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#SolidarityWaveBDS |

Os seis israelenses civis e militares mortos você já deve conhecer até de nome divulgado profusamente pela mídia que segue a hasbara da potência ocupante que os alardeiam o suficiente.
A Al Jazeera está mapeando os mortos de hora em hora: INFOGRAPHIC. Mapping the dead in latest Israeli-Palestinian violence.Tracking the human toll of the wave of violence in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel.
Enquanto isso, na Faixa de Gaza, o número de jovens tem aumentado no Erez Crossing. Tem até alguns meninos que perderam familiares no massacre do ano passado. Os soldados da IDF estão atirando na garotada, mas eles insistem: Vamos lutar até o último suspiro. "Until the last breath and until we claim back our land!"

"We're not terrorists, we're resisting the terrorist occupation of a rogue state. We have no planes, no bombs, no tanks, no machine guns, only determination."
"Não somos terroristas, estamos resistindo à ocupação terrorista. Não temos aviões, nem bombas, nem tanques, nem metralhadoras, só determinação."
No dia 13/10, Israel anunciou medidas de segurança ainda mais drásticas dos que já utiliza para conter a Intifada.
No dia 14, bloqueou os bairros palestinos de Jerusalém ocupada a entrecortando de campos de concentração.
Press TV
Imagens da RT no dia 12
Abbas can’t control the lost generation of Oslo. Tens of thousands of families in East Jerusalem and the West Bank fear for the safety of their children, but are also proud that the young people collectively are showing that they are fed up. Amira Hass.
Um colono judeu fez questão de pôr um pedaço de carne de porco no cadáver de um palestino abatido. Nas religiões judia e muçulmana o porco é banido da comida por se considerado impuro e nojento. No dia 13: Israeli settler praised for throwing pork on body of Palestinian. Rania Khalek.

No Day of Rage na sexta-feira, a IDF pegou pesado na repressão aquém e além da Linha Verde.
No vídeo, o rapaz diz Intifada que na "tradução" seja a palavra que se ouve.
No vídeo, o rapaz diz Intifada que na "tradução" seja a palavra que se ouve.

De fato, os 20 por cento de palestinos de Israel estão cada vez mais irritados e indignados com as restrições aos sítios religiosos na Cisjordânia - Basílica da Natividade e Mesquita al-Aqsa, e com o número crescente de mortos nos territórios palestinos ocuapdos.
Aliás os soldados israelenses estão apertando o gatilho com a maior leviandade e dizendo depois que o palestino ou a palestina que mataram estava com uma faca. Sem mostrá-la. Não dá para acreditar.
Mas como sabem que mentir está ficando difícil, é bem capaz que comecem a carregar faca de cozinha para pô-la do lado do cadáver de quem assassinam.
Na hasbara amoral israelense, tudo é possível.
Fadi Alloun's murder / Execução de Fadi, desarmado :
A foto ao lado mostra a união dos jovens contra o inimigo comum, em vez de alimentar as richas estéreis da velha guarda.
Um rapaz simpatizante do Hamas ajuda um amigo simpatizante do Fatah a tapar a cara com o khefieh palestino para combaterem o ocupante lado a lado.
E da prisão, Marwan Barghouti avisa: There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends.
E da prisão, Marwan Barghouti avisa: There will be no peace until Israel’s occupation of Palestine ends.
Durante a noite de sábado pra domingo, Noor Hassan - de 30 anos e grávida de seis meses - foi morta em casa junto com a filha Shahd de 3 anos, quando o teto desmoronou em cima delas sob uma bomba da IDF, em Gaza.
Mais de vinte pessoas foram feridas no mesmo ataque.
Por outro lado, faz três noites que navios da IDF abrem fogo contra a Faixa de Gaza e na Cisjordânia, a violência dos colonos/invasores aumentou assustadoramente, com a cumplicidade dos soldados da IDF que instigam e/ou aplaudem as agressões de jovens e meninos palestinos.
Soldados da IDF invadem agência de notícias palestina e destroem tudo dentro
E a execução da jovem palestina na sexta-feira só porque estava com uma faca de mesa na mão, cercada de um bando de marmanjos super-armados, não ajuda a acalmar a revolta contra a crueldade dos soldados israelenses covardes, mas 'corajosos' quando lidam com meninos 'perigosos', como este da foto.
