Sucesso no WEB da Anonymous' Operation Save Gaza
Death toll update at 9:00 GMT July 23
Número de mortos às 9:00 GMT 23/07
Número de mortos às 9:00 GMT 23/07
Palestinians: 648 (80% of civilians, dozens of children) / Palestinos - 648 (80% de civis, dezenas de crianças).
More than 4 thousand injured. Dozens of thousand displaced and homeless.
Mais de 4 mil feridos graves. Dezenas de milhares de desalojados e com moradia bombardeada.
Israelis: 31 (29 soldiers and 2 civilians) / Israelenses: 31 (29 soldados e 2 civis)
Israeli forces have pounded multiple sites across the Gaza Strip, including the enclave's sole power plant, as diplomats intensified efforts to end the bloodshed.
Palestinian emergency services said that at least six people were killed early on Wednesday during prolonged shelling of the southern town of Khan Yunis and 20 more were wounded, most of them seriously.
“The big question is - if I lived in Gaza, would I fire a rocket? - probably yes,” posted on Twitte Liberal Democrat MP David Ward.
"A grande questão é - jogaria foguetes [em Israel] se vivesse em Gaza? - Provavelmente sim," publicou o deputado do Partido Liberal Democrat inglês David Ward. Causou um escândalo no partido, mas recebeu cumprimentos de milhares e milhares de londrinos.
Eu não pegaria em armas porque sou profundamente contra a violência, porém, certamente resistiria de alguma forma até meu país conseguir
liberdade e soberania. E você?
"I reiterate my numerous calls for this blockade [on Gaza Strip] to be lifted once and for all.
The continued failure to properly ensure accountability on both sides following earlier escalations of hostilities in Gaza is of serious concern.
The culture of impunity for alleged violations of international law invites further transgressions and the victims of the past become victims again. War crimes and crimes against humanity are two of the most serious types of crimes in existence, and credible allegations that they have been committed must be properly investigated. So far, they have not been.
Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip could amount to war crimes.
There seems to be a strong possibility that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes."
Said the UN Hight Commissioner for Rights chief Navi Pillay, 23/07/14 in Geneva, at the emergency meeting of the Security Counsil. Pillay also condemned indiscrimanete rocket atacks by Palestinian resistance.
The 46-nation council - which is the United Nations' top human rights forum - was poised to call for an international inquiry into Israel's offensive in the Palestinian territories.
The meeting was called by Arab and fellow Islamic nations.
It was set to vote on a resolution lodged by Palestine - which has observer status at the UN - condemning "the widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms" since Israel launched its crackdown last month to stem rocket attacks by Palestinian fighters.
The resolution also called on the international community to "urgently dispatch an independent, international commission of inquiry" tasked with probing "all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip".
Meanwhile, bias John Kerry arrived in Israel for unilateral talks.
Shall US double standard never end?
A Alta Comissária das Nações Unidas para Direitos Humanos, a juíza sul-africana Navi Pillay, declarou na reunião do Conselho de Segurança da ONU na manhã do dia 23 de julho que Israel pode ter cometido crimes contra a humanidade. A Resolução principal foi de logo despachar um observador independente à Faixa de Gaza.
Um dos foguetes do Hamas aterrizou perto de pistas do aeroporto Ben Gurion, de Tel Aviv. A estratégia funcionou. Conseguiu atingir Israel no bolso e no orgulho. O governo ficou possesso de ficar ilhado como os palestinos estão há décadas.
More than 4 thousand injured. Dozens of thousand displaced and homeless.
Mais de 4 mil feridos graves. Dezenas de milhares de desalojados e com moradia bombardeada.
Israelis: 31 (29 soldiers and 2 civilians) / Israelenses: 31 (29 soldados e 2 civis)
Israeli forces have pounded multiple sites across the Gaza Strip, including the enclave's sole power plant, as diplomats intensified efforts to end the bloodshed.
Palestinian emergency services said that at least six people were killed early on Wednesday during prolonged shelling of the southern town of Khan Yunis and 20 more were wounded, most of them seriously.
Al-Aqsa hospital attack
“The big question is - if I lived in Gaza, would I fire a rocket? - probably yes,” posted on Twitte Liberal Democrat MP David Ward.
"A grande questão é - jogaria foguetes [em Israel] se vivesse em Gaza? - Provavelmente sim," publicou o deputado do Partido Liberal Democrat inglês David Ward. Causou um escândalo no partido, mas recebeu cumprimentos de milhares e milhares de londrinos.
Eu não pegaria em armas porque sou profundamente contra a violência, porém, certamente resistiria de alguma forma até meu país conseguir
liberdade e soberania. E você?
Democracy Now: "A place of indescribable loss"
"I reiterate my numerous calls for this blockade [on Gaza Strip] to be lifted once and for all.
The continued failure to properly ensure accountability on both sides following earlier escalations of hostilities in Gaza is of serious concern.
The culture of impunity for alleged violations of international law invites further transgressions and the victims of the past become victims again. War crimes and crimes against humanity are two of the most serious types of crimes in existence, and credible allegations that they have been committed must be properly investigated. So far, they have not been.
Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip could amount to war crimes.
There seems to be a strong possibility that international law has been violated, in a manner that could amount to war crimes."

The 46-nation council - which is the United Nations' top human rights forum - was poised to call for an international inquiry into Israel's offensive in the Palestinian territories.
The meeting was called by Arab and fellow Islamic nations.
It was set to vote on a resolution lodged by Palestine - which has observer status at the UN - condemning "the widespread, systematic and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms" since Israel launched its crackdown last month to stem rocket attacks by Palestinian fighters.
The resolution also called on the international community to "urgently dispatch an independent, international commission of inquiry" tasked with probing "all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip".
Meanwhile, bias John Kerry arrived in Israel for unilateral talks.
Shall US double standard never end?
A Alta Comissária das Nações Unidas para Direitos Humanos, a juíza sul-africana Navi Pillay, declarou na reunião do Conselho de Segurança da ONU na manhã do dia 23 de julho que Israel pode ter cometido crimes contra a humanidade. A Resolução principal foi de logo despachar um observador independente à Faixa de Gaza.
Even Israeli militaries speak like the great deceiver Mark Regev
Até os militares israelenses usam as artimanhas do enganador Regev
Um dos foguetes do Hamas aterrizou perto de pistas do aeroporto Ben Gurion, de Tel Aviv. A estratégia funcionou. Conseguiu atingir Israel no bolso e no orgulho. O governo ficou possesso de ficar ilhado como os palestinos estão há décadas.
A maioria das companhias aéreas estrangeiras cancelaram seus voos já no dia 23. Porém, o ex-prefeito de Nova York, o bilionário sionista Michael Bloommberg, declarou que voaria para Tel Aviv em demonstração de solidariedade com a operação militar de Israel.
Ele pode ir porque o aeroporto está todo inteiro, como a cidade. O aeroporto de Gaza, construído no período de Yasser Arafat, só conseguiu funcionar por intermitência poucos meses antes de Israel bombardeá-lo definitivamente e obrigar quem quisesse ir à Palestina a chegar em Ben Gurion e encher os bolsos dos israelense com as taxas aeroportuárias. Sobretudo os turistas cristãos que vão à Cisjordânia e caem na armadilha financeiro/ocupacionista como patinhos. Pois usam só as agências de viagem israelenses e não consumem absolutamente nada nas cidades palestinas que abrigam os sítios cristãos dos quais cuidam muito bem.
Major international airlines have suspended flights to and from Israel internacional airport because of concerns over security, after a rocket fired from Gaza struck near aiport runways. But US billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said that he would fly to Ben Gurion to show solidarity to Israel's Operation Defensive Edge which, by the way, killed six Gazans early on this Wednesday during prolonged shelling of the southern town of Khan Yunis and 20 more were wounded, most of them seriously. Two more were killed by Israeli fire in the northe of the Strip, medics said.
Open letter to Barack Obama from Mads Gilbert, a doctor in Shifa, Gaza Strip, July 21 2014
Carta aberta para Obama de um médico em Shifa, na Faixa de Gaza
"My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock; my admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless, my closeness to the Palestinian "sumud" gives me strength, although in glimpses I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace - but we cannot afford that, nor can they.
Ashy grey faces - Oh NO! not one more load of tens of maimed and bleeding, we still have lakes of blood on the floor in the ER, piles of dripping, blood-soaked bandages to clear out - oh - the cleaners, everywhere, swiftly shovelling the blood and discarded tissues, hair, clothes,cannulas - the leftovers from death - all taken be prepared again, to be repeated all over. More then 100 cases came to Shifa last 24 hrs. enough for a large well trained hospital with everything, but here - almost nothing: electricity, water, disposables, drugs, OR-tables, instruments, monitors - all rusted and as if taken from museums of yesterdays hospitals.But they do not complain, these heroes. They get on with it, like warriors, head on, enormous resolute.
And as I write these words to you, alone, on a bed, my tears flows, the warm but useless tears of pain and grief, of anger and fear. This is not happening!
And then, just now, the orchestra of the Israeli war-machine starts its gruesome symphony again, just now: salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down on the shores, the roaring F16, the sickening drones (Arabic 'Zennanis', the hummers), and the cluttering Apaches. So much made and paid in and by US.
Mr. Obama - do you have a heart?
I invite you - spend one night - just one night - with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, maybe.
I am convinced, 100%, it would change history.
Nobody with a heart AND power could ever walk away from a night in Shifa without being determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people.
But the heartless and merciless have done their calculations and planned another "dahyia" onslaught on Gaza.
The rivers of blood will keep running the coming night. I can hear they have tuned their instruments of death.
Please. Do what you can. This, THIS cannot continue."
Gaza, Occupied Palestine
A redação da TV Al Jazeera, em Gaza, foi alvo de dois tiros precisos na terça-feira, dia 22. As famílias que moram no prédio saíram assustadas e os funcionários da TV evacuaram os escritórios paa proteger-se e para não pôr a vida dos moradores em perigo.
Por coincidência, isto aconteceu no dia após o ministro das Relações Exteriores de Israel Avigdor Lieberman ter dito a jornais locais que fecharia as operações desta TV informativa em Israel.
Lieberman, que goza de duas cúmplices descaradas na grande mídia, confundiu jornalismo com subserviência sionista acusando a Al-Jazeera de contar mentiras.
Os colegas da Al-Jazeera não contam mentiras. Contam verdade. Contam e a Al-Jazeera divulga o que todos os repórteres internacionais presentes gostariam que seus jornais e televisões divulgassem, e que estas mídias, por razão desconhecida., não o fazem.
"Two very precise shots were fired straight into our building," Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the bureau, said. "We are high up in the building so we had a very strong vantage point over the area. But we have evacuated. "Our office building also has many residential apartments. People [are] leaving, panicked."
The bureau is situated in a residential area of Gaza City.
The attack came a day after Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was quoted by local media as saying his country will work to close down Al Jazeera's operations in Israel.
