"Gaza corre um grande risco de explosão de doenças transmissíveis entre a população de 1.8 milhões de habitantes. A não ser que haja um acordo rápido de paz durável e um grande investimento na infra-estrutura elétrica e de saneamento destruídas", declarou um especialista britânico de saúde pública.
Porém, Israel não se acalma apesar também da pressão da Casa Branca.
Ontem, em plena negociação no Cairo, a IDF quebrou a trégua atirando em casas no leste de Khan Younis. Talvez fosse mais uma provocação para que os palestinos revidassem e sua aviação voltasse com bombas pesadas. Porém o Hamas reclamou mas não reagiu e os outros grupos de resistência também ficaram quietos, dando uma chance aos negociadores no Cairo.
Enquanto isso, na Cisjordânia, a repressão da IDF não para nem um dia.
Mas as coisas mudaram com os EUA. A impressão geral que se tem é que os estadunidenses, ou seja, o governo, está enojado com Netanyahu e seus atos.
Gaza is at “massive risk” of a “communicable disease explosion” among its 1.8 million population unless there is an early durable peace and huge investment in the devastated electricity and water infrastructure, according to a British public health expert.
Nevertheless, Israel has yet not quneched its blood thirst, despite US pressure. Yesterday Hamas accused the IDF of violating the truce with a cross-border shooting. Reportedly, Israeli troops shot at houses east of the town of Khan Younis. The Israeli military had "no comment" about it. Journalists could not confirm the "incident". The latest incident reported of any Israeli shelling or shooting happened nearly 24 hours ago. But Hamas didn't react and negotiations continue in Cairo. And in the West Bank IDF's repression does not stop.
But things are no more as they were with the US. The general sense is that Americans are disgusted with Netanyahu.
These youngsters on the photo are Jewish-born-Americans who chose to immigrate to Israel to fight for the IDF to help perpetuate the occupation of Palestine instead of fighting for the United States (unless it has become the same...). This photo was taken yesterday after they had just landed in Tel Aviv to join the IDF and to bring more sorrow to the Palestinians.
Israel and ISIS are both skilled recruiters of religious fighters; better than Al-Qaeda.
Não se deixe enganar pela aparência. Estes jovens sorridentes da foto são judeus-estadunidenses que não têm nada de bonzinhos. Escolheram emigrar para Israel a fim de ajudar a IDF a perpetuar a ocupação israelense da Palestina em vez de lutar para o país deles (a não ser que tenha virado o mesmo...).
Israel e o ISIS são os dois melhores recrutadores de guerreiros religiosos do planeta; melhores do que o Al-Qaeda.
While these young american praise slaughtering, a 91-year-old Dutch man honoured by Israel for shielding a Jew from the Nazis has handed back his medal after six of his relatives were killed in a Gaza air strike.
Henk Zanoli returned his Righteous Among the Nations award to the Israeli ambassador in The Hague this week after an Israeli F-16 destroyed his great niece's Gaza home, killing all inside.
"It is with great sorrow that I am herewith returning the medal I received as an honour and a token of appreciation from the State of Israel for the efforts and risks taken by my mother and her family in saving the life of a Jewish boy during the German occupation," Zanoli said in a letter dated Monday.
According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.
Henk Zanoli and his late mother Johana Zanoli-Smit hid a Jewish child during the Nazi occupation of Holland, when the child's parents were killed in Nazi death camps. Zanoli and his late mother were honored in 2011 by the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.
The Zanoli family was already at risk from the Nazis as Zanoli's father had openly opposed the Nazi occupation of the country. Because of his criticism, the father was sent to a series of concentration camp, eventually dying in 1945 at the Mauthausen camp.
A great-neice of the Zanoli father who perished in the camp married a Palestinian born in a Gaza refugee camp. The family has three children. During Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli air force dropped a bomb on the family's home, killing the family's father and three children, among other additional casualties.
