12h de trégua humanitária para procurar corpos soterrados sob os escombros, enterrar os mortos e socorrer os feridos. Nas três primeiras horas, 76 corpos foram levados para hospitais da Faixa.
Bairros residenciais inteiros foram destroçados. Pior do que os nazistas fizeram com Londres na Segunda Guerra. Invasão bárbara.
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Beit Hanoun |
Bairros residenciais inteiros foram destroçados. Pior do que os nazistas fizeram com Londres na Segunda Guerra. Invasão bárbara.
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leste de Gaza city |
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Shujaiya |
In the first three hours truce, the bodies of 76 Palestinians were recovered from the rubble across the Gaza Strip and had been brought to hospitals in north, central and southern Gaza, as well as Gaza City. The toll is expected to rise further still.
Médico palestino falou ontem sobre a necessidade da trégua humanitária
Palestinian doctor spoke yesterday about the need of today's truce
O Secretário da Saúde da Faixa de Gaza comunicou na madrugada deste sábado que já havia 870 gazauís mortos desde o início da operação militar israelense da Faixa de Gaza 18 dias atrás. Mais de 5.740 feridos.
Devo atualizar a lista nominal durante o dia logo que possível. Às 8:00 GMT, quando publiquei este blog, outros tantos haviam sido encontrados nos escombros e o número ultrapassava 900. Cerca de 50% de mulheres e menores.
Esta manhã a IDF declarou que dois soldados israelenses morreram ontem em confrontos com a resistência palestina. Somando estes, o número de perdas militares da IDF chega a 37. E dois civis.
E o Secretário de Saúde de Gaza informou que aproveitando os últimos minutos antes da trégua, tanques da IDF mataram 18 membros de uma única família no sul de Gaza.
Vou tentar autalizar a lista de mortos logo que for possível.
Gaza's Secretary of Health said during the night, that at 3:30 GMT there were 870 Gazans killed since Israel's assault on the Strip began 18 days ao. More than 5.740 have been injured.
And the IDF made the statement that "Yesterday evening two Israel Defence Forces soldiers were killed in combat in the Gaza Strip". The two Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza fighting on Friday take the total number of military deaths since the start of ground operations there to 37.
Israeli tank shelling killed 18 Palestinians from a single family in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, the Gaza health ministry said, shortly before the 12-hour humanitarian truce agreed by Israel and Hamas went into effect.
I'll be "Naming the Dead" as soon as possible.
Esta manhã a IDF declarou que dois soldados israelenses morreram ontem em confrontos com a resistência palestina. Somando estes, o número de perdas militares da IDF chega a 37. E dois civis.
E o Secretário de Saúde de Gaza informou que aproveitando os últimos minutos antes da trégua, tanques da IDF mataram 18 membros de uma única família no sul de Gaza.
Vou tentar autalizar a lista de mortos logo que for possível.
Gaza's Secretary of Health said during the night, that at 3:30 GMT there were 870 Gazans killed since Israel's assault on the Strip began 18 days ao. More than 5.740 have been injured.
And the IDF made the statement that "Yesterday evening two Israel Defence Forces soldiers were killed in combat in the Gaza Strip". The two Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza fighting on Friday take the total number of military deaths since the start of ground operations there to 37.
Israeli tank shelling killed 18 Palestinians from a single family in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, the Gaza health ministry said, shortly before the 12-hour humanitarian truce agreed by Israel and Hamas went into effect.
I'll be "Naming the Dead" as soon as possible.
Miracles of War / Milagres de guerra baby
Em outro lugar na Faixa, o porta-voz do Hamas Sami Abu Zuhri declarou que o Hamas e os outros grupos palestinos de resistência concordavam com a trégua humanitária de 12 horas proposta pela ONU.
Este anúncio foi feito poucas horas após Israel ter rejeitado os termos de cessar-fogo proposto pelo Secretary of State estadunidense.
Some place else in the Strip, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said his movement, together with all armed groups in Gaza, had agreed to the temporary ceasefire which he said was mediated by the United Nations.
The announcement came just hours after Israel's rejected the terms of a ceasefire championed by the US Secretary of State John Kerry.
E Hassan Nasrallah, líder do Hizbollah, declarou solidariedade com a Faixa de Gaza. Vídeo abaixo.
Some place else in the Strip, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said his movement, together with all armed groups in Gaza, had agreed to the temporary ceasefire which he said was mediated by the United Nations.
The announcement came just hours after Israel's rejected the terms of a ceasefire championed by the US Secretary of State John Kerry.
E Hassan Nasrallah, líder do Hizbollah, declarou solidariedade com a Faixa de Gaza. Vídeo abaixo.