Sem contar os agentes provocadores israelenses infiltrados, armados e atirando à vontade.

No dia 13, Al Mezan (ONG palestina de Direitos Humanos) identificou as seguintes vítimas gazauís e a causa da morte/ identifies the people killed, with the cause of death, as follows: Ahmed Yehia Al Herbawi, 20, from Al Nuseirat camp, Middle Gaza district - bullet in the chest; Shadi Husam Al-Din Doula, 24, from Gaza City - bullet in the abdomen; Abdel Majeed Majdi Al Whedi, 18, from Jabalia camp, North Gaza district - bullet in the neck; Ziad Nabil Sharaf, 20, from Gaza City - bullet in the chest; Mohammed Hisham Al Riqib, 15, from Khan Younis - bullet in the chest; Adnan Mousa Abu ‘Iliyan, 22, from Khan Younis - bullet in the head; Jihad Zayid Al 'Abeed, 22, from Deir Al Balah, Middle Gaza district - bullet in the abdomen.
E as mortes continuam e continuarão até a ONU mandar tropas para conter os invasores bárbaros. Pois esta geração não é a da última intifada. É a nova. Depois desta, haverá outra. E mais outra. E mais outra. E se Israel continuar sua espoliação e limpeza étnica, pode aumentar seu território como os sionistas querem, mas os israelenses jamais viverão em paz.
Nesta, como na primeira, as moças também estão na linha de frente.
Esta Intifada é popular, conjunta, jovem e sem liderança.
As autoridades (in)competentes de Israel e da Autoridade Palestina haviam proibido tacitamente o uso do termo oficialmente e a imprensa respeitou por medo de botar lenha na fogueira, como se fôssemos nós os responsáveis pela situação insuportável em que os palestinos se encontram desde que me entendo por gente - e olha que eu já estou na quinta década de vida.
Seis jovens já foram mortos em Gaza e um na Cisjordânia.
O que mais me chateia nesta história é autoridades palestinas e israelenses, assim como as estrangeiras à região mas não à ocupação (que patrocinaram e incentivaram com armas ou com silêncio), demonstrarem surpresa. Sinceramente, ou estas pessoas são totalmente ignorantes da realidade no terreno nos últimos dez anos ou são de uma hipocrisia repelente.
Os israelenses que moram na bolha chamada Tel Aviv estão boquiabertos. Dir-se-ia que receberam um balde de água gelada na cabeça, corpo e membros. Mas estes cidadãos vivem com a cabeça enfiada em bares, restaurantes e boites sem querer encarar a realidade. 'Um pouco como a prefeita de Paris que celebrou tal alienação neste verão).
A única coisa surpreendente nesta terceira intifada é ela ter demorado uma década.
A afluência (milhares de pessoas) ao enterro de Mohnad Halabi (o jovem palestino de 18 anos abatido após matar um soldado da IDF e um rabino na Jerusalém ocupada) já demonstrava, como em 2000, a inevitabilidade do uso da palavra Intifada.As autoridades israelenses responsáveis pelo status quo da ocupação - dos políticos aos oficiais do Shin Bet e da IDF - não podiam, mas ainda minimizavam o óbvio. Assim como Mahmoud Abbas e seus colaboradores imediatos. Do lado israelense, ouvía-se (até o Hamas dar nome aos bois, como dizem meus conterrâneos) que o que está acontecedo é uma "wave of terror", não uma Intifada (os palestinos nem imaginam o quanto os israelenses tremem nas bases quando ouvem esta palavra!).
Ora, nas duas anteriores o discurso foi exatamente o mesmo.
A Primeira Intifada na década de 80 foi uma revolta totalmente popular, já que os líderes da OLP se encontravam todos em exílio forçado pela Naqba. O resultado desta foi o retorno de todos, sob o comando de Yasser Arafat, à Palestina, e a pressão até conseguirem os famigerados Acordos de Oslo assinados em 1993 que garantiam aos palestinos um Estado dentro de... 5 anos! Mais de 20 anos depois, nada de Estado e a situação dos palestinos só tem piorado em vez de melhorar.
