Anonymous se manifesta
What you are not being told about Israel's latest attack on Palestine
Anonymous antecipa ataque de Israel a telefone e internet na Palestina
e avisa Israel que está pisando em areia movediça
Atualização do dia 12/07/2014
As Israel's aerial offensive on Gaza entered its fifth day on Friday, the Gaza health ministry said that at least 121 Palestinians were killed, most of them civilians, including women and children.
Also hundreds have already been injured since the beginning of "Operation Protective Edge" on Monday, July 7.
Israel has been strinking overnight the densely populated Palestinian territory hitting more than a thousand targets, in attacks it says target Hamas military infrastructure. Nevertheless, the targets include air strikes on Press vehicles, Family homes, beach-side cafeterias, public infrastructures, and people..
Around 500 rockets have been launched from Gaza into Israel, most of them during the first two days of the campaign, which they call "Operation Protective Edge". Also hundreds have already been injured since the beginning of "Operation Protective Edge" on Monday, July 7.
Israel has been strinking overnight the densely populated Palestinian territory hitting more than a thousand targets, in attacks it says target Hamas military infrastructure. Nevertheless, the targets include air strikes on Press vehicles, Family homes, beach-side cafeterias, public infrastructures, and people..
None has made victims, although some home made rockets have gone as far as the Israeli city of Tel Aviv. Israel Iron Dome defense system is able to intercepte most of them or they simply are not effective.
Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesperson of the Gaza health ministry, provided the names of those killed since the start of the current Israel's military campaign.
Their names and ages are below, with children highlighted in yellow. As well as the location where they were hit. The bombs don't fall on empty spaces. They fall on public buildings, private properties, and before all, on people with names and faces.
1. Mohammed Shaaban (24) killed in Gaza
2. Amjad Shaaban (30) killed in Gaza
3. Khader Al-Bashiliki (45) killed in Gaza
4. Rashad Yassin (27) killed in the Nusseurat refugee camp
5. Mohammed Ayman Ashour (15 years old) killed in Khan Younis
6. Riad Mohammed Kawareh (50) killed in Khan Younis
7. Bakr Mohammed Judeh (22) killed in Khan Younis
8. Ammar Mohammed Judeh (26) killed in Khan Younis
9. Hussein Yousef Kawareh (13) killed in Khan Younis
10. Mohammed Ibrahim kawareh (50) killed in Khan Younis
11. Mohammed Habib (22) killed in Gaza
12. Ahmed Moussa Habibi (16) killed in Gaza
13. Saqr Ayesh Al-Ajuli (22) killed in Jabalia
14. Ahmed Nael Mahdi (16) killed in Gaza
15. Basim Salem Kawareh (10) killed in Khan Younis
16. Hafez Mohammed Hamad (30) (Islamic Jihad commander)
17. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad (26)
18. Mahdi Mohammed Hamad (46)
19. Fawziya Khalil Hamad (62) (Female)
20. Dunya Mahdi Hamad (16) (girl)
21. Suha Hamad (25) (Female)
22. Suleiman Salman Abu Sowaween (22)
23. Siraj Ayad Abdelal (8)
24. Abdel Hadi Jumaa Al-Sufi (24)
25. Rashid Al-Kafarneh (30)
26. Nayfeh Farajallah (80) (Female)
27. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweik (60)
28. Khaled Abu Kweik (31)
29. Mohammed Arif (13)
30. Mohammed Malake (18 months)
31. Amneh Malake (27) (Female)
32. Hatem Abu Salem (unreported age)
33. Mohammed Khaled Al-Nimre (22)
34. Sahar Hamdan Al-Masri (40) Female)
35. Ibrahim Al-Masri (14)
36. Mohammed Khalaf Al-Nawasra (4)
37. Nidal Khalaf Al-Nawasra (a child of unreported age)
38. Aicha Najm (Female) (unreported age)
39. Salah Awad Al-Nawasra (unreported age)
40. Mahmoud Nahed Al-Nawasra (unreported age)
41. Amal Yousef Abdel Ghafour (Female) (unreported age)
42. Raneem Judeh Abdel Ghafour (Young girl of unreported age)
43. Ibrahim Daoud Al-Balaawi (24)
44. Abdel Rahman Jamal Al-Zamli (22)
45. Ibrahim Ahmed Abdeen (42)
46. Mustafa Abu Murr (20)
47. Khaled Abu Murr (23)
48. Mazen Faraj Al-Jarba (30)
49. Marwan Isleem (27)
50. Hani Saleh Hamad (57)
51. Ibrahim Hamad (20)
52. Salima Hassan Maslam Al-Arja (Female) (60)
53. Mariam Atiah Mohammed Al-Arja (11) (girl)
54. Hamid Shihab (27) journalist, killed in his car that had the letters "TV" affixed to it in large, red stickers when it was struck by an Israeli missile
55. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan (24)
56. Mohammed Khalil Qanan (26)
57. Suleiman Al-Astal (55)
58. Hamdi Badie Sawali (33)
59. Mohammed Al-Akkad (24)
60. Ahmed Sawali (28)
61. Raed Shalat (37)
62. Asmaa Mahmoud Al-Hajj (Female) (unreported age)
63. Tarik Saad Al-Hajj (unreported age)
64. Saad Mahmoud Al-Hajj (unreported age)
65. Najlaa Mahmoud Al-Hajj (Female) (unreported age)
66. Fatima Al-Hajj (Female) (unreported age)
67. Omar Al-Hajj (unreported age)
68. Basima Abdel Fattah Al-Hajj (Female) (unreported age)
69. Ahmed Salim Al-Astal (unreported age)
70. Moussa Mohammed Al-Astal (unreported age)
71. Raed Al-Zawarea (33)
72. Mahmoud Lutfi Al-Hajj (58)
73. Bahaa Abu Al-Leil (35)
74. Salem Qandil (27)
75. Amer Al-Fayyoumi (30)
76. Abdallah Ramadan Abu Ghazal (4)
77. Mohammed Ehsan Farwane (18)
78. Islamel Hassan Abu Jamaa (19)
79. Mahmoud Talee Wallud (unreported age) (Islamic Jihad)
80. Hazem Ibrahim Baaloushe (unreported age) (Killed in a civilian car North Gaza)
81. Alaa Abdel Nabi (unreported age) (Killed in a civilian car North Gaza)
82. Raed Mohammed Abu Shalt (37)
83. Hassan Abu Jamaa (19)
84. Yasmin Mohammed Al-Mutwak (4) (girl)
85. Mohammed Mounir Ashour (25)
86. Anas Rizk Abu Al-Qas (33)
87. Wissam Abdel Razek Hassan Ghannam (23)
88. Ghalia Deeb Jaber Ghanem (7) (girl)
89. Mahmoud Razek Hassan Ghannam (23)
