Video flagra israelenses armados infiltrados nos protestos palestinos. 07/10/15

06/10/15. SHOT DEAD IN A SCHOOL UNIFORM. Budour Youssef Hassan. Abdulrahman Shadi Obeidallah is the fourth child killed by Israeli forces occupying the West Bank so far this year.
Os israelenses estão morrendo de medo de uma Terceira Intifada no horizonte... ou em andamento?
A violência está aumentando mas ainda não dá para afirmar que a sociedade civil palestina está pronta para aderir massivamente a uma nova prolongada insurreição contra o ocupante israelense. Mas os jovens estão aderindo em peso. Para mim, está com cara, som e violência repressiva de intifada. Eis um vídeo de Belém no dia 06.
Imagens do Ha'aretz no mesmo dia
Imagens da RT em Belém no mesmo dia. Observem o medo dos soldados israelenses. São medrosos até em bando. Deve ser por isso que usam de extrema crueldade quando atacam sob proteção de sua parafernália militar.
Daí a covardia de atos como este registrado abaixo. Um bando de soldados bate em um palestino sozinho, desarmado e desamparado, no dia 07, em Ramallah. E atacam a repórter da RT com gás para que pare de filmar.
E este ataque ao menino de 8 anos em setembro do ano passado.
Um dos muitos abusos que acontecem diariamente na Cisjordânia.
Não dá mais pra segurar; explode coração. Já dizia o nosso poeta tupiniquim para definir bem o que a juventude palestina está sentindo.
On Tuesday, 06/10, Al Jazeera Inside Story discussed the escalating violence in Palestine, especially in Jerusalem.
Hosted by Laura Kyle, the other guests were Ian Black, Middle East Editor for The Guardian, and Gregg Roman, a former official with Israel’s defense ministry and director of Middle East Forum.
Middle East Forum is an advocacy group founded by the notorious Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian demagogue Daniel Pipes.
Roman strongly defended Israel’s funding of the Temple Institute, a group that calls for the replacement of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque with a Jewish temple.
It is headed by Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, who has praised the killers of the Dawabsha family, burned alive in their home in July, and has sanctioned the murder of the US president.
Roman also called for a massive Israeli military assault in the occupied West Bank along the lines of “Operation Defensive Shield,” the 2002 incursion that killed 500 Palestinians.
Black said we may be at the beginning of another major escalation of violence and Israel’s security” approach cannot bring a resolution. The only way forward, Black said, is to go back to “fundamentals” and “find some way to negotiate about the future.”
Is Israel maintaining the status quo at al-Aqsa mosque?
07/10/15. Palestinians yearn for a ray of hope. by Daoud Kuttab
08/10/15. Israeli forces accused of shooting at the press. A Palestinian media rights group has documented seven press violations committed by Israeli forces since October 1.
Video: Israeli soldiers protect settlers as they attack Palestinians. Charlotte Silver.
No Christians or Muslins allowed: "Jews Only"
Este vídeo mostra policiais israelenses à paisana invadindo hospital em Nablus, na Cisjordânia no domingo passado para sequestrar um paciente palestino.
This video shows Israeli undercover forces invading a hospital in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus early on Sunday morning and kidnapping a Palestinian patient.
Meanwhile, two more Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces Sunday and Monday, including a 12-year-old child.
Samir al-Khayyat, the medical director of the Specialized Arab Hospital, told Ma’an News Agency that the Israeli agents, disguised as Palestinians accompanying a patient, entered the hospital around 4am.
They went up to the third floor and kidnapped 23-year-old Karam al-Masri from his bed at gunpoint. The Israelis reportedly disabled security cameras, but apparently not all of them.
The video above has been published by several Palestinian and Israeli media outlets.
The one-minute long clip cuts between several angles which show a group of about a dozen men walking through various parts of a hospital. At about 40 seconds it shows the men carrying or struggling with a person.
Second later, two men run past the camera with guns drawn.
Dressing up agents as what Israel believes Arab or Palestinian civilians to look like – so-calledmistaravim – is an old tactic used in everything from acting as provocateurs and spying to dozens of extrajudicial murders.
Masri’s family issued a statement to Palestinian media expressing their concern over his fate and calling for international medical bodies to intervene. The statement said that Masri, a mechanical engineer, was being treated for injuries to his right arm sustained in a work accident.
Israel’s Ynet reported that the “investigation into the wanted person who was arrested by the security forces in Nablus was placed under gag order, and the arrest was made as part of a larger series of arrests in Nablus as a result of Thursday night’s terrorist attack.”
This is a reference to the killing of two settlers in a drive-by shooting on the road between two Israeli settlements built in the Nablus area in violation of international law.
International, Israeli and Palestinian human rights agencies consistently say that Israel’s system of military courts does not afford detained or accused Palestinians minimal standards of due process and rights.
The invasion of a hospital constitutes a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which the UN Security Council, the Red Cross and other international bodies have repeatedly affirmed applies to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.
The kidnapping of Masri comes amid ongoing, and by many accounts escalating, violence in the occupied West Bank as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered ever harsher collective punishment against Palestinians.
On Monday, 12-year-old Abdulrahman Shadi Obeidallah was fatally shot by Israeli forces in Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem. The child was taken by civilian car to nearby Beit Jala hospital where he underwent emergency surgery for a bullet wound in the chest, but did not survive, Ma’an News Agency reported.
Overnight, Sunday to Monday, Israeli occupation forces shot 18-year-old Huthayfa Othman Suleiman, fatally wounding him in the chest. The youth was reportedly shot during confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces in the northern West Bank, near the city of Tulkarem, Ma’an News Agency reported.
Three other youths were injured by live fire in the same confrontations. The Palestine Red Crescent Society declared a state of emergency on Sunday, after more than a dozen attacks on its medical personnel and ambulances by Israeli soldiers and settlers.
Palestinians have faced a brutal crackdown by Israeli soldiers and violent attacks and property destruction by Israeli settlers in revenge for Thursday’s killing of the two settlers in the West Bank.
On Saturday, Muhannad Halabi, a Palestinian from the West Bank village of Surda, fatally stabbed an Israeli soldier and a West Bank settler in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.
Israeli forces have ordered the destruction of the Halabi family home, a form of collective punishment, illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention, that Israel reserves exclusively for Palestinians.
O filho do general : Miko Peled (legendado em português)
Dois pesos e duas medidas. DN: Does freedom of speech have a Palestine exception?
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