Al Jazeera "has abandoned even the perception of being a reliable news organisation and broadcasts from Gaza and to the world anti-Israel incitement, lies, and encouragement to the terrorists," Lieberman said.
The network has been covering the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip that started on July 8.
In a statement issued by its lawyer Carter-Ruck, Al Jazeera said: "The sole purpose of those [Al Jazeera] journalists since the commencement of the current conflict has been to convey what is happening in Gaza to those outside that area and to do so without fear or favour.
"They are entitled to do this, as journalists, under international law and the Government of Israel has a duty, under international law, to provide them with protection and most certainly not to target them in the manner threatened by Mr Lieberman yesterday and put into effect today by Israeli soldiers."
The death toll in Israel’s 14-day assault has climbed to more than 608 Palestinians, including dozens of women and children. More than 3,700 others have been injured.
On the Israeli side, 27 troops and two civilians have been killed.
On Tuesday, the Israeli army said one of its soldiers was missing in Gaza, while local media said Sergeant Oron Shaul, 21, was presumed dead.
Binyamin Netanyahu deu ordens para a reunião com o Secretário Geral da ONU acontecer de maneira dramática, com certeza para continuar a fazer-se de vítima em vez de verdugo. Embora nenhum dos foguetes do Hamas tenha conseguido passar no filtro do Iron Dome, Ban Ki-Moon foi recebido no abrigo anti-aéreo da IDF em Tel Aviv (ao lado). Depois ele foi a Ramallah, na Cisjordânia, de onde participou por video da reunião do Conselho de Segurança. Mas não foi a Gaza.
Netanyahu ousou mostrar a Ban Ki-Moon os restos mortais de um foguete do Hamas, alegando quão insuportável a situação de Israel é/está (por causa dele). Se fosse em Gaza, o Secretário da ONU não teria onde abrigar-se e nem como conversar, pois os barulhos das bombas e dos gritos não deixam ouvir nada.
Hipocrisia pouca, é bobagem.
Check out (left, of course) the bomb shelter where PM Netanyahu met with UN Secretary General at the Israeli Air Force headquarters in Tel Aviv. As if Tel Aviv were under great threat. As if Tel Aviv were Gaza.
No shame at all but a lot of melodrama and a massive dose of propaganda.
Meanwhile US Secretary of State John Kerry has called on Hamas to accept a ceasefire along the lines of the Egyptian/US/Israel proposal, to end the conflict that has already killed at least 607 Palestinians and 29 Israelis.
John Kerry spoke in Cairo on Tuesday after meeting Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, whose government offered US/Israel ceasefire proposal last week, which calls for both Israel and Hamas to accept an immediate ceasefire without pre-conditions and dispatch envoys to Cairo for further negotiations.
The Palestinians maintain that the root cause of the problem is the siege of Gaza, and they have consistently demanded that Israel and Egypt lift the blockade. They also want the release of dozens of prisoners who were freed in a 2011 swap for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit but re-arrested this summer.
"The conditions for a ceasefire are... a full lifting of the blockade and then the release of those recently detained in the West Bank," Hamas's leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, said on television.
"We cannot go backwards, to a slow death," he said, referring to the Israeli blockade in force since 2006.
At least seven Palestinians were reported killed in the new round of air strikes early on Tuesday, bringing the death toll of Israel's two-week assault on the Gaza Strip to more than 600.
Police spokesperson Ayman Batniji said tank shells damaged several houses along the eastern border of the territory and that at least 19 fishing boats were destroyed by navy shells fired from the Mediterranean.
The United Nations has estimated that 80% of the Palestinians dead are civilians. There are thousand of wounded.
Huffington Post:
RT TV Cross Talk on Gaza:
E israelenses aplaudem cada vez que as bombas ferem e matam dezenas de palestinos
Ele pode ir porque o aeroporto está todo inteiro, como a cidade. O aeroporto de Gaza, construído no período de Yasser Arafat, só conseguiu funcionar por intermitência poucos meses antes de Israel bombardeá-lo definitivamente e obrigar quem quisesse ir à Palestina a chegar em Ben Gurion e encher os bolsos dos israelense com as taxas aeroportuárias. Sobretudo os turistas cristãos que vão à Cisjordânia e caem na armadilha financeiro/ocupacionista como patinhos. Pois usam só as agências de viagem israelenses e não consumem absolutamente nada nas cidades palestinas que abrigam os sítios cristãos dos quais cuidam muito bem.
Major international airlines have suspended flights to and from Israel internacional airport because of concerns over security, after a rocket fired from Gaza struck near aiport runways. But US billionaire and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said that he would fly to Ben Gurion to show solidarity to Israel's Operation Defensive Edge which, by the way, killed six Gazans early on this Wednesday during prolonged shelling of the southern town of Khan Yunis and 20 more were wounded, most of them seriously. Two more were killed by Israeli fire in the northe of the Strip, medics said.
Channel 4: Jon Snow inside al-Shifa Hospital
Open letter to Barack Obama from Mads Gilbert, a doctor in Shifa, Gaza Strip, July 21 2014
Carta aberta para Obama de um médico em Shifa, na Faixa de Gaza
"My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock; my admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless, my closeness to the Palestinian "sumud" gives me strength, although in glimpses I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace - but we cannot afford that, nor can they.
Ashy grey faces - Oh NO! not one more load of tens of maimed and bleeding, we still have lakes of blood on the floor in the ER, piles of dripping, blood-soaked bandages to clear out - oh - the cleaners, everywhere, swiftly shovelling the blood and discarded tissues, hair, clothes,cannulas - the leftovers from death - all taken be prepared again, to be repeated all over. More then 100 cases came to Shifa last 24 hrs. enough for a large well trained hospital with everything, but here - almost nothing: electricity, water, disposables, drugs, OR-tables, instruments, monitors - all rusted and as if taken from museums of yesterdays hospitals.But they do not complain, these heroes. They get on with it, like warriors, head on, enormous resolute.
And as I write these words to you, alone, on a bed, my tears flows, the warm but useless tears of pain and grief, of anger and fear. This is not happening!
And then, just now, the orchestra of the Israeli war-machine starts its gruesome symphony again, just now: salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down on the shores, the roaring F16, the sickening drones (Arabic 'Zennanis', the hummers), and the cluttering Apaches. So much made and paid in and by US.
Mr. Obama - do you have a heart?
I invite you - spend one night - just one night - with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, maybe.
I am convinced, 100%, it would change history.
Nobody with a heart AND power could ever walk away from a night in Shifa without being determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people.
But the heartless and merciless have done their calculations and planned another "dahyia" onslaught on Gaza.
The rivers of blood will keep running the coming night. I can hear they have tuned their instruments of death.
Please. Do what you can. This, THIS cannot continue."
Gaza, Occupied Palestine
Por coincidência, isto aconteceu no dia após o ministro das Relações Exteriores de Israel Avigdor Lieberman ter dito a jornais locais que fecharia as operações desta TV informativa em Israel.
Lieberman, que goza de duas cúmplices descaradas na grande mídia, confundiu jornalismo com subserviência sionista acusando a Al-Jazeera de contar mentiras.
Os colegas da Al-Jazeera não contam mentiras. Contam verdade. Contam e a Al-Jazeera divulga o que todos os repórteres internacionais presentes gostariam que seus jornais e televisões divulgassem, e que estas mídias, por razão desconhecida., não o fazem.
"Two very precise shots were fired straight into our building," Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the bureau, said. "We are high up in the building so we had a very strong vantage point over the area. But we have evacuated. "Our office building also has many residential apartments. People [are] leaving, panicked."
The bureau is situated in a residential area of Gaza City.
The attack came a day after Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was quoted by local media as saying his country will work to close down Al Jazeera's operations in Israel.
Al Jazeera "has abandoned even the perception of being a reliable news organisation and broadcasts from Gaza and to the world anti-Israel incitement, lies, and encouragement to the terrorists," Lieberman said.
The network has been covering the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip that started on July 8.
In a statement issued by its lawyer Carter-Ruck, Al Jazeera said: "The sole purpose of those [Al Jazeera] journalists since the commencement of the current conflict has been to convey what is happening in Gaza to those outside that area and to do so without fear or favour.
"They are entitled to do this, as journalists, under international law and the Government of Israel has a duty, under international law, to provide them with protection and most certainly not to target them in the manner threatened by Mr Lieberman yesterday and put into effect today by Israeli soldiers."
The death toll in Israel’s 14-day assault has climbed to more than 608 Palestinians, including dozens of women and children. More than 3,700 others have been injured.
On the Israeli side, 27 troops and two civilians have been killed.
On Tuesday, the Israeli army said one of its soldiers was missing in Gaza, while local media said Sergeant Oron Shaul, 21, was presumed dead.

Netanyahu ousou mostrar a Ban Ki-Moon os restos mortais de um foguete do Hamas, alegando quão insuportável a situação de Israel é/está (por causa dele). Se fosse em Gaza, o Secretário da ONU não teria onde abrigar-se e nem como conversar, pois os barulhos das bombas e dos gritos não deixam ouvir nada.

Check out (left, of course) the bomb shelter where PM Netanyahu met with UN Secretary General at the Israeli Air Force headquarters in Tel Aviv. As if Tel Aviv were under great threat. As if Tel Aviv were Gaza.
No shame at all but a lot of melodrama and a massive dose of propaganda.
Meanwhile US Secretary of State John Kerry has called on Hamas to accept a ceasefire along the lines of the Egyptian/US/Israel proposal, to end the conflict that has already killed at least 607 Palestinians and 29 Israelis.
John Kerry spoke in Cairo on Tuesday after meeting Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, whose government offered US/Israel ceasefire proposal last week, which calls for both Israel and Hamas to accept an immediate ceasefire without pre-conditions and dispatch envoys to Cairo for further negotiations.
The Palestinians maintain that the root cause of the problem is the siege of Gaza, and they have consistently demanded that Israel and Egypt lift the blockade. They also want the release of dozens of prisoners who were freed in a 2011 swap for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit but re-arrested this summer.
"The conditions for a ceasefire are... a full lifting of the blockade and then the release of those recently detained in the West Bank," Hamas's leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniya, said on television.
"We cannot go backwards, to a slow death," he said, referring to the Israeli blockade in force since 2006.
UK Parliament Members stand for Palestine
Israeli aircraft and tanks have hit more than 100 targets in the Gaza strip, including five mosques, a football stadium and the home of the late leader of Hamas' military wing, according to Palestinian police.At least seven Palestinians were reported killed in the new round of air strikes early on Tuesday, bringing the death toll of Israel's two-week assault on the Gaza Strip to more than 600.
Police spokesperson Ayman Batniji said tank shells damaged several houses along the eastern border of the territory and that at least 19 fishing boats were destroyed by navy shells fired from the Mediterranean.
The United Nations has estimated that 80% of the Palestinians dead are civilians. There are thousand of wounded.