Zanoli's letter begins with a description of the sacrafices his family made to save the life of the Jewish child. "The great- great grandchildren of my mother have lost their [Palestinian] grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli army ... For me to hold on to the honor granted by the State of Israel, under these circumstances, will be both an insult to the memory of my courageous mother who risked her life and that of her children fighting against suppression and for the preservation of human life as well as an insult to those in my family, four generations on, who lost no less than six of their relatives in Gaza at the hands of the State of Israel.”
"Against this background it is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel".
The letter was published by Tel Aviv progressive newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in internacional media. The IDF has not responded to a Haaretz request for clarification as to why this particular house was targeted.
Enquanto estes jovens estadunidenses acima escolhem a opressão e o arbítrio, um senhor holandês de 91 anos a quem Israel dera a comenda de "Justo dentre as Nações" (a mais importante do país) devolveu-a - ao embaixador israelense na Háguia - ao ficar sabendo da morte de seis parentes em um bombardeio da IDF na Faixa de Gaza.
"É com grande tristeza que devolvo a medalha que recebi com honra pela demonstração de reconhecimento do Estado de Israel pelos esforços e riscos que minha mãe e minha família correram para salvar um menino judeu durante a ocupação alemã".
A família de Zanoli já corria risco por causa da oposição do pai ao nazismo, razão pela qual foi preso no campo de concentração Mauthausen onde morreu em 1945.
Segundo sua carta, o F16 da IDF jogou a bomba na casa de seus parentes no dia 20 de julho durante uma das ofensivas mais bárbaras da Operação israelense Protective Edge. A bomba destruiu o prédio de 4 andares no campo de refugiados Bureij de onde a família da sobrinha-neta morava.
A carta começa com a descrição dos sacrifícios de sua família para proteger judeus e lutar contra o nazismo. Depois fala do assassinato dos parentes. "os tetranetos da minha mãe perderam sua avó, três tios, uma tia e um primo nas mãos das forças armadas israelenses... Nestas circunstâncias, não posso ficar com a comenda que ganhei do Estado de Israel pois será um insulto à memória da minha mãe corajosa que arriscou sua vida e a de seus filhos lutando contra a supressão e a preservação da vida humana assim como será um insulto aos meus familiares, quatro gerações, que perderam seis parentes em Gaza nas mãos do Estado de Israel".
"Neste contexto, é particularmente chocante e trágico que hoje, na quarta geração, nossa família seja confrontada ao assassinato de um parente em Gaza. Assassinado pelo Estado de Israel".
A carta foi publicada no jornal Haaretz de Tel Aviv e divulgada na mídia internacional. A IDF ainda não respondeu à demanda do jornal que esclarecesse o porquê desta casa ter sido visada.
According to the United Nations, at least 1,965 Palestinians have been killed and almost 10,000 more have been injured since Israel's military operation in Gaza began on July 8. 64 Israeli soldiers, two Israeli civilians and a Thai worker have also been killed.
But life is stronger than death and the Palestinians are resilient. Since Israel's military operation began in Gaza, local officials reported that at least 4,500 babies have been born. In 2013, 66,600 babies were born in the Gaza Strip, that is 5,550 babies each month. The population of Gaza is expected to reach 2.1 million by 2020.
The United Nations also reported that at least 17,000 homes have beend destroyed in Gaza and approximately 250 factories and construction sites have been damaged, and other public properties.
udemoradias foram destruídas e cerca
The zoo's three-story adlminsitrative buildn was destroyed after bein hit by multiple strikes that destroyed also the water well and killed or injured half ot the animals, trapped inside.
Segundo as Nações Unidas, pelo menos 1.965 palestinos foram mortos durante a Operação Protective Edge. "Pelo menos" porque há desaparecidos que as famílias ainda esperam encontrar vivos e não querem que entrem nesta estatística. 67 pessoas morreram no lado de Israel; três civis e 64 soldados.
