domingo, 5 de outubro de 2014

Russel Tribunal on Palestine : Operation Protective Edge

O saudoso humanista Stéphane Hessel apresenta o Tribunal Russel
Em francês, subtitulado en español  (13') 2010

How the Russel Tribunal on Palestine operates

The RToP was established in response to a call by Ken Coates (Chairperson of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation), Nurit Peled (Israeli, Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Speech 2001) and Leila Shahid (General Delegate of Palestine to the European Union). Responsibility for organizing the Russell Tribunal on Palestine lies with the International Organizing Committee (IOC), whose founding members are: Ken Coates, Pierre Galand, Stéphane Hessel, Marcel-Francis Kahn, Robert Kissous, François Maspero, Paulette Pierson-Mathy, Bernard Ravenel and Brahim Senouci.
The following bodies also form part of the structure of the Tribunal:
The International Support Committee, made up of individuals from the academic, scientific, cultural and political fields with an international reputation and no current political mandate.
The National Support Committees, which contribute to fund-raising and ensure popular mobilization and media coverage. They may also assume responsibility for organizing a session in their country or help to organize others. National Support Committees have been established to date in the following countries: France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and Spain and Catalonia. National Committees are also in the process of being established in the Netherlands, Austria, Algeria, Lebanon, India and Chile.
British barrister Michael Mansfield explains what the Russel Tribunal is about 

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine in its original form (organisation of one international session every year) started in 2009 in Brussels.

Its findings and recommendations provide both an important legal basis and a strategic direction for further support for the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. A key follow-up task is to ensure that the findings and recommendations reach the widest possible audience and are translated into initiatives and actions that produce concrete changes.
In this regard, the Final conclusions of the RToP have been published and distributed to a wide range of stakeholders and decision makers mainly in Europe, United States of America and of course Israel and Palestine. Parallel to this, talks have been organised to present the work of the RToP in Brussels, Montreal, New-York, Boston, Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg, Geneva, Luxembourg, Rome.
A follow-up group named “Palestine Legal Action Network” (PLAN) has also been created to take forward the Tribunal’s recommendations through legal advocacy, media advocacy and campaigning. This group will seek to implement the RToP recommendations, help others to take action in line with the RToP findings against the State of Israel and/or third parties, and simply assist and support the ground-breaking work of international civil society in endeavouring to achieve justice for the Palestinian people and in putting an end to Israel’s impunity.
An informal working group composed of the jury, the legal experts, the core team as well as many patrons and local and national organisers has operated throughout the history of the RToP. Many members of this international network expressed their willingness to continue working together after the work of the RToP came to an end, and it will be one of PLAN’s roles to continue feeding this group with ideas, proposals and actions.
Moreover, many groups, organisations, charities and individuals working on the Palestine issue will engage in frequent discussions of the utility of the RToP’s work in enhancing the legitimacy of citizen-based advocacy. Working simultaneously on the legal, institutional and activist fronts and in many different countries, PLAN will operate in line with this important RToP dimension.
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine’s Emergency Session on Israel’s Operation Protective Edge held on the 24/25 September in Brussels has found evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes of murder, extermination and persecution and also incitement to genocide.
The Jury reported: ‘The cumulative effect of the long-standing regime of collective punishment in Gaza appears to inflict conditions of life calculated to bring about the incremental destruction of the Palestinians as a group in Gaza.’
‘The Tribunal emphasises the potential for a regime of persecution to become genocidal in effect, In light of the clear escalation in the physical and rhetorical violence deployed in respect of Gaza in the summer of 2014, the Tribunal emphasises the obligation of all state parties to the 1948 Genocide Convention ‘to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide.’
The Jury heard evidence from eyewitnesses to Israeli attacks during the Gaza war 2014 including journalists Mohammed Omer, Max Blumenthal, David Sheen, Martin Lejeune, Eran Efrati and Paul Mason, as well as surgeons Mads Gilbert, Mohammed Abou Arab, Genocide Expert Paul Behrens, Col Desmond Travers and Ivan Karakashian, Head of Advocacy and Defence for Children International.
In terms of the crime of incitement to genocide, the tribunal received evidence ‘demonstrating a vitriolic upswing in racist rhetoric and incitement’ during the summer of 2014. ‘The evidence shows that such incitement manifested across many levels of Israeli society, on both social and traditional media, from football fans, police officers, media commentators, religious leaders, legislators, and government ministers.’
The Tribunal also found evidence of the following war crimes:
Willful killing;
Extensive destruction of property not justified by military necessity;
Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population and civilian objects;
Disproportionate use of force;
Attacks against buildings dedicated to religion and education;
The use of Palestinians as human shields;
Employing weapons, projectiles, and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering which are inherently indiscriminate;
The use of violence to spread terror among the civilian population.
The Tribunal further stated: ‘It is recognised that in a situation where patterns of crimes against humanity are perpetrated with impunity, and where direct and public incitement to genocide is manifest throughout society, it is very conceivable that individuals or the state may choose to exploit the conditions in order to perpetrate the crime of genocide... We have have a genuine fear that in an environment of impunity and an absence of sanction for serious and repeated criminality, the lessons from Rwanda and other mass atrocities may once again go unheeded’.
The Tribunal calls on Israel to fulfill its’ obligations under international law and for the state of Palestine to accede without further delay to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, fully cooperate with the human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry and fully engage the mechanisms of international justice.
The Tribunal also reminds all states to cooperate to bring to an end the illegal situation arising from Israel’s occupation, siege and crimes in the Gaza Strip. In light of the obligation not to render aid or assistance, all states must consider appropriate measures to exert sufficient pressure on Israel, including the imposition of sanctions, the severing of diplomatic relations collectively through international organisations, or in the absence of consensus, individually by breaking bilateral relations with Israel.
It calls upon All states to fulfill their duty ‘to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide’.
The Tribunal presented its’ findings to the European Parliament afeterwards. Video below.
Session at the European Parliament
Sessão no Parlamento Europeu