In total, 27 Israeli soldiers have died, including three by friendly fire. Nine of the soldiers were killed Monday. Four were on Israeli soil, killed as a result of infiltration by Hamas operatives, the Israel Defense Forces said.
And the great deceiver Mark Regev (video below) still deceiving.
And the great deceiver Mark Regev (video below) still deceiving.
O número de mortos só aumenta. O Ministro da Saúde de Gaza anunciou mais de 600 mortos palestinos. 80% civis. Há centenas de feridos.
Na segunda-feira dia 21, só em dois bombardeios os F16 israelenses mataram 35 membros de duas famílias gazauís. The Israel Air Force killed 35 members of two Gaza families in separate strikes Monday.
A IDF anunciou 29 mortos. Dois civis e 25 soldados. Três por "fogo amigo", ou seja, mortos por próprios companheiros (comum nas operações israelenses). Quatro mortos em solo israelense por infiltração dos resistentes através de túnel que os leva do lado de lá da fronteira.
Na segunda-feira dia 21, só em dois bombardeios os F16 israelenses mataram 35 membros de duas famílias gazauís. The Israel Air Force killed 35 members of two Gaza families in separate strikes Monday.
A IDF anunciou 29 mortos. Dois civis e 25 soldados. Três por "fogo amigo", ou seja, mortos por próprios companheiros (comum nas operações israelenses). Quatro mortos em solo israelense por infiltração dos resistentes através de túnel que os leva do lado de lá da fronteira.
Bombardearam a casa do comandante militar do Hamas. Como se o Hamas fosse a Tel Aviv matar a família do comandante da IDF. Matar família é covardia, e crime de guerra. Mas Israel tem as costas quentes. E um enganador inveterado, Mark Regev, que conta lorotas e lorotas de cara lavada.
Huffington Post:
The Young Turks in action
E israelenses aplaudem cada vez que as bombas ferem e matam dezenas de palestinos

And the shelling continued all day long on July 21 across different areas of the Gaza Strip.
The people from those neighbourhoods [in the Gaza's east] say that their homes, their district has been destroyed and they're seeking shelter inside Gaza City."
The Gaza health ministry confirmed that a family home was hit by tank shelling and 17 people were killed, including women and children, in Khan Younis, while a four-storey building was hit in Rafah, killing up to nine people, including four children and an eight-month-old baby.
Pelo menos 607 palestinos já foram mortos por bombardeios, morteiros e tiros de tanques e dos "crueis". A maioria absoluta de civis. A aviação, a marinha e a infantaria israelense atacam constantemente jogando uns panfletos um pouco antes para as famílias evacuarem suas residências para eles poderem bombardear sem serem chateados pela opinião internacional por causa do assassinato de tantas mulheres e crianças. Ir para onde? Mais um hipocrisia pseudo-humanitária.
29 israelenses, dentre eles 27 soldados, morreram em combate com a resistência, incluindo dois voluntários estadunidenses.
A resistência palestina, em vez de diminuir, aumenta diariamente por causa das perdas.
Segundo a IDF, Israel semeia a destruição de moradias e de todos os prédios desta cidade de mais de 5 mil anos, para destruir os túneis acima cavados pela resistência.
Concluindo, o UNRWA, serviço da ONU responsável pelos refugiados, 3 turnos de violência em 5 anos tiveram um ipacto horrível nas crianaçs de Gaza. 72.000 precisam de apoio psicosocial.
The UNRWA said that 3 rounds of violence in 5 years had a terrible impact on the children of Gaza. 72.000 require immediate psychosocial support.
TAKE ACTION NOW - add your name to the call for a military embargo using the form on the rightIsrael has once again unleashed the full force of its military against the captive Palestinian population, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip, in an inhumane and illegal act of military aggression.
Israel’s ability to launch such devastating attacks with impunity largely stems from the vast international military cooperation and arms trade that it maintains with complicit governments across the world.
Nobel laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Adolfo Peres Esquivel, Jody Williams, Mairead Maguire, Rigoberta Menchú and Betty Williams have published an open letter calling on the UN and governments around the world to impose a military embargo on Israel.
Other signatories include Noam Chomsky, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd, playwright Caryl Churchill, US rapper Boots Riley, João Antonio Felicio, the president of the International Trade Union Confederation, and Zwelinzima Vavi, the general secretary of the Confederation of South African Trade Unions.
By importing and exporting arms to Israel and facilitating the development of Israeli military technology, governments are effectively sending a clear message of approval for Israel’s military aggression, including its war crimes and possible crimes against humanity.
Add your name to the call for a military embargo using the form on the BDS' site
The call will be presented to the new UN High Commissioner for Human Rights when they take up their post in September 2014.
Read our fact sheet on the military embargo
Advocating for Palestinian Rights in conformity with International Law: Guidelines: This guide is an outcome of the conference “Options and Strategies of International Law for the Palestinian People” held at the Birzeit University Institute of Law in May 2013. It aims to help non-lawyers understand and apply international law to Israel’s oppressive regime over the entire Palestinian people: those in the Occupied Palestinian Territory since 1967 (OPT), Palestinian citizens of Israel and the refugees since 1948.

Israeli tanks have shelled today (July 21) the third floor of hospital al-Aqsa, in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least five people and wounding another 70. This hospital is the third to be hit by Israeli tank fire since Israel launched its ground offensive in Gaza four days ago.
Obama is calling for a cease fire with no guarantee of any change in the status quo. The occupation and the blockade would remain unchanged... A very, very bad deal for the Palestinians. An excellent deal for Israel, as always.
Hamas demands, at least, an end to Gaza Strip blockade.
O Hama solicita, pelo menos, o fim do bloqueio da Faixa de Gaza.
Women and children have no safe place in Gaza
has dismissed criticism of spiralling Palestinian civilian fatalities,
saying Israel "tries to avoid them"
but that Hamas seeks to use “telegenically dead Palestinians” for its cause.
His cynicism really has no boundaries
Shujayea, Gaza
Massacre: é a palavra exata para o que está acontecendo desde a madrugada de sábado em Gaza. Ao lado, crianças da mesma família.
De sábado para domingo a chacina aumentou mais ainda.
A IDF bombardeou durante a noite o bairro residencial Shujayea.
Centenas de feridos e dezenas de mortos. Muitos meninos.
Depois fez uma pausa de três horas para a Cruz Vermelha tentar socorrer os que ainda viviam e identificar os mortos que conseguisse.
"It is a massacre that is taking place in Shujayea. It is a massacre with the full sense of the word, committed by Israel against innocent civilians, there are no armed men among us, all the streets of Shujayea are packed with dead bodies; the dead bodies and remains of our women and children are lying on the streets of Shujayea. We are searching for our brothers and cousins, who were killed, but could not find them." Cried out a resident of the neighborhood.
It was. It is. Really.
According to Palestinian human rights organisations, women were seen taking their children out to flee from the area, and some of them were killed. "People who were not able to leave the area have been trapped under the Israeli shelling and their destinies are unknown."
Among those who fled the Shujayea massacre was 29-year-old Ibtessam Batniji, walking with three children and clutching an infant, looking for a taxi to pick them up in a street void of cars.
"We did not sleep, there was bombing everywhere. I don't know where we will go!"
The problem is that there is no way to go in this open air prison.
Israeli attacks have killed 97 people in the Gaza Strip, raising the overall Palestinian death toll to 600 since the start of a major military campaign on July 8, Palestinian health officials say, as the military wing of Hamas claims it has abducted an Israeli soldier.
The vast majority of Sunday's dead were in Shujayea, a district between Gaza City and the Israeli border, with at least 60 people killed there in an intense bombardment which began overnight.
Besides Shujayea, where bodies littered the streets, the worst hit neighbourhoods were al-Shaaf and al-Tuffa.
At least 250 others were wounded in Sunday's barrage, raising the overall Palestinian injury toll during the 13 days of violence to well above 3,000, Ashraf al-Qudra, a Gaza emergency services spokesman, said.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas described the Shujayea deaths as "a massacre" and declared three days of mourning.
Of the 600 people killed in Gaza since the Israeli military offensive began, more than a third were women and children, Qudra said, indicating that 112 of the victims were minors, 41 were women and 25 were elderly.
Meanwhile, there was celebration in Gaza following news of capture of Israeli soldier by Hamas military wing Al-Qassam Brigades. Israel has denied that one of its soldiers had been captured by Hamas in overnight fighting, as the death toll in the Gaza Strip passed 500, the Gaza health ministry informed on Monday, 21.
It was. It is. Really.
According to Palestinian human rights organisations, women were seen taking their children out to flee from the area, and some of them were killed. "People who were not able to leave the area have been trapped under the Israeli shelling and their destinies are unknown."
Among those who fled the Shujayea massacre was 29-year-old Ibtessam Batniji, walking with three children and clutching an infant, looking for a taxi to pick them up in a street void of cars.
"We did not sleep, there was bombing everywhere. I don't know where we will go!"
The problem is that there is no way to go in this open air prison.
Israeli attacks have killed 97 people in the Gaza Strip, raising the overall Palestinian death toll to 600 since the start of a major military campaign on July 8, Palestinian health officials say, as the military wing of Hamas claims it has abducted an Israeli soldier.
The vast majority of Sunday's dead were in Shujayea, a district between Gaza City and the Israeli border, with at least 60 people killed there in an intense bombardment which began overnight.
Besides Shujayea, where bodies littered the streets, the worst hit neighbourhoods were al-Shaaf and al-Tuffa.
At least 250 others were wounded in Sunday's barrage, raising the overall Palestinian injury toll during the 13 days of violence to well above 3,000, Ashraf al-Qudra, a Gaza emergency services spokesman, said.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas described the Shujayea deaths as "a massacre" and declared three days of mourning.
Of the 600 people killed in Gaza since the Israeli military offensive began, more than a third were women and children, Qudra said, indicating that 112 of the victims were minors, 41 were women and 25 were elderly.
Meanwhile, there was celebration in Gaza following news of capture of Israeli soldier by Hamas military wing Al-Qassam Brigades. Israel has denied that one of its soldiers had been captured by Hamas in overnight fighting, as the death toll in the Gaza Strip passed 500, the Gaza health ministry informed on Monday, 21.
Domingo (20/07/2014) à noite em Gaza
Entrevista com o porta-voz do Hamas / Hamas's spokesperson
Israel é o ocupante, Israel é o invasor, Israel é quem aterroriza os palestinos de maneira quotidiana, Israel é quem instala colônias e mais colônias na Cisjordânia, e porém - ai, porém - ainda há gente, muita gente, que acha que o Hamas é culpado dos gazauís serem massacrados como estão sendo.
Inclusive jornalistas, baseados em Jerusalém ou Tel Aviv, é claro, ou controlados por forças maiores ainda do que suas consciências bitoladas. Nos Estados Unidos, os da CNN e da FOX News são porta-vozes do governo de Israel. No país onde está, você sabe quem é comprado.