Porém, a vida é mais forte do que a morte e os palestinos são resistentes. Desde o começo da operação militar israelense em Gaza, nasceram 4.500 bebês. Em 2013, nasceram 66.000 crianças na Faixa, ou seja, 5.550 por mês. A população de Gaza deve chegar a 2.1 milhões em 2020
A ONU divulgou também que no mínimo 17.000 residências foram destruídas na Faixa e cerca de 250 fábricas e obras foram danificadas, além de propriedades públicas.
O prédio adminsitrativo do zoológico foi destruído em múltiplos bombardeios e o poço, idem. A metade dos animais morreram ou ficaram feridos.
At talks in Brussels on Friday, foreign ministers representing the 28 EU countries welcomed a ceasefire in Gaza and said they could relaunch the EU Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah crossing point (EUBAM Rafah) and possibly expand its scope. "The EU is ready to support a possible international mechanism endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, including through the reactivation and possible extension in scope and manadate of its EUBAM Rafah," a statement following the EU meeting said.
EUBAM started to monitor the Rafah crossing point - the main window on the world for Gaza's 1.8 million Palestinians - in 2005 as part of an accord aimed at easing Israeli security concerns after it pulled its troops and settlers from Gaza.
Ontem em discussões na Bélgica, a União Europeia está se prontificando a reativar um programa na froneira entre a Faixa e o Egito a fim de ajudar na estabilização do enclave palestino.
O programa em questão se chamava EUBAM Rafah e já fora posto em prática em 2005 a fim de atender as preocupações israelenses de segurança após a retirada das invasões civis e da IDF. O programa desmoronou com o uso ilegítimo deste para ajudar o Fatah a dar um golpe de Estado no Hamas em Gaza em 2007, quando explodiu um conflito interno sangrento de seis meses.
The European Union has said it was willing to reactivate an EU mission on the Egypt-Gaza border to help stabilise the Palestinian enclave after weeks of war.
A coalition of activists said last week tey would send a flotilla of ships to break Israel's siege of Gaza by the end of 2014, four years after a similiar campaign ended in a deadly raid by Israeli commandos.
The statement that follows was made at a joint conference hosted by Turkish relief agency Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which sponsored the first flotilla of ships carrying aid to Gaza that was raided by israeli commandos in 2010.
"The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (with participation from England, France, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, USA, Canada and Australia) condemns the ongoing Israeli military assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, denounces the failure of the international community to stop the assault, and renews its opposition to the Israeli economic blockade on Palestinians in Gaza as well as the collaboration of other governments.
Porém, Israel não se acalma apesar também da pressão da Casa Branca.
Ontem, em plena negociação no Cairo, a IDF quebrou a trégua atirando em casas no leste de Khan Younis. Talvez fosse mais uma provocação para que os palestinos revidassem e sua aviação voltasse com bombas pesadas. Porém o Hamas reclamou mas não reagiu e os outros grupos de resistência também ficaram quietos, dando uma chance aos negociadores no Cairo.
Enquanto isso, na Cisjordânia, a repressão da IDF não para nem um dia.
Mas as coisas mudaram com os EUA. A impressão geral que se tem é que os estadunidenses, ou seja, o governo, está enojado com Netanyahu e seus atos.
Gaza is at “massive risk” of a “communicable disease explosion” among its 1.8 million population unless there is an early durable peace and huge investment in the devastated electricity and water infrastructure, according to a British public health expert.
Nevertheless, Israel has yet not quneched its blood thirst, despite US pressure. Yesterday Hamas accused the IDF of violating the truce with a cross-border shooting. Reportedly, Israeli troops shot at houses east of the town of Khan Younis. The Israeli military had "no comment" about it. Journalists could not confirm the "incident". The latest incident reported of any Israeli shelling or shooting happened nearly 24 hours ago. But Hamas didn't react and negotiations continue in Cairo. And in the West Bank IDF's repression does not stop.
But things are no more as they were with the US. The general sense is that Americans are disgusted with Netanyahu.
