The partners for war, should also become partners for peace".
Gush Shalom, published in Ha'aretz 01/08:2014

As several demonstrations erupted in the West Bank yesterday, Israel, fearing a new Intifada, will be back to Cairo this evening to negociate. "Israelis are back with new ideas", an Egyptian official said. Let's hope they are not only "new' but "good" too, and just. Hamas spokesperson said that they are not going to agree to a ceasefire "without all of their demands met. We will not go back. We are going to continue until we achieve our goal. This is what our people want."
Com a erupção de várias manifestações na Cisjordânia ontem, temendo uma nova Intifada a delegação israelense vai voltar ao Cairo. Segundo os egípcios, "os israelenses chegaram com ideias novas". Tomara que além de "novas" sejam boas, e justas. O porta-voz do Hamas disse que eles só podem e só vão concordar com um Acordo que atenda às suas demandas. Enquanto isto, a IDF continua bombardeando o que sobra de Gaza - o centro recém-renovado graças à ajuda do Qatar, e as Brigadas al-Qassam continuam com o foguetório em direção de Israel.
Associated Press, on the end of the ceasefire, with the great deceiver Mark Regev
and no Palestinian spokesperson
and no Palestinian spokesperson
Associated Press sobre o cessar-fogo, com o enganador Mark Regev
e nenhum porta-voz palestino
e nenhum porta-voz palestino
Al Jazeera, on the same news, with journalists on the ground
Al Jazeera, sobre a mesma notícia, com jornalistas no terreno

“Even more alarming is the mounting evidence that the Israeli army has targeted health facilities or professionals. Such attacks are absolutely prohibited by international law and would amount to war crimes. They only add to the already compelling argument that the situation should be referred to the International Criminal Court.”
A Anistia Internacional solicitou uma investigação imediata sobre o comportamento das Forças Armadas israelenses em relaçãos aos profissionais de saúde e hospitais em Gaza, onde seis para-médicos já foram assassinados durante o socorro e transporte de feridos. Os depoimentos do pessoal de saúde - médicos, enfermeiras, funcionários de ambulância são contundentes.
"Os profissionais de saúde descrevem condições de trabalho impossíveis com bombas e balas matando ou ferindo colegas enquanto tentam salvar vidas e isto mostra uma realidade sombria da vida em Gaza", disse Philp Luther, diretor de AI no Oriente Médio e na África do Norte.
"O mais alarmante é a evidência crescente que Israel está visando hospitais e profissionais da área de saúde. Tais ataques são proibidos pelas leis internacionais e são considerados crimes de guerra. Eles representam um argumento a mais para levar Israel ao Tribunal Penal Internacional".
Uri Avnery speaks about Operation Protective Edge and Israel vs Palestine
Uri Avnery fala sobre a Operação Protective Edge Israel vs Palestina
Amidst the continued mass destruction to life and public and civilian infrastructure in Gaza, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is teaming up with an Israeli war and security think tank to discuss the “challenges” of waging war in densely populated areas.
Seen as serving to ameliorate the Israeli military’s tarnished image, this collaboration is the latest in a series of questionable moves by ICRC, resulting in increased scrutiny of the international organization.
An online petition calls on the ICRC to withdraw its co-sponsorship of a conference with the Institute for National Security Studies, an Israeli think tank that conducts research related to war and the “national security” of Israel. )The institute’s 2014 brochure is straightforward about the nature of its work.)
The event, scheduled for 4 September, is titled the “Third International Conference on Challenges of Warfare in Densely Populated Areas,” and bills itself as addressing the “challenges inherent in situations of combat in densely populated areas,” as well as the need “to devise legitimate military strategies to ensure that the protection of civilians will not be compromised.”
The event, scheduled for 4 September, is titled the “Third International Conference on Challenges of Warfare in Densely Populated Areas,” and bills itself as addressing the “challenges inherent in situations of combat in densely populated areas,” as well as the need “to devise legitimate military strategies to ensure that the protection of civilians will not be compromised.”
Gaza is not only one of the most densely populated areas on Earth, but its population is captive. Israel has complete control over Gaza’s northern, eastern and maritime boundaries, and Egypt, Israel’s ally, controls the only southern exit and entry point for Palestinians. Controlling all imports and exports, freedom of movement and delivery of humanitarian and infrastructure supplies, Israel’s imposed siege on Gaza is now in its seventh year.
Israel's lobbies have no limits and no boundaries.
Enquanto isso na Cisjordânia, os soldados da IDF continuam a atirar nos meninos nativos como se fizessem tiro ao alvo. Aleijar e matar palestinos é para os colonos e soldados israelenses um esporte, nada mais. Não apenas na Faixa de Gaza.