90. Kifah Shahadeh Deeb Ghannam (20)
91. Nour Marwan Al-Najdi (10) (girl)
92. Abdellah Abu Mahrouk (Unreported age)
93. Sami Andan Shaldan (25)
94. Mohammed Kamal Al-Kahlout (Unreported age)
95. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan (22)
96. Bassam Abdel Rahman Khattab (6)
97. Jumaa Atiah Shallouf (Unreported age)
98. Noor Rafik Udai Al-Sultan (Unreported age)
99. Shahraman Ismaeil Abu Al-Qas (42) Killed in Al-Breij
100. Mazen Mustafa Aslan (63)
101. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan (65)
102. Shahd Al-Qreinawi (7)
103. Abdel Halim Abdel Moeti (54)
104. Hussein Al-Mamlouk (47)
105 Saber Sukkar (80)
106. Nasser Mohammed Sammame (49)
107. Rami Abu Musaed (23) Killed in Deir Al-Balah
108. Mohammed Al-Sumeiri (24) Killed in Deir Al-Balah
109. Husam Eddine Al-Razayne (39) Killed in Jabalia
110. Anas Youssef Qandil (17) Killed in Jabalia
111. Abdel Rahim Saleh Al-Khatib (38) Killed in Jabalia
112. Youssef Mohammed Qandil (33) Killed in Jabalia
113. Mohammed Idris Abu Sanena (20) Killed in Jabalia
114. Handicapped, unidentified - Killed in Jabalia
115. Handicapped, unidentified - Killed in Jabalia
116. Ali Nabil Basal (32) Killed in Gaza
117. Mohammed Bassem Al-Halabi (28) Killed in Gaza
118. Mohammed Al-Suweiti (20) Killed in Gaza
119. Unidentified body, brought in to Al-Shifaa compound
120. Unidentified body, brought in to Al-Shifaa compound
121. Unidentified body, brought in to Al-Shifaa compound
"Again without any purpose. Again with the certainty that after it’s all over, everything will essentially be the same as it was before.
But I can hardly hear the sirens which warn of rockets coming towards Tel Aviv. I cannot take my mind off the awful thing that happened in Jerusalem.
If a gang of neo-Nazis had kidnapped a 16-year old boy in a London Jewish neighborhood in the dark of the night, driven him to Hyde Park, beaten him up, poured gasoline into his mouth, doused him all over and set him on fire – what would have happened?
Wouldn't the UK have exploded in a storm of anger and disgust?
Wouldn't the Queen have expressed her outrage?
Wouldn't the Prime Minister have rushed to the home of the bereaved family to apologize on behalf of the entire nation?
Wouldn't the leadership of the neo-Nazis, their active supporters and brain-washers be indicted and condemned?
Perhaps in the UK. Perhaps in Germany.
Not here.
This abominable atrocity took place in Jerusalem. A Palestinian boy was abducted and burned alive. No racist crime in Israel ever came close to it.
Burning people alive is an abomination everywhere. In a state that claims to be “Jewish”, it is even worse...
...Under Israeli law, East Jerusalem is not occupied territory. It is a part of sovereign Israel.
The chain of events was as follows:
Two Palestinians, apparently acting alone, kidnapped three Israeli teenagers who were trying to hitchhike at night from a settlement near Hebron. The objective was probably to use them as hostages for the release of Palestinian prisoners.
The action went awry when one of the three succeeded in calling the Israeli police emergency number from his mobile phone. The kidnappers, assuming that the police would soon be on their tracks, panicked and shot the three at once. They dumped the bodies in a field and fled. (Actually the police bungled things and only started their hunt the next morning.)
All of Israel was in an uproar. Many thousands of soldiers were employed for three weeks in the search for the three youngsters, combing thousands of buildings, caves and fields.
The public uproar was surely justified. But it soon degenerated into an orgy of racist incitement, which intensified from day to day. Newspapers, radio stations and TV networks competed with each other in unabashed racist diatribes, repeating the official line ad nauseam and adding their own nauseous commentary – every day, around the clock.
The security services of the Palestinian Authority, which collaborated throughout with the Israeli security services, played a major role in discovering early on the identity of the two kidnappers (identified but not yet caught). Mahmoud Abbas, the PA president, stood up in a meeting of the Arab countries and condemned the kidnapping unequivocally and was branded by many of his own people as an Arab Quisling. Israeli leaders, on the other hand, called him a hypocrite.
Israel’s leading politicians let loose a salvo of utterances which would be seen anywhere else as outright fascist. A short selection:
Noam Perl, world chairman of Bnei Akiva, the youth movement of the settlers: “An entire nation and thousands of years of history demand: Revenge!”
Uri Bank, former secretary of Uri Ariel, Housing Minister and builder of the settlements: “This is the right moment . When our children are hurt, we go berserk, no limits, dismantling of the Palestinian Authority, annexation of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), execution of all prisoners who have been condemned for murder, exile of family members of terrorists!”
And Binyamin Netanyahu himself, speaking about the entire Palestinian people: “They are not like us. We sanctify life, they sanctify death!”
When the bodies of the three were found by tourist guides, the chorus of hatred reached a new crescendo. Soldiers posted tens of thousands of messages on the internet calling for “revenge”, politicians egged them on, the media added fuel, lynch mobs gathered in many places in Jerusalem to hunt Arab workers and rough them up.
Except for a few lonely voices, it seemed that all Israel had turned into a soccer mob, shouting “Death to the Arabs!”
Can anyone even imagine a present-day European or American crowd shouting “Death to the Jews?”
