IDF ataca hospital no dia 29/10/15

E voltou a pedir proteção como Yasser Arafat pedira na Segunda Intifada. Que a ONU "set up a special regime of international protection for our Plaestinian people."
Listening Post : The conflict and the coverage
Occupied words: On Israel's colonial narrative. Analysis: Palestinian novelist Susan Abulhawa deconstructs Israel's insidious language of power.
Israeli settlers are only innocent in Netanyahu’s warped mind. Actually, that group is the strongest, cruelest, most important, most determined and most dangerous power controlling the occupied territories. B. Michael. Oct. 27, 2015.

The 343 signatories to Tuesday's statement hail from 72 institutions throughout the UK. Citing the "deep complicity" of Israeli academic institutions in Israel's violations of international law, they have vowed to maintain their boycott "until the State of Israel complies with international law, and respects universal principles of human rights. As scholars associated with British universities, we are deeply disturbed by Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian land, the intolerable human rights violations that it inflicts on all sections of the Palestinian people, and its apparent determination to resist any feasible settlement," the text of the academic commitment stated.
Signatories cited a number of specific instances in which Israeli universities have been complicit in the country's violations of international law, including research leading to the development of weaponised, unmanned bulldozers that have been used to demolish Palestinian homes and technology that helps Israel detect and destroy smuggling tunnels used by Palestinians to break the siege on Gaza.
"The Palestinian people continue to show remarkable determination in fighting for their national rights," said Professor Costas Lapavitsas of London's School of Oriental and African Studies. "The action by UK scholars is a small gesture of support and a way of reminding Israel that the arrogance of strength is a bad and dangerous principle for any state to adopt."
No fim de semana, a fim de acalmar os ânimos dos jovens palestinos (e empurrar com a barriga a solução definitiva da ocupação), Israel e Jordânia entraram em um acordo para patrulharem juntos os sítios religiosos muçulmanos, judeus e cristãos que os israelenses vêm tentando usurpar há anos. Acordo que no fundo não passa de mais uma armadilha aos palestinos.

The current Intifada against Israel's ongoing occupation broke out last month mainly amid growing unrest triggered by Israeli incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound - the third holiest site for Muslims - and have taken place across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza and in Palestinian communities in Israel.
The Palestinian foreign minister reacted warily to John Kerry's brokered agreement to install more security cameras at Jerusalem's flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in a bid to defuse tensions.
However, the Intifada continues because Palestinians see it as 'new trap', in the words of their Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki: "Israel is planning to use such footage to arrest Muslim worshippers it believes are 'inciting' against it."
Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, said Abbas had told Kerry "that he should look into the roots of the problem - and that is the continued occupation".
Al Jazeera is tracking the human toll in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel..
Forum Al Jazeera: How can Palestinians legally fight occupation? Experts say the question is not about Palestine's right to resist, but about holding Israel accountable for its crimes.

Mais de 1.900 estão feridos - inclusive 391 meninos - por balas de borracha, balas reais e gás.
Since October 1st, Israeli forces and settlers have killed at least 56 Palestinians, including unarmed protesters, bystanders and alleged attackers. More than 1.900 Palestinians - including 391 children - have benn injured by live amunition or rubber-coated bullets.

The latest unrest was triggered by Israel's increased restrictions on Palestinian access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and visits to the site by Jewish groups last month.
Since then, stabbings, shootings and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces have erupted throughout the occupied territories, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. Palestinians are continuing to protest restrictions on movement, attacks by settlers and failed peace negotiations.
As violence continues to escalate, is the Palestinian Authority failing its people? And will a 'third intifada' help the Palestinian cause?
In this week's Al Jazeera Headliner asks PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat what the PA is doing to protect Palestinians.
Ótima entrevista de Mehdi Hasan.
No dia anterior, 22, na França, extremistas judeus da LDJ (Liga de Defesa Judia) espancaram o jornalista David Perrotin da AFP. O espancamento aconteceu durante uma manifestação da LDJ na frente do escritório da agência francesa.
Estes fascistas judeus protestavam contra a cobertura da Intifada. Não é a primeira vez que infringem a lei na França. Vivem perseguindo e agredindo críticos à ocupação israelense, mas mesmo quando a vítima dá queixa, fica por issso.
Esses criminosos de colarinho branco têm as costas quentes e além disso a grana corre solta no fianciamento de suas atividades neo-fascito-rascistas ilícitas e de sua milícia.
Enquanto isso, os colonos judeus fanáticos continuam atacando e destruindo a três por quatro sem nenhum controle dos policiais israelenses. Estão atacando até seus compatriotas menos radicais. Dê uma olhada no vídeo:
O vídeo abaixo mostra soldados israelenses prendendo violenta e arbitrariamente um jovem palestino em seu local de trabalho. Video shows Israeli soldiers violently and wrongfully arresting a young Palestinian while he was working, in al-Bireh.
Since then, stabbings, shootings and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces have erupted throughout the occupied territories, including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. Palestinians are continuing to protest restrictions on movement, attacks by settlers and failed peace negotiations.
As violence continues to escalate, is the Palestinian Authority failing its people? And will a 'third intifada' help the Palestinian cause?
In this week's Al Jazeera Headliner asks PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat what the PA is doing to protect Palestinians.
Ótima entrevista de Mehdi Hasan.

