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Two more Palestinian children killed this morning in a farm, after the funeral of al-Qassam leaders |
"When Gazans are suffocating,
we in Israel cannot breath freely"!
we in Israel cannot breath freely"!
So said the writer David Grossman at a rally last week.
How True!
Gush Shalom, published in Haaretz, 08/22
Hamas spokesman Izzat al-Rishq has criticised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for using a picture of a slain American journalist to equate Hamas to the Islamic State group Netanyahu used an image of James Foley's execution to link Hamas to the Islamic State group On Thursday, but later removed the picture.
"The attempt by Netanyahu and his spokesman Ofir Gendelman to link Hamas and compare us with other groups is a deception and disinformation campaign that will not fool anyone", Rishq said in a statment this Friday.
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Protestos na ponte Manhattan em NYC |
"We strongly condemn and reject how Netanyahu, Gendelman and the Israeli media exploit the picture of the slain American journalist James Foley who was executed in a brutal manner", he added.
"We condemn the low and cheap use of this image without any respect for the sanctity of the dead."
The picture is still up on the Israeli Foreign Ministry's twitter account.
Foley's sister had previously asked that people refrain from watching or sharing the video of Foley's execution.
"Please honor James Foley and respect my family's privacy. Don't watch the video. Don't share it. That's not how life should be", she wrote on Twitter.
Israeli police target Palestinian activists in the West Bank
Alemanha, Inglaterra e França estabeleceram pontos-chave para uma nova resolução do Conselho de Segurança da ONU em uma tentativa de terminar com a violência na Faixa de Gaza.
O documento de duas páginas demanda um imediato cessar-fogo durável que ponha um ponto final no foguetório das Brigadas al-Qassam em Israel e das operações militares israelenses na Faixa de Gaza.
Demanda o fim do bloqueio e propõe um mecanismo de monitoramento da violação de cessar-fogo e verificação dos produtos que entram na Faixa.
Os diplomatas disseram que a medida visa encontrar uma medida conciliatória entre os 15 membros do Conselho de Segurança, pois os Estados Unidos recusaram de cara a proposta da Jordânia.
O problema é que cada um destes três países apoia Israel à sua maneira: Alemanha, por omissão (por razões óbvias); França, com apoio político; e Inglaterra, com armas. Como podem propor um Acordo imparcial? Teria de ter pelo menos um país fora da patota estadunidense, mas não, a Casa Branca, apesar dos crimes hediondos israelenses, repete sem parar "a nega é minha, ninguém tasca!"
É por isso que a proposta das três potências europeias aborda a ponta do iceberg, que é o bloqueio de Gaza, e não o problema maior que gera os demais: A ocupação israelense do território palestino e a opressão que ela acarreta.
Qualquer outra "solução" é paliativa e temporária. Só pra Israel ganhar tempo para reabastecer-se em armas e aumentar as colônias na Cisjordânia.
O interessante é todo mundo dizer que "Israel não vai concordar" etcétera e tal como se Israel tivesse direito legal de concordar ou não com uma decisão internacional.
E partindo desta capacidade de Israel calar as consciências, ninguém ousar verbalizar o único jeito de resolver o problema: intervenção das Forças Militares pacificadores das Nações Unidas. 20 anos depois de Yasser Arafat pedir, pedir, pedir e Israel e os EUA não deixarem. Quantas vidas teriam sido poupadas!
Pois no segundo dia da retomada da violência, muitos palestinos já morreram e um alto executivo do Hamas em exílio disse que seu grupo sequestrou três colonos israelenses na Cisjordânia. Portanto, a poeira vai certamente demorar a baixar. A não ser que a ONU intervenha diretamente e acabe com tudo isso.
E um representante do Hamas confirmou a execução de 18 informantes mas pelo que se sabe não foi autoria de seu partido e sim de outras facções militares. O sucesso da campanha de assassinatos de Israel é devida aos colaboradores que informam ao Shin Bet a localização exata dos líderes palestinos. Aí os F16 entram em cena e bombardeiam o lugar com quem estiver dentro. Foi assim que conseguiram matar os três dirigentes das Brigadas Al-Qassam e a família do chefe destas.
O número de mortos palestinos hoje chega a 2.092.
Another 31 people were killed in other Israeli strikes in Gaza until Thursday, raising the overall death toll to 2,091 in 46 days of Operation Protective Edge.
England, France and Germany have put forward key points of a new UN Secutrity Council resolution on Gaza in a fresh big to end six weeks of violence.The two-page document calls for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire that would put an end to the firing of rockets and military operations in the Gaza Strip.