The six arrested until now for the bestial murder of the Arab boy had come straight from one of these “Death to the Arabs” demonstrations.
First they had tried to kidnap a 9-year old boy in the same Arab neighborhood, Shuafat. One of them caught the boy in the street and dragged him towards their car, choking him at the same time. Luckily, the child succeeded in shouting “Mama!” and his mother started hitting the kidnapper with her cell phone. He panicked and ran off. The choking marks on the boy’s neck could be seen for several days.
The next day the group returned, caught Muhammad Abu-Khdeir, a cheerful 16-year old boy with an engaging smile, poured gasoline in his mouth and burned him to death.
(As if this was not enough, Border Policemen caught his cousin during a protest demonstration, handcuffed him, threw him on the ground and started kicking his head and face. His wounds look terrible. The disfigured boy was arrested, the policemen were not.) [Footage below -picture]
The atrocious way Muhammad was murdered was not mentioned at first. The fact was disclosed by an Arab pathologist who was present at the official autopsy. Most Israeli newspapers mentioned the fact in a few words on an inner page. Most TV newscasts did not mention the fact at all.
In Israel proper, Arab citizens rose up as they have not done in many years. Violent demonstrations throughout the country lasted for several days. At the same time, the Gaza Strip frontline exploded in a new orgy of rockets and aerial bombings in a new mini-war which already has a name: “Solid Cliff”. (The army's propaganda section has invented another name in English.) The new Egyptian dictatorship is collaborating with the Israeli army in choking the Strip.
The names of the six suspects of the murder-by-fire – several of whom have already confessed to the appalling deed – are still being withheld. But unofficial reports say that they belong to the Orthodox community. Apparently this community, traditionally anti-Zionist and moderate, has now spawned neo-Nazi offspring, which surpass even their religious-Zionist competitors.
Yet terrible as the deed itself is, to my mind the public reaction is even worse. Because there isn’t any.
True, a few sporadic voices have been heard. Many more ordinary people have voiced their disgust in private conversations. But the deafening moral outrage one could have expected did not materialize.
Everything was done to minimize the “incident”, prevent its publication abroad and even inside Israel. Life went on as usual. A few government leaders and other politicians condemned the deed in routine phrases, for consumption abroad. The soccer world cup contest elicited far more interest. Even on the Left, the atrocity was treated as just another item among the many misdeeds of the occupation.
Where is the outcry, the moral uprising of the nation, the unanimous decision to stamp out the racism that makes such atrocities possible?
The new flare-up in and around the Gaza Strip has obliterated the atrocity altogether.
Sirens sound in Jerusalem and in towns north of Tel-Aviv. The missiles aimed at Israeli population centers have successfully (up to now) been intercepted by counter-missiles. But hundreds of thousands of men, women and children are running to the shelters. On the other side, hundreds of daily sorties of the Israeli Air Force turn life in the Gaza Strip into hell.
When the cannon roar, the muses fall silent.
Uri Avnery, 12/07/2014
Explicação sucinta (em inglês) das colônias/invasões israelenses
erroneamente chamadas "assentamentos" (3')
Israeli colonies - wrongly called settlements - explained
"This is Netanyahu's modus operandi: diverting attention from the real cause of the cycle of violence," disse o porta-voz do Comitê Executivo da OLP a propósito do desaparecimento e assassinato na Cisjordânia dos três jovens invasores judeus extremistas e posterior sequestro e assassinato de um jovem palestino por invasores civis judeus, na Jerusalém ocupada.
Link Interativo Al Jazeera: Gaza undersiege
E neste momento grave de ameaça de uma Terceira Intifada, devido à agressão brutal da IDF (Forças Armadas israelense) nos territórios palestinos ocupados, faço meu, o seguinte apelo que o Movimento BDS lançou no dia 04 de julho:
"Israel must be held accountable for its collective punishment of Palestinians
Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activists are urging governments and international civil society to take action to hold Israel to account for its continued collective punishment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza following the disappearance and death of three Israeli settlers.
Zaid Shuaibi, a spokesperson for the Palestinian BDS National Committee, the civil society coalition that leads and supports the BDS movement, said:
“Israel’s on-going actions are designed to terrorise Palestinians and constitute collective punishment. Military violence, collective punishment and the deliberate targeting of civilians are endemic to Israel’s of decades old system of occupation, colonisation and apartheid.”
“Israel is able to act with utter impunity because of the military, economic and political support it receives from governments around the world. We call on international governments to impose a two-way arms embargo immediately and to suspend bilateral agreements until Israel fully complies with international law”.
“At a time when mainstream bodies such as the Bill Gates Foundation, the Presbyterian Church USA and the US United Methodist Church are divesting from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation, including G4S and Hewlett Packard, we call on people of conscience to intensify BDS pressure.”
Shuabi also called on people of conscience and supporters of BDS to consider joining the Month Against the Apartheid Wall that is marking the 10th anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling that Israel’s apartheid Wall is illegal.
Shuabi also called on people of conscience and supporters of BDS to consider joining the Month Against the Apartheid Wall that is marking the 10th anniversary of the International Court of Justice ruling that Israel’s apartheid Wall is illegal.
Hundreds of military raids have been launched across the occupied West Bank since June 12, with more than 1000 private homes and refugee camps and the offices of civil society organisations ransacked.
At least 10 Palestinians have been killed and many more have been injured. More than 500 Palestinians have been detained and initial reports suggest that many of those arrested are held under administrative detention, a form of detention without charge or trial on secret evidence. The number of children held in Israeli jails has risen to 250. Israel has also imposed severe restrictions of movement.
On Wednesday, Israeli settlers kidnapped and killed a 16 year old from the Shuafat area of Palestinian East Jerusalem and Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Palestinian organisations have detailed how Israel’s recent actions constitute collective punishment, a crime prohibited by the Fourth Geneva Convention as well as customary international humanitarian law.
Israeli occupation forces have also targeted the campuses of Birzeit University near Ramallah and the Arab American University in Jenin, resulting in the detention and arrest of students and staff and greatly infringing the Palestinian right to education.
