sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

Rogue IDF: O. Protective Edge 39° Dia

Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo

Sexta-feira, dia 15 de agosto de 2014
Confirmation that even if a lasting agreement isn't achieved by Monday, the ceasefire will continue.
The Egypt government leaked their 11 terms of the ceasefire:
. Isarel will halt military actions in Gaza by land, air or sea;
. All Palestinian factions in Gaza will stop all attacks against Israel by land, air or sea
[as if the Palestinians had the means to go further than homemade rockets and hand excavated tunnels...];
. The openings between Israel and Gaza for the transfer of goods to rebuild the Strip will be determined between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority
[as if Hamas didn't exist and Mahmoud Abbas could decide in the place of Khaled Meshaal...]
. Israel and PNA will coordinate all issues of funds related to Gaza's reconstruction
[as if PNA's officials were trustworthy and had any power over Gaza];
. The elimination of the buffer zones along the "security" fence, in stages, with the deployment of PNA troops [in stages that could take for ever, and with the help of Fatah policy in order to make sure that the two major Palestinien parties would resume their fratricide fight];
. The fishing zone, in stages [which would also take for ever], will be extended to 12 miles, coordinated by Israel and the PNA [without Hamas];
. Israel will "assist" the PNA in rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in Gaza as well as assisting those whose homes were destroyed
[which meant that Israel, after destroying, would totally profit from the foreign aid for reconstruction];
. International aid groups will provide the basic products needed to rebuild Gaza[...]
. Egypt implores [!] the international community to provide swift humanitarian and monetary assistance for Gaza's reconstruction
[after keeping the Gazans locked inside their tiny territory while the IDF murdered them and destroyed their properties].
Bottomline, the two most important things: the lift of the blockade, the building of the airport and the seaport, were left "to be discussed at a later time".
Once again, it was clear that Tony Blair and his friends would let Israel get away without punishement and with a lot of profit.
No body was found during the truce, on Friday, August 15. 
Nenhum corpo foi encontrado sob os escombros no dia 15 de agosto de 2014.

Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
70.  The artillery is constantly firing"
Rank: Lieutenant.   Unit: Infantry.   Area: Northern Gaza strip:
The artillery is constantly firing. It’s called ‘retaining tension’ – that is, keeping [Hamas] unsure about when exactly we will be going in – so that they are constantly thinking that we might be about to go in. It’s called ‘softening targets,’ and it’s done also to clear a range for advancing. What this means in practice is, that shells are being fired all the time. Even if we aren’t actually going to enter: shells, shells, shells. A suspicious structure, an open area, a field, a place where a tunnel shaft could be – fire, fire, fire. There was a period of about five days from the moment when we were first called in for duty until there was a ground incursion. Throughout that entire time, fire. The idea behind the action being – both during the fighting and after it – that from the moment you incriminate a building – incriminate meaning that you saw some movement there, even the smallest – a terrorist going in, maybe – those aresufficient grounds to take it down.
The entire building?
Yes. At the beginning [of the operation] they were really careful, they tried to do this with combat choppers, or guided missiles or all kinds of special forces. But the deeper we got into the operation, and the more the patience and understanding given to you by the levels of oversight – and by the Israeli public at large – slowly runs out, then it becomes OK to use artillery.“You don’t need a chopper, let’s use artillery on it, let’s bring it down, no problem with that.” It’s statistical – it has a 50 meter radius. In the end, that’s one of the problems, too – [mortars are] a statistical weapon (an imprecise weapon thatcannot be aimed at specific targets, but rather at general areas), and people don’t get that. There is this conception that we know how to do everything super accurately, as if it doesn’t matter which weapon is being used – “OK, let them fire, they’re OK.” But no, these weapons are statistical, and they strike 50 meters to the right or 100 meters to the left, and it’s… It’s unpleasant. What happens is, for seven straight days it’s non-stop bombardment, that’s what happens in practice. Now, there are degrees of applying fire – in the first degree, you can fire up to a certain distance away from civilians, or from a place where civilians are believed to be. In the second degree, you narrow that down. And there’s a third degree. Let’s say, [when the third level is imposed] the instructions for jets and combat choppers allow for ‘reasonable damage to civilians or to their surroundings.’ That is to say, something indefinable, that’s up to the brigade commander and whatever mood he happens to be in: “Let’s decide ourselves what’s reasonable and what isn’t.” 

Press TV: The Debate - Gaza outrages
In 2015, 7 months after OPE, Israel didn't keep its promises; as walways.
Henry Siegman, leading U.S. Voice for Peace: 
Give up on Netanyahu, go to the United Nations!  
Uri Avnery: Jewish Terrorists. Some of my best friends demand that I write an article condemning unconditionally the "administrative detention" of Jewish terrorists. Three suspected terrorists have already been arrested under... •  • More... 

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