The people of Gaza are facing the bloody consequences of Israel's dramatic escalation of the 10-day conflict and Hamas's intransigence in the face of mounting calls for a ceasefire. As Israel pressed ahead with a ground offensive in Gaza on Saturday morning, the death toll of Palestinians rose above 300, many of them children. 18/07/14
The Israeli military is using flechette shells, which spray out thousands of tiny and potentially lethal metal darts, in its military operation in Gaza. Which is a war crime.
A IDF está usando bombas com flechas em Gaza, a fim de ferir o máximo de civis. O que é um crime de guerra. Já havia usado nos ataques precedentes em 2008/09 e 2012, mas desta vez com muito maior intensidade.
Israelis sit on hills to watch air strikes on Gaza, some bring drinks and snacks as they cheer the explosions a few miles away.
Enquanto os gazauís explodem e queimam, grupos de israelenses se instalam confortavelmente, com cerveja e tira-gosto, para "assistir" ao bombardeio da Faixa de Gaza. Torcendo e festejando as explosões que parecem atingir mais gazauís.
Erdogun ,who has been a vocal opponent of Israel’s operations in the Gaza Strip, has said that the Israel Defence Forces' actions have been "disproportionate" and would derail any efforts to try and foster better Turkish-Israeli relations.
Recep Erdogan, Primeiro Ministro da Turquia, comparou Netanyahu com Hitler em um comício.
"Last Sunday, five days before the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza, but when the Palestinian death toll had already reached 160, Barack Obama and David Cameron spoke. The subsequent communiqué said the two leaders discussed Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq and the nuclear talks with Iran. There was no mention of Gaza.
Maybe the subject came up but was kept private. But the omission of any mention of the conflict already dominating UK and US headlines, somehow symbolises Western inertia about the plight of Gaza's 1.8 million inhabitants, one that was intense even before the horror now unfolding in the territory.
That inertia has largely prevailed since 2006, when Hamas unexpectedly won free elections sanctioned by the Bush White House and was then boycotted by the US and its allies; through the siege that demolished Gaza's productive economy, which was imposed by Israel after Hamas's seizure of control in the brief civil war in 2007; through Egypt's closure of the smuggling tunnels that were the main lifeline for Gazans; and through the recent formation by Fatah and an increasingly isolated Hamas of a "unity" government which the West did nothing to promote in the teeth of determined Israeli opposition.
The taboo on Hamas, which the US says is a terrorist organisation, explains why Washington has not helped Qatar to fund the payment of 43,000 public servants. It's also why Qatar can be ruled out as a mediator – a job left to Egypt. But Cairo, which wants to see Hamas – an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood – neutralised as much if not more so than Israel, is not delivering: its ceasefire proposal was rejected by Hamas for not meeting its demands." Donald Macintyre, The Independent.
Na verdade estava correndo tudo bem para os defensores da Operação Protective Edge indefensável. Até que a opinião pública mundial, graças às imagens dos meninos, bombardeados na praia jogando futebol na frente do hotel cheio de correspondentes estrangeiros em Gaza, foram divulgadas pelos repórteres cansados de serem usados. (Israel confia tanto na cumplicidade da grande mídia e em sua impunidade que teve o descabimento de bombardear crianças na cara dos repórteres pensando que fossem ignorar, como veem ignorando a maior parte das imagens "chocantes". Foi demais. Enough is enought! E todo mundo divulgou.
Os telespectadores ficaram chocados e entenderam, sem entender direito, que os gazauís não estão morrendo por causa do Hamas. Estão morrendo porque estão sendo alvo de sádicos que atiram ao alvo como se fosse video-game de guerra e matar meninos valesse mais pontos.
Houve um levante mundial e passeatas foram marcadas no mundo inteiro para o dia 19 de julho. O público respondeu presente nas principais capitais do mundo. Londres foi a mais engajada - mais de 15 mil pessoas desfilaram. Talvez por os londonianos, ao contrário dos parisienses (onde o pró-israelense François Hollande proibiu a passeata familiar e o resultado foi pior), saberem o que significa resistência coletiva.
Durante a Segunda Guerra os londonianos foram bombardeados diariamente pela Força Aérea nazista para que capitulassem, Londres ficou em frangalhos, mas resistiu até o fim de cabeça alta.
Os franceses, com excessão de um punhado de resistentes corajosos, se submeteram à ocupação e têm dificuldades de entender o Hamas.
Gaza: Closed Zone
By Yoni Goodman - Israeli creator of "Waltz with Bashir"
about the effects of his country's Gaza Blockade on Palestinians
sobre os efeitos do bloqueio que seu país impõe à Faixa de Gaza desde 2006
Madri também respondeu presente na demanda de fim da ocupação da Palestina e fim do bloqueio da Faixa de Gaza.
Quem conhece a Faixa de Gaza entende perfeitamente o Hamas e os gazauís. Os que são capazes de empatia, também. Os demais, será que acreditam no novo discurso em favor de um cessar-fogo para "proteger as crianças", vítimas de quem?
"Na intransigência do Hamas"? Que defende seu povo em vez de engolir calado ser ocupado, vigiado constantemente, bombardeado de vez em quando, e bloqueado em um espaço exíguo, até com o acesso à pesca restrito.
Aí Obama é empurrado pela opinião pública a ligar para Netanyahu para que Israel aceite negociar cessar-fogo. Mas com o Fatah. E por intermédio de quem? Do ditador do Egito, o general Sissi inimigo número 1 do Hamas, em vez do Emir do Qatar.
Mas Netanyahu disse: Cessar-fogo, nem pensar! Embora Israel, com todo seu aparato militar sofisticado, já tenha perdido treze soldados. E vida de israelense é sagrada. A IDF é "obrigada" a matar as crianças palestinas "por causa" do Hamas, mas "mata por não ter como evitar". Como se desse para esconder que mata vendo muito bem onde o míssil vai parar e quem vai ser atingido na chegada.
Enquanto a IDF ataca Gaza por todos os lados, o presidente da Autoridade Nacional Palestina Mahmoud Abbas encontrou o presidente do Hamas Khaled Meshaal hoje no Qatar para convencê-lo a aceitar a proposta de Tony Blair/USA/Israel mediada pelo ditador egípcio general Sissi.
O Hamas, que foi e é tão diabolizado como terrorista apesar de ser um partido de resistência, tem obrigação com seus concidadãos. Pois se aceitar trégua proposta por Tony Blair sem perspectivas de mudança do status quo do bloqueio e da ocupação, a Faixa de Gaza vai continuar a maior prisão do planeta, as colônias judias na Cisjordânia vão continuar aumentando, o muro vai engolir mais terra palestina, e aí? A Palestina vai ser anexada ao grande Israel sionista e os palestinos vão ser submetidos ao apartheid como cidadãos de terceira classe, com suas cidades enclausuradas em muros cada vez mais altos?
Eu não conseguiria viver assim. E você, conseguiria? Quanto tempo? 47 anos?
Uri Avnery, ex-deputado no Knesset, jornalista e ativista de Direitos Humanos, explica bem o absurdo desta ideia no artigo que publiquei no fim deste blog.
A culpa não é do Hamas que resiste a Israel como a Inglaterra resistiu aos nazistas na Segunda Guerra.
A culpa é da potência estrangeira que quer subjugar os gazauís e a Palestina inteira pela força bruta, com a ajuda da maior potência bélica do mundo (os EUA) e com as armas mais sofisticadas que dinheiro pode fabricar, comprar, e usar em limpeza étnica.
Gaza Truce: Is Egypt an honest broker?
It may seem incredible, but some still believe that the war between hamas and Israel was triggered by the murder of the tree israeli settlers, in recent weeks. It is a myth. And the other is that Palestinian fighters alone are to blame for the ongoing military offensive in Gaza.
The current war is a logical consequence of the frustration over failed negotiations and anger over the crippling siege of the overcrowded Gaza strip, the continuous building of settlements, the uprooting of Palestinian trees, and confiscation of land and houses.
Israel fights simply because it can. Is stepped up its war against Hamas with a ground invasion and what happens next will depend on the readiness of Hamas, which has declined an Egypt-mediated truce that would have neither lifted the siege on Gaza nor given it political manoeuvrability to negotiate all Palestinian matters with the international community as an equal to Fatah.
Israel's offensive on Gaza happens at a time when international diplomacy is distracted by the escalation of conflicts in other areas (e.g. Ukraine and Iraq). Besides, a great deal has changed since the last war in 2012 when Cairo had a government sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Hamas has since lost that support and, like the Muslim Brotherhood, counts among Arab states more foes than friends.
Indeed, Israel knew it was an opportune time to strike.
Protestos em Melbourne, na Austrália, contra Israel
"In an unprecedented criticism of the Israeli siege of Gaza, a senior official in the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) humanitarian charity has described his organisation’s work among the 1.8 million besieged Palestinian refugees as akin to being “in an open-air prison to patch up prisoners in between their torture sessions.
"Everyone pays the price for living under siege and for their acts of resistance. Medical workers have been killed and health structures damaged. In such a densely populated environment, the claims of not targeting civilians in air raids are of little comfort. There are always limits to humanitarian action. Humanitarian organisations can treat the wounded. But we can’t open borders to end violence.”
The MSF official also notes that while confronting the “limits of humanitarianism” is a daily reality for MSF field workers, “it is made only more apparent by the duration of the suffering and the international political configuration that allows for the sick political statements and endless violence to continue.” Mr Whittall says that as “the open-air prison of Gaza braces for more air raids and a possible ground operation,” the limits of MSF’s work remain obvious, and he demands that Palestinians should be allowed “to move freely and to seek safety in times of violence, including into Egypt… Civilians and civilian infrastructure – including medical workers, health centres and ambulances – should never be targeted. Humanitarian aid and its workers should be given unhindered access at all times – not as a favour but as a legal responsibility.”
Whittall’s analysis will evoke much sympathy among other humanitarian organisations, and with EU officials who find that their assistance in the Palestinian occupied territories or Gaza is taken for granted – or even abused – by the Israelis. EU humanitarian projects, both in Gaza and the West Bank, have been destroyed by the Israeli army – with afterwards scarcely a breath of criticism from the EU itself, which has no connection with MSF."
Robert Fisk, The Independent, 17 July 2014
A título de lembrança, a Faixa de Gaza, como a Cisjordânia, é território ocupado oficialmente desde 1967. Todos os seus 360 km² (41 km de comprimento e de 6 a 12 de largura; o Distrito Federal, o menor estado do Brasil, tem 5.780 km²) são cercados de muros e cercas sofisticadas, no mar, navios israelenses que patrulham constantemente e no ar, drones armados circulam sem parar com um barulho típico (de propósito?) para manter a população em sobressalto, de se e quando vão atacar.
Portanto, segundo as convenções internacionais, o simples fato de um israelense tocar em um fio de cabelo de um palestino é considerado crime. Pois a lei internacional é clara: o ocupante tem de proteger o ocupado. Se não, é considerado criminoso pelas leis internacionais.