Life after murder in Jerusalem / Vida depois de assassinato em Jerusalém

Israel and ISIS are both skilled recruiters of religious fighters; better than Al-Qaeda.
Não se deixe enganar pela aparência. Estes jovens sorridentes da foto são judeus-estadunidenses que não têm nada de bonzinhos. Escolheram emigrar para Israel a fim de ajudar a IDF a perpetuar a ocupação israelense da Palestina em vez de lutar para o país deles (a não ser que tenha virado o mesmo...).
Israel e o ISIS são os dois melhores recrutadores de guerreiros religiosos do planeta; melhores do que o Al-Qaeda.

Henk Zanoli returned his Righteous Among the Nations award to the Israeli ambassador in The Hague this week after an Israeli F-16 destroyed his great niece's Gaza home, killing all inside.
"It is with great sorrow that I am herewith returning the medal I received as an honour and a token of appreciation from the State of Israel for the efforts and risks taken by my mother and her family in saving the life of a Jewish boy during the German occupation," Zanoli said in a letter dated Monday.
According to Zanoli's letter addressed to the Israeli ambassador, the bomb dropped by the Israeli military on July 20 during its massive Gaza offensive, flattened a four-storey building at the Bureij Refugee Camp, killing all inside.
Henk Zanoli and his late mother Johana Zanoli-Smit hid a Jewish child during the Nazi occupation of Holland, when the child's parents were killed in Nazi death camps. Zanoli and his late mother were honored in 2011 by the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.
The Zanoli family was already at risk from the Nazis as Zanoli's father had openly opposed the Nazi occupation of the country. Because of his criticism, the father was sent to a series of concentration camp, eventually dying in 1945 at the Mauthausen camp.
A great-neice of the Zanoli father who perished in the camp married a Palestinian born in a Gaza refugee camp. The family has three children. During Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli air force dropped a bomb on the family's home, killing the family's father and three children, among other additional casualties.
Zanoli's letter begins with a description of the sacrafices his family made to save the life of the Jewish child. "The great- great grandchildren of my mother have lost their [Palestinian] grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli army ... For me to hold on to the honor granted by the State of Israel, under these circumstances, will be both an insult to the memory of my courageous mother who risked her life and that of her children fighting against suppression and for the preservation of human life as well as an insult to those in my family, four generations on, who lost no less than six of their relatives in Gaza at the hands of the State of Israel.”
"Against this background it is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel".
The letter was published by Tel Aviv progressive newspaper Haaretz and widely circulated in internacional media. The IDF has not responded to a Haaretz request for clarification as to why this particular house was targeted.
"É com grande tristeza que devolvo a medalha que recebi com honra pela demonstração de reconhecimento do Estado de Israel pelos esforços e riscos que minha mãe e minha família correram para salvar um menino judeu durante a ocupação alemã".
A família de Zanoli já corria risco por causa da oposição do pai ao nazismo, razão pela qual foi preso no campo de concentração Mauthausen onde morreu em 1945.
Segundo sua carta, o F16 da IDF jogou a bomba na casa de seus parentes no dia 20 de julho durante uma das ofensivas mais bárbaras da Operação israelense Protective Edge. A bomba destruiu o prédio de 4 andares no campo de refugiados Bureij de onde a família da sobrinha-neta morava.
A carta começa com a descrição dos sacrifícios de sua família para proteger judeus e lutar contra o nazismo. Depois fala do assassinato dos parentes. "os tetranetos da minha mãe perderam sua avó, três tios, uma tia e um primo nas mãos das forças armadas israelenses... Nestas circunstâncias, não posso ficar com a comenda que ganhei do Estado de Israel pois será um insulto à memória da minha mãe corajosa que arriscou sua vida e a de seus filhos lutando contra a supressão e a preservação da vida humana assim como será um insulto aos meus familiares, quatro gerações, que perderam seis parentes em Gaza nas mãos do Estado de Israel".
"Neste contexto, é particularmente chocante e trágico que hoje, na quarta geração, nossa família seja confrontada ao assassinato de um parente em Gaza. Assassinado pelo Estado de Israel".