Enquanto isso na Cisjordânia, os soldados da IDF continuam a atirar nos meninos nativos como se fizessem tiro ao alvo. Aleijar e matar palestinos é para os colonos e soldados israelenses um esporte, nada mais. Não apenas na Faixa de Gaza.
No meio da destruição de via e infraestrutura pública e civil em Gaza, o Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha (ICRC) fez uma parceria com um think tank israelense de Segurança e Guerra para discutir os "desafios" de guerras em áreas de densa população.
Esta movida da Cruz Vermelha está sendo vista como uma maneira de melhorar a imagem manchada de Israel. Esta colaboração duvidosa é a última de várias medidas questionáveis da ICRC que têm chamado a ateção de ONGs internacionais de Direitos Humanos e de Organismos internacionais.
Há um abaixo assinado online solicitando que a ICRC interrompa o co-patrocínio de uma conferência com o Instituto para Estudos de Segurança Nacional, o think tank israelense que está conduzindo a tal pesquisa esquisita. Os lobbies israelenses não têm limite e nem medida. O catálogo do tal Instituto 2014 brochure é muito claro quanto a seus objetivos, são os da Cruz Vermelha que estão obscuros.
O evento está marcado para o dia 04 de setembro e pretende abordar os "desafios inerentes a situação de combate em áreas de densa população e encontrar estratégias militares legítimas para não comprometer a proteção dos civis". Como se os israelenses fossem especialistas em proteger civis e não matá-los.
A Faixa de Gaza, além de ser uma das áreas de maior densidade de habitantes do planeta, é a única cuja população vive presa. Israel tem o controle total da Faixa no Norte, Nordeste, no Leste e limites marítimos, e o Egito, aliado de Israel, controla a única saída e entrada Sul dos palestinos. Se não bastasse, faz sete anos que Israel controla toda a importação e exportação da Faixa, a liberdade de movimento, a ajuda humanitária e o suprimento de infra-estrutura.
Como a Cruz Vermelha vive de dons ocidentais públicos e privados, temos todo o direito de exigir contas e uma moralidade sem falha.
O evento está marcado para o dia 04 de setembro e pretende abordar os "desafios inerentes a situação de combate em áreas de densa população e encontrar estratégias militares legítimas para não comprometer a proteção dos civis". Como se os israelenses fossem especialistas em proteger civis e não matá-los.
A Faixa de Gaza, além de ser uma das áreas de maior densidade de habitantes do planeta, é a única cuja população vive presa. Israel tem o controle total da Faixa no Norte, Nordeste, no Leste e limites marítimos, e o Egito, aliado de Israel, controla a única saída e entrada Sul dos palestinos. Se não bastasse, faz sete anos que Israel controla toda a importação e exportação da Faixa, a liberdade de movimento, a ajuda humanitária e o suprimento de infra-estrutura.
Como a Cruz Vermelha vive de dons ocidentais públicos e privados, temos todo o direito de exigir contas e uma moralidade sem falha.
Dr. Mads Gilbert explains to the Norwegians Israeli occupation of Palestine
Dr. Mad Gilbert explica a seus compatriotas norueguenses a ocupação israelense da Palestina
A month has passed since the Israeli offensive on Gaza began. Palestinians in the besieged territory are still tending their wounds after four weeks of war and destruction. Israel said on Wednesday night that they were willing to extend the 72-hour ceasefire that took effect on Tuesday. However, this comes amid a general feeling among Gazans that the offensive would begin again, since Hamas had announced that it has no intention of extending the current ceasefire so long as the Palestinian factions' conditions are not met. Palestinians have demanded an end to the eight-year Israeli blockade of Gaza and the release of Palestinian prisoners, but Israel has resisted those demands. A fellow journalist from Al Jazeera toured the north, central, and southern areas of the Gaza Strip to hear what people are saying about the offensive.
A month later, we have survived to tell the story of how our family members were slaughtered by Israeli tank shells. Civilians are looking for a life that is free of this harm.
A month later, I stand on the ruins of these demolished homes and say, we won this war. What has Israel achieved? They killed children, women, and elders, but the resistance fighters remained untouched. You kill one, we will bring 10. I stand now and say, Israel won the war over stones which it has destroyed, but the Palestinian resistance has beat all of Israel.
It's a choice we have to make - either we die, or we live a dignified life.
As for this destruction, it's not necessarily us who will rebuild, but our sons will. Israel has an agenda, but there is no justification for targeting a civilian population.
I have lived here for 14 years, and I know God will compensate us for such damage.