Estes fascistas judeus protestavam contra a cobertura da Intifada. Não é a primeira vez que infringem a lei na França. Vivem perseguindo e agredindo críticos à ocupação israelense, mas mesmo quando a vítima dá queixa, fica por issso.
Esses criminosos de colarinho branco têm as costas quentes e além disso a grana corre solta no fianciamento de suas atividades neo-fascito-rascistas ilícitas e de sua milícia.
Enquanto isso, os colonos judeus fanáticos continuam atacando e destruindo a três por quatro sem nenhum controle dos policiais israelenses. Estão atacando até seus compatriotas menos radicais. Dê uma olhada no vídeo:
Since October 1st, the IDF has detained 876 Palestinians, including 130 children. This new wave of arbitrary detentions brings the total number of Palestinianis political prisoners to over 6.200.
Desde o dia 1°, a IDF prendeu mais 876 palestinos; 130 meninos. Esta nova onda de detenções arbitrárias leva o número de prisioneiros políticos palestinos a mais de 6.200. No dia 23, só em Jerusalém, os soldados prenderam mais 26 que aumentam esta estatística divulgada no dia 21.
Inside Story: Why is Netanyahu is rewriting history?
West Bank is mourning death of Hashem Azzeh, olive farmer and medical doctor who was killed after inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers in Hebron during a protest in the Bab alm-Zawiyah area of the city on Wednesday 21st.
An outpouring of grief and sorrow has followed the killing of this loved veteran Palestinian activist Hashem Azzeh by Israeli soldiers in Hebron.

And in Gaza, thousands of persons attended the funeral of Ahmad Serhe, 27 years old, in Deir El Balah. He was murdered on the 20th in Bureij by an Israeli sniper.
Israel claimed that 15-year-old Bashar Jamil al-Jabari and his 17-year-old cousin Husam Ismail Jamil al-Jabari had tried to stab soldiers at a checkpoint in the city. But according to an investigation by the PCHR, the two boys had been observing a protest by Israeli settlers near the city’s Ibrahimi mosque at around 9:30pm.
“While watching the demonstration, the two children stood beside an Israeli soldier, who was around the corner of [the] al-Rajabi building that the Israeli settlers are attempting to seize control over. The soldier was leaning against the wall and normally talking to the two children. The children later asked the soldier to let them pass through a metal gate so they could go back home. When the two children heading towards the gate were only two meters away from the soldier, other Israeli soldiers fortified in a military watchtower in the area opened fire at the children and killed them immediately,” PCHR says.
Israel has not returned the children’s bodies to their families. And Tel Aviv never carries out credible investigations into the killings of Palestinians anyway, including children, and its soldiers and settlers enjoy what amounts to blanket and systematic impunity for such crimes.
Last month Israeli forces fatally shot 18-year-old Hadil Salah Hashlamoun at a checkpoint in Hebron, and then claimed she’d lunged at soldiers with a knife. But photographs and eyewitnesses disproved the claim (video above) and showed she posed no threat.
Israel says it no longer occupies Gaza after disengaging from the strip of land in 2005.
But Palestinians, international organisations, human rights groups and governments, including the United States, argue Gaza is still occupied.
In the Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan challenges Israel's narrative, arguing the country still controls Gaza's borders, airspace and territorial waters. He also points to the fact Israel controls the population register, meaning the government defines who is and who is not a resident of Gaza.
Ótimo programa.
Much of Gaza still lays in ruins and destroyed Palestinian homes still need reconstruction.
The first of more than 9,000 completely destroyed Palestinian refugee homes during Israel's 51-day Operation Protective Edge in the besieged Gaza Strip has been rebuilt, according to the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).
Starting in July 2014 and spanning seven weeks, Israeli forces attacked Gaza from land, air and sea. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) verified the deaths of 2,131 Palestinians - among them 1,473 civilians, 501 of whom were children. On the other hand, 66 Israeli soldiers and four civilians were killed.
Already blockaded by Israel since Hamas took control of the strip in 2006, Gaza has been hit by three major Israeli attacks since 2008.
Many homes destroyed during the first bombardement - Operation Cast Lead - have yet to be rebuilt due to Israel's strict regulations.
Jovens palestinos preferem a morte à ocupação interminável
Women of the intifadas. Three generations of Palestinian women reflect on how female fighters have always been a part of the resistance.