It call for a lifting of Israel blockade and a monitoring mechanism to report on ceasefire violations and verify the flow of goods into the Gaza Strip.
Diplomats said the measure was aimed at advancing efforts to reach agreement within the 15 members Security Council on a resolution after Jordan's draft met with resistance from the United States.
The problem is still the same, all three countries support Israel in its own way: Germany, by omission; France with its political support and England, with arms - "A growing number of voices are calling for an end to the UK’s arms sales to Israel. The last few weeks have seen seen tens of thousands of people marching against Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, and a large number of people taking direct action against the UK’s perceived complicity. One high profile action came in Birmingham when the campaign group London Palestine Action successfully shut down a factory owned by Elbit Systems, one of Israel’s largest arms company.Unfortunately, the response from the UK government has been extremely weak. Business Secretary Vince Cable has accepted that there are currently 12 military licences for weapons and components that may have been used in Gaza, but has refused to even temporarily suspend them unless ‘significant hostilities’ resume. In effect the government’s position is that more people will need to die before anything is done. This response will not just be seen as weak, it will also be seen as a sign of political support for the Israeli government" (Andrew Smith, is a spokesperson for Campaign Against Arms Trade) - That's why their proposition doens't include the biggest problem that generates all the others: Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and extermination of the Palestinian people.
The United Nations must make Israel follow International Law and must send troops to Palestine as it does evereywhere else. Otherwise, Palestine will never be free and Israel will never sleep in peace. Yasser Arafat asked for it over and over until he was killed. If the troops had been sent, there would be no settlements, no blockade, Palestine would have a State and so many lives would have been saved!
Because on day 2 of resumed airtrikes more Palestinians are dying and an exiled senior hamas leader said their group kidnapped 3 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. So, it doesn't seem like things will calm down anytime soon without an UN direct intervention.
And a Hamas official confirmed the execution of 18 informants but it seems that the action was taken by minor military factions with the support of the population. Israel's intelligence services rely on informants to pinpoint the whereabouts of Palestinian leaders in order to assassinate them.
Slaughtering / Massacre
Murder of boys on the beach / Assassinato dos meninos na praia
Khuzaa: Israeli Atacck and Aftermath
Durante e após bombardeio de Khuzaa
Murder of boys on the beach / Assassinato dos meninos na praia
Khuzaa: Israeli Atacck and Aftermath
Durante e após bombardeio de Khuzaa
Human Cost - Custo Humano
The Information / A Informação
Global Indignation / Indignação global
Desde 1948, los palestinos viven condenados a humillación perpetua. No pueden ni respirar sin permiso. Han perdido su patria, sus tierras, su agua, su libertad, su todo. Ni siquiera tienen derecho a elegir sus gobernantes. Cuando votan a quien no deben votar, son castigados. Gaza está siendo castigada. Se convirtió en una ratonera sin salida, desde que Hamas ganó limpiamente las elecciones en el año 2006. Algo parecido había ocurrido en 1932, cuando el Partido Comunista triunfó en las elecciones de El Salvador. Bañados en sangre, los salvadoreños expiaron su mala conducta y desde entonces vivieron sometidos a dictaduras militares. La democracia es un lujo que no todos merecen.
Son hijos de la impotencia los cohetes caseros que los militantes de Hamas, acorralados en Gaza, disparan con chambona puntería sobre las tierras que habían sido palestinas y que la ocupación israelí usurpó. Y la desesperación, a la orilla de la locura suicida, es la madre de las bravatas que niegan el derecho a la existencia de Israel, gritos sin ninguna eficacia, mientras la muy eficaz guerra de exterminio está negando, desde hace años, el derecho a la existencia de Palestina. Ya poca Palestina queda. Paso a paso, Israel la está borrando del mapa.
Los colonos invaden, y tras ellos los soldados van corrigiendo la frontera. Las balas sacralizan el despojo, en legítima defensa. No hay guerra agresiva que no diga ser guerra defensiva. Hitler invadió Polonia para evitar que Polonia invadiera Alemania. Bush invadió Irak para evitar que Irak invadiera el mundo. En cada una de sus guerras defensivas, Israel se ha tragado otro pedazo de Palestina, y los almuerzos siguen. La devoración se justifica por los títulos de propiedad que la Biblia otorgó, por los dos mil años de persecución que el pueblo judío sufrió, y por el pánico que generan los palestinos al acecho.