Em vez de pelo menos respeitar as leis que eles mesmos confeccionaram, após a Segunda Guerra Mundial que viu e destruiu o nazismo, para a proteção dos seres humanos, os governos dos países ocidentais estão fazendo vistas grossas às atrocidades que a IDF vem cometendo, quando não, apoiando cegamente.
Aí eu ouço as pessoas dizerem: os judeus têm dinheiro demais e impõem a lei que querem nos EUA, na França, Na Inglaterra, no Brasil, etc. Mas nem todos os judeus são sionistas, fascistas e querem ser cúmplices de atrocidades. Vide o Jon Stewart, em seu Daily Show nos Estados Unidos, ou Norman Finkesltein, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pape, etcétera.
Os Estados Unidos protegem Israel irracionalmente porque são totalmente dominados pelos sionistas e pelo discurso de que Israel os protege dos extremismos islamitas. Que precisam de Israel, sobretudo com o ISIL, ou Isis. O problema nos EUA é que a ignorância reina. Tanto nas ruas quanto na Casa Branca. Não porque o Presidente não tenha meios de informar-se através dos inúmeros espiões, e sim porque não querem encarar a verdade. Não querem encarar os fatos. Optam pela mentira porque querem adequar a ela sua ideia pre-concebida em vez de aderir à verdade.
Sei que parece difícil acreditar que o governo democrata de Barack Obama seja tão obtuso quanto o de George W. Bush, mas é. Porque a ideologia, no fundo, é a mesma. Os patrocinadores de ambos são os mesmos. Os lobbies aos quais obedecem só mudam de novem, às vezes de cara, mas os interesses são homogêneos.
Portanto, por que o presidente da França François Hollande proíbe passeatas contra a chacina? Por que Barack Obama insiste, com uma palidez cada vez mais intensa, no direito incondicional de Israel defender-se do povo que ele próprio oprime? E os jornais? E as televisões, que mostram imagens assetizadas, longe da realidade do terreno. As bombas caem, certo. Em quantidade imensa. E o que acontece embaixo delas? Isso, os lares destroçados, as famílias correndo, pais e irmãos carregando crianças mortas ou gravemente feridas nos braços, é deixado para a imaginação do espectador.
A NBC trocou seu repóter experiente por um novato porque ele mostrou a realidade em direto durante alguns segundos, atens do editor cortar. O New York Times puxou a orelha do fotógrafo que prestou depoimento para a Democracy Now do assassinato dos meninos na praia. Meninos que foram brincar na praia, naquele lugar, porque é justamente na frente do hotel em que os correspondentes internacionais estão hospedados e portanto, os pais achariam que fossem estar seguros.
Mas não. A arrogância do governo israelense é tão grande e sua certeza de proteção dos magnatas da mídia tão ferrenha e sua convicção de impunidade tão arraigada, devido à experiência das carnificinas passadas de cuja culpa foi totalmente isento, que a artilharia naval atirou nos meninos; os que sobreviveram correram, e eles miraram e atiraram de novo no grupinho. Na cara de todos os jornalistas. Incrível.
Nesta Operação Defensive Edge a imprensa também está em questão.
Jornalista não é diplomata. Jornalista não tem de agradar gregos ou troianos. Jornalista não tem de pensar em que patrão e em que empresas sionistas pagam seu salário. Jornalista não tem de esconder a cabeça na areia e nem ficar de papo pro ar enquanto a vida se esvai ao lado. Esta pessoa não é jornalista. É vassalo de uma ideologia criminosa e traidor de seus leitorres e telespectadores. É uma vergonha para a profissão.
Em Gaza, há poucos assim. Os antigos, não aguentam mais.
O problema maior são os editores que censuram a informação, a foto, a imagem, a fim de preservar Israel, por sabe-se lá que cargas d'água.
A vontade de todo mundo é de botar a boca no trombone e dizer ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! BASTA! Não aguentamos mais ver tamanha injustiça, tamanhas atrociades, tamanho descaso tamanha proteção de uma iedologia fascista de limpeza étnica que nossa geração pós-guerra tinha ouvido, Nunca mais!
GLENN GREENWALD: There are people inside NBC News, including some very recognizable and high-profile journalists, who were very angry that, first of all, when NBC News with Brian Williams reported on the killing of those four boys on the beach, instead of having their journalist who made this event known to the world and who witnessed it firsthand, Ayman, report on it, they instead had Richard Engel in Tel Aviv do the reporting, and Ayman never appeared at all on the Nightly News broadcast. But that, you can chalk up to sort of standard network news machinations about who’s a bigger star and who’s more senior and the like
GLENN GREENWALD: There are people inside NBC News, including some very recognizable and high-profile journalists, who were very angry that, first of all, when NBC News with Brian Williams reported on the killing of those four boys on the beach, instead of having their journalist who made this event known to the world and who witnessed it firsthand, Ayman, report on it, they instead had Richard Engel in Tel Aviv do the reporting, and Ayman never appeared at all on the Nightly News broadcast. But that, you can chalk up to sort of standard network news machinations about who’s a bigger star and who’s more senior and the like
For impartial TV information in the US / Para informação imparcial nos EUA acessar
Democracy Now:
Three women in Gaza speaking / Mensagem de três mulheres em Gaza
Do you wonder why there are many questions left unanswered regardin the Israeli escalation in Gaza?
Why the questions are so meek, the responses so murky, the phrases come in cliches and soundbites you've heard before?
Do you feel watching certain interviews is an assault on you intelligence?
Do you wonder why official Israeli spokespersons sound so calm, smiley and kind when their popular base sounds so angry, so aggressive and so racist?
How they are likely to say something like "Than you it's nice to be with you", even afater being grilled by a probing frustrated anchor?
Why, when asked about the expandiou of illegal settements, Israel spokespersons speak of the need for a peace settlement, and when asked about bombing civilians, they speak of a better future for all children, Israeli and Palestinian?
Wondr no more.
This is all part of a well-thought, well-orchestrated media strategy to mystify, mislead and even misrepresent the reality. And much of it can be found in The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary.
But this is not unique to Israel. Go.
It is not unique to Israel, the United States do the same.
Five years ago, US-based "The Israeli Project" asked a Zionista Republican pollster, Frank Luntz, to prepare a new updated media guide for "leaders who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel". The project builds on some of the best examples of Israeli leaders' own succes at mystification.
In order to devise a strategy that neutralises Israel's critics and promotes and improves its media standing.
It's a step-by-step guide that underlines "the words that work" and the "words that don"t work" when speaking to westerners. Like any marketing or PR campaign, much of the suggested code words, phrases and sound bites are based on polls and irrational fears and prejudice.
The guide advises the pro-Israel camps to "se rhetorical questions to gain permission from the audience for Israel's actions".
The guide advises the pro-Israel camps to use rhetorical questions to gain permission from the audience for Israel's actions".For ewample: "What should Israel do? Imagine, if thousands of rockets were fired into your community every day and every night? What would your country do? What would 'you' want them to do? Don't they have a duty to protect our citizens?"
And here comes the worst bit of deception:
"Americans recognise that rocket attacks are an impediment to peace; but they do not accept rockets as an excuse to abandon peace. It is utterly expected that Israeli spokespersons will talk about proportionalite and prevention of rocket ataacks. But if you take the unewpected approach of talking about another 'p' word - the most important 'p' word to the public - you gen,erate immense credibility". So here's the fice-step approach to talin about civilian casualties in Gaza:
1. Empathy: "All human life is precious. We understand that the loss of one innocent Palestinian life is every bit as tragic as the loss of an Israeli life."
2. Admission: "We admit that Israel isn't always succesful at preventing civilian casualties."
3.Effort: "We reamin committed to doing everything in our power to preventing civilian casualties."Ewamples: "Let me tell you how our armed forces are trained, tasked, and operate to ensure that Palestinian civilians reamin safe."
5: Turn tables: "It is tragedy that Iran-backed Hamas shoots rockets at our civilians while hiding in their own... This causes tragic deaths on both sides."
The guide concludes this chapter on the worts possible advice: "Israel should not give any more land for peace, because every time it does, it just gets more war."
And this last blow comes because of the chapter in the guide that recommend to speak as follows: "Israel made painful sacrifices and took a risk to give peace a chance. Theuy voluntarily removed ovez 9.000 settlers from Gaza and parts of the West Bank, abandoning homes, schools, businesses, and palces of worship in the hopes or renewing the peace process." "And despite making an overture for peace by withdraing from Gaza, Israel continues to face terrorist attacks, including rocket attacks and drive-by shootings of innocent Israelis. Israel kows that for a lasting peace, they must be free from terrorism and live with defensible borders."
Needles to say that much of the formulation is misleading.
First of all, Israel has no right to build colonies/settlements in the occupied territories.
Second, most of the illegal settlers ahd already moved out of the Gaza Strip because of mounting Palestinian resistance, pushing Israel to finally redeploy its military without any coordination with the Palestinian National Authority. The decision was motivated by the need to disengage demographically from 1.5 million impoverished Palestinians and was bases on cost-benefit analysis, not peace strategy. Which partially explains why Israel has being laying siege to Gaza and reckons it has the right to inervene militarily at will ever since.
To close this chapter bout "the Guide", it suggest that defenders and promoters of Israel's war and occupation need to use the king of languade that "may be hard for some of you to say, but every result of research confirms that an approach like this is the best way for an Israele spokesperson to truly be heard and therefore make a difference."
Does it sound familiar?
That is how they try to deceive us, through the media, the polititians, and on our presidents.
By the way, Noam Chomsky, John Pilger and Ken Loach are among 45,000 signatories who have signed an open letter to the BBC calling on its journalists to reflect the reality of Gaza’s occupation while reporting on Israel’s current assault.
"Dear BBC
Once again Gaza is under massive aerial bombardment from Israeli warplanes and drones, and, once again, the BBC’s reporting of these assaults is entirely devoid of context or background.
We would like to remind the BBC that Gaza is under Israeli occupation and siege.
We would like to remind you that Israel is bombing a refugee population – Palestinians who were made refugees when they were forced from their land in1948 in order to create Israel.
We would like to remind you that Gaza has no army, air force, or navy, while Israel possess one of the strongest militaries in the world.
When you portray Israel’s shelling of a civilian population as a ‘response’ or ‘retaliation’ to rocket strikes from Gaza, we would like to remind you that these events flow from the displacement of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people from their homes and communities, with millions now corralled as refugees in the Gaza Strip. That initial injustice was compounded and continues with the ongoing occupation and siege.
When you portray the occupier as the victim, and the occupied as the aggressor, we would like to remind you that resistance to occupation is a right under international law. And we would like you to remember that Israel’s occupation, siege and collective punishment of Gaza is not.
And, finally, we would like to remind BBC journalists, when interviewing Israel’s spokespeople over the coming days, to ask the one question they have all failed to ask: “If Israel ends its occupation of Palestinian land, and allows the people of Palestine to live in freedom from Israeli domination, would that bring peace?”
