"Nossa causa é universal, nossa causa é justa, temos a lei, temos a moral em nosso favor, temos o apoio de milhões de pessoas e temos uma grande nação aqui, avançando, resistindo, aguentando firme em sua terra".
Porta-voz da OLP. PLO spokersperson, Husam Zomlot.
Acordo de Cessar-fogo: 2012 Bis?
Os gazauís começaram o longo processo de balanço emocional e material de suas vidas, casas e comércios na quarta-feira após 50 dias de destruição e derramamento de sangue.
O número de mortos palestinos até agora (muitos se encontram em estado crítico) é de 2.139. Mais de 70% de civis, incluindo 490 crianças. O número de feridos é de 11.000, incluindo mais de 3.000 crianças.
500 mil gazauís estão desabrigados.
O número de mortos israelenses é de 70 pessoas. 64 soldados e seis civis, incluindo 1 criança.
O comissário geral do UNRWA fez um apelo de emergência de US$295 milhões para começar a reconstrução. Israel não desembolsa nem um tostão.
Farei uma análise da situação quando Ismail Hanyeh, líder do Hamas na Faixa de Gaza, sair do emaranhado de túneis onde ainda se encontrava até esta manhã.
Palestinian death toll until today is 2,139 people. Around 75% of civilians. Including 490 children.
Palestinians wounded, more than 11,000. Including more than 3,000 children.
Gaza residents homeless, 500,000.
Israeli death toll is 70 people. 64 soldiers and 6 civilians. Including 1 children.
Pierre Krähenbühl, UNRWA Commissioner-General, appealed for US$295 million of international aid towards Gaza's recovery operations. "During a week when children sould have been starting their new school year, they [Gazan children] are instead facing prolonged insecurity, fear and suffering. To make matters worse, the extensive destruction caused by the conflict means that many Palestinians will have no home to return to once hostilities have ended. Many will face a harsh winter in emergency shelters".
"After 50 days of warfare in which a terror organisation killed dozens of soldiers and civilians, destroyed the daily routine [and] placed the country in a state of economic distress... we could have expected much more than an announcement of a ceasefiore. We coould have expected the prime minister to go to the president's residence and inform him of his decision to resign his post", wrote Shimon Shiffer in Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's right-wing biggest-selling newspaper.
"What Netanyahu and his colleagues have brought down down on Israel, in a conflict between the region's strongest army and an organization numbering 10,000, is not just a defeat. It's a downfall," wrote Amir Oren in the Haaretz.
As a matter of fact, the only thing that is clear so far is that Hamas came out of this Israeli slaughtering strenghtened. But if the occupation doesn't end, Israel will be the big winner after all its crimes.
"What Netanyahu and his colleagues have brought down down on Israel, in a conflict between the region's strongest army and an organization numbering 10,000, is not just a defeat. It's a downfall," wrote Amir Oren in the Haaretz.
As a matter of fact, the only thing that is clear so far is that Hamas came out of this Israeli slaughtering strenghtened. But if the occupation doesn't end, Israel will be the big winner after all its crimes.
Gaza: The Damage is beyond imagination
Ismail Hanyieh, líder do Hamas na Faixa de Gaza, saiu dos túneis e fez discurso
Apartheid Adventures II
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