Israel es el país que jamás cumple las recomendaciones ni las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas, el que nunca acata las sentencias de los tribunales internacionales, el que se burla de las leyes internacionales, y es también el único país que ha legalizado la tortura de prisioneros. ¿Quién le regaló el derecho de negar todos los derechos? ¿De dónde viene la impunidad con que Israel está ejecutando la matanza de Gaza? El gobierno español no hubiera podido bombardear impunemente al País Vasco para acabar con ETA, ni el gobierno británico hubiera podido arrasar Irlanda para liquidar a IRA. ¿Acaso la tragedia del Holocausto implica una póliza de eterna impunidad? ¿O esa luz verde proviene de la potencia mandamás que tiene en Israel al más incondicional de sus vasallos?
El ejército israelí, el más moderno y sofisticado del mundo, sabe a quién mata. No mata por error. Mata por horror. Las víctimas civiles se llaman daños colaterales, según el diccionario de otras guerras imperiales. En Gaza, de cada diez daños colaterales, tres son niños. Y suman miles los mutilados, víctimas de la tecnología del descuartizamiento humano, que la industria militar está ensayando exitosamente en esta operación de limpieza étnica.
Y como siempre, siempre lo mismo: en Gaza, cien a uno. Por cada cien palestinos muertos, un israelí.
Gente peligrosa, advierte el otro bombardeo, a cargo de los medios masivos de manipulación, que nos invitan a creer que una vida israelí vale tanto como cien vidas palestinas. Y esos medios también nos invitan a creer que son humanitarias las doscientas bombas atómicas de Israel, y que una potencia nuclear llamada Irán fue la que aniquiló Hiroshima y Nagasaki.
La llamada comunidad internacional, ¿existe?
¿Es algo más que un club de mercaderes, banqueros y guerreros? ¿Es algo más que el nombre artístico que los Estados Unidos se ponen cuando hacen teatro?
Ante la tragedia de Gaza, la hipocresía mundial se luce una vez más. Como siempre, la indiferencia, los discursos vacíos, las declaraciones huecas, las declamaciones altisonantes, las posturas ambiguas, rinden tributo a la sagrada impunidad.
Ante la tragedia de Gaza, los países árabes se lavan las manos. Como siempre. Y como siempre, los países europeos se frotan las manos.
La vieja Europa, tan capaz de belleza y de perversidad, derrama alguna que otra lágrima mientras secretamente celebra esta jugada maestra. Porque la cacería de judíos fue siempre una costumbre europea, pero desde hace medio siglo esa deuda histórica está siendo cobrada a los palestinos, que también son semitas y que nunca fueron, ni son, antisemitas. Ellos están pagando, en sangre contante y sonante, una cuenta ajena". Eduardo Galeano
Economic Cost - Custo Econômico
The Outlaw State of Israel
Part II
"The United States has supported Israel without reservations since its founding in 1948. According to an agreement between the two countries, that has become a law in the US, the US has committed itself to preserve Israel's strategic and military superiority in relation to other countries in the Middle East. From 1949 till today, the US has provided Israel with nearly $122bn in aid, calculated by reference to fixed dollars.
Counting the aid to Israel in 2003 dollars, from 1949 - 2003 the US has provided Israel with $140bn worth of military assistance, which has been increasing since 2003. The basic annual commitment to Israel is $3.1bn, which is far more than military aid that has been given to any other country in the world, and this figure is an understatement, hiding a variety of supplemental appropriations and other benefits accorded uniquely to Israel.
In effect, the US has been subsidising Israel's aggressions, and ignoring military assistance legislation that seeks to withhold such aid to countries that are not acting defensively and in accordance with international law.
The Obama administration has even increased the aid to Israel through its reliance on various special appropriations. Most recently Congress appropriated an additional $225m for further development of the Iron Dome derence system.
The US Senate has even approved a resolutionaccording to which if Israel attacks Iran's nuclear sites in the future defying international law, the US is obligated to help Israel. It reads in part, "If the Government of Israel is compelled to take military action in legitimate self-defense against Iran's nuclear weapons program, the United States Government should stand with Israel and provide, in accordance with United States law and the constitutional responsibility of Congress to authorize the use of military force, diplomatic, military, and economic support to the Government of Israel in its defense of its territory, people, and existence."
Of course, the language as written of "legitimate self-defence" is understood to mean any action taken by Israel that is alleged to be "defensive", whether or not in conformity to international law, which limits such claims to situations of response to prior armed attacks.