As you prepare to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House next month, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has once again turned violent.
While random stabbings and other attacks kill innocents on both sides, the underlying cause of Palestinian anger is the expanding Israeli settlements and the continuing Israeli occupation.
Mr. Netanyahu will arrive in Washington with expectations of renewed unconditional military support. Media reports suggest that the Israelis have requested an annual aid increase from $3.1 billion to $4.5 billion for ten years. The Prime Minister will argue that the additional largess is needed to compensate Israel for its perceived loss of security resulting from the Iran nuclear deal.
The security argument is specious because there is no real loss of Israeli security vis-à-vis Iran. Despite verbal attacks, Tehran has never threatened Israel militarily. The nuclear deal provides enough monitoring to guard against any agreement violations.
Moreover, nuclear-armed Israel has the overwhelming military superiority to deter or repel military attacks from neighbors.
Of course, such rejoinders won’t keep Mr. Netanyahu from pursuing his claim for “compensation.”
So here are some additional reasons to say no to military aid:
* In its 2014 war on Gaza, Israel used U.S-provided arms to kill more than 1,500 Palestinian civilians, including more than 500 children. In the current period of violent conflict, there is a far greater likelihood that the Israeli Defense Force will use US military aid to buy arms that strike Palestinians instead of Iranians—unless the Israeli Prime Minister should decide to use US-provided hardware to make a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In either case, do we want to associate with Israel’s military adventures?
* During the long run-up to the Iran deal and beyond, Israel has focused its energies on scuttling the agreement. Mr. Netanyahu’s address to Congress last spring was more than simply disrespect to the White House, it was blatant interference with American foreign policy. A $20 million lobbying campaign targeting Congress compounded that injury.
* Intentionally or not, Israel’s preoccupation with the Iran negotiations deflected global attention from its expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem and obscured Palestinian efforts to win international support from U.N. agencies. Such actions have added to Palestinian frustrations.
* Israel is a serial violator of international law. A five page listing of such transgressions may be found on the Washington, DC-based Israel Law Resource Center website. The list includes collective punishment, apartheid barriers, illegal acquisition of land by force, ethnic cleansing, Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory– and disregard of some 28 resolutions of the U.N. Security Council (which are legally binding on member nations).
Mr. President, don’t be misled by the oft-repeated refrain that Israel is “our best friend in the Middle East.” Recall the 1967 sinking of the USS Liberty, the bulldozer murder of American protester Rachel Corrie and the sponsoring of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Recognize that our foreign policy interests are not always in line with those of Israel.
Oh, and please object strongly to the Prime Minister’s practice of calling Americans “anti-Semitic” when they embrace BDS or criticize Israeli government policies. Such charges are as demeaning and dishonest as they are inaccurate. The issue is not about Jews, but about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.
Now is not the time to “reward” or “compensate” Israel by providing it more military wherewithal to oppress and kill Palestinian civilians. Indeed, all US military aid should be halted. Israeli planes are already bombing the Gaza Strip, perhaps the first step in another heartless “mowing of the lawn.” Will America allow itself again to become complicit in such atrocities?
The US should promote a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, not fan the flames of war with billion dollar grants to purchase deadly weapons.
Your upcoming meeting with Mr. Netanyahu on November 9 is a timely opportunity to tell the Prime Minister that any further US military aid will be contingent on concrete actions by Israel to recognize Palestinian rights under international law–including steps to end the occupation, remove the blockade of Gaza and dismantle the settlements.
Palestinian teenagers resist
Is This the Third Palestinian Intifada? The current uprising could advance the cause of liberation—but only if it’s transformed into a nonviolent mass movement, coordinated closely with international solidarity activists. Norman G. Finkelstein, Mouin Rabbani e Jamie Stern-Weiner