If you are in London, join the demonstration this Tuesday 22/07/2014, 5:30 pm - 7:00, for a march and rally. On Kensington High Street, W8 5NP
Protest: Stop the massacre in Gaza – Free Palestine: Opposite the Israeli Embassy in London
"Dear BBC
Once again Gaza is under massive aerial bombardment from Israeli warplanes and drones, and, once again, the BBC’s reporting of these assaults is entirely devoid of context or background.
We would like to remind the BBC that Gaza is under Israeli occupation and siege.
We would like to remind you that Israel is bombing a refugee population – Palestinians who were made refugees when they were forced from their land in1948 in order to create Israel.
We would like to remind you that Gaza has no army, air force, or navy, while Israel possess one of the strongest militaries in the world.
When you portray Israel’s shelling of a civilian population as a ‘response’ or ‘retaliation’ to rocket strikes from Gaza, we would like to remind you that these events flow from the displacement of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people from their homes and communities, with millions now corralled as refugees in the Gaza Strip. That initial injustice was compounded and continues with the ongoing occupation and siege.
When you portray the occupier as the victim, and the occupied as the aggressor, we would like to remind you that resistance to occupation is a right under international law. And we would like you to remember that Israel’s occupation, siege and collective punishment of Gaza is not.
And, finally, we would like to remind BBC journalists, when interviewing Israel’s spokespeople over the coming days, to ask the one question they have all failed to ask: “If Israel ends its occupation of Palestinian land, and allows the people of Palestine to live in freedom from Israeli domination, would that bring peace?”
If you are in London, join the demonstration this Tuesday 22/07/2014, 5:30 pm - 7:00, for a march and rally. On Kensington High Street, W8 5NP
Protest: Stop the massacre in Gaza – Free Palestine: Opposite the Israeli Embassy in London
"Oddly, however, no one reminds us that today’s carnage is an obscene replay – by both sides – of what has happened before, and indeed before that. The leftist Israeli historian Illan Pappe has recorded how on 28 December 2006, the Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem reported that 660 Palestinians had been killed in that year alone, most in Gaza, including 141 children; and that since 2000, Israeli forces had killed almost 4,000 Palestinians with 20,000 wounded. But scarcely has there been a single mention of all of this in a single report on the latest slaughter in the Gaza war.
Why? Why do we as readers – let alone us journalists – allow ourselves to participate in what I can only call a collective memory-wipe? Because we are lazy? Because we don’t care? Or because we fear that explanations for the recurring bloodletting in Israel might lead readers to search for deeper reasons and that Israel’s “friends” abroad might accuse us poor harmless journos of suggesting that Israel – let alone the corrupt Hamas – is engaged in a far more pitiless, infinitely more wicked and obscene war than our bland agency-style reportage suggests?"
Robert Fisk, The Independent
"Nowhere in the world except Israel is there a foreign minister who every single day undermines the status of his or her country in the family of nations.
We have a government. There is a prime minister, a defense minister, a public minister and a justica minister. There is public debate over how they do their jobs, the positions they take, their personalities. But the State of Israel, which is engaged in a war "at home", does not, simply does not, have a foreign minister."
"Much of the fuel for Hamas’ confidence comes from the Palestinian public in both the West Bank and Gaza, who see it standing up bravely for the national cause while Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas plays the diplomatic supplicant, writes Amira Hass. “In recent weeks it has become clear that Hamas has been able to present a challenge to Israel greater than any Israel has ever faced from a Palestinian organization – and in the opinion of the Palestinian public, for justifiable reasons. This has also impressed those who despise Hamas’ political-religious path as well as those who are not blinded by worship of the armed struggle.”
Both published in israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, 20/07/2014
A IDF bombardeia os palestinos na Faixa de Gaza e os ataca em Jerusalém,
nas imediações da Mesquita al-Aqsa (19/07/2014)
For example:
Winston Churchill was a scoundrel.[*]
For five years he kept the population of London under the unceasing fire of the German Luftwaffe. He used the inhabitants of London as a human shield in his crazy war. While the civilian population was exposed to the bombs and rockets, without the protection of an "iron dome", he was hiding in his bunker under 10 Downing Street.
He exploited all the inhabitants of London as hostages. When the German leaders made a generous peace proposal, he rejected it for crazy ideological reasons. Thus he condemned his people to unimaginable suffering.
From time to time he emerged from his underground hideout to have his picture taken in front of the ruins, and then he returned to the safety of his rat hole. But to the people of London he said: "Future generations will say that this was your finest hour!"
The German Luftwaffe had no alternative but to go on bombing the city. Its commanders announced that they were hitting only military targets, such as the homes of British soldiers, where military consultations were taking place.
The German Luftwaffe called on the inhabitants of London to leave the city, and many children were indeed evacuated. But most Londoners heeded the call of Churchill to remain, thus condemning themselves to the fate of "collateral damage".
The hopes of the German high command that the destruction of their homes and the killing of their families would induce the people of London to rise up, kick out Churchill and his war-mongering gang, came to naught.
The primitive Londoners, whose hatred of the Germans overcame their logic, perversely followed the coward Churchill's instructions. Their admiration for him grew from day to day, and by the end of the war he had become almost a god.
A statue of him stands even today in front of the Parliament in Westminster.
Four years later the wheel had turned. The British and American air forces bombed the German cities and destroyed them completely. A stone did not remain on a stone, glorious palaces were flattened, cultural treasures were obliterated. "Uninvolved civilians" were blown to smithereens, burned to death or just disappeared. Dresden, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was totally destroyed within a few hours in a "fire storm".
The official aim was to destroy the German war industry, but this was not achieved. The real aim was to terrorize the civilian population, in order to induce them to remove their leaders and capitulate.
That did not happen. Indeed, the only serious revolt against Hitler was carried out by senior army officers (and failed). The civilian population did not rise up. On the contrary. In one of his diatribes against the "terror pilots" Goebbels declared: "They can break our homes, but they cannot break our spirit!"
Germany did not capitulate until the very last moment. Millions of tons of bombs did not suffice. They only strengthened the morale of the population and its loyalty to the Führer.
And so to Gaza.
Everyone is asking: who is winning this round?...
... when a tiny fighting force in a tiny territory achieves a standoff with one of the mightiest armies in the world, it can be considered a victory.
The lack of an Israeli political aim is the outcome of muddled thinking. The Israeli leadership, both political and military, does not really know how to deal with Hamas.
It may already have been forgotten that Hamas is largely an Israeli creation. During the first years of the occupation, when any political activity in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was brutally suppressed, the only place where Palestinians could meet and organize was the mosque.
At the time, Fatah was considered Israel's arch-enemy. The Israeli leadership was demonizing Yasser Arafat, the arch-arch-terrorist. The Islamists, who hated Arafat, were considered the lesser evil, even secret allies.
I once asked the Shin-Bet chief at the time whether his organization had created Hamas. His answer: "We did not create them. We tolerated them."
This changed only one year after the start of the first intifada, when the Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin was arrested. Since then, of course, reality has been completed reversed: Fatah is now an ally of Israel, from the security point of view, and Hamas the arch-arch-terrorist.
But is it?
Some Israeli officers say that if Hamas did not exist, it would have to be invented. Hamas controls the Gaza strip. It can be held responsible for what happens there. It provides law and order. It is a reliable partner for a cease-fire.
The last Palestinian elections, held under international monitoring, ended in a Hamas victory both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When Hamas was denied power, it took it in the Gaza strip by force. By all reliable accounts, it enjoys the loyalty of the large majority in the territory.
All Israeli experts agree that if the Hamas regime in Gaza were to fall, far more extreme Islamic splinter groups would take over and plunge the Strip, with its 1.8 million inhabitants, into complete chaos. The military experts don't like that.
So the war aim, if one can dignify it as such, is not to destroy Hamas, but to leave it in power, though in a much weakened state.
But how, for God's sake, does one do that?
One way, demanded now by the ultra-right-wingers in the government, is to occupy all of the Gaza Strip.
To which the military leaders again answer with a question: And then what?
A new permanent occupation of the Strip is a military nightmare. It would mean that Israel assumes the responsibility for pacifying and feeding 1.8 million people (most of whom, by the way, are 1948 refugees from Israel and their descendants). A permanent guerrilla war would ensue. No one in Israel really wants that.
Occupy and then leave? Easily said. The occupation itself would be a bloody operation. If the "Molten Lead" doctrine is adopted, it would mean more than a thousand, perhaps several thousands of Palestinian dead. This (unwritten) doctrine says that if a hundred Palestinians must be killed in order to save the life of one Israeli soldier, so be it. But if Israeli casualties amount to even a few dozens of dead, the mood in the country will change completely. The army does not want to risk that.
For a moment on Tuesday it seemed as if a cease-fire had been achieved, much to the relief of Binyamin Netanyahu and his generals.
But it was an optical illusion. The mediator was the new Egyptian dictator, a person loathed by Islamists everywhere. He is a man who has killed and imprisoned many hundreds of Muslim Brothers. He is an open military ally of Israel. He is a client for American largesse. Moreover, since Hamas arose as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, General Abd-al-Fatah Al-Sisi hates them with all his heart, and does not hide it.
So, instead of negotiating with Hamas, he did something exceedingly stupid: dictate a cease-fire on Israeli terms without consulting Hamas at all. Hamas leaders learned about the proposed cease-fire from the media and rejected it out of hand.
My own opinion is that it would be better if the Israeli army and Hamas negotiated directly. Throughout military history, cease-fires have been arranged by military commanders. One side sends an officer with a white flag to the commander of the other side, and a cease-fire is arranged – or not. (An American general famously answered such a German offer with "Nuts!").
In the 1948 war, on my sector of the front, a short cease-fire was arranged by Major Yerucham Cohen and a young Egyptian officer called Gamal Abd-al-Nasser.
Since this seems to be impossible with the present parties, a really honest broker should be found.
In the meantime, Netanyahu was pushed by his colleagues/rivals to send the troops into the Strip, to try at least to locate and destroy the tunnels dug by Hamas under the border fence to stage surprise attacks on border settlements.
What will be the end of it? There will be no end, just round after round, unless a political solution is adopted.
This would mean: stop the rockets and the bombs, end the Israeli blockade, allow the people of Gaza to live a normal life, further Palestinian unity under a real unity government, conduct serious peace negotiations, MAKE PEACE".
Uri Avnery, 19/07/2014
NAMING THE DEAD on hundreds of Israeli strikes since Monday, July 7, until 7:00 GMT, July 23.
The 108 victims under 18 in yellow .
Nome dos mortos já identificados. Estatística apenas desta Operação Protective Edge, de segunda-feira dia 7 de julho às 07:00 GMT do dia 23.
Os 108 menores de 18 anos em amarelo.
Ashraf al-Qedra, a spokesman for the Gaza health ministry, is providing the list bellow with the Palestinians killed since the start of Israel's campaign on Monday, July 7.
Casualties on the Israeli side are also listed below, names provided by the IDF. Mortos israelenses também estão anotados.
It has been impossible to update de list bellow.