Samia Botmeh, a professor at Birzeit University and a steering committee member with the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, said:
“Israel’s latest violations against Palestinian universities are part of its long history of oppression aimed at Palestinian education. Closure of universities for periods stretching to years, murder and detention of students and professors, destruction of universities’ properties and labs as well as the banning of lists of books have been Israel’s systematic policies targeting Palestinian education.”
“It must be emphasized that throughout the decades of oppression, no Israeli university or association of Israeli academics has ever protested the sustained assaults on Palestinian universities. It is essential to intensify all forms of BDS, including the academic and cultural boycott, until Israel ends its violations of Palestinian rights.”
Israel has conducted at least 100 airstrikes and shellings of Gaza in recent days, including an intense bombing of dozens of locations in the early hours of Tuesday, further worsening the situation for Palestinians in Gaza, which has been under a brutal military siege for more than 7 years.
Haidar Eid, associate professor at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza and a PACBI steering committee member, said:
“We, residents of Gaza, have been unable to fathom how it is that official bodies of the international community tolerate blatant war crimes committed against the people of Gaza, in spite of thousands of reports by mainstream human rights organizations!”
“Is it farfetched to expect people of conscience to heed our call to boycott this intransigent, racist and militarized Israeli regime and the institutions that keep it thriving, the same way apartheid South Africa was boycotted until it crumbled?”
Ayah Abubasheer, a youth and BDS activist in Gaza, added:
“During the past few weeks, Israel has been violently and intensely launching a series of air strikes against the Gaza Strip. The population of the Gaza Strip continues to pay the price and bear the blaze of Israel’s polices.”
“Because collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, we urge the international community to pressure Israel to end its all-out military assault aimed against the total population of Gaza, open Rafah crossing permanently and heed our call for boycotts, divestment and sanctions.”
A ocupação e o roubo pernicioso dos recursos naturais palestinos
E quem não é jornalista esportivo continua cobrindo sua área com o mesmo afinco, embora a atenção se volte intermitentemente para nossos estádios.
Antes de entrar no assunto, já que falei em futebol, na véspera da abertura da Copa Israel deteve Sameh Fares Mohammad, um jogador da Palestina - que aliás não participa da Copa porque não pode nem reunir sua seleção por causa das barragens. O ministro israelense de Esportes Limor Livnat ousou "avisar" a FIFA que o jogador foi preso por "participar de um complô" para "harm the state of Israel and its citizens". Segundo o Ministro, Sameh encontrou no Qatar um membro do Hamas que lhe teria dado um celular, dinheiro e recados para ele levar para o partido na Faixa de Gaza. Incrível.
Pois é, em período de Copa, há áreas que se acalmam. A minha quase sempre dá uma piorada.
Foi o caso em 2006, quando Israel aproveitou a distração mundial para martelar o Líbano.
E neste ano igual, com outra operação militar infernal nos territórios palestinos ocupados.
Oficialmente, a operação começou no dia 12 de junho após o desaparecimento dos jovens invasores/colonos judeus na Cisjordânia.
Mas na verdade a repressão já havia aumentado por causa do Governo de união do Fatah e do Hamas, piorou demais. Há semanas que a IDF não para de dar batidas nas principais cidades, casa por casa, prendendo e depredando à vontade.
No dia 30 de junho, quando os três jovens colonos judeus foram encontrados mortos, a IDF já causara muito dano nos territórios ocupados, mesmo sabendo que o Hamas não tem nada a ver com este ato isolado que está sendo usado como mais uma propaganda para tentar vitimizar o culpado.
O culpado da morte dos três colonos judeus e de todos os males na região é claro: é a ocupação civil e militar dos territórios palestinos.
Sem a ocupação e o terrorismo constante que Israel impõe na Faixa de Gaza e na Cisjordânia, cada um estaria do seu lado da Linha Verde vivendo em paz.
Que fique claro também que não é porque os três rapazes morreram que viraram santos. Eram colonos extremistas e não foram tirados do aconchego de seu lar como a IDF faz diariamente nos territórios palestinos ocupados.
Eles estavam saindo de uma yeshiva ultra-extremista instalada ilegalmente em Hebron, na Cisjordânia. Lá mesmo, onde os invasores judeus maltratam os cidadãos locais o tempo todo, ao ponto de estes serem obrigados a pôr grade em volta de casa e transitar pelos telhados (Blog 29/04/12).
Muhammad Abu Khdeir, o jovem palestino de 16 anos que foi raptado em seguida perto de casa foi queimado vivo! Um ato selvagem.
Vale também lembrar que Israel detinha, em abril de 2014, 5.201 palestinos - 191 menores, covardemente sequestrados em casa, na rua, em barragens. Hoje o número está ultrapassando 6 mil, por causa da desculpa dos três colonos do foguetório das Brigadas do Fatah e do Hamas.
Abro parênteses para fazer uma perguntinha: Por que os milhares de palestinos que vão parar nos presídios israelenses são "capturados", "presos", e depois torturados, sem reclamação internacional, embora sejam civis (e dezenas, inclusive meninos, e que sofrem abusos traumatisantes), e os três colonos judeus extremistas são "sequestrados"?
É incrível como a semântica funciona em favor do ocupante e seu objetivo de desinformar nunca falha.
Lamento a morte dos três colonos/invasores judeus porque sou contra a violência e acho que ninguém tem o direito de tirar a vida de ninguém em nenhuma circunstância.
Mas lamento mil vezes mais o terror que Israel impõe aos palestinos dia e noite na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza.
Se em vez de estarem na Cisjordânia os três rapazes e seus pais extremistas que os criaram com ódio e mentiras estivessem em Israel, estariam vivos e bem dispostos. Os colonos têm para onde ir - além de seu país de origem (são judeus importados de países europeus e da Argentina mediante "incentivo" financeiro e fiscal), têm seu país de adoção, Israel, dentro das fronteiras internacionais deste.
Por que viram fora-da-lei ocupando terra alheia?

Os palestinos quando são sequestrados, mortos, são agredidos em casa, em sua cidade, em suas terras ancestrais, pelo ocupante que quer forçá-los ao exílio e a uma outra Naqba.