John Kerry, na entrevista coletiva tentou por todos os meios amenizar a má-vontade de Israel: "Ainda temos de trabalhar na terminologia, mas achamos que temos um ponto de partida e vamos continuar a trabalhar neste sentido... nenhum de nós está parando o processo".
O que não é bem verdade, pois em Tel Aviv, a dupla macabra Netanyahy/Lieberman não quer nem ouvir falar em cessar-fogo antes da "Solução Final". De arrepiar.
hesitando em dizer que Israel recusara trégua humanitária
At a news conference in Egypt, John Kerry, confirmed Israel's rejection of ceasefire, but said ( knowing well that Netanyahu and Lieberman said NO) diplomats were still trying
Kerry met UN chief Ban Ki-moon in Cairo on Friday, and spoke by telephone to his Qatari and Turkish counterparts. He will be attending another conference on Gaza (Hamas has not been invited) in Paris this Saturday.
Israel has already indicated it plans to step up its incursion into the besieged strip. Which is dreadful. "Final Solution", repeating History again and again.
Enquanto isso na Cisjordânia, onde o número de mortos só foi aumentando após o primeiro rapaz de 18 anos assassinado friamente por um colono judeu e depois outros nos protestos no território inteiro, a raiva cresce sem parar assim como os protestos.
Em Hebron, 16 palestinos foram feridos quando os soldados abriram fogo contra os mnifestantes. Em Jenin, 14, quase todos com balas no corpo. Em Belém, cinco, um em estado crítico.
A questão é se Netanyahu vai ousar bombardear Belém e pôr em risco a Basílica da Natividade. Aí o problema dele vai ser com o bilhão de católicos do mundo e com o Papa. Mas como confia na impunidade, vai seguir em frente em sua campanha de massacre que é ao mesmo tempo suicidária.
Meanwhile, the rising death toll has fuelled more anger in the West Bank, where at least nine Palestinians have been killed since Friday prayers in protests described as a "day of rage".
A questão é se Netanyahu vai ousar bombardear Belém e pôr em risco a Basílica da Natividade. Aí o problema dele vai ser com o bilhão de católicos do mundo e com o Papa. Mas como confia na impunidade, vai seguir em frente em sua campanha de massacre que é ao mesmo tempo suicidária.
Meanwhile, the rising death toll has fuelled more anger in the West Bank, where at least nine Palestinians have been killed since Friday prayers in protests described as a "day of rage".
There were large protests in several cities where some protesters suffered injuries. In Hebron, 16 people were been injured after Israeli forces opened live fire on protesters. In Jenin, 14 peope were hurt, most suffering gunshot wounds. In Bethlehem, five were injured, one reportedly critically after being shot in the chest.
To put an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip by Israel and Egypt, Once And For All!
So why don't the two sides come together without foreign interference and agree on tit for tat?
They can't because they don't speak to each other. They can kill each other, but they cannot speak with each other. God forbid.
"This is not a war on terror. The war itself is an act of terror...
...The Palestinian fighting organizations in Gaza try to impose their will by launching rockets at Israeli towns and villages, hoping that this will break the morale of the population and compel it to end the blockade that turns the Gaza Strip into an "open-air prison".
The Israeli army is bombing the Gaza Strip population and destroying entire neighborhoods, hoping that the inhabitants (those who survive) will shake off the Hamas leadership.
Both hopes are, of course, stupid. History has shown time and again that terrorizing a population causes it to unite behind its leaders and hate the enemy even more. That is happening now on both sides.
Speaking about the two sides in a war, one can hardly avoid creating the impression of symmetry. But this war is far from symmetric.
Israel has one of the largest and most efficient military machines in the world. Hamas and its local allies amount to a few thousand fighters, if that.
The closest analogy one can find is the mythical story of David and Goliath. But this time we are Goliath, and they David...
... A cartoon in Haaretz this week shows Israel and Hamas fighting, and a bunch of mediators dancing in a circle around them.
They all want to mediate. They are fighting each other because each of them wants to mediate, if possible alone. Egypt, Qatar, the US, the UN, Turkey, Mahmoud Abbas, Tony Blair and several more. Mediators galore. Each wants to gain something from the misery of war.
It's a sorry lot. Most of them pitiful, some of them outright disgusting.
Take Egypt, ruled by a bloodstained military dictator. He is a full-time collaborator with Israel, as was Hosny Mubarak before him, only more efficient. Since Israel controls all the other land and sea borders of the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian border is Gaza's only outlet to the world.