As mortes se sucedem tão depressa e o caos é tão grande que está difícil atualizar os nomes constantemente.
Mapa da Faixa de Gaza abaixo, em blogs anteriores sobre o mesmo assunto.
PALESTINIANS DEAD until July 22: over 607 (535 named bellow, 108 under 18 in yellow)
1. Mohammed Shaaban, 24, killed in Gaza.
2. Amjad Shaaban, 30, killed in Gaza.
3. Khader al-Bashiliki, 45, killed in Gaza.
4. Rashad Yassin, 27, killed in the Nusseirat refugee camp.
5. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, killed in Khan Younis.
6. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
7. Bakr Mohammed Judeh, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
8. Ammar Mohammed Judeh, 26, killed in Khan Younis.
9. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, killed in Khan Younis.
10. Mohammed Ibrahim kawareh, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
11. Mohammed Aahed Habib, 22, killed in Gaza.
12. Ahmed Moussa Habib, 16, killed in Gaza.
13. Saqr Ayesh al-Ajuli, 22, killed in Jabalia.
14. Ahmed Nael Mahdi, 16, killed in Gaza.
15. Basil Salem Kawareh, 10, killed in Khan Younis.
16. Hafez Mohammed Hamad, 30, Islamic Jihad commander, killed in Beit Hanoun.
17. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26 killed in Beit Hanoun.
18. Mahdi Mohammed Hamad, 46 killed in Beit Hanoun.
19. Fawziya Khalil Hamad, 62, killed in Beit Hanoun.
20. Dunya Mahdi Hamad, 16, killed in Beit Hanoun.
21. Suha Hamad, 25, killed in Beit Hanoun.
22. Suleiman Salman Abu Sowaween, 22, killed in Deir al-Balah.
23. Siraj Ayad Abdelal, 8, killed in Khan Younis.
24. Abdel Hadi Jumaa al-Sufi, 24.
25. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, killed in Beit Hanoun.
26. Nayfeh Farajallah, 80,
27. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweik, 60, killed in Beit Hanoun.
28. Khaled Abu Kweik, 31, killed in Beit Hanoun.
29. Mohammed Arif, 13, killed in Gaza.
30. Mohammed Malake, 18 months, killed in Gaza.
31. Hanaa Malake, 27, killed in Gaza.
32. Hatem Abu Salem, unreported age
33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimre, 22, killed in Gaza.
34. Sahar Hamdan al-Masri, 40, killed in Beit Hanoun.
35. Mohammed Ibrahim al-Masri, 14, killed in Beit Hanoun.
36. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, killed in al-Maghazi.
37. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra, 5, killed in al-Maghazi.
38. Aicha Najm, 20, killed in al-Maghazi.
39. Salah Awad al-Nawasra, 6, killed in al-Maghazi.
40. Mahmoud Nahed al-Nawasra, unreported age.
41. Amal Yousef Abdel Ghafour, 27, killed in Khan Younis.
42. Raneem Judeh Abdel Ghafour, 18 months, killed in Khan Younis.
43. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balaawi, 24, killed in Rafah.
44. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22, killed in Rafah.
45. Ibrahim Ahmed Abdeen, 42, killed in Rafah.
46. Mustafa Abu Murr, 20, killed in Rafah.
47. Khaled Abu Murr, 23, killed in Rafah.
48. Mazen Faraj al-Jarba, 30, killed in Deir al-Balah.
49. Marwan Isleem, 27, killed in Deir al-Balah.
50. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, killed in Beit Hanoun.
51. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, killed in Beit Hanoun.
52. Salima Hassan Maslam al-Arja, 60.
53. Mariam Atiah Mohammed Al-Arja, 11
54. Hamid Shihab, 37, journalist, killed in his car that had the letters "TV" affixed to it in large red stickers when it was struck by an Israeli missile
55. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan, 24
56. Mohammed Khalil Qanan, 26
57. Suleiman Al-Astal, 55
58. Hamdi Badie Sawali, 33
59. Mohammed al-Akkad, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
60. Ahmed Sawali, 28, killed in Khan Younis.
61. Raed Shalat, 37.
62. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, killed in Khan Younis.
63. Asmaa Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
64. Tarik Saad al-Hajj, 18, killed in Khan Younis.
65. Saad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, killed in Khan Younis.
66. Najlaa Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, killed in Khan Younis.
67. Fatima al-Hajj, 12, killed in Khan Younis.
68. Omar al-Hajj, 20, killed in Khan Younis.
69. Basima Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, killed in Khan Younis.
70. Ahmed Salim al-Astal, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
71. Moussa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
72. Raed al-Zawarea, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
73. Bahaa Abu al-Leil, 35, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
74.Salem Qandil, 27, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
75. Amer al-Fayyoumi, 30, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
76. Abdallah Ramadan Abu Ghazal, 5, killed in Beit Hanoun.
77. Islamel Hassan Abu Jamaa, 19, killed in Khan Younis.
78. Mohammed Ehsan Farwane, 18, killed in Khan Younis.
79. Mahmoud Talee Wallud, 26, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Jabalia.
80. Hazem Ibrahim Baaloushe, 30, Islamic Jihad member, killed in a civilian car in Jabalia.
81. Udai Rafik al-Sultan, 27, killed in Jabalia.
82. Hassan Awda Abu Jamaa, 75, killed in Khan Younis.
83. Yasmin Mohammed al-Mutwak, 4, killed in Beit Hanoun.
84. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan, 24, killed in Beit Hanoun.
85. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, killed in Jabalia.
86. Sami Andan Shaldan, 25, killed in Gaza.
87. Jumaa Atiah Shallouf, 25, killed in Rafah.
88. Bassam Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, killed in Deir al-Balah.
89. Abdellah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, killed in Deir al-Balah.
90. Anas Rizk Abu al-Qas, 33 killed in Gaza.
91. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, killed in Rafah.
92. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 26, killed in Rafah.
93. Ghalia Deeb Jaber Ghanem, 57, killed in Rafah.
94. Wissam Abdel Razek Hassan Ghannam, 31, killed in Rafah.
95. Mahmoud Razek Hassan Ghannam, 28, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Rafah.
96. Kifah Shahadeh Deeb Ghannam, 33, killed in Rafah.
97. Raed Hani Abu Hani, 31, killed in Rafah.
98. Shahraman Ismaeil Abu al-Qas, 42, killed in Al-Breij.
99. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, killed in Al-Breij.
100. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, killed in northern Gaza.
101. Shahd al-Qreinawi, 7, killed in Al-Breij.
102. Abdel Halim Abdel Moeti, 54.
103. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, killed in Gaza.
104. Saber Sukkar, 80, killed in Gaza.
105. Nasser Mohammed Sammame, 49, killed in Gaza.
106. Rami Abu Musaed, 23, killed in Deir al-Balah.
107. Mohammed al-Sumeiri, 24, killed in Deir al-Balah.
108. Husam Eddine al-Razayne, 39, killed in Jabalia.
109. Anas Youssef Qandil, 17, killed in Jabalia.
110. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, killed in Jabalia.
111. Youssef Mohammed Qandil, 33, killed in Jabalia.
112. Mohammed Idris Abu Sanena, 20, killed in Jabalia.
113. Hala Weshahi, 31, killed in the disabled centre in Jabalia.
114. Suha Abu Saada, 38, killed in the disabled centre in Jabalia.
115. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, killed in Gaza.
116. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, killed in Gaza.
117. Mohammed al-Suweiti, 20, killed in Gaza.
118. Ibrahim Nabil Hamade, 30, killed in Gaza.
119. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, killed in Gaza.
120. Ahmed Mazen al-Balawi, 26, killed in Gaza.
121. Rateb Sobhi Youssuf al-Saifi, 22, killed in Al-Zaitoun.
122. Azmi Mahmoud Taha Obeid, 51, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
123. Nidal Mohammed Ibrahim Abu al-Malsh, 22, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
124. Suleiman Saeed Younis Obeid, 56, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
125. Ghassan Ahmed al-Masri, 25, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
126. Mustafa Mohammed Taha Anabe, 58, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
127. Rifaat Yousef Amer, 36, killed in Gaza.
128. Mohamed Idriss Abo Sowaylim, 20, killed in Jabalia.
129. Fadi Yaqoub Sukar, 25, killed in Gaza.
130. Qassim Jabr Adwan Ouda, 16, killed Khan Younis.
131. Mohammad Ahmed Bassal, 19, killed in Gaza.
132. Muhannad Yousuf Daheir, 23, killed in Rafah.
133. Mahmoud Abdallah Sharahta al-Shammal, 53.
134. Shadi Mohammed Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
135. Imad Bassam Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
136. Nahed Naeem al-Batesh, 41, killed in Gaza.
137. Bahaa Majed al-Batesh, 28, killed in Gaza.
138. Qusai Issam al-Batesh, 12, killed in Gaza.
139. Aziza Yousuf al-Batesh, 59, killed in Gaza.
140. Mohammed Issam al-Batesh, 17, killed in Gaza.
141. Ahmed Naaman al-Batesh, 27, killed in Gaza.
142. Yahia Alaa al-Batesh, 18, killed in Gaza.
143. Jalal Majed al-Batesh, 26, killed in Gaza.
144. Mahmoud Majed al-Batesh, 22, killed in Gaza.
145. Marwa Majed al-Batesh, 25, killed in Gaza.
146. Majid Sobhi al-Batesh, unkown age, killed in Gaza.
147. Khaled Majed al-Batesh, 20, killed in Gaza.
148. Ibrahim Majed al-Batesh, 18, killed in Gaza.
149. Manar Majed al-Batesh, 13, killed in Gaza.
150. Amal Hassan al-Batesh, 49, killed in Gaza.
151. Anas Alaa al-Batesh, 10, killed in Gaza.
152. Qusai Alaa al-Batesh, unknown age, killed in Gaza.
153. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, killed in Deir al-Balah.
154. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, killed in Nuseirat.
155. Mohammed Ghazi Arif, 35, killed in Gaza.
156. Ghazi Mustafa Arif, 62, killed in Gaza.
157. Ahmed Yousef Dalloul, 47, killed in Gaza.
158. Hijazia Hamed al-Hilou, 80, killed in Gaza.
159. Muayed al-Aaraj, 3, killed in Khan Younis.
160. Fawziya Abdelal, 73, killed in Gaza.
161. Haitham Ashraf Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
162. Laila Hassan al-Awdat al-Maghazi, 41.
163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14.
164. Ruwaida Abu Harb, 30.
165. Izzedine Bulbul, 25, killed in Gaza.
166. Hussein Abdel Qader Muheisen, 19, killed in Gaza.
167. Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23, killed in Beit Hanoun.
168. Maher Thabet Abu Mur, 24, killed in East Rafah.
169. Mohammed Salem Abu Breis, 65, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
170. Saddam Mousa Moammar, 23, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
171. Moussa Shahda Moammar, 60, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
172. Hanadi Hamdi Moammar, 27, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
173. Adham Mohammed Abdel-Fatah Abdelal, 25, killed in Gaza.
174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj, 60, killed in Deir al-Balah.