O Tribunal Russel para a Palestina em sua forma atual de uma sessão anual começou em 2009 em Bruxelas. Ele não tem nenhum poder oficial. Porém, suas descobertas e recomendações fornecem bases legais e direção estratégica para apoio dos direitos fundamentais do povo palestino. Uma de suas tarefas principais é a de assegurar-se que suas investigações e julgamento sejam divulgados e traduzidos em atos que produzam mudanças concretas no terreno.
Para isto, as conclusões finais do RToP têm sido publicadas e distribuídas para formadores de opinião e empresários europeus e estadunidenses, além dos governos de Israel e da Palestina. Concomitantemente, organiza apresentações de seu trabalho em Boston, Bruxelas, Estrasburgo (Parlamento europeu), Genebra, Luxemburgo, Lyon, Montréal, Nova York, Paris e Roma.

O TRoP criou também um grupo juridico - “Palestine Legal Action Network” (PLAN) - para que acompanhe e implemente suas recomendações através de advocacia legal, midiática e campanhas diversas de apoio a ações da sociedade civil em fase com o objetivo de conseguir justiça para o povo palestino e terminar com a impunidade de Israel.
O grupo de trabalho do TRoP é composto do júri abaixo, de especialistas jurídicos, da equipe de base e de uma rede internacional de apoio que continuará alerta e atuante.
Além destes, o PLAN vai operar junto aos muitos grupos, organizações civis - estudantis e sociais - e caritativas, frentes ativisitas, legais e innstitucionais envolvidas na defesa dos direitos dos palestinos em vários países do mundo.
Na última operação militar israelense, Protective Edge, na Faixa de Gaza, o Tribunal Russel (RToP) descobriu evidência de crimes de guerra, contra a humanidade, crimes de execução sumária, exterminação e perseguição, assim como incitamento a genocídio. Os depoimentos recolhidos foram de pessoas que presenciaram o massacre ou que registraram depoimentos de pessoas impedidas de comparecer pessoalmente.
Em termos de crime de incitamento a genocídio, o TRoP recebeu evidência de violenta retórica racista e incitamento à violência nos meses de julho e agosto de 2014. "As provas mostram que tais incitamentos foram manifestados em vários níveis da sociedade israelense, tanto na mídia social quanto tradicional, de torcedores de futebol, de policiais, de comentaristas, de líderes religiosos, de parlamentares, e de ministros".
O Tribunal Russel encontrou provas de:
Assassinato deliberado;
Extensiva destruição de propriedade sem necessidade militar;
Ataques deliberados contra população e propriedade civil;
Uso desproporcional de força;
Ataques a prédios educativos e religiosos;
Uso de palestinos como escudos humanos;
Emprego de armas, projéteis, materiais e métodos de guerra visando causar danos e sofrimentos desnecessários e indiscrimandos;
Crueldade no propósito de disseminar terror na população civil.
E "Reconhecemos que em uma situação em que crimes contra a humanidade são perpetrados com impunidade, e em que incitamento direto e publico é manifestado em todos os seguimentos sociais, é compreensível que indivíduos ou o Estado escolha explora as condições no intuito de perpetrar o crime de genocídio... Tememos que em um ambiente de impunidade e de ausência de sanções à séria e repetidada criminalidade [de Israel], as lições de Ruanda e outras atrocidades em massa sejam mais uma vez vãs.
O Tribunal apela para que Israel cumpra suas obrigações perante o Direito internacional e que a Palestina aceda plenamente, sem tardar, ao Estatuto de Roma da Corte Penal Internacional, que coopere com a investigação do Conselho de Direitos Humanos e que acione todos os mecanismos da justiça internacional.
O Tribunal lembra também a todos os Estados de cooperarem para acabar com a situação ilegal advinda da ocupação israelenses, sítio e crimes na Faixa de Gaza. 
Além da obrigação de não lhe fornecer ajuda nem assistência, todos os Estados têm de considerar medidas apropriadas para exercer pressão suficiente sobre Israel, inclusive sanções, corte de relações diplomáticas coletivamente através de organismos internacionais, ou na ausência de consenso, individualmente, cortando relações bilaterais com Israel.
Apelamos para que todos os Estados cumpram seu dever de tomar a medida apropriada junto às Nações Unidas a fim de prévenir e suprimir atos de genocídio".