Aí veio a Segunda Intifada, na primeira década do terceiro milênio. Esta contou com o apoio total (camuflado) de Yasser Arafat que teve no Tanzin - a ala armada do Fatah chefiada pelo grande Marwan Barghouti (que apodrece nas masmorras israelenses como Nelson Mandela em seus tempos). Durou até 2005 quando os palestinos receberam novas promessas e resolveram resistir com a arma do boicote. E o BDS Movement foi criado, fez e faz pressão, mas não basta. Israel só respeita a violência.
Quando começou a Primeira Intifada eu estava em minha primeira década de jornalismo internacional. Lembro que o então ministro da defesa Yitzhak Rabin se encontrava em visita aos Estados Unidos e seus assessores lhe diziam que não precisava adiantar o retorno a Tel Aviv porque "everything is under control". É claro que não estava.
A Segunda Intifada também não estava no cardápio dos ocupantes e também nasceu de um movimento popular espontâneo. E acabou sendo pior do que a primeira porque o sentimento de impotência aumentara bastante.
Os ocupantes fardados, além de perseguir os nativos invadindo suas casas de madrugada, revistando e detendo membros de famílias aterrorizadas, obrigando os pais de família a despir-se diante dos filhos nos checkpoints para humilhá-los, estão adorando o novo esporte de tiro-ao-alvo humano que inventaram.
Por semana, não se sabe ao certo quantos meninos e adolescentes são baleados por soldados da IDF. Por esporte. Detrás de um montículo, em descampado, ou de um telhado, em cidades, em disputa com os colegas que no fim do crime aplaudem o invasor bárbaro.
Enough is enough!
Como diz o jornalista israelense Gideon Levy: There will be no period of quiet between the Jordan River and the sea any time soon.
Concordo plenamente. E vou mais longe ainda. Acho que desta vez, a Infidada contará com um componente novo, o da provável adesão solidária dos jovens palestinos residentes em Israel; também cansados de ser tratados como cidadãos de segunda classe privados inclusive do direito de construir e adquirir propriedades na terra que até 65 anos atrás pertencia a seus ancestrais.
Por que os palestinos não se rebelaram antes?
Porque havia alguns fatores de contenção de uma Intifada.O primeiro foi o alto preço pago pela Segunda que não conseguiu nenhum de seus objetivos, devido ao assassinato de Yasser Arafat e à ascenção do conciliante Mahmoud Abbas.

O terceiro fator era a divisão interna - entre o Fatah e o Hamas - devidamente orquestrada e incentivada por Israel com sucesso.
O quarto era o isolamento dos palestinos em meio a terrível indiferença internacional, com o holofote dos membros do Conselho de Segurança dirigidos ao Daesh e outros cânceres bélicos que criaram.
O quinto era a melhoria das condições de vida na Cisjordânia. Não muita, mas o bastante para que os moradores de Ramallah e outras cidades importantes acreditassem superficialmente nas promessas do vampiro Tony Blair que achava que compraria a sede de liberdade e autonomia dos palestinos com um punhado de dólares.
O sexto era a cruel repressão da IDF, com a assistência securitária da Autoridade Palestina em respeito aos Acordos de Oslo.
Mas pelo jeito, todos estes fatores perderam a relevância diante da insatisfação crescente dos jovens que entenderam que as promessas não passam de quimeras. Que a realidade está na cara. Está nas invasões judias que aumentam mensalmente, nos checkpoints que proliferam como cogumelos, nas detenções arbitrárias de homens, mulheres, velhos, e meninos de 13 anos condenados a 20 anos de prisão por jogarem pedra no soldado que o impede de chegar à sua escola. aliás desde o dia primeiro de outubro, mais de 650 palestinos foram detidos aleatoriamente na Cisjordânia sendo humilhados e maltrados durante as horas que passaram em detenção.
Se fosse você, como agiria ao ser libertado?
Senhor palestino enfrenta os covardes invasores da IDF
Achei que fosse acontecer durante o massacre na Faixa de Gaza, mas foi controlada na marra com centenas de prisões.
Hoje acho difícil porque os invasores judeus queimaram mais de cinco igrejas e mesquitas na Palestina nos últimos dois anos, mexendo na fé que os une à tera e entre eles. E como se não bastasse, há as proibições de visita à Basílica da Natividade e as obstruições à Mesquita al-Aqsa - ambas medidas que atestam o desprezo dos israelenses pela fé dos palestinos e que pode ter sido a gota d'água.
Contudo, a brutalidade da IDF não parece ser dissuasiva e sim incentiva os parentes e os amigos dos mortos e feridos a seguir em frente na batalha por direitos fundamentais, tais como liberdade e cidadania.