A carta foi publicada no jornal Haaretz de Tel Aviv e divulgada na mídia internacional. A IDF ainda não respondeu à demanda do jornal que esclarecesse o porquê desta casa ter sido visada.
Eleven years old Palestinian boy shot dead in the West Bank, August 10
Menino palestino de 11 anos baleado na Cisjordânia no dia 10 de agosto
But life is stronger than death and the Palestinians are resilient. Since Israel's military operation began in Gaza, local officials reported that at least 4,500 babies have been born. In 2013, 66,600 babies were born in the Gaza Strip, that is 5,550 babies each month. The population of Gaza is expected to reach 2.1 million by 2020.
The United Nations also reported that at least 17,000 homes have beend destroyed in Gaza and approximately 250 factories and construction sites have been damaged, and other public properties.
udemoradias foram destruídas e cerca
The zoo's three-story adlminsitrative buildn was destroyed after bein hit by multiple strikes that destroyed also the water well and killed or injured half ot the animals, trapped inside.
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"If they kill one child, we give birth to ten" "Eles matam uma criança nós damos a luz a 10" |
Porém, a vida é mais forte do que a morte e os palestinos são resistentes. Desde o começo da operação militar israelense em Gaza, nasceram 4.500 bebês. Em 2013, nasceram 66.000 crianças na Faixa, ou seja, 5.550 por mês. A população de Gaza deve chegar a 2.1 milhões em 2020
A ONU divulgou também que no mínimo 17.000 residências foram destruídas na Faixa e cerca de 250 fábricas e obras foram danificadas, além de propriedades públicas.
O prédio adminsitrativo do zoológico foi destruído em múltiplos bombardeios e o poço, idem. A metade dos animais morreram ou ficaram feridos.
At talks in Brussels on Friday, foreign ministers representing the 28 EU countries welcomed a ceasefire in Gaza and said they could relaunch the EU Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah crossing point (EUBAM Rafah) and possibly expand its scope. "The EU is ready to support a possible international mechanism endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, including through the reactivation and possible extension in scope and manadate of its EUBAM Rafah," a statement following the EU meeting said.
EUBAM started to monitor the Rafah crossing point - the main window on the world for Gaza's 1.8 million Palestinians - in 2005 as part of an accord aimed at easing Israeli security concerns after it pulled its troops and settlers from Gaza.
Ontem em discussões na Bélgica, a União Europeia está se prontificando a reativar um programa na froneira entre a Faixa e o Egito a fim de ajudar na estabilização do enclave palestino.
O programa em questão se chamava EUBAM Rafah e já fora posto em prática em 2005 a fim de atender as preocupações israelenses de segurança após a retirada das invasões civis e da IDF. O programa desmoronou com o uso ilegítimo deste para ajudar o Fatah a dar um golpe de Estado no Hamas em Gaza em 2007, quando explodiu um conflito interno sangrento de seis meses.
The European Union has said it was willing to reactivate an EU mission on the Egypt-Gaza border to help stabilise the Palestinian enclave after weeks of war.
A coalition of activists said last week tey would send a flotilla of ships to break Israel's siege of Gaza by the end of 2014, four years after a similiar campaign ended in a deadly raid by Israeli commandos.
The statement that follows was made at a joint conference hosted by Turkish relief agency Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which sponsored the first flotilla of ships carrying aid to Gaza that was raided by israeli commandos in 2010.
"The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition (with participation from England, France, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, USA, Canada and Australia) condemns the ongoing Israeli military assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, denounces the failure of the international community to stop the assault, and renews its opposition to the Israeli economic blockade on Palestinians in Gaza as well as the collaboration of other governments.
We note that the demand to lift the blockade is a central feature of talks on ending the violence, and urge governments who reject the blockade to use their influence now to ensure that an agreement that ends the violence, also ends the destructive blockade.