Russel Tribunal on Palestine - Extraordinary Session 24-25/09/2014
Israeli Operation Protective Edge
Jury DeliberationPalavra final do Júri

Paul Laverty, Scotland
Ken Loach, England
Roger Waters, England 

Vandana Shiva, Índia
Ronnie Casrill, South Africa
Ahdaf Soueif, Turkey

Message of support from American playwriter Eve Ensler
(best known for 'The Vagina Monologue') 
"This a wail, a scream on paper. There are no more words. Only this moment where we rise against the illegal and deathly occupation of Palestine, against mass slaughter of the defenselles, against the complicit silence of the international community, againts teh the military might and arrogance of the Israeli and the US governments who choose annihilation over justice and love."

Message from American writer Alice Walker

Message from Archbishop Desmond Tutu
I couldn't donwload the videos. But I strongly recommend the viewing of all of them. Following the order below. From John Dugard's link you can acceed to the others.
Não consegui baixar os vídeos. Porém, recomendo-os todos na ordem abaixo. A partir do link do vídeo de John Dugard dá para aceder aos das outras testemunhas.

Pierre Galand abre a sessão Extraordinária do Tribunal Russel para a Palestina

Depoimentos -Testimonies

South African International Law professor John Dugard
Talks framework of International Law in Israel-Palestine
Fala sobre a legislação internacional em Israel-Palestina
Paul Behrens - Russel Tribunal 2014 - 24/09
Law Professor talks requirement for Genocide
Fala sobre o conceito de Genocídio e se o caso de Gaza se enquadra

Retired Irish Colonel Desmond Travers
Taks about munitions employed by Israel army during Operation Protective Edge
Fala sobre a munição que a IDF usou durante a OPE

Israeli journalist David Sheen
Talks incitement for Genocidade in Israeli society discourse during OPE
Fala sobre o incitamento a Genocídio na sociedade israelense

Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer
Recounts examples of executions by the Israeli Army during OPE
Dá exemplos de execuções sumárias praticadas pela IDF

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert
Talks about bombing and attacks on health facilities by Israely army during OPE
Fala sobre o bombardeio e o ataque de hospitais

Palestinian doctor Mohammed Abou Arab
Talks about intentional attacks on health personnel committed by the IDF
Completa o depoimento de Mads

IDF reservist Eran Efrati (video C4)
Talks about the killing of Palestinian civilian Salem Shamaly by an Israeli sniper during OPE
Fala sobre o assassinato do civil palestino Salem Shamaly por um sniper israelense
Crime que Eran Efrati denuncia em seu depoimento

British journalist Paul Mason
Talks about War crimes committed during OPE
Fala sobre Crimes de Guerra

German journalist Martin Lejeune
Talks about destruction of civilian infrastructure by the Israeli army during OPE
Fala sobre a destruição de comércios e residências pela IDF

Palestinian filmaker Ashraf Mashhrawi
Ewa Jasiewicz reads his letter because he was forbidden to attend session
Leitura da carta de Ashraf, impedido de sair da Faixa de Gaza

Ivan Karakashian, from Defense for Children Palestine, an independent child rights organization 
dedicated to defending and promoting the rights of children living in the
Recounts instances of use of young palestinians as human shields
Fala sobre o uso de jovens e meninos palestinos como escudo-humano

American journalist Max Blumenthal
Speaks of Israeli War Crimes committed during OPE
Fala sobre os Crimes de Guerra que Israel cometeu

French lobbyist Agnes Bertrand
Speaks of Euroepan Union accountability 
and complicity in Israel's violations of Iternational Law
Fala sobre a responsabilidade e a cumplicidade da UE nos atos ilegais de Israel

Michael Deas, from the BDS Movement
Speaks about ending Israeli impunity and the role of civil society 
by the means of boycotting
Apela para o fim da impunidade de Israel através do boicote

Encerramento: Pierre Galand

Press Conference

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