Nesse ínterim, Binyamin Netanyahu responde com a mesma arrogância insuportável que só faz piorar.
Aliás, os sucessivos governos de israel só provaram aos palestinos uma coisa: a calma só ajuda a intensificar a ocupação, a provocações múltiplas, a humilhações renovadas, a destruição de mais lavouras, à expansão das colônias/invasões, à demolição de casas, ao confisco de terra, a incursões noturnas em lares onde um pai ou um filho é detido por nada; às prisões em massa - milhares de palestinos se encontram presos sem processo; e ao dedo do colono e do soldado que aperta o gatilho cada vez mais amiúde resultando em inúmeros aleijamentos e mortes totalmente desncessárias, impunes.
De fato, não há nenhum processo de negociação em curso - nem público nem de bastidores. A solução dos dois Estados está em ponto morto e enterrada por Israel que não oferece nenhuma contra-proposta. "And the Palestinians are to accept all of that and sit still? No thing like that has ever happened anywhere nor will it ever", acrescenta Gideon. "While quiet has been sustained on the other side of the Wall for nearly 10 years, Israel has proven that there is no chance it will act as a partner for serious negotiations about the status of the West Bank [or the lift of the Gaza blockade, for that matter], and that it has no intention of ending the occupation.
A government that has the president of the USA wound around its little finger, incurring no punishment in return, has become drunk with power toward the Palestinians too. That's what happens when the world permits Israel to run rampant in Gaza and the West Bank, inflating Israel's arrogance and intoxication of power beyond all boundaries.
Now the bill is coming due.
Those who imagined that Israel could go on this way forever, and that the Palestinians would continue to acquiesce, to submit, indefinitely - have simply never read a history book.
No people anywhere has ever acquiesced in its own conquest without resistance, and certainly not in modern times.
Resistance is its right, incidentaly, enshrined in international law.
Now the bill is coming due: Intifada, the wave of an uprising that has benn temporarily forgotten but will now come again... Binyamin Netanyahu and Israel's current government have no intention of doing anything to prevent [with negotiation and justice] the pending eruption. There will only be more bloodshed, more checkpoints, more arrests, more detentions, more destruction and more killing.

This is the only language they speak. There is no chance this government will tread a different path.
Given this state of affairs, the current crisis sits squarely at the doorstep of the international community. Absent a responsible entitiy in Israel, responsibility is devolved there. The international community has long behaved fawingly toward Israel but this method has proven itself a serounding failure.

Let the indifferent world best itself now and take notice".
Assino embaixo e acrescento que entendo e apoio totalmente os palestinos em sua luta por seus direitos inalienáveis. Israel tem de ser obrigado a submeter-se às leis internacionais.
Concluo repetindo o que disse acima e que Gideon Levy diz no ótimo artigo abaixo: os palestinos são o único povo do planeta que é obrigado a garantir a segurança do ocupante e não o inverso, como estipula a Convenção de Genebra. A frustração dos jovens é mais do que compreensível.
"The injustice can go on for many more years. Why? Because Israel is stronger than ever and the West is letting it run wild.
Through the haze of self-righteousness, media propaganda, incitement, distraction, brainwashing and victimhood of the past few days, the simple question returns in full force: Who’s right?There are no justified arguments left in Israel’s arsenal, the kind a decent person could accept. Even Mahatma Gandhi would understand the reasons for this outburst of Palestinian violence. Even those who recoil from violence, who see it as immoral and useless, can’t help but understand how it breaks out periodically. The question is why it doesn’t break out more often.
From the question of who started it to the question of who’s to blame, the finger is rightfully pointed at Israel, at Israel alone. It’s not that the Palestinians are blameless, but the main blame lies on Israel’s shoulders. As long as Israel doesn’t shake off this blame, it has no basis for making even a scrap of a demand from the Palestinians. Everything else is false propaganda.
As veteran Palestinian activist Hanan Ashrawi wrote recently, the Palestinians are the only people on earth required to guarantee the security of the occupier, while Israel is the only country that demands protection from its victims. And how can we respond?
As Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked in a Haaretz interview, “How do you expect the Palestinian street to react after the burning of the teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the torching of the Dawabsheh home, the settlers’ aggression and the damage to property under the eyes of the soldiers?” And what are we to answer?