E aos israrelenses: “When children are afraid to go to school, when anyone on the street is a potential victim, security is rightly your immediate priority. But walls, checkpoints, harsh responses by the security forces and house demolitions cannot sustain the peace and safety that you need and must have.”
E aos jornalistas: "My visit reflects the sense of global alarm at the dangerous escalation in violence between Israelis and Palestinians. I am here to encourage and support all efforts to lower tensions and prevent the situation from spinning out of control."
E Netanyahu voltou a apelar pra ignorância: ‘Abbas has joined Isis and Hamas’.
Deputado George Galloway põe os pingos na passeata londrina pro-Palestina
Mapping the dead.
Al Jazeera is tracking the human toll in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel..
56 palestinos já foram mortos desde o dia 1° de outubro.
The 100-year Intifada. by Ramzy Baroud
Blame it on the mufti. Khaled Diab
O cúmulo do absurdo: Binyamin Netanyahu não apenas desculpa Hitler em seu último discurso como também culpa os palestinos pelo holocausto! E esquece a cumplicidade sionista a Hitler. Quantos judeus enriqueceram nas costas de seus correligionários?
Por que Netanyahu está tentando limpar a barra de Hitler? Com certeza para limpar-se de seus próprios crimes.
Why is Binyamin Netanyahu trying to whitewash Hitler? To wash himself and his crimes?
A indignação foi generalizada o embaixador palestino na ONU Saeb Erekat declarou que Netanyahu tinha “deepened the divide” between Palestinians and Israelis at a time when more than 50 of the former and 10 of the latter had been killed in ongoing violence.
“Palestinian efforts against the Nazi regime are a deep-rooted part of our history,” said Erekat, noting the role Palestinians had played fighting the Nazis during the Second World War. “Palestine will never forget, although it seems Netanyahu’s extremist government has. It is a sad day in history when the leader of the Israeli government hates his neighbour so much so that he is willing to absolve the most notorious war criminal in history, Adolf Hitler, of the murder of six million Jews,” Erekat added.
See Jerusalem through Palestinian eyes. Israel should take concrete steps to reverse its Judaization efforts in occupied Jerusalem.
Photo: The settlers and their children
Apesar da violenta repressão da IDF, das punições coletivas em forma de demolição de casas, sítio de bairros, expulsões e desapropriação de lares, e da barbaridade demonstrada pelos cidadãos israelenses 'normais' e dos colonos que vivem nas invasões civis nos territórios palestinos ocupados, a resistência da Intifada só está aumentando. Assim como as execuções sumárias dos resistentes à ocupação civil e militar israelense.
1. Israeli Occupation Army forces dozens of Jordan Valley Palestinian families to vacate homes to allow for IDF military training.
2. "Palestinians are as afraid as Israelis, the difference is that they don't have arms or soldiers to assure our security", disse um ativista israelense.
3.Nessa ínterim a One State Solution está ganhando cada vez mais corações. Ou seja, um estado de apartheid. Uma vez mais, concordo plemanete com Gideon levy: The Single-State Solution is Already Here. Here is irrefutable proof that the one-state solution should not even be considered: the bloodshed, hatred and fear currently washing over the country. Advocates of the two-state solution and, especially, those who seek no solution, those Israelis who saw the one-state solution as treason and heresy, are now proclaiming victory. “There, that’s what the binational state will look like,” they are saying. “It will be a bloody, endless civil war.” The same intimidatory arguments that were used for years against the two-state solution (the “Auschwitz borders”) are now being enlisted against the one-state solution. Now, as then, everything is judged according to the contours of the current, depressing reality, and it doesn’t occur to anyone that another reality is possible. More
. Under pressure, FIFA cleared Palestine to play World Cup qualifier at home. FIFA has just given green signal for match against Saudi Arabia to take place on November 5.
4. Fatah has called a general strike in Hebron, and rallies are also expected in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. 50 Palestinians and nine Israelis have died since the beginning of the month.
. Wilful killings have been rising in occupied East Jerusalem.
5 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were killed for suspicions of stabbing attempts.
. Israeli forces have escalated the use of excessive lethal force against peaceful protests in occupied Palestinian territories.
12 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were killed; one of whom was killed by a settler and another one succumbed to his wounds.
Al Jazeera is tracking the human toll in the occupied Palestinian territories and Israel..
56 palestinos já foram mortos desde o dia 1° de outubro.
The 100-year Intifada. by Ramzy Baroud
Blame it on the mufti. Khaled Diab
Por que Netanyahu está tentando limpar a barra de Hitler? Com certeza para limpar-se de seus próprios crimes.
Why is Binyamin Netanyahu trying to whitewash Hitler? To wash himself and his crimes?
A indignação foi generalizada o embaixador palestino na ONU Saeb Erekat declarou que Netanyahu tinha “deepened the divide” between Palestinians and Israelis at a time when more than 50 of the former and 10 of the latter had been killed in ongoing violence.
“Palestinian efforts against the Nazi regime are a deep-rooted part of our history,” said Erekat, noting the role Palestinians had played fighting the Nazis during the Second World War. “Palestine will never forget, although it seems Netanyahu’s extremist government has. It is a sad day in history when the leader of the Israeli government hates his neighbour so much so that he is willing to absolve the most notorious war criminal in history, Adolf Hitler, of the murder of six million Jews,” Erekat added.
Photo: The settlers and their children
Apesar da violenta repressão da IDF, das punições coletivas em forma de demolição de casas, sítio de bairros, expulsões e desapropriação de lares, e da barbaridade demonstrada pelos cidadãos israelenses 'normais' e dos colonos que vivem nas invasões civis nos territórios palestinos ocupados, a resistência da Intifada só está aumentando. Assim como as execuções sumárias dos resistentes à ocupação civil e militar israelense.
Curtas / In short