We hereby announce that we are planning another flotilla in the near future, to challenge the blockade of Gaza , with participants from around the world. We announce our intention to sail back from Gaza carrying Palestinian exports, continuing the work of Gaza’s Ark.
We are a peaceful civil society initiative, acting out of solidarity with the Palestinian people, independently from any government. Contrary to recent media reports, we have not asked for military escort, have no intention to, and will not sail with a military escort.
The Mavi Marmara – the lead ship in the 2010 Freedom Flotilla, which bore the brunt of the Israeli naval assault and on which nine Turkish citizens and a U.S. citizen were killed by Israel - will soon be ready to join the flotilla with hundreds of peace activists from all around the world on board.
More news on our plans will be available in a few weeks. We urge our supporters around the world to stay alert for updates and to ready themselves to join and escalate our campaign to bring down the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
Freedom Flotilla Coalition: European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza; International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza (ICBSG); Freedom Flotilla Italia; Gaza's Ark; IHH; Rumbo a Gaza; Ship to Gaza Greece; Ship to Gaza Norway; Ship to Gaza Sweden.
For more information: Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Rumbo a Gaza/Spain) +34 (647) 077-426 zohar995@nodo50.org; Dror Feiler (StG-Sweden) +46 (70) 285-5777 dror.feiler@gmail.com; İzzet Shahin (IHH/Turkey) +90 (530) 341 2134 izzetsahin@ihh.org.tr; Ehab Lotayef (Gaza's Ark/Canada) +1 (514) 941-9792 lotayef@gmail.com.
For further information: Ehab Lotayef +44 (753) 877 0353 or +1 (514) 941 9792; Ann Ighe +46 (70) 974 0739; Zaher Birawi +44 (785) 089 6057.
We hereby announce that we are planning another flotilla in the near future, to challenge the blockade of Gaza , with participants from around the world. We announce our intention to sail back from Gaza carrying Palestinian exports, continuing the work of Gaza’s Ark.
We are a peaceful civil society initiative, acting out of solidarity with the Palestinian people, independently from any government. Contrary to recent media reports, we have not asked for military escort, have no intention to, and will not sail with a military escort.
The Mavi Marmara – the lead ship in the 2010 Freedom Flotilla, which bore the brunt of the Israeli naval assault and on which nine Turkish citizens and a U.S. citizen were killed by Israel - will soon be ready to join the flotilla with hundreds of peace activists from all around the world on board.
More news on our plans will be available in a few weeks. We urge our supporters around the world to stay alert for updates and to ready themselves to join and escalate our campaign to bring down the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
Freedom Flotilla Coalition: European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza; International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza (ICBSG); Freedom Flotilla Italia; Gaza's Ark; IHH; Rumbo a Gaza; Ship to Gaza Greece; Ship to Gaza Norway; Ship to Gaza Sweden.
For more information: Zohar Chamberlain Regev (Rumbo a Gaza/Spain) +34 (647) 077-426 zohar995@nodo50.org; Dror Feiler (StG-Sweden) +46 (70) 285-5777 dror.feiler@gmail.com; İzzet Shahin (IHH/Turkey) +90 (530) 341 2134 izzetsahin@ihh.org.tr; Ehab Lotayef (Gaza's Ark/Canada) +1 (514) 941-9792 lotayef@gmail.com.
For further information: Ehab Lotayef +44 (753) 877 0353 or +1 (514) 941 9792; Ann Ighe +46 (70) 974 0739; Zaher Birawi +44 (785) 089 6057.
The two videos below may help a better historical understanding of the "conflit" Israel vs Palestine.
Os dois vídeos abaixo podem ajudar a entender melhor a história do "conflito" Israel vs Palestina, na visão de dois dissidentes israelenses.
Alternate Focus: Miko Peled, (author of the book "The General's son" )
son of former Israeli general Matti Peled breaks the silence. (2011)
Miko Peled, filho do general da reserva Matti Peled,
sobre a situação na Palestina (2011)
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