Em conclusão, vale lembrar que só de 2009 a maio de 2014, a IDF deixou centenas de palestinos com deficiência física durante ataques militares e em barragens - atiram nos joelhos e bloqueiam socorro para aleijar meninos para a vida toda, e matou 565 civis na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza. Dentre eles, 84 menores e 19 mulheres. No maior anonimato.
Só em 2014, a IDF e colonos já mataram mais de 30 palestinos. E só estamos no meio do ano e a operação de "retaliação" só está começando. E da pior maneira - botando fogo no adolescente de 16 anos como fazem todos os dias com as oliveiras e lavouras palestinas.
Os colonos se armam, treinam os filhos desde pequenos a odiar e aterrorizar os donos das terras que invadem, e se locomovem em bandos para pegar os nativos desprevenidos e humilhá-los quando não feri-los ou matá-los covardemente. Com a bênção dos soldados.
Não são vítimas. Não são coitados. São bárbaros. Têm de ser evacuados.
E o bárbaro mor é o seu ministro das relações exteriores Avigdor Lieberman, o fascista que realmente dita as ordens ao primeiro ministro Binyamin Netanyahu. Ele teve o despudor de dizer há pouco: "The alternative is clear. Either with each round we attack terror infrastructure and they shoot, or we go to full occupation."
Em resposta à punição coletiva que Israel vem impondo aos palestinos nestas últimas semanas, é verdade que os foguetes Qassan voltaram a ser lançados contra Israel - cerca de 60 desde o início da operação militar israelense. 28 alcançaram território israelense. Sem nenhuma vítima, pois o objetivo dos resistentes gazauís é apavorar e não ferir.
Os foguetes visam dar o troco do sobressalto a que os Palestinos são submetidos pelo Shin Bet e a IDF há mais de 60 anos.
O Hamas só aumentou os foguetes por causa do assassinato de seis gazauís em um túnel bombardeado pela IDF.
Lieberman e Netanyahu - que voltaram a pôr Barack Obama no bolso desde a re/união do Fatah e Hamas - há semanas estão preparando, com Ehud Barak no comando, a operação sangrenta que estão pondo em prática na Faixa de Gaza. Com autorização e apoio de Washington.
Esta se chama Operation Solid Cliff, mais um nome "poético" e em inglês.
A morte dos três colonos, os foguetes Qassan, tudo isso é bobagem. Mais uma desculpa esfarrapada para combater o Hamas com armas desproporcionais e continuar a limpeza étnica da Palestina com mais dureza e eficácia.
As agressões dos invasores civis e militares têm multiplicado, como mostra a vídeo abaixo.
No domingo, a IDF bombardeou a Faixa de Gaza de madrugada, como sempre faz para causar mais perda humana e vai continuar bombardeando até o mundo mandar parar. Até domingo, 9 palestinos morreram no ataque. Os feridos foram tantos que o número vai aumentando. Os mortos são de grupos da resistência do Hamas e do Fatah.
Pelo jeito o Shin Bet e a IDF querem provocar uma Terceira Intifada.
Coitados dos palestinos. Deus os guarde.
O governo de Netanyahu, Lieberman e seus cupinchas é uma vergonha para os israelenses íntegros e para os seres humanos em geral.
Intervenção do Exército da ONU, já!
Israel is perhaps the only country in the world where the following sentence is an acceptable way to finish an article in a major newspaper: "The committee's chairman, [Member of Knesset] David Rotem (Yisreael Beiteinu), responded to claims the bill was meant to reject Arabs from joining Jewish towns. "In my opinion, every Jewish town needs at least one Arab. What would happen if my refrigerator stopped working on a Saturday?"
(Nesse ínterim, Bravo! para os protestantes da Igreja Presbiteriana dos Estados Unidos. Estes protestantes acabaram de aprovar adesão total ao movimento de boicote de Israel, BDS. Fazia dez anos que tentavam e o lobby sionista estadunidense pressionava e conseguia seu intento.
A margem foi mínima: 303 votos contra 301, mas já decidiram a venda imediata de suas ações (no valor de cerca de US$21 milhões) nas empresas Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard e Motorola Solutions - que são ativas no processo de ocupação da Cisjordânia e na repressão em todo território palestino ocupado.
Johnnie Monroe, um dos que votaram a favor do boicote, disse que "It was because of divestment that we were able to break the apartheid in South Africa. The church has to make a moral stance for moral justice."
Foi um voto de adesão ao boicote que repercutiu em todos os devotos presbiterianos dentro e fora dos Estados Unidos, onde o BDS vem crescendo bastante.
A Assembleia aprovou também, em voto separado, o re-exame de seu apoio histórico à solução de dois Estados.
O lobby sionista reagiu com a ladainha de sempre, gritando que os presbiterianos estavam negando o direito de Israel existir.
Porém, Bill Ward, um dos votantes, deixou claro que "the proposal, which reaffirmed Israel's right to exist, was not an attack on the country. It is motivated by stewardship integrity, not partisan political advocacy. It is not anti-Israel nor is it pro-Palestinian beyond the matter of human rights.''
Ah, se o Vaticano também ousasse tomar atitudes concretas contra o goveno de Israel!)

Pois é, em período de Copa, há áreas que se acalmam. A minha quase sempre dá uma piorada.
Foi o caso em 2006, quando Israel aproveitou a distração mundial para martelar o Líbano.
E neste ano igual, com outra operação militar infernal nos territórios palestinos ocupados.
Oficialmente, a operação começou no dia 12 de junho após o desaparecimento dos jovens invasores/colonos judeus na Cisjordânia.
Mas na verdade a repressão já havia aumentado por causa do Governo de união do Fatah e do Hamas, piorou demais. Há semanas que a IDF não para de dar batidas nas principais cidades, casa por casa, prendendo e depredando à vontade.
No dia 30 de junho, quando os três jovens colonos judeus foram encontrados mortos, a IDF já causara muito dano nos territórios ocupados, mesmo sabendo que o Hamas não tem nada a ver com este ato isolado que está sendo usado como mais uma propaganda para tentar vitimizar o culpado.
O culpado da morte dos três colonos judeus e de todos os males na região é claro: é a ocupação civil e militar dos territórios palestinos.