175. Abdallah Mahmoud Baraka, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
176. Tamer Salam Qudeih, 37, killed in Khan Younis.
177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, killed in Khan Younis.
178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, killed in Rafah.
179. Mohammed Yassir Hamdan, 24, killed in Gaza.
180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
181. Mohammed Younis. Abu Youssef, 25, killed in Khan Younis.
182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, killed in Rafah.
183. Omar Ahmed Sheikh al-Eid, 24, killed in Rafah.
184. Jihad Ahmed Sheikh al-Eid, 48, killed in Rafah.
185. Kamal Atef Yousuf Abu Taha, 16, killed in Khan Younis.
186. Ismael Nabil Ahmed Abu Hatab, 21, killed in Khan Younis.
187. Ahmed Younis. Abu Youssef, 28, killed in Khan Younis.
188. Bushra Khalil Zaareb, 53, killed in East Rafah.
189. Atwa Umeir al-Ammour, 58, killed in east Khan Younis.
190. Ismael Salim al-Najjar, 46, killed in Khan Younis.
191. Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, killed in Khan Younis.
192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Mousa, 77, killed in Khan Younis.
194. Ismael Fattouh, 24, killed in Gaza.
195. Saleh Saeed Dahleez, 20, killed in Rafah.
196. Yassir Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, killed in Rafah.
197. Khalil al-Ashafi, 66, killed in Hajar al-Deek.
198. Mohammed Abdallah al-Rahuk, 23, killed in Rafah.
199. Mohammed Ismael Abu Ouda, 27, killed in Rafah.
200. Mohammed Sabri al-Debari, 20, killed in Rafah.
201. Abdallah Mohammed Abdallah al-Arjani, 19, killed in Khan Younis.
202. Ahmed Adil Ahmed al-Nawajha, 23, killed in Rafah.
203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, killed in Khan Younis.
204. Farid Mahmoud Abu Daqqa, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shana, 33, killed in Rafah.
206. Khodra Salameh Abu Dakka, 24, killed in Khan Younis
207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Dakka, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
208. Ibrahim Ramadan, 10, killed in Khan Younis.
209. Ahed Bakr, 9, Gaza beach
210. Zakaria Bakr, 9, Gaza beach
211. Mohammed Bakr, 11, Gaza beach
212. Ismail Bakr, 11, Gaza beach
213. Abdel Rahman Khalil al-Sarhi, 37, killed in Gaza
214. Hamza Raed Thari, 6, killed Jabalia
215. Akram Mohamed Abo Amer, 34, Killed in Khan Younis
216. Kamal Mohamed Mohamed Abo Amer, 38, killed in Khan Younis.
217. Hussein Abdel Latif Al Astal, 23, killed in Kahn Younis.
218. Roqayyah Al Astal, 70, killed in Khan Younis.
219, Yasmin Al Astal, 4, killed in Khan Younis.
220. Osama Mahmoud Al Astal, 6, killed in Khan Younis.
221. Hussam Jamal Shamloukh, 23, killed in Sheikh Ajleen in Gaza.
222. Mohamed Kamel Abdel Rahman, 30, killed in Gaza.
222. Mohamed Kamel Abdul-Rahman, 30, Gaza.
223. Mohamed Mahmoud al-Qadim, 22, Deir al-Balah.
224. Zainab Mohamed Saeed al-Abadla, 71, Khan Younis.
225. Mohamed Abdul-Rahman Hasouna, 67, Rafah.
226. Ahmed Raihan, 23, Beit Lahya.
227. Saleh Salem Fayyad, 25, Deir al-Balah.
228. Abdullah Salem al-Akhras, 25, Rafah.
229. Bashir Mohamed Abdul-Aal, 20, Rafah.
230. Mohammed Ziad Ghanem, 25, Rafah.
231. Mohamed Ahmed al-Hut, 41,Rafah.
232. Ismaeil Youssef El Kafarneh, age unknown, Beit Hanoun.
233. Fullah Tarek Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
234. Jehad Essam Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
235. Wassim Essam Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
236. Hamza Hossam Al Abadleh, 29, killed in Khan Younis.
237. Rahaf Khalil Al Jabbour, 4, killed in Khan Younis.
238. Abed Ali Ntaiz, 26, Gaza
239. Mohamed Salem Ntaiz, 4, Gaza
240. Mohamed Shadi Ntaiz , 15, Gaza
241. Salah Saleh El-Shafei, 24, Khan Younis
242. Majdi Suleiman Salama Jbara, 22, Rafah
243. Fares Jumaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months, Rafah
244. Nasim Mahmoud Naser. 22, Beit Hanoun
245. Karam Mahmoud Naseer, 20, Beit Hanoun
246. Omar Eid Awad al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
247. Salima Suleiman Ghayadh, 70, Rafah
248. Rani Saqr Abu Tawila, 30, Gaza
249. Hammad Abdul-Karim Hammad Abu Lihya, 23, Khan Younis
250. Mohamed Abdul Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, Khan Younis
251. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyaz, 25, Khan Younis
252. Basem Mohammed Mahmoud Madhi, 22, Rafah
253. Amal Khader Ibrahim Dabour, 40, Beit Hanoun
254. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, Beit Hanoun
255. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23 years, Khan Younis
256. Munther Radwan, 22, Khan Younis
257. Ahmed Fawzi Radwan, 23, Khan Younis
258. Mahmoud Fawzi Radwan, 24, Khan Younis
259. Hani Asad Abdul-Karim al-Shami, 35, Khan Younis
260. Mohamed Hamdan Abdul-Karim al-Shami, 35, Khan Younis
261. Mahmoud Fawzi Redouane (24) killed in Khan Younis
262. Hani Assaad Abdelkarim Al-Shami (35) killed in Khan Younis
263. Mohammed Hamdan Abdelkarim al-Shami (35) killed in Khan Younis
264. Hossam Muslim Abu Eissa (26)
265. Ahmed Abdallah Bahnassaoui (25)
266. Saleh Zgheidi (20) killed in Rafah
267. Alaa Abu Shabat (23) killed in Rafah
268. Ahmed Saled al-Ghalban (23) killed in Khan Younis
269. Hamada Abdallah Mohammed Al Bashti (21)
270. Abdallah Jamal Smeiri (17) Killed in Khan Younis
271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish (40)
272. Walaa Al Qarra (20) Killed in Khan Younis
273. Raafat Mohammed Al Bahloul (35) killed in Khan Younis
274. Mohammed Awad Matar (37) killed in Gaza
275. Hamza Mohamed Abu Hsain (27) killed in Rafah
276. Youssef Hassan Ibrahim Al-Asstal (23) killed in Gaza
277. Emad Hamed Elwan (7) killed in Gaza
278. Qassem Hamed Elwan (4) killed in Gaza
279. Sara Mohammed Al Bustan (13) killed in Gaza
280. Rizk Ahmed Al Hayek (2) killed in Gaza
281. Naim Moussa Abou Jarad (23)
282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad (30)
283. Seham Moussa Abu Jarad (26)
284. Rajaa Alyan Abu Jarad
285. A child from the same family
286. Mustafa Faisal Abu Sneina (32)
287.Ammar Faisal Abu Sneina (18)
288. Nizar Fayez Abu Sneina (38)
289. Ismail Ramadan Salmy Alllawlahi (21)
290. Ghassan Salem Mussa Abu Azeb (28) killed in Khan Younis
291. Haniyeh Abderrhman Abu Jarad (2)
292. Mussa Abderrahman Abu Jarad (6 months)
293. Ahlam Mussa Abu Jarad (4)
294. Mohammed Talal Al Sanee, 20, killed in Rafah
295. Unnamed.
296. Amjad Salem Shaeth, 15, in Moraj
297. Ayad Ismael AlRaqab, 26, in Bani Sila in Khan Younis
298. Yehia Bassam Mohammed AlSarri, 20, in Khan Younis
299. Mohammed Bassam AlSarri, 17, in Khan Younis
300. Mahmoud Reda Salhiya, 56, in Khan Younis
301. Mostafa Reda Salhiya, 21, in Khan Younis
302. Mohammed Mostafa Reda Salhiya, 22, in Khan Younis
303. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasr, 13, in Khan Younis
304. Wasm Reda Salhiya 15, in Khan Younis
305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hasan Aziz, 34, Abraj Al-Nada in north Gaza
306. Saeed Ali Issa, 30, in Hajar Al-Deek
307. Raed Walid Laqqan, 27, in Khan Younis
308. Mohamed Jihad al-Kara (29) Khan Younis
309. Rochdi Khaked Nasr (24) Khan Younis
310. Raed Walid Laqqan (27) Khan Younis
311. Raafat Ali Bahloul (36) Khan Younis
312. Bilal Ismaeel Abu Daqqa (33) Khan Younis
313. Mohamed Ismaeel Samour (21) Khan Younis
314. Ismaeel Ramadan al-Loulhi (21) Khan Younis
315. Mohamed Ziad al-Rahl (6) Beit Lahia
316. Mohamed Abu Zaanouna (36) Gaza
317. Mohamed Rafiq al-Rahl (22) Beit Lahia
318. Fadhl Mohamed al-Banna (29) Jbalya
319. Mohamed Atallah Awda Saadat (25) Beit Hanoun
320. Mohamed Abel Rahman Abu Hamad (25) Beit Lahia
321. Maali Abu Zeid al-Wasta (24) location unknown
322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zouaydi (23) Beit Lahia
323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zouaydi (37) Beit Lahia
324. Rouya Mahmoud al-Zouaydi (6) Beit Lahia
325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zouaydi (2) Beit Lahia
326. Ahmed Hamouda (10) Beit Lahia
327. Omar hamouda (7) Beit Lahia
328. Mohamed Rezq Mohamed Hamouda (18) Beit Lahia
329. Mohamed Khaled Jamil al-Zouaydi (20) Beit Lahia
330. Mohamed Ahmed al-Saaedi (18)
331. Tarek al-Hattou (26)
332. Mahmoud al-Sherif (24)
333. Abdel Rahman Barrack (23)
334. Mahmoud Anwar abu-shabab 16 killed in rafah.
335. Moemin Tayseer Al Abd Abudan 24, killed in Al-Wustah
336. Abdalaziz Sameer abu-zaatar, 31, killed in Al-Wustah
337. Mohamed Ziyad Zaboot, 24, killed in Gaza
338. Hatim Ziyad Zaboot, 22, killed in Gaza
339. Ahmed Maheer Mohamed Abu-Thuraya, 25, killed in Al-Wustah
340. Abdullah Ghazy Abdullah Al-masry, 30, killed in Al-Wustah
341. Ayman Hashim Al-naoqi, 25, killed in Al-Wustah
342. Akram Mahmoud Al-Mutawaq, 37, killed in jabaliah
343. Salim Ali Abu Al-saada, unknown age, killed in khan younis
344. Husni Mahmoud Alