segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF: O. Protective Edge 41° Dia

Help get Binyamin Netanyahu arrested for war crimes: sign this petition
Sign the petition to arrest Binyamin Netanyahu for war crimes 
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo  

We are no longer here, do you care?

07 - 22 Aug / London / Exhibition: P21 Gallery presents Gaza on Gaza

Domingo, dia 17 de agosto de 2014
Israel responds to Palestinian demands with disdain and say that no demands will be met "without security being guaranteed in Israel", "beginning with the demilitarization of Gaza". 
So that the Palestinians living there would be as those in the West Bank, without defense, totally subjected to Israeli mighty power. And they ended their statement with a false sign of "good faith" - they partialy removed the fishing blockade allowing Gaza fishermen to fish up to three miles out, instead of the legal 12 miles.
No body was found during the truce, on Sunday, August 17. 
Nenhum corpo foi encontrado sob os escombros no dia 17 de agosto de 2014.
The cost of the desctruction

Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
72.  With regard to artillery, the IDF let go of the restraints it once had
Rank: Lieutenant.   Unit: Infantry:
With regard to artillery, the IDF let go of the restraints it once had. Ahead of every ground incursion there was a day of scouting and artillery was fired at the houses that formed the front line. There’s an artillery coordination officer in every unit, that’s his job. He works with maps, talks to the artillery corps and directs fire. I have no doubt – and I say this loud and clear – I have no doubt that artillery was fired on houses. Tanks, too, were firing a lot in there.
In what sort of situation is a tank’s aim directed at a house? 
A unit commander speaks with the armored corps’ company commander, telling him, “I want you to shoot here, here and here. I’m going to go in there a little while. Shoot, so that if by any chance there are people in there that we don’t know about, at least the house will take a few hits before we enter.” You stay a safe range from the forces and fire.
The D9s (armored bulldozers) are operating during this time? 
Always. Whenever tanks pass through central routes there will always be a D9 going through and clearing out the terrain before them in every direction, so that they’ll be able to pass through if there’s an explosive device or something in there. One of the high ranking commanders, he really liked the D9s. He was a real proponent of flattening things. He put them to good use. Let’s just say that after every time he was somewhere, all the infrastructure around the buildings was totally destroyed, almost every house had gotten a shell through it. He was very much in favor of that 

Channel 4 Jon Snow went back to Gaza one year later

Everyday under the siege

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