Among the many UNSC resolutions that seek to criticise or condemn Israel for its actions against the Palestinians, almost all have been vetoed by the US. In fact, the US government opposes virtually every resolution approved by any UN organ, including UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), if it is deemed to be critical of Israel, and this includes even initiatives to establish fact-finding commissions of inquiry to determine whether charges of war crimes are well-founded.
When Israel attacks the defenceless and completely vulnerable Palestinian people, the US justifies such high-intensity and disproportionate violence as "self-defence", obstructs the issuance of a UN call for an immediate ceasefire, and gives diplomatic and material aid and comfort to Israeli aggression from start to finish.
After the fact-finding "Goldstone Report" on Israel war crimes in Gaza in 2008-2009 was approved by UNHRC, the US and Israel successfully intervened with the Secretary General to prompt him to urge the non-implementation of the report in relation to Israeli accountability for war crimes. The US government also used its leverage to prevent even the discussion of this important report in the UNSC. When recently, the UNHRC approved a resolution to investigate Israel's war crimes in Gaza, the US cast the only negative vote.
Amnesty International has reported that the evidence of systematic attacks by Israel's military forces on schools and hospitals in Gaza during the current warfare is overwhelming. It includes targeting civilians who have sought shelter from Israeli attacks in United Nations schools and other buildings marked with the UN logo.
Human Rights Watch has reported on evidence of intentional shooting of Palestinians who were fleeing their homes, even after they had been ordered to do so by Israel's military, and has declared such behaviour to be a war crime.
We can only comprehend this partisan pattern of US policy toward Israel by taking account of the leverage exerted on the government by the formidable lobby working on behalf of Israel known. Former President Jimmy Carter and the former President of Ireland and former Head of the UNHRC Mary Robinson have condemned this one-sidedness of US policy toward Israel and Hamas, insisting that as a first step Israel immediately ends without conditions the blockade of Gaza, allowing the people of Gaza to have finally some semblance of a normal life.
The US policy toward Israel has had dire consequences:
It has completely discredited the US government's claim to act as an impartial arbitrator between Israel and the Palestinians.
Hatred and resentment toward the US has been increasing throughout the region, not only because of its blind support of Israel, but also because of its military onslaughts against Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, and drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere.
According to a poll conducted right before the current war, 85 percent of Egyptians and Jordanians, 73 percent of Turks, and 66 percent of Palestinians view the US unfavourably, while 84 percent of Israelis have a positive view of the US
What Israel has done in the region with the support of the US has contributed greatly to the growth of extremism and discord throughout the Middle East. If such policies are not reversed even more chaos, extremist violence, bloodshed, and devastation are likely to emerge in the future.
The Middle East and North Africa have been unstable for decades, and the consequences of the intensifying instability are spreading to other regions and endangering world peace.
These policies of unconditional support for Israel are going against the US national interests. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the mother of all problems in the Middle East. Israel has undermined all efforts to find a peaceful solution by way of diplomacy. It has rejected both the Arab Initiative of 2002 and the roadmap proposed by the Quartet - the US, Russia, the European Union, and the UN - which require Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders with the expectation that a sovereign and independent Palestinian state would emerge.
What is required of Israel as a precondition for peace - set forth in Security Council Resolution 242 and reaffirmed since its unanimous adoption in 1967 - enjoys support worldwide. It should be understood that ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories is not by itself sufficient to achieve a sustainable peace. Of paramount importance is also some arrangement that acknowledges the rights of several million Palestinian refugees who were forcibly expelled over the course of many years from Israel, most dramatically in the 1948 Nakba, the Palestinian national catastrophe.
There are also serious questions at this time as to whether the two-state solution is a viable and desirable goal, if it ever was. The question of Palestinian self-determination as the proper foundation for a sustained just peace is more open to debate and reflection in 2014 than ever before. Israel's expansionism has put the international two-state consensus under question, and the international community, along with representatives of the Palestinian people must now consider new ways to achieve a just peace for both peoples, which cannot be realised without upholding Palestinian rights.
We believe that a crucial step in this direction is the widespread acknowledgement that Israel has become an outlaw state, and that appropriate adjustments to this reality must be made.
Richard Falk is Albert G Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and Research Fellow, Orfalea Center of Global Studies. He is also Former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights.
Akbar Ganji is one of Iran's leading political dissidents and has received over a dozen human rights awards for his efforts. Imprisoned in Iran until 2006, he is the author of The Road to Democracy in Iran, which lays out a strategy for a non-violent transition to democracy in Iran.
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