Sem a ocupação e o terrorismo constante que Israel impõe na Faixa de Gaza e na Cisjordânia, cada um estaria do seu lado da Linha Verde vivendo em paz.

Eles estavam saindo de uma yeshiva ultra-extremista instalada ilegalmente em Hebron, na Cisjordânia. Lá mesmo, onde os invasores judeus maltratam os cidadãos locais o tempo todo, ao ponto de estes serem obrigados a pôr grade em volta de casa e transitar pelos telhados (Blog 29/04/12).
Muhammad Abu Khdeir, o jovem palestino de 16 anos que foi raptado em seguida perto de casa foi queimado vivo! Um ato selvagem.

Abro parênteses para fazer uma perguntinha: Por que os milhares de palestinos que vão parar nos presídios israelenses são "capturados", "presos", e depois torturados, sem reclamação internacional, embora sejam civis (e dezenas, inclusive meninos, e que sofrem abusos traumatisantes), e os três colonos judeus extremistas são "sequestrados"?
É incrível como a semântica funciona em favor do ocupante e seu objetivo de desinformar nunca falha.

Mas lamento mil vezes mais o terror que Israel impõe aos palestinos dia e noite na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza.
Se em vez de estarem na Cisjordânia os três rapazes e seus pais extremistas que os criaram com ódio e mentiras estivessem em Israel, estariam vivos e bem dispostos. Os colonos têm para onde ir - além de seu país de origem (são judeus importados de países europeus e da Argentina mediante "incentivo" financeiro e fiscal), têm seu país de adoção, Israel, dentro das fronteiras internacionais deste.
Por que viram fora-da-lei ocupando terra alheia?

Os palestinos quando são sequestrados, mortos, são agredidos em casa, em sua cidade, em suas terras ancestrais, pelo ocupante que quer forçá-los ao exílio e a uma outra Naqba.
Em conclusão, vale lembrar que só de 2009 a maio de 2014, a IDF deixou centenas de palestinos com deficiência física durante ataques militares e em barragens - atiram nos joelhos e bloqueiam socorro para aleijar meninos para a vida toda, e matou 565 civis na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza. Dentre eles, 84 menores e 19 mulheres. No maior anonimato.
Só em 2014, a IDF e colonos já mataram mais de 30 palestinos. E só estamos no meio do ano e a operação de "retaliação" só está começando. E da pior maneira - botando fogo no adolescente de 16 anos como fazem todos os dias com as oliveiras e lavouras palestinas.
Os colonos se armam, treinam os filhos desde pequenos a odiar e aterrorizar os donos das terras que invadem, e se locomovem em bandos para pegar os nativos desprevenidos e humilhá-los quando não feri-los ou matá-los covardemente. Com a bênção dos soldados.
Não são vítimas. Não são coitados. São bárbaros. Têm de ser evacuados.
E o bárbaro mor é o seu ministro das relações exteriores Avigdor Lieberman, o fascista que realmente dita as ordens ao primeiro ministro Binyamin Netanyahu. Ele teve o despudor de dizer há pouco: "The alternative is clear. Either with each round we attack terror infrastructure and they shoot, or we go to full occupation."
Em resposta à punição coletiva que Israel vem impondo aos palestinos nestas últimas semanas, é verdade que os foguetes Qassan voltaram a ser lançados contra Israel - cerca de 60 desde o início da operação militar israelense. 28 alcançaram território israelense. Sem nenhuma vítima, pois o objetivo dos resistentes gazauís é apavorar e não ferir.
Os foguetes visam dar o troco do sobressalto a que os Palestinos são submetidos pelo Shin Bet e a IDF há mais de 60 anos.
O Hamas só aumentou os foguetes por causa do assassinato de seis gazauís em um túnel bombardeado pela IDF.
Lieberman e Netanyahu - que voltaram a pôr Barack Obama no bolso desde a re/união do Fatah e Hamas - há semanas estão preparando, com Ehud Barak no comando, a operação sangrenta que estão pondo em prática na Faixa de Gaza. Com autorização e apoio de Washington.
Esta se chama Operation Solid Cliff, mais um nome "poético" e em inglês.
A morte dos três colonos, os foguetes Qassan, tudo isso é bobagem. Mais uma desculpa esfarrapada para combater o Hamas com armas desproporcionais e continuar a limpeza étnica da Palestina com mais dureza e eficácia.
No domingo, a IDF bombardeou a Faixa de Gaza de madrugada, como sempre faz para causar mais perda humana e vai continuar bombardeando até o mundo mandar parar. Até domingo, 9 palestinos morreram no ataque. Os feridos foram tantos que o número vai aumentando. Os mortos são de grupos da resistência do Hamas e do Fatah.
Pelo jeito o Shin Bet e a IDF querem provocar uma Terceira Intifada.
Coitados dos palestinos. Deus os guarde.
O governo de Netanyahu, Lieberman e seus cupinchas é uma vergonha para os israelenses íntegros e para os seres humanos em geral.
Intervenção do Exército da ONU, já!
Israel is perhaps the only country in the world where the following sentence is an acceptable way to finish an article in a major newspaper: "The committee's chairman, [Member of Knesset] David Rotem (Yisreael Beiteinu), responded to claims the bill was meant to reject Arabs from joining Jewish towns. "In my opinion, every Jewish town needs at least one Arab. What would happen if my refrigerator stopped working on a Saturday?"
(Nesse ínterim, Bravo! para os protestantes da Igreja Presbiteriana dos Estados Unidos. Estes protestantes acabaram de aprovar adesão total ao movimento de boicote de Israel, BDS. Fazia dez anos que tentavam e o lobby sionista estadunidense pressionava e conseguia seu intento.
A margem foi mínima: 303 votos contra 301, mas já decidiram a venda imediata de suas ações (no valor de cerca de US$21 milhões) nas empresas Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard e Motorola Solutions - que são ativas no processo de ocupação da Cisjordânia e na repressão em todo território palestino ocupado.
Johnnie Monroe, um dos que votaram a favor do boicote, disse que "It was because of divestment that we were able to break the apartheid in South Africa. The church has to make a moral stance for moral justice."
Foi um voto de adesão ao boicote que repercutiu em todos os devotos presbiterianos dentro e fora dos Estados Unidos, onde o BDS vem crescendo bastante.