Thanks to God, Hamas achieved so much by its steadfastness. People were rushing here to buy bread during the war and we fear no war, like this one from the air, by cowards.
Resistance won the war, but so did the resilience of the people of Gaza. Nowhere to go now, we have Israel ahead of us, and the beach behind us. We must face the challenges, because this is our land.
I am confident in the resistance.
Till the last day of the war, we remained in our apartment, but when the apartment next door sustained damages, we ran to seek shelter at my grandpa's place in Shujayea, and there it was bombed again. We ended up going to relatives in the west. There is nowhere safe. Even al-Shifa hospital has been targeted.
All Arabs don't like us Palestinians, because we are, after all, fighting the filthiest occupation, sticking to our land and maintaining Arab courage.
This war made me believe only in the resistance, and the resistance will bring an end to this occupation. It is the resistance which defends us and our souls - the world is watching us, but they are doing nothing for us. |
"It's all Hamas fault, Israel?
It’s so easy to be an Israeli; your tender conscience is pure as the driven snow: Everything is Hamas’ fault. The rockets are the fault of Hamas; that can be taken for granted. Hamas started the war, for no reason; that, too, “goes without saying.” Hamas is a vicious terrorist organization, beasts in human form, born to kill, fundamentalists—and apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Some 400,000 Palestinians have been displaced. More than 1,800 have been killed, about 80 percent of them civilians, half of these women and children. Around 50 families have been obliterated, their homes bombed with them inside. It has reached the dimensions of a real massacre. But Israelis’ hands are clean and their consciences are quiet—so quiet you could cry. It’s Hamas’ fault.
We’ll leave the root causes of this cursed repression and denial to the psychologists. Since the days when Israel accused the Palestinians of killing their own children by means of the Israel Defense Forces, we haven’t seen such denial. After incubating for years, the disease is now a raging epidemic whose carriers are now symptomatic. The national conscience hasn’t moved a muscle in response to this atrocity, and there are forces working to keep it that way.
But even through the malignant cloud of denial, even understanding how easy it is to blame everything on Hamas — Israel has never had such a convenient enemy, which can be framed for all its sins—we must ask whether everything really is the fault of Hamas. Is Israel genuinely completely innocent? In the face of bleeding, ruined Gaza, the work of Israeli hands, such denial is incomprehensible.
Hamas is a vicious terror organization? How has it been more vicious than the IDF in this war? In that it doesn’t “knock on the roof” 80 seconds before bombing a home? That it aims its rockets at civilian populations, just as the IDF does, but less effectively? That it wants to destroy Israel? How many Israelis want to destroy Gaza? Meanwhile, everyone knows who is destroying whom.
Israel’s sanctimoniousness reaches a peak in its concern for Gaza’s residents: Look at how Hamas oppresses them, cry the Israeli democrats, so solicitous of Palestinian rights. Hamas is tyrannical, but its tyranny is nothing compared to that of Israel, which has subjected the Gaza Strip to a seven-year siege and a 47-year occupation.
What has destroyed Gaza’s society and economy is above all the siege, and thanks to those who seek its welfare, who imposed it. Thanks also to those who are worried about its lack of democracy, who are shocked by the corruption, who denounce its leaders for staying in luxury hotels or hiding in bunkers, who are troubled by the enormous sums used for tunnels and rockets instead of playgrounds and after-school activities. Truly, thanks.
What about Israel? Do its leaders live in tents? Aren’t enormous sums spent on superfluous submarines and secret explosives, instead of on health, education and welfare? Hamas is fundamentalist? Israel is on the way. Hamas oppresses women? That’s bad, but Israel has that too, at least in one large community.
Why did Gazans elect Hamas, instead of a moderate leadership? Because the moderates have been trying for years to achieve something, anything, and all they have received is humiliation and Israeli rejectionism. Has Israel given the Palestinians a reason to choose the Palestine Liberation Organization’s route of diplomacy over Hamas’ violent resistance? Has the PLO brought them an inch closer to statehood or freedom?
Hamas at least won the release of 1,000 prisoners and also preserved a measure of self-respect, even at the terrible price that the desperate Gazans are now willing to pay. What has Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas brought his people? Nothing. A photo with Barack Obama.
I’m no fan of Hamas, quite the contrary. But Israel’s attempt to put all the blame on Hamas is outrageous. The international community will soon judge this war’s atrocities. Hamas may be reprimanded, deservedly, but Israel will be condemned and ostracized far more. And then Israelis will say, ‘It’s Hamas’ fault. And the world will laugh".
Israeli journalist Gideon Levy
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