To the 100 years of dispossession and 50 years of oppression we can add the past few years, marked by intolerable Israeli arrogance that’s exploding once again in our faces.
These were the years Israel thought it could do anything and pay no price. It thought the defense minister could boast he knew the identity of the Dawabsheh murderers and not arrest them, and the Palestinians would restrain themselves. It thought that nearly every week a boy or teenager could be killed by soldiers, and the Palestinians would stay quiet.
It thought military and political leaders could back the crimes and no one would be prosecuted. It thought houses could be demolished and shepherds expelled, and the Palestinians would accept it all humbly. It thought settler thugs could damage, burn and act as if Palestinian property were theirs, and the Palestinians would bow their heads.
It thought that Israeli soldiers could burst into Palestinian homes every night and terrorize, humiliate and arrest people. That hundreds could be arrested without trial. That the Shin Bet security service could resume torturing suspects with methods handed down by Satan.
It thought that hunger strikers and freed prisoners could be rearrested, often for no reason. That Israel could destroy Gaza once every two to three years and Gaza would surrender and the West Bank remain calm. That Israeli public opinion would applaud all this, with cheers at best and demands for more Palestinian blood at worst, with a thirst that’s hard to understand. And the Palestinians would forgive.
This could go on for many more years. Why? Because Israel is stronger than ever and the West is indifferent and letting it run wild as it never has. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are weak, divided, isolated and bleeding as they haven’t been since the Nakba.
So this could continue because Israel can — and the people want it to. No one will try to stop it other than international public opinion, which Israel dismisses as Jew-hatred.
And we haven’t said a word about the occupation itself and the inability to end it. We’re tired. We haven’t said a word about the injustice of 1948, which should have ended then and not resumed with even more force in 1967 and continued with no end in sight. We haven’t spoken about international law, natural justice and human morality, which can’t accept any of this in any way.
When young people kill settlers, throw firebombs at soldiers or hurl rocks at Israelis, this is the background. You need a great deal of obtuseness, ignorance, nationalism and arrogance – or all the above – to ignore this.

Amira Hass, Haaretz.
"Palestinians ‘more isolated than at any point since 1948’." The current decade has been particularly calamitous for Palestinians. Mouin Rabbani.
Crimes israelenses do dia 08 ao dia 3:Wilful killings have been rising in occupied East Jerusalem
8 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, were killed and 183 others were wounded in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces have escalated the use of excessive lethal force against peaceful protests in occupied Palestinian territory.
15 Palestinian civilians, including 3 children and a woman, were killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
424 Palestinian civilians, including 102 children, were wounded in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Among the wounded were 12 journalists; 3 of whom were wounded in Jerusalem, 3 others were wounded in the West Bank and the 6 others were wounded in the Gaza Strip.
Israeli forces conducted 36 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.
115 Palestinian civilians, including 18 children, were arrested.
41 of them, including 10 children and a journalist, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem.
Israeli forces have turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose an illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 9th consecutive year.
Many checkpoints were established in the West Bank and many others were re-established.
6 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were arrested at checkpoints.
Israeli navy forces continued to open fire at Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip sea, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
Israeli settlers escalated their attacks against Palestinian civilians and property and settlement activities continued in the West Bank.
The settlers attacked Palestinian vehicles and seriously wounded a Palestinian civilian.
Restrictions were imposed on the movement of Palestinian farmers who were prevented from collecting olives in different areas.
Conferência do professor Ilan Pappe em fase com a realidade no terreno (2012)
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Naming the Dead (last updated by PCHR 13/10/15)
Mohanned Shafiq Halabi (19) from Serda village in Ramallah
03 October 2015
Israeli forces opened fire at him from a short distance after he stabbed two Israeli settlers n al-Wad Street in Occupied Jeruslaem
Several bullet wounds throughout his body
Hothaifa Othman Rajeh Abu Sulaiman (18) from Bal'a in Tulkarm
04 October 2015
Israeli forces opened fire at him when he was throwing stoens with other young men at them near "Ghishori" factories, west of Tulkarm
Bullet wound to the belly
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Fadi Samir Mostafa Aloon (19) from al-'Issawiyah village in Jerusalem
04 October 2015
a group of settlers him while he was walking in al-Mesrara area. They chased him after he tried to escape towards "Haim Barlev Street no. 1". In the meantime, an Israeli police patrol arrived at the scene and surrounded him, and soon after, an Israeli officer shot Aloon dead from a close range with over 7 bullets killing him immediately.