A Assembleia aprovou também, em voto separado, o re-exame de seu apoio histórico à solução de dois Estados.
O lobby sionista reagiu com a ladainha de sempre, gritando que os presbiterianos estavam negando o direito de Israel existir.
Porém, Bill Ward, um dos votantes, deixou claro que "the proposal, which reaffirmed Israel's right to exist, was not an attack on the country. It is motivated by stewardship integrity, not partisan political advocacy. It is not anti-Israel nor is it pro-Palestinian beyond the matter of human rights.''
Ah, se o Vaticano também ousasse tomar atitudes concretas contra o goveno de Israel!)
Documentário Al Jazeera wolrd: Going against the grain (47')
Forty seve years of hatred and bloodshed,
enormous waste of resources,
corruption of our society.
Israel must free itself of the occupation".
Publicado no Ha’aretz, 06/06/2014
"Onde side's terrorists are the other side's freedom fighters. That is not simply a matter of terminology. It is a difference of perception, which has far-reaching practical consequences.
Take prisoners, for example.
For the freedom fighter, achieving the release of imprisoned comrades is a sacred duty, for which he is ready to sacrifice his life...
...This is the core of the incident that has dominated Israel’s life for the last two weeks.
At ten o’clock pm, two weeks ago, three teenagers from a settlement yeshiva near Hebron stood at a lonely road crossing, trying to hitchhike to their settlement homes...
...Thus it is not the same as the capture of the soldier Gilad Shalit some years ago. Shalit was held in the Gaza Strip, which is densely populated by Palestinians and controlled by Hamas. The West Bank, on the other side, is riddled with Israeli settlements, and it is only a slight exaggeration to say that every tenth Palestinian there is an Israeli informer. 47 years of occupation have given the Israeli Security Service innumerable opportunities to press Palestinians into their service by blackmail, bribery and other means...
...The Netanyahu government immediately saw in the incident an auspicious opportunity.
Without the least evidence (as far as we know) it accused Hamas. The next day (there was a slight delay because of police incompetence) a huge double operation went into action. Many thousands of soldiers were employed to comb the countryside and conduct house-to-house searches. But at the same time an even bigger operation, that had obviously been prepared a long time in advance, started an attempt to eradicate Hamas in the West Bank.
Night after night, everyone with the slightest connection to Hamas was arrested. Groups of heavily armed soldiers burst into people's homes, pushed away the frightened children and women, dragged the men from their beds, and took them away, handcuffed and blindfolded.
They numbered many hundreds – social workers, teachers, preachers, everyone belonging to the large social and political network of the Hamas movement.
Among the arrested were many released in the Shalit prisoner exchange. The Israeli political and intelligence leadership had agreed to that lopsided exchange (one hostage for more than a thousand prisoners) only under immense public pressure, and had obviously decided even then to return them to prison at the earliest opportunity.
Not by accident was it disclosed this week that one of these released prisoners had been accused of killing an Israeli some months ago. It must be assumed that, while most prisoners are grateful to return to their families after decades of incarceration, some of the most determined indeed returned to militant activity.
The effort to eliminate Hamas is foolish. Hamas is a religious movement that exists in the hearts of its adherents. How many can you arrest?
During these two weeks, Israeli society showed itself in the worst possible light – as an armed ghetto, devoid of compassion for others and incapable of rational thinking.
True, the first reaction was not uniform. I have heard several people in the street cursing the three missing young settlers for their stupid arrogance, standing in the dark of the night in the middle of the occupied territory and climbing into a strange car. But such impious sentiments were soon washed away by a huge wave of brainwashing, which was well-nigh inescapable.
It is a universal trend for peoples to unite in a national emergency. In Israel, this is amplified by the ghetto reflex, formed by centuries of persecution, for Jews to stand together against the evil goyim.
The deluge of government propaganda assumed incredible proportions. Almost the entire coverage in the newspapers was devoted to the military operations. Radio and TV extended this coverage live around the clock, 24 hours daily, day after day.
The journalistic establishment was led by the “military correspondents”, almost all of them former army intelligence officers, who were acting as agents for the army spokesman, reciting army communiqués as though they were their own disclosures and insights. No difference between the various stations and newspapers could be detected. If some liberal commentator dared to voice a word of criticism, it was very muted and concerned only minor details....
... The government is obviously far more interested in a political propaganda victory than in securing the release of the hostages.
The main aim is to pressure Mahmoud Abbas to abandon the inter-Palestinian reconciliation and to destroy the new experts-only Palestinian government. Abbas resists. He is already widely denounced in Palestine, because of the ongoing close cooperation between his security forces and the Israeli ones, even while the Israeli operation is continuing. Abbas is playing a very dangerous game, trying to balance all the pressures. Whatever one’s political opinion, his courage cannot be denied.
The Israeli leadership, living in its bubble, is totally unable to understand world reaction, or the lack of it.
Before it all started, the number of Palestinians, including children, killed by live fire during demonstrations had steadily increased. Apparently, the rules of engagement, as understood by the soldiers, have made this easier. Since the present operation started, more than five non-combatant Palestinians have been killed by the army, some of them children.
In the Israeli edition of the New York Times, a large part of the front page was taken up by the picture of a Palestinian mother grieving for her child, not by the hostages.
But when the three mothers, who were sent for propaganda purposes to the UN human rights commission in Geneva, were accorded a chilly reception, the Israeli government was astonished. Delegates were more interested in human rights violations by Israel than in the hostages – for many Israelis another glaring example of the anti-Semitism of the UN.
More than anything else, this episode shows again how desperately we need peace. The inter-Palestinian reconciliation could bring peace nearer – and therefore the Israeli Right, and especially the settlers, wants to destroy it.
I believe that the settlements are a disaster for Israel. But my heart bleeds for the three boys – two of them 15 years old, one a bit older – who are now being held in conditions it is hard to imagine, if they are still alive.
The best way to prevent hostage-taking is to release prisoners voluntarily. Even the Security Service cannot seriously maintain that all the many thousands of political prisoners now in our prisons constitute a mortal danger to our existence.
An even better way forward is to end the occupation by making peace."