But Egypt, the former leader of the Arab world, is now a subcontractor of Israel, more determined than Israel itself to starve the Gaza Strip and kill Hamas. Egyptian TV is full of "journalists" who curse the Palestinians in the most vulgar terms and grovel before their new Pharaoh. But Egypt now insists on being the sole broker of the cease-fire.
The UN Secretary General is rushing around. He was chosen for his job by the US because he is not outstandingly clever. Now he looks pitiful.
But not more pitiful than John Kerry, a pathetic figure flying hither and thither, trying to convince everyone that the US is still a world power. Gone are the days when Henry Kissinger commanded the leaders of Israel and the Arab countries what to do and what not (especially telling them not to talk to each other, but only to him.)
What exactly is the role of Mahmoud Abbas? Nominally, he is the president of the Gaza Strip, too. But he gives the impression of trying to mediate between the de facto Gaza government and the world. He is much closer to Tel Aviv than to Gaza.
And so the list goes on. The ridiculous figure of Tony Blair. The European Foreign Ministers trying to get a photo opportunity with their neo-fascist Israeli colleague. Altogether, a disgusting sight.
I want to cry out to my government and to the Hamas leaders: For God's sake, forget about the whole sorry lot, talk to each other!
The Palestinian fighting capabilities are surprising everyone, especially the Israeli army. Instead of begging for a ceasefire by now, Hamas is refusing until its demands are met, while Binyamin Netanyahu seems eager to stop before sinking even deeper into the Gaza morass – a nightmare for the army.
The last war began with the assassination of the Hamas military commander, Ahmad al-Jaabari. His successor is an old acquaintance, Mohammed Deif, whom Israel has tried to assassinate several times, causing him severe injuries. It now appears that he is far more capable than his predecessor – the web of tunnels, the production of far more effective rockets, the better trained fighters – all this attests to a more competent leader.
(This has happened before. We assassinated a Hizbollah leader, Abbas al-Mussawi, and got the far more talented Hassan Nasrallah.)...
...The hatred of many Israelis for Israel's Arab citizens has grown considerably, and this cannot be repaired for a long time. Israeli democracy has been hard hit. Neo-Fascist groups, once a fringe, are now accepted in the mainstream. Some cabinet ministers and Knesset members are outright fascist.
They are acclaimed now by almost all the world's leaders and repeat parrot-like Netanyahu's most threadbare propaganda slogans. But millions around the world have seen day after day the terrible pictures of devastation and death in the Gaza Strip. These will not be eradicated from their minds by a cease-fire. Israel's already precarious standing in the world will sink even lower.
Inside Israel itself, decent people feel more and more uncomfortable. I have heard many utterances by simple people who suddenly talk about emigration. The choking atmosphere inside the country, the awful conformism of all our media (with Haaretz a shining exception), the certainty that war will follow war forever – all this is leading young people to dream about a quiet life with their families in Los Angeles or Berlin.
In the Arab world the consequences will be even worse.
For the first time, almost all Arab governments have openly embraced Israel in the fight against Hamas. For young Arabs anywhere, this is an act of shameful humiliation.
The Arab Spring was an uprising against the corrupt, oppressive and shameless Arab elite. The identification with the plight of the forsaken Palestinian people was an important part of this.
What has happened now is, from the point of view of today's young Arabs, worse, much worse. Egyptian generals, Saudi princes, Kuwaiti emirs and their peers throughout the region stand before their younger generation naked and contemptible, while the Hamas fighters look like shining examples. Unfortunately, this reaction may lead to an even more radical Islamism.
While standing in an anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv, I was asked by a nice young man: "OK, assuming that this war is bad, what would you do at 6 o'clock after the war?" (That was the name of a famous World War II Soviet movie.)
Well, to start with I would drive away all the mediators and start to talk directly with fighters of the other side.
I would agree to put an immediate end to the land, sea and air blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow the Gazans to build a decent port and airport. On all routes, effective controls must ensure that no weapons are let in.
I would ask that Hamas, after receiving international guarantees, remove in reasonable stages all rockets and destroy all tunnels under the border.
I would certainly release at once all the Shalit-exchange prisoners who were re-arrested at the start of the present crisis. An obligation undertaken under pressure is still an obligation, and cheating by a government is still ugly.
I would recognize, and call upon the world to recognize, the Palestinian Unity Government and do nothing to impede free Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections, under international inspection. I would undertake to respect the results, whatever they may be.
I would immediately start honest peace negotiations with the unified Palestinian leadership, on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative. Now that so many Arab governments embrace Israel, there seems to be a unique chance for a peace agreement.
In short, put an end to the war Once And For All."
Uri Avnery, 26/07/2014
So why don't the two sides come together without foreign interference and agree on tit for tat?