7 bullet wounds throughout his body
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Abdul Rahman Shadi Obaid-Allah (14) from 'Aydah refugee camp in Bethlehem
05 October 2015
An Israeli soldier opened fire at a group of children and youngsters who were near the UNRWA distribution center at the entrance of 'Aydah refugee camp. Confrontations broke out between a number of Palestinian young men and Israeli soldiers. 'Obaid-Allah was hit with a live bullet to the chest from a distance of 200 meters and immediately killed
Bullet wound to the chest
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Amjad Hatem al-Jundi (17) from Yata, south of Hebron
07 October 2015
Israeli police officers opened fire at him from a close range after chasing him in a mall claiming that he attempted to strip an Israel soldier's weapon near Karyat Jat settlement in Israel
Several bullet wounds throughout his body
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Wesam Jamal Faraj al-Mansi (20) from Sho'afat refugee camp in Jerusalem
08 October 2015
He was killed after Israeli forces opened fire at a group of young men and youngsters who were protesting in Sho'afat refugee camp. He was hit with a dumdum bullet to the heart while other 33 civilians were wounded.
Expanding "DumDum" bullet wound to the heart
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Tha'er Abu Ghazala (23), from Hetta Gate neighborhood in JErusalem
08 October 2015
Israeli forces claimed that he stabbed an Israeli female soldier on "Begin" street in Tel Aviv and he attempted to strip off her gun, but Israeli police officers shot him dead.
Several live bullet wounds throughout theBODY
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Shadi Hosam al-Deen Doula (24) from al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza
09 October 2015
He was killed by Israeli soldiers stationed in the military watchtowers along the border fence, east of Gaza Vity in the vicjnty of Nahal 'Oz site. They opened fire at dozens of young men who were throwing stones at the watchtowers. 3 other young men were killed in the same incident.
Bullet wound to the belly
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Ahmed Yehya Mahmoud al-Herbawi (20), from al-Nusairat refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip
09 October 2015
Same circumstances
Bullet wound to the chest
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Abdul Majid Majdi al-Whaidi, (18), from Jabalia refugee camp, north of the Gaza Strip
09 October 2015
Same circumstances
Bullet wound to the neck
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Ziad Nabil Ziad Sharaf (18), from al-Tuffah neighborhood in Gaza City
09 October 2015
Same circumstances
A bullet wound entered the chest and exited the back
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Mohammed Hesham Mohsen (al-Reqeb) (18), from Bani Suhila village in Khan Yunis
09 October 2015
He was killed when Israeli forces opened fire at him while participating along with dozens of Palestinians in a demonstration near the border fence, east of al-Faraheen village, in Abassan. Two other young men were also killed and 11 others were wounded.
Bullet wound to the chest
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Adnan Mousa Abu 'Elayan (23), from Bani Suhila village in Khan Yunis
09 October 2015
Same circumstances
Bullet wound to the head
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Jehad Zayed Salem Ebeid (21), from Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip
10 October 2015
Same circumstances, but he succumbed to his wounds the next day.
Bullet wound to the belly
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Ahmed Jamal Salah (22), from Shu'fat refugee camp, Jerusalem
09 October 2015
He was killed from a close range when Israeli forces stationed the entrance of the camp opened fire at stone throwers. Israeli forces left him bleeding from long time before transferring him to Hadasa Hospital in Israel, where he succumbed to his wounds.
Bullet wound to the head
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Mohammed Fares Abdullah al-Ja'bari (19), from Khellet Hadhour, Hebron
09 October 2015
He was killed while being on the road leading to "Givat Havot" settlement outpost in Hebron, as Israeli forces opened fire at him directly claiming that he attempted to stab an Israeli soldier and strip off the soldier's gun.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Marwan Hesham Na'im Barbakh (10), from Khan Yunis
10 October 2015
He was killed when Israeli forces stationed in the military watchtowers along the border fence, east of al-Faraheen, south of the Gaza Strip, opened fire at the stone throwers. Another youngster was killed and 3 others were wounded.