Uri Avnery, da ONG israelense de Direitos Humanos Gush Shalom. 28/06/14
Palavras de ordem da passeata que aconteceu em Tel Aviv no dia 03 de julho, na praça Habima. Organizada pela GUSH SHALOM.
enormous waste of resources,
corruption of our society.
Israel must free itself of the occupation".
Publicado no Ha’aretz, 06/06/2014
"Onde side's terrorists are the other side's freedom fighters. That is not simply a matter of terminology. It is a difference of perception, which has far-reaching practical consequences.
Take prisoners, for example.
For the freedom fighter, achieving the release of imprisoned comrades is a sacred duty, for which he is ready to sacrifice his life...
...This is the core of the incident that has dominated Israel’s life for the last two weeks.
At ten o’clock pm, two weeks ago, three teenagers from a settlement yeshiva near Hebron stood at a lonely road crossing, trying to hitchhike to their settlement homes...
...Thus it is not the same as the capture of the soldier Gilad Shalit some years ago. Shalit was held in the Gaza Strip, which is densely populated by Palestinians and controlled by Hamas. The West Bank, on the other side, is riddled with Israeli settlements, and it is only a slight exaggeration to say that every tenth Palestinian there is an Israeli informer. 47 years of occupation have given the Israeli Security Service innumerable opportunities to press Palestinians into their service by blackmail, bribery and other means...
...The Netanyahu government immediately saw in the incident an auspicious opportunity.
Without the least evidence (as far as we know) it accused Hamas. The next day (there was a slight delay because of police incompetence) a huge double operation went into action. Many thousands of soldiers were employed to comb the countryside and conduct house-to-house searches. But at the same time an even bigger operation, that had obviously been prepared a long time in advance, started an attempt to eradicate Hamas in the West Bank.
Night after night, everyone with the slightest connection to Hamas was arrested. Groups of heavily armed soldiers burst into people's homes, pushed away the frightened children and women, dragged the men from their beds, and took them away, handcuffed and blindfolded.
They numbered many hundreds – social workers, teachers, preachers, everyone belonging to the large social and political network of the Hamas movement.
Among the arrested were many released in the Shalit prisoner exchange. The Israeli political and intelligence leadership had agreed to that lopsided exchange (one hostage for more than a thousand prisoners) only under immense public pressure, and had obviously decided even then to return them to prison at the earliest opportunity.
Not by accident was it disclosed this week that one of these released prisoners had been accused of killing an Israeli some months ago. It must be assumed that, while most prisoners are grateful to return to their families after decades of incarceration, some of the most determined indeed returned to militant activity.
The effort to eliminate Hamas is foolish. Hamas is a religious movement that exists in the hearts of its adherents. How many can you arrest?
During these two weeks, Israeli society showed itself in the worst possible light – as an armed ghetto, devoid of compassion for others and incapable of rational thinking.
True, the first reaction was not uniform. I have heard several people in the street cursing the three missing young settlers for their stupid arrogance, standing in the dark of the night in the middle of the occupied territory and climbing into a strange car. But such impious sentiments were soon washed away by a huge wave of brainwashing, which was well-nigh inescapable.
It is a universal trend for peoples to unite in a national emergency. In Israel, this is amplified by the ghetto reflex, formed by centuries of persecution, for Jews to stand together against the evil goyim.
The deluge of government propaganda assumed incredible proportions. Almost the entire coverage in the newspapers was devoted to the military operations. Radio and TV extended this coverage live around the clock, 24 hours daily, day after day.
The journalistic establishment was led by the “military correspondents”, almost all of them former army intelligence officers, who were acting as agents for the army spokesman, reciting army communiqués as though they were their own disclosures and insights. No difference between the various stations and newspapers could be detected. If some liberal commentator dared to voice a word of criticism, it was very muted and concerned only minor details....
... The government is obviously far more interested in a political propaganda victory than in securing the release of the hostages.
The main aim is to pressure Mahmoud Abbas to abandon the inter-Palestinian reconciliation and to destroy the new experts-only Palestinian government. Abbas resists. He is already widely denounced in Palestine, because of the ongoing close cooperation between his security forces and the Israeli ones, even while the Israeli operation is continuing. Abbas is playing a very dangerous game, trying to balance all the pressures. Whatever one’s political opinion, his courage cannot be denied.
The Israeli leadership, living in its bubble, is totally unable to understand world reaction, or the lack of it.
Before it all started, the number of Palestinians, including children, killed by live fire during demonstrations had steadily increased. Apparently, the rules of engagement, as understood by the soldiers, have made this easier. Since the present operation started, more than five non-combatant Palestinians have been killed by the army, some of them children.
In the Israeli edition of the New York Times, a large part of the front page was taken up by the picture of a Palestinian mother grieving for her child, not by the hostages.
But when the three mothers, who were sent for propaganda purposes to the UN human rights commission in Geneva, were accorded a chilly reception, the Israeli government was astonished. Delegates were more interested in human rights violations by Israel than in the hostages – for many Israelis another glaring example of the anti-Semitism of the UN.
More than anything else, this episode shows again how desperately we need peace. The inter-Palestinian reconciliation could bring peace nearer – and therefore the Israeli Right, and especially the settlers, wants to destroy it.
I believe that the settlements are a disaster for Israel. But my heart bleeds for the three boys – two of them 15 years old, one a bit older – who are now being held in conditions it is hard to imagine, if they are still alive.
The best way to prevent hostage-taking is to release prisoners voluntarily. Even the Security Service cannot seriously maintain that all the many thousands of political prisoners now in our prisons constitute a mortal danger to our existence.
An even better way forward is to end the occupation by making peace."
Uri Avnery, da ONG israelense de Direitos Humanos Gush Shalom. 28/06/14
No to the murder of children! No to revenge! No to pogroms!
No to building new settlements! No to the occupation of the territories!
Yes to peace between Israelis and Palestinians...
Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
sobre a violência quotidiana que os palestinos sofrem
nas mãos dos colonos judeus na Cisjordânia.
(1 a 3' cada)
sobre a violência quotidiana que os palestinos sofrem
nas mãos dos colonos judeus na Cisjordânia.
(1 a 3' cada)
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