2. "Palestinians are as afraid as Israelis, the difference is that they don't have arms or soldiers to assure our security", disse um ativista israelense.
3.Nessa ínterim a One State Solution está ganhando cada vez mais corações. Ou seja, um estado de apartheid. Uma vez mais, concordo plemanete com Gideon levy: The Single-State Solution is Already Here. Here is irrefutable proof that the one-state solution should not even be considered: the bloodshed, hatred and fear currently washing over the country. Advocates of the two-state solution and, especially, those who seek no solution, those Israelis who saw the one-state solution as treason and heresy, are now proclaiming victory. “There, that’s what the binational state will look like,” they are saying. “It will be a bloody, endless civil war.” The same intimidatory arguments that were used for years against the two-state solution (the “Auschwitz borders”) are now being enlisted against the one-state solution. Now, as then, everything is judged according to the contours of the current, depressing reality, and it doesn’t occur to anyone that another reality is possible. More
. Under pressure, FIFA cleared Palestine to play World Cup qualifier at home. FIFA has just given green signal for match against Saudi Arabia to take place on November 5.
4. Fatah has called a general strike in Hebron, and rallies are also expected in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. 50 Palestinians and nine Israelis have died since the beginning of the month.
Em Tel Aviv, cidadãos histéricos 'bem-intencionados' para quem a dupla vergonhosa Gil & Caetano deu show em julho, debatem no dia 12/10 sobre o linchamento de uma jovem palestina indefesa. Aliás, compatriota deles, de Haifa. Um deles a interceptara na rua, a agredira e detivera para linchá-la.
Do dia 14 a 21 de outubro, Israel cometeu os seguintes crimes na Palestina

5 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were killed for suspicions of stabbing attempts.
. Israeli forces have escalated the use of excessive lethal force against peaceful protests in occupied Palestinian territories.
12 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were killed; one of whom was killed by a settler and another one succumbed to his wounds.
325 Palestinian civilians, including 46 children, were wounded in the West Bank.
Among the wounded were 2 journalists and 6 paramedics in the Gaza Strip and a female journalist in the West Bank.
. The collective punishment policy put into force against families of Palestinians carrying out alleged attacks against Israeli forces and settlers.
Israeli forces demolished the internal walls of an apartment in a residential building in Hebron.
. Israeli forces conducted 75 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and a limited one in the northern Gaza Strip.
166 Palestinian civilians, including 35 children, a woman, a PLC member and a journalist, were arrested.
44 of them, including 19 children and a woman, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem.
. Israeli forces have continued their efforts to create a Jewish demographic majority in occupied East Jerusalem.
Israeli forces isolated neighbourhoods and villages in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces assisted "Ateret Cohanim" settlement organization in seizing control over 2 houses in Silwan village.
. Israeli settlers have escalated their attacks against Palestinian civilians and property and settlement activities have continued in the West Bank.
A Palestinian driver working for the Israeli "Egged" transportation company escaped imminent death.
. Israeli navy forces continued to open fire at Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip sea, but neither casualties nor material damage were reported.
Israeli forces have turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 9th year.
Many checkpoints were established in the West Bank and many others were re-established.
7 Palestinian civilians, including a woman, were arrested at checkpoints.
Entrevista com Marwan Barghouti na prisão, em 2006 antes das eleições
Marwan Borghouti's rare interview in prison, in 2006
Marwan Borghouti's rare interview in prison, in 2006
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