internacional de psicanálise seja mudada de Jerusalém para uma cidade sem apartheid.
Hundreds of psychoterapists call for their annual nternational conference to be moved from Jerusalem to a city without apartheid:
"Move this conference away from Jerusalem!
We, psychotherapists, researchers and other mental health professionals, write to express our dismay at the decision of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) to hold its next international conference  in Jerusalem. 
Israel’s policies in the Occupied Territories, including house demolitions, movement restrictions and imprisonment without trial, cause insecurity, despair, helplessness and humiliation. They create family tension and widespread traumatisation, and disrupt child attachment. The calamitous impact of Israel’s occupation on the psychological health of the Palestinians is well documented.
This conference would be taking place a short walking distance from neighbourhoods where Palestinians are currently being dispossessed of their homes to make way for Israeli settlements, one among many strategies that pose a threat to their very survival in Jerusalem. SPR’s collective denial – or indifference –is evident in the conference publicity published on its website. Jerusalem is here pictured as “a city suspended between heaven and earth, East and West, past and present – parallel universes of flowing caftans and trendy coffee shops”.
We are shocked that, replying to concerns already raised, the organisers consider it adequate to promise to assist Palestinian psychotherapy researchers to attend the conference. This may ease SPR consciences but it is as nothing weighed against the political message they will be sending by meeting in this beleaguered city.
SPR’s name ought to be synonymous with intellectual honesty, independence, and a courageous resolve to deal with the truth. Hence we call for the conference to be moved to another venue, following the lead given by the World Association of Infant Mental Health in similar circumstances." .

Comediante Mark Thomas informa e se posiciona / e informa: West Bank behind barriers

Since October 2015, more than 180 killed, including 38 minors and 7 women - Over 10.192 have been injured.
Desde outubro de 2015, mais de 180 palestinos foram mortos, incluindo 38 menores e 7 mulheres  .

Since the 14th September 2015, over 2.435 Palestinians have been arrested. 432 of them are minors.
Desde o dia 14 de setembro de 2015, mais de 2.435 palestinos foram presos. 432 deles são menores de até 13 anos.

Debate Press TV: Palestine Plight (06/03/16)

Estatísticas Addameer de presos políticos palestinos até fevereiro 2016
Statistics Addameer Palestine: February 2016
Total Number of Political Prisoners
Administrative Detainees
Child prisoners
Female prisoners
1948 Territories prisoners
East Jerusalem prisoners
Gaza prisoners
Palestinian Legislative Council members
Prisoners before Oslo
Prisoners serving a sentence above 20 years
Prisoners serving life sentences
Prisoners serving more than 20 years
Prisoners serving more than 25 years


Apartheid Adventures: Denying Apartheid
Boycott Israel - Immortal Technique, Don Martin, Tumi, Eltipo Este, Tonto Noiza (com letra)
Para concluir com uma boa risada do Mossad / To finish with a good laugh provided by Richard Silverstein: ,

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