quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2015

Rogue Israel vs Resistência & Intifada I

Middle East Monitor divulgou estatística da Terceira Intifada até o dia 14/10

E se você estiver em Jerusalém / and if you are in Jerusalem : We will not surrender to despair - We will stand together! Jews and Arabs march together in Jerusalem - Saturday night, Oct. 17. Starting point - at 8.30 at Gan HaSus, Jerusalem. Arabs and Jews want to live in security. Real security, without occupation and without killing. We know that only with a just solution to the conflict will be able to stop.

A MSNBC teve a coragem de mostrar a usurpação da terra palestina em mapas claros

Os negros estadunidenses militam pela Palestina: When I see them I see us.

Só durante a manhã três adolescentes palestinos foram assassinados: Fadil Qawasmi, de 18 anos, foi morto a tiros por um colono judeu em Hebron;
Muataz Ahmad Hajis Uweisat, de 16, foi morto em Jerusalém por soldados da IDF e sua mãe, pai e irmãos foram presos;
Bayan Ayman Abd al-Hadi al-Esseili, de 16 anos, foi morta por um soldado na porta da mesquita Ibrahimi, em Hebron e seus pais foram atacados brutalmente por soldados quando iam buscar a filha assassinada e o pai foi preso arbitrariamente, assim como um testemunha do crime.
Assassinato de Muataz no vídeo abaixo.
Na leva de arbítrariedades em Hebron, a IDF prendeu um observador estrangeiro de uma ONG de Direitos 
Humanos e os soldados subiram em telhados de casas palestinas para jogar apedrejar e atirar nos jovens manifestantes. Aproveitaram para atirar na perna de um jornalista.
Nas últimas 24 horas, oito jovens palestinos foram mortos. Além dos citados acima, um em Nablus, e dois em Gaza.
Os colonos judeus, armados e sedentos de sangue, tomaram conta de Hebron ao ponto dos soldados da IDF 'aconselharem' os ativistas estrangeiros e os jornalistas a correrem do lugar onde mais um palestino acabava de ser abatido porque corriam perigo de vida. Quando a ambulância chegou para carregar o palestino ferido, os colonos deitaram na rua para impedir a ambulância de levá-lo enquanto centenas de colonos fanáticos celebravam quase em transe. Sadismo e selvageria igual, jamais vistos.
Nenhum israelense foi ferido em nenhums das supostas facadas palestinas.
Hebron está em estado de sítio. Os palestinos e os ativistas estrangeiros foram empurrados dentro das casas, proibidos de abrir janelas, de filmarem, de tirar fotografias; os colonos judeus tomraram conta da cidade e estão correndo pelas ruas em busca de alguém para matarem. Um espanto. Dir-se-ia os loucos do Estado Islâmico.
No final do dia, mais dois palestinos morreram de ferimentos prévios. Um em Qalandia e outro em Hebron.
This morning, three Palestinian teenagers were killed: 
Fadil Qawasmi, 18 years old, was shot by a Jewish settler in Hebron;   16 year-old Muataz Ahmad Hajis Uweisat was killed by IDF soldiers in Jerusalem; his mother, father and brothers were detained. Both boys were killed after alleged attacks that bystanders have denied. 
Israeli soldiers have been carrying knives to plant besides Palestinians they shoot to kill. It has been documented on video. We don't know yet if it's an order that comes from a high or low commander. 
An Israeli soldier shot dead 16 year old Bayan Ayman Abd al-Hadi al-Esseili at Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron; afterwards her parents were brutally attacked when rushing to the scene of their daughters' killing and her father was arrested for no reason, along with an eye-witness to the crime. Still in occupied Hebron, Israeli military have arrested a foreign human rights observer and have been using palestinian family roofs to shoot and throw stones at the young Palestinian demonstrators. One journalist was shot in the leg.

Sadistic Jewish settlers took control of Hebron and Israeli soldiers told journalists and foreign activists to run because they couldn't protect them at the site of another execution of a Palestinian, as settlers were lying in front of ambulance carrying dying Palestinian to stop from getting to hospital. Hundreds of settlers swarmed and celebrated the shooting of a Palestinian on Shuhada street in Hebron. Terrifying. Really. And the soldiers just watch their compatriots savagery. 
Hebron is on lockdown. No one is allowed to leave houses - I mean, Palestinians and foreign activists. Nor look out windows or film or take any picture. The soldiers received the order to allow free passage for the settlers. They own the city. Scary. Scary. Very scary. They act like ISIS.
Meanwhile, since early this morning the IDF has been shooting tear gas, stun grenades and rubber coated steel bullets at demonstrators in several palestinian towns. Many "dangerous terrorists" like the boy in the picture have been taken into custody by heavy armed group of soldiers.