Bullet wound to the left shoulder
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Khalil Omer Mousa Othman (18), from Khan Yunis
10 October 2015
Same circumstances
Bullet wound to the chest
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Ibrahim Ahmed Awad (28), from Beit Ommer village, Hebron
10 October 2015
He succumbed to his injuries that he sustained on 08 October 2015 confrontations with Israeli forces in his village, in Hebron.
Rubber-coated metal bullet wound to the head
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Mohammed Sa'id Ali (25), from Shu'fat refugee camp, Jerusalem
10 October 2015
Israeli police officers opened fire at him from zero distance under the pretext that he attempted to stab someone in al-Amoud Gate area in East Jerusalem
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Ishac Qasem Badran (16), from Kufor Aqeb village, Jerusalem
10 October 2015
Israeli police officers opened fire at him after he stabbed 2 settlers in al-Mesrara area, where he was left bleeding to death for 2 hours.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body. He was left bleeding to death for 2 hours
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Nour Rasmi Mohammed Hassan (26), from al-Zaitoun neighborhood, Gaza
11 October 2015
She was 5-month pregnant. She and her child Rahaf (3) were killed when an Israeli warplane fired a missile at their house. As a result, the house was completely destroyed, her husband sustained shrapnel wounds throughout his body and fractures to the leg. Moreover, 3 others, who are cousins of the house owner, were wounded.
Wounds throughout the body
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Rahaf Yehya Sa'di Hassan (3), from al-Zaitoun neighborhood, Gaza
11 October 2015
Same circumstances
Wounds throughout the body
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Ahmed Abdullah Sharaka, (13), from al-Jalazoun refugee camp, Ramallah
11 October 2015
He was wounded during a protest that headed towards Beit Eil checkpoint, north of al-Bireh, where Israeli forces opened fire at the stone throwers.
Bullet wound to the head
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Mostafa Adel al-Khateeb (18), from Sour Baher village, Jerusalem
12 October 2015
Israeli forces shot him dead after they stopped hisCAR
10 bullet wounds throughout the body and head
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Hassan al-Manasra (15), from Beit Hanina village, Jerusalem
12 October 2015
He was killed when Israeli forces opened fire at him and deliberately run over his cousin Ahmed Saleh al-Manasra (13). The two boys were heading to a mall near their family houses in "Pisgat Ze'ev" settlement under the pretext that they attempted to stab settlers.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Mohammed Nazmi Elayan Shamasma (23), from Qatna village, northwest of Jerusalem
12 October 2015
Israeli forces claimed that he attempted to kidnap an Israeli soldier in from a bus that was parking near the central bus stop in West Jerusalem, but Israeli police officers opened fire at him.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Alaa Abu Jamal (33), from al-Mukaber Mountain, southeast of East Jerusalem
13 October 2015
An Israeli security guard fired 3 bullets at Abu Jamal at a bus stop on "Malkhei Yisrael" Street in West Jerusalem. In the meanwhile, an Israeli Border Guard officer arrived and killed Abu Jamal by a number of live bullets. Abu Jamal's car belonging to Israeli phone company "Bezeq" deviated towards 3 Israelis at the abovementioned bus stop. He then stepped out of the car holding a knife and stabbed a number of Israelis at the bus stop. As a result, an Israeli Rabbi was killed and 4 others sustained various wounds according to the Israeli media.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Baha' Mohammed Elayan (22), from al-Mukaber Mountain, southeast of East Jerusalem
13 October 2015
He was killed after Israeli forces opened fire at him, as he along with another Palestinian young man had carried out a stabbing and shooting incident in an Israeli bus in al-Mukaber Mountain village.
Several bullet wounds throughout the body
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Mo'taz Ibrahim Hamdan Zawahra (21), from al-Dheisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem
13 October 2015
He was wounded after Israeli forces stationed around Belal Bin Rabah Mosque, north of Bethlehem, opened fire at Palestinian stone throwers. Zawahra sustained a live bullet wound to the chest and was pronounced dead minutes after being admitted to Beit Jala Governmental Hospital.
A live bullet wound to the right side of the chest
Video: Boy killed and his cousin seriously wounded amidst settlers' cry "Die" and "David red star".
Abulance deliberately delayed.
Palestinian lives don't matter to US media. Rania Khalek
Running for the Palestinian cause in Chicago. Team Palestine has raised $400,000 for children in the occupied territories - and awareness at the Chicago Marathon. 11/10/15.
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