They can't because they don't speak to each other. They can kill each other, but they cannot speak with each other. God forbid.
"This is not a war on terror. The war itself is an act of terror...
...The Palestinian fighting organizations in Gaza try to impose their will by launching rockets at Israeli towns and villages, hoping that this will break the morale of the population and compel it to end the blockade that turns the Gaza Strip into an "open-air prison".
The Israeli army is bombing the Gaza Strip population and destroying entire neighborhoods, hoping that the inhabitants (those who survive) will shake off the Hamas leadership.
Both hopes are, of course, stupid. History has shown time and again that terrorizing a population causes it to unite behind its leaders and hate the enemy even more. That is happening now on both sides.
Speaking about the two sides in a war, one can hardly avoid creating the impression of symmetry. But this war is far from symmetric.
Israel has one of the largest and most efficient military machines in the world. Hamas and its local allies amount to a few thousand fighters, if that.
The closest analogy one can find is the mythical story of David and Goliath. But this time we are Goliath, and they David...
... A cartoon in Haaretz this week shows Israel and Hamas fighting, and a bunch of mediators dancing in a circle around them.
They all want to mediate. They are fighting each other because each of them wants to mediate, if possible alone. Egypt, Qatar, the US, the UN, Turkey, Mahmoud Abbas, Tony Blair and several more. Mediators galore. Each wants to gain something from the misery of war.
It's a sorry lot. Most of them pitiful, some of them outright disgusting.
Take Egypt, ruled by a bloodstained military dictator. He is a full-time collaborator with Israel, as was Hosny Mubarak before him, only more efficient. Since Israel controls all the other land and sea borders of the Gaza Strip, the Egyptian border is Gaza's only outlet to the world.
But Egypt, the former leader of the Arab world, is now a subcontractor of Israel, more determined than Israel itself to starve the Gaza Strip and kill Hamas. Egyptian TV is full of "journalists" who curse the Palestinians in the most vulgar terms and grovel before their new Pharaoh. But Egypt now insists on being the sole broker of the cease-fire.
The UN Secretary General is rushing around. He was chosen for his job by the US because he is not outstandingly clever. Now he looks pitiful.
But not more pitiful than John Kerry, a pathetic figure flying hither and thither, trying to convince everyone that the US is still a world power. Gone are the days when Henry Kissinger commanded the leaders of Israel and the Arab countries what to do and what not (especially telling them not to talk to each other, but only to him.)
What exactly is the role of Mahmoud Abbas? Nominally, he is the president of the Gaza Strip, too. But he gives the impression of trying to mediate between the de facto Gaza government and the world. He is much closer to Tel Aviv than to Gaza.
And so the list goes on. The ridiculous figure of Tony Blair. The European Foreign Ministers trying to get a photo opportunity with their neo-fascist Israeli colleague. Altogether, a disgusting sight.
I want to cry out to my government and to the Hamas leaders: For God's sake, forget about the whole sorry lot, talk to each other!
The Palestinian fighting capabilities are surprising everyone, especially the Israeli army. Instead of begging for a ceasefire by now, Hamas is refusing until its demands are met, while Binyamin Netanyahu seems eager to stop before sinking even deeper into the Gaza morass – a nightmare for the army.
The last war began with the assassination of the Hamas military commander, Ahmad al-Jaabari. His successor is an old acquaintance, Mohammed Deif, whom Israel has tried to assassinate several times, causing him severe injuries. It now appears that he is far more capable than his predecessor – the web of tunnels, the production of far more effective rockets, the better trained fighters – all this attests to a more competent leader.
(This has happened before. We assassinated a Hizbollah leader, Abbas al-Mussawi, and got the far more talented Hassan Nasrallah.)...
...The hatred of many Israelis for Israel's Arab citizens has grown considerably, and this cannot be repaired for a long time. Israeli democracy has been hard hit. Neo-Fascist groups, once a fringe, are now accepted in the mainstream. Some cabinet ministers and Knesset members are outright fascist.
They are acclaimed now by almost all the world's leaders and repeat parrot-like Netanyahu's most threadbare propaganda slogans. But millions around the world have seen day after day the terrible pictures of devastation and death in the Gaza Strip. These will not be eradicated from their minds by a cease-fire. Israel's already precarious standing in the world will sink even lower.
Inside Israel itself, decent people feel more and more uncomfortable. I have heard many utterances by simple people who suddenly talk about emigration. The choking atmosphere inside the country, the awful conformism of all our media (with Haaretz a shining exception), the certainty that war will follow war forever – all this is leading young people to dream about a quiet life with their families in Los Angeles or Berlin.
In the Arab world the consequences will be even worse.