A video published on Facebook by Youth Against Settlements shows the moments after an Israeli settler shot dead a Palestinian teenager in Hebron, Saturday. At 12 seconds into the video, one soldier hands off an object to another soldier, who appears to drop it by the body. The video has raised suspicions that the soldiers are planting a knife. 
The settler who reportedly killed the youth is seen in the video walking around with his handgun still drawn. Ma’an News Agency has identified the youth as 18-year-old Fadil Qawasmi. The shooting took place in central Hebron’s Shuhada Street.  
Also on Saturday, Mutaz Ahmad Uweisat execution was caught on video (above). He was shot dead by Israeli police for allegedly attempting to stab an officer near the settlement of Armon Hanatziv in the West Bank near occupied East Jerusalem. Wattan TV said that Mutaz was from Jerusalem’s Jabal al-Mukabir neighborhood.
Only one soldier was slightely injured in all these alleged Palestinian attacks.

Os dois lados da medalha da repressão violenta do ocupante: soldado israelense trocando bomba de gás recém-atirada.
Menino palestino gaseado corre para distanciar-se do ataque.

16/10/15: Durante o "Dia da Cólera" a repressão israelense nos territórios palestinos ocupados foi extremamente violenta, com os soldados atirando nos manifestantes sem piedade. Dezenas de feridos foram hospitalizados na Cisjordânia e em Gaza. Dois jovens foram mortos na hora em que foram baleados.  

Protests have given way to clashes between Israeli military and young Palestinians in areas across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Three Palestinians were killed and dozen others injured while marking a 'Day of Rage'.
In Gaza, the IDF shot and killed two Palestinians during Friday's clashes in Nahel Oz (east of Shujayia) and Erez Border (Beit-Hanoun)  - Yahiya Abd al-Qader, 24 years old, and Mahmoud Hatim, 22. 
More than 90 persons have been injured, including journalists and paramedics. Ambulances and paramedic were repeatedly directly targeted by the IDF. More than 90 persons have been injured, including journalists and paramedics. 
The clashes came as hundreds of residents marched in Gaza city in solidarity with their compatriots in the West Bank.
Since the beginning of the month, at least 37 Palestinians (half of them under 18) and seven Israelis (soldiers and civilians) have been killed. 
Protests agaisnt Israel's ongoing occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip have increased in frequency, while the IDF have responded with senseless violence, using tear gas, skunk water, rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition against demonstrators and journalists. 
In East Jerusalem, Israeli police extended a ban on Palestinian men under the age of 40 from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound - the third holiest site for Muslims. 
Thousands of Israeli police and soldiers have been deployed across the country and Palestinian neighbourhoods in Jerusalem have been sealed off by checkpoints and road blocks.
"The situation in Jerusalem has been very tense," said Nur Arafeh, a research fellow a the Al-Shabaka plicy network. "Palestinians are feeling insecur amidst the unrest, the sealing off of the city and the growing Israeli measures of collective punishment. 
Meanwhile, Israeli settlers, abetted by Israeli police forces, are rampant, making incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and attacking Palestinians and their property".

Mapping the dead.
Al-Jazeera is tracking the human toll of the wave of violence in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel. 

O maior pesadelo do Shin Bet, da IDF e de Binyamin Netanyahu e seus comparsas é que os dezenas de milhares de jovens gazauís derrubem a super-cerca dentro da qual Israel confina a Faixa de Gaza.
Os soldados das forças de ocupação israelense vão cometer um massacre metralhando um atrás do outro até o último que escapar do campo de concentração bloqueado?
A series of particularly serious incidents have been taking place…along the Gaza border. Attempts to break through the prison fence are nightmare scenario for the occupation establishment. These are the terrifying fulfillment of Israel’s worst scenarios…. The sight of tens of thousands of unarmed Palestinians marching toward freedom is the cause of many a nightmare for the Israeli leadership. What will happen if thousands of Palestinians march on the fence, knock it down and continue their march into Israel? Will Israel respond with gunfire that will lead to a massacre?

Porém, a Autoridade Palestina, em vez de apoiar seus jovens compatriotas unidos na luta contra o inimigo comum, acatou as ordens de Israel & EUA e está prendendo simpatizantes do Hamas na Cisjordânia. 14 já foram para trás das grades. Mahmoud Abbas está cada vez mais com cara de Vichy. Está se alienando da população e jogando os jovens nos braços do Hamas, que está recuperando sua popularidade de um ano atrás. O vídeo abaixo, de junho deste ano, mostra a campanha coordenada com Israel, que parece continuar do mesmo jeito, apesar de Abbas ter renegado os Acordos de Oslo recentemente na ONU.  

Enquanto isso não acontece, Jerusalém Oriental está em estado de sítio e as outras cidades importantes da Cisjordânia viraram campo de batalha desigual. Checkpoints para todos os lados com policiais e soldados israelenses armados até os dentes, jogando a nauseabunda 'água gambá'* em gente e residências, gás lacrimogêneo e atirando na garotada. Um sufoco. O número de feridos aumenta o tempo todo e os palestinos já enterraram 36 compatriotas. Israel, 7 civis e soldados.
Os palestinos estão pedindo proteção da ONU e Ban Ki Moon não responde. Obama está segurando a língua dele e Netanyahu está puxando cabresto de Obama.

Israel é o país mais militarizado do planeta porque prefere prosseguir uma política expansionista suicidária em vez de viver em paz com vizinhos autônomos e livres.
Isarel é um Estado terrorista que vive em guerra permanente contra a Palestina. Irrelevante para seus cidadãos e seus simpatizantes desde que não sofra perdas e só cause danos.
Guerra unilateral que só vira manchete de jornal quando  um israelense perde sua preciosa vida.
Aí a grande mídia grita 'terrorismo!' e os algozes posam de vítima.
Israel então comete atrocidades ainda maiores e os EUA e a grande mídia batem na tecla da hasbara: 'defesa legítima!'
Esta é a terceira intifada que sigo. Cada uma tem suas próprias características. E cada vez a comunidade ocidental e a grande mídia tentam minimizá-la e se espantam com a 'onda de violência' que prejudica cidadãos israelenses despreocupados que seu país seja fora-da-lei e cometa barbaridades - contanto que não prejudique seu dia a dia.
É surreal e insuportável.
A título de esclarecimento, os problemas entre Israel e a Palestina não começam e terminam quando um israelense é morto por um resistente impotente diante da indiferença à situação insuportável em que ele e seus compatriotas se encontram há décadas.
Os problemas entre Israel e Palestina começam e terminam com a ocupação galopante inclemente.
Os palestinos lutam pela sobreviência, pela vida, no sentido próprio e figurado da palavra.
Os judeus israelenses oprimem e matam para manter os privilégios inerentes a uma nação ocupante que pilha os recursos naturais do ocupado e procede a limpeza étnica calculada. Em suma, para manter o estatuto de senhor e escravo. Literalmente.
O fato de Israel e EUA se darem conta da guerra latente apenas quando dois ou um punhado de judeus pagam com a vida as atrocidades que os policiais, a IDF e os colonos cometem à vontade todos os dias, não pode acobertar a violência da ocupação, sempre. Não pode acobertar os fatos de os palestinos serem feridos ou mortos constantemente, da Palestina estar sendo pilhada como sangria desatada, dos palestinos sobreviverem como subgente, e nenhum palestino dormir sossegado desde pequeno.
Não há também de se camuflar o fato de o esporte preferido dos governos e dos cidadãos israelenses é piorar as condições de vida dos palestinos. Acham que assim forçam os donos das terras ao exílio, a engrossarem a lista de milhões de refugiados da diáspora.
Aviso aos navegantes glaucômacos: os palestinos jamais abrirão mão de sua herança milenar. De geração a geração, a frustração só aumentará.
A guerra invisível de Israel contra os nativos dos territórios ocupados é levada a cabo para que o palestino se ajoelhe em vez de peitá-lo, se dispa de seus direitos (e nos checkpoints, literalemente) e que agradeça as migalhas que o senhor de escravos joga no chão para que rastreje para colher e se intoxicar.
A bolha em que vive Tel Aviv e o mundo só desperta para a gravidade do problema quando um judeu é morto. Aí, por uma lógica incompreensível e ilógica ficam com pena dos carrascos e não das vítimas que resistem com meios precaríssimos.

U.S. Criticizes Settlements While Giving Israel "Carte Blanche" to Continue Occupation

Que fique claro: as moças e os rapazes palestinos não 'matam judeus' porque são judeus e sim porque são ocupantes; torturadores; opressores prepotentes; destruidores inclementes; ladrões de terra e água; obstruidores de cidadania e de esperança com os muros que cortam os horizontes pessoais, profissionais e visuais de jovens que só aspiram a viver como os outros jovens da Terra: livres e com futuro.
O jovem palestino que sai de casa com o coração esmagado por desespero, sentimento de vingança  e conscientes da pena que causará aos pais, está prontos a perder a vida porque os ocupantes provam no quotidiano miserável em que o mantêm que seu maquiavelísmo e sua perversidade é ilimitável, ilimitada, e que no contexto atual ele não tem mais nada a perder. Nada. Só a vida miserável à qual seu inimigo o condena desde o nascimento.
Portanto, que os Obama e a mídia mal-intencionada parem e pensem: O que eu faria no lugar de um jovem palestino?
O que eu faria se meu país tivesse sido invadido por estrangeiros que tivessem riscado do mapa centenas de cidades do sudeste do Brasil, massacrado meus compatriotas e e apossado de nosso patrimônio natural, se instalado em nossas terras, separado o Brasil em dois e que nós do Centro-Oeste para cima tivéssemos sido cortados dos sulistas, estes, concentrados dentro de uma cerca de arame com água e víveres racionados ao mínimo para que fossem virando sub-raça e que as riquezas do mar lhes fossem vedadas para que definhassem?
O que eu faria se as águas dos rios Paranaíba, Paraná, Araguaia, Tocantins, Amazonas, e os demais, tivessem sido extraviadas para os ocupantes dos quais nós brasileiros tivéssemos de comprar o mínimo para cozinhar, matar a sede e para higiene básica?
O que eu faria se confiscassem minhas terras e lavouras para construir colônias para alojar invasores estrangeiros que me humilhavam, depredavam e queimavam minhas propriedades e até minha família na minha cara?
O que eu faria se meu irmão, meu filho, meu parente de 12 anos fosse enjaulado durante 20 anos por jogar pedra no soldado que nos maltrata?
O que eu faria se os soldados inimigos pusessem checkpoints entre uma e outra cidade brasileira, entre o centro e os bairros, e me fizessem esperar horas para ir à escola, ao trabalho, e para passar, eu tivesse de tirar a roupa na frente de estranhos e da minha família sob o escárnio dos covardes sádicos que se regozijavam do poder que suas armas lhes davam?
O que eu faria se minha cidade fosse bombardeada quando se rebelasse, que meus irmãos, filhos, pais, irmãs, eu mesmo/a, fosse preso, torturado pela simples razão de reivindicar meus direitos de cidadania?
Como eu reagiría se fosse escravo de estrangeiros que usurparam meu país, minha cultura, minha identidade e me tiram toda perspectiva de futuro e de felicidade?
Resistiría ou me arrastaría para beijar-lhes os coturnos, de joelhos, esquálido e humilhado?
Israel é o ocupante, verdugo, bandido, assassino; é o senhor de escravos.
Os israelenses não são vítimas deste status quo atual; são comparsas de Binyamin Netanyahu e sua corja.
E os sionistas de nossos países são tão ou mais criminosos do que os sionistas locais.
Shame on them all!