For the first time, almost all Arab governments have openly embraced Israel in the fight against Hamas. For young Arabs anywhere, this is an act of shameful humiliation.
The Arab Spring was an uprising against the corrupt, oppressive and shameless Arab elite. The identification with the plight of the forsaken Palestinian people was an important part of this.
What has happened now is, from the point of view of today's young Arabs, worse, much worse. Egyptian generals, Saudi princes, Kuwaiti emirs and their peers throughout the region stand before their younger generation naked and contemptible, while the Hamas fighters look like shining examples. Unfortunately, this reaction may lead to an even more radical Islamism.
While standing in an anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv, I was asked by a nice young man: "OK, assuming that this war is bad, what would you do at 6 o'clock after the war?" (That was the name of a famous World War II Soviet movie.)
Well, to start with I would drive away all the mediators and start to talk directly with fighters of the other side.
I would agree to put an immediate end to the land, sea and air blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow the Gazans to build a decent port and airport. On all routes, effective controls must ensure that no weapons are let in.
I would ask that Hamas, after receiving international guarantees, remove in reasonable stages all rockets and destroy all tunnels under the border.
I would certainly release at once all the Shalit-exchange prisoners who were re-arrested at the start of the present crisis. An obligation undertaken under pressure is still an obligation, and cheating by a government is still ugly.
I would recognize, and call upon the world to recognize, the Palestinian Unity Government and do nothing to impede free Palestinian presidential and parliamentary elections, under international inspection. I would undertake to respect the results, whatever they may be.
I would immediately start honest peace negotiations with the unified Palestinian leadership, on the basis of the Arab Peace Initiative. Now that so many Arab governments embrace Israel, there seems to be a unique chance for a peace agreement.
In short, put an end to the war Once And For All."
Uri Avnery, 26/07/2014
What terms of Cease fire? Que termos de Cessar-fogo?
Stop the War Demo Sat. 8pm Tel Aviv Rabin Square
We Are Not Afraid Of A Political Solution
Gush Shalom is among the initiators
Statement of the organizing coalition + transportation details:
On Saturday, the peace camp takes a stand at Rabin Square. The war is taking a heavy toll in lives and injuries on both sides, in destruction and horror, in bombings and rockets. We answer this by taking a stand and making a demand: end the war now!
We must end the war and start talking with the recognized Palestinian leadership of the West Bank and Gaza to end the occupation and the siege and to achieve independence and justice for both peoples – in Israel and Palestine.
Instead be being drawn, again and again, into more wars and more military actions, it is now time to lead the way to dialogue and political settlement. There is a political solution. What price must we pay – the people of the South and the other residents of Israel, and the people of Gaza and the West Bank – until we reach that solution?
Together, Jews and Arabs, we will overcome occupation and war, hatred, incitement and racism – and offer a path to life and hope.
Transportation: Haifa-17:45 Al-Midan Theater (Migdal Haneviim), contact: Danny (0525655542)
Jerusalem- 18:15 Gan Hapaamon, 18:30 Binyanei Haouma, contact: Sahar: 0545683419. Registration by text messages to contact persons.
Protestos em Tel Aviv na semana passada

Assemble 12 noon at the Israeli embassy for march to parliament
Facebook Event Twitter #gazaj26
Demonstration called by: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of Al Aqsa, British Muslim Initiative, Muslim Association of Britain, Palestinian Forum in Britain
Last Saturday, cities and towns across the world demonstrated against Israel's barbaric attack on Gaza. The biggest was in London, where up to 100,000 marched.
Since then Israel has killed more than 100 people, bringing the total to over 540. Most of those killed have been civilians, a fifth of them children. Over 3300 have been injured. Tens of thousands have either been bombed out of their homes or fled in terror from Israeli attack. Israel is using horrific new weapons, like Fletchette bombs, and there is evidence it has deployed chemical weapons, including white phosphorous.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said -- following the killing of 18 invading Israeli soldiers -- that much worse is to come.
Everyone outraged by Israel's atrocities and crimes against humanity should be at the national demonstration in London on Saturday 26 July.
We will assemble at the Israeli Embassy and march to Parliament. We will be calling for Israel's bombing and killing to stop now and for David Cameron to stop supporting Israeli war crimes.
Be there. Spread the word to your family, friends, in your workplace, college and community.
Haverá também passeatas em Madri, Melbourne, e em várias capitais do mundo. Dê uma olhada no jornal se quiser dar uma força aos palestinos na luta pela liberdade e por um Estado soberano.
Channel 4 Jon Snow leaving Gaza
Jon Snow do Channel 4 inglês deixando Gaza
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