* Skunk water — a foul-smelling liquid first sprayed on Palestinian protesters as a form of crowd control in 2008 — has become one of the characteristic scents of the Israeli occupation.
Created by the Israeli research and development firm Odortec, Skunk has the “viscosity of water” and “can be sprayed over a large area using a standard water cannon,” Odortec says on its website.
After Skunk makes contact with a person or object, the putrid stench can last for days and can cause nausea and vomiting. The smell is overpowering, similar to a skunk’s spray but worse, smelling as if it has been mixed with raw sewage, sulfur and rotting animal corpses.
“The overpowering odor of the Skunk drives rioters away — and keeps them away — effectively shutting down any escalating situation,” Odortec’s website says.
Promoted as a nonlethal tool for crowd control, Skunk has been used by Israeli forces at Palestinian demonstrations for the past seven years. Videos show the liquid being used during protests, on private Palestinian homes and even at a funeral procession in the West Bank.
An Israel Defense Forces representative told Al Jazeera that Skunk minimizes “the necessity for the use of live ammunition” and “is a well-known and accepted measure that is in line with international standards and used by many countries throughout the world.”
But some activists and organizations, including the Association for Civil Rights in Israelhave criticized the Israeli military for allegedly using Skunk against individuals and structures unassociated with protests, making neighborhoods stink for days.
Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said Israeli forces regularly hose down Palestinian homes with Skunk, raising suspicions that the practice is used as a punitive measure — especially against residents in villages that routinely hold protests against Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.
Because of its putrid smell and the confidentiality surrounding its composition —the BBC revealed yeast and baking powder are among the ingredients — rumors abound among Palestinians as to what is in Skunk.
“People say it’s made of chemicals like gas, dirty water and shit,” said Jaber Abu Rahmah, a Palestinian living in the West Bank village of Bil’in, where residents hold weekly protests against Israel’s wall on their land.
“When it hits the ground, the smell stays bad for a long time,” he said. “When it hits you, you need to take many showers to clean yourself from the dirty smell.”
Odortec maintains on its website that Skunk is organic, nontoxic and even drinkable.
É mesmo incrível como Israel consegue livrar a cara de qualquer crime. 

Where is the International outrage at a new ‘Shoot to Kill’ Policy!
In September this year, the Israeli parliament passed severe new measures allowing the use of live fire against Palestinian protestors and the introduction of severe sentences for stone throwers.
“Until recently, police officers would open fire when their own lives were at risk” Netanyahu said. “From now on, they will be allowed to open fire – and they will know they have a right to do so – when anyone’s life is in danger”.
The shooting of 13 year old schoolboy Abdul Rahman Obeidallah by Israeli snipers in a refugee camp in Bethlehem highlights the appalling effects of these draconian measures.  Abdul was shot dead on the 5th October, with a Ruger O.22 rifle, from some distance, in what the Israeli Army has called ‘an unintentional killing’.  He was wearing his school uniform at the time.  Another unidentified schoolboy was shot in the head at the same time and is currently in Beit Jala hospital.  He also was wearing his school uniform.
The Palestinian Red Crescent Society have announced a Level 3 State of Emergency following the escalation of attacks against citizens and against it own ambulances and personnel.  Ambulances have been attacked by tear gas grenades and rubber bullets in Abou Dis and Al Eissawiyeh and paramedics are being beaten by soldiers in Jerusalem and elsewhere.
Since the beginning of October, there have been over l,000 bullet injuries, from steel coated rubber bullets and live fire.  This increased use of lethal force against a civilian population is in direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention and could be described as a ‘Shoot to kill policy’...
It is not consoling to note that as violence continues Netanyahu is being criticised, and has admitted the ineffectiveness of this.
This is poor consolation for the family of schoolboy Abdul Obeidallah and the other boys and girls in the same situation.  
Perhaps it is time for Israel to realize that the occupation is the problem and violence is not the answer.
Mairead Maguire,  (Nobel Peace Laureate, Co-founder Peace People, N. Ireland) www.peacepeople.com

The rise of the Oslo generationThree reasons why the Israelis need to stop whining
Q&A: Facts about Israel and rules of engagement.
It's time to challenge the status quo in PalestineIn the name of "peace", Israel continues to wage a daily war against the Palestinians.
Alarm grows over summary executions of Palestinians
East Jerusalem suffocates under harsh Israeli siegeIsrael is taking advantage of the current climate to pressure Palestinians to leave Jerusalem.
East Jerusalem under 'collective punishment'.
THE ENABLERS OF ISRAELI TERRORISMReligious Jews should be outraged when rabbis call for Palestinians to be shot. 

To understand today's revolt, Journeyman : Living under Israeli occupation (2012)

Ury Avnery, 17/10/15
"Israeli democracy is sliding downwards. Sliding slowly, comfortably, but unmistakably.
Sliding where? Everybody knows that: towards an ultra-nationalist, racist, religious society.
Who is leading the ride?
Why, the government, of course. This group of noisy nobodies which came to power at the last elections, led by Binyamin Netanyahu.
Not really. Take all these big-mouthed little demagogues, the ministers of this or that (I can't quite remember who is supposed to be minister for what) and shut them up somewhere, and nothing will change. In 10 years from now, nobody will remember the name of any of them.
If the government does not lead, who does? Perhaps the right-wing mob? Those people we see on TV, with faces contorted by hatred, shouting "Death to the Arabs!" at soccer matches until they are hoarse, or demonstrating after each violent incident in the mixed Jewish-Arab towns "All Arabs are Terrorists! Kill them all!"
This mob can hold the same demonstrations tomorrow against somebody else: gays, judges, feminists, whoever. It is not consistent. It cannot build a new system.
No, there is only one group in the country that is strong enough, cohesive enough, determined enough to take over the state: the settlers...
...In today's Israel, there is a clear distinction – and antagonism – between the affluent big cities, like Tel Aviv, and the much poorer "periphery", whose inhabitants are mostly the descendents of immigrants from poor and backward Oriental countries.
This was not always so. Before the founding of the State of Israel, the Jewish community in Palestine (called "the Yishuv") was ruled by the Labor Party, which was dominated by the Kibbutzim, the communal villages, many of which were located along the borders (one could say that they actually constituted the "borders" of the Yishuv.) There a new race of hardy fighters was born, while pampered city dwellers were despised.
In the new state, the Kibbutzim have become a mere shadow of themselves, and the central cities have become the centers of civilization, envied and even hated by the periphery. That was the situation until recently. It is now changing rapidly.
On the morrow of the 1967 Six-Day War, a new Israeli phenomenon raised its head: the settlements in the newly occupied Palestinian territories. Their founders were "national-religious" youth.
During the days of the Yishuv, the religious Zionists were rather despised. They were a small minority. On the one hand, they were devoid of the revolutionary élan of the secular, socialist Kibbutzim. On the other hand, real orthodox Jews were not Zionists at all and condemned the whole Zionist enterprise as a sin against God. (Was it not God who had condemned the Jews to live in exile, dispersed among the nations, because of their sins?)
But after the conquests of 1967, the "national-religious" group suddenly became a moving force. The conquest of the Temple Mount in East Jerusalem and all the other ancient sites filled them with religious fervor. From being a marginal minority, they became a powerful driving force.
They created the settlers' movement and set up many dozens of new towns and villages throughout the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. With the energetic help of all successive Israeli governments, both left and right, they grew and prospered. While the leftist "peace camp" degenerated and withered, they spread their wings.
The "national-religious" party, once one of the most moderate forces in Israeli politics, turned into the ultra-nationalist, almost fascist "Jewish Home" party. The settlers also became a dominant force in the Likud party. They now control the government. Avigdor Lieberman, a settler, leads an even more rightist party, in nominal opposition. The star of the "center", Yair Lapid, founded his party in the Ariel settlement and now talks like an extreme rightist. Yitzhak Herzog, the leader of the Labor Party, tries feebly to emulate them.
All of them now use settler-speak. They no longer talk of the West Bank, but use the settler language: "Judea and Samaria"...
Of course, not all settlers are fanatics [originally]. Many of them went to live in a settlement because the government gave them, almost for nothing, a villa and garden they could not even dream of in Israel proper. Many of them are government employees with good salaries. Many just like the view – all these picturesque Muslim minarets.
Many factories have left Israel proper, sold their land there for exorbitant sums and received huge government subsidies for relocating to the West Bank. They employ, of course, cheap Palestinian workers from the neighboring villages, free from legal minimum wages or any labor laws. The Palestinians toil for them because no other work is available.
But even these "comfort" settlers become extremists, in order to defend their homes, while people in Tel Aviv enjoy their cafes and theaters. Many of these old-timers already hold a second passport, just in case. No wonder the settlers are taking over the state.
The process is already well advanced. The new police chief is a kippah-wearing former settler. So is the chief of the Secret Service. More and more of the army and police officers are settlers. In the government and in the Knesset, the settlers wield a huge influence.
Some 18 years ago, when my friends and I first declared an Israeli boycott of the products of the settlements, we saw what was coming.
This is now the real battle for Israel."

Children of Palestine: Tell the world that they are not terrorists!
Filhos da Palestina: Digam ao mundo que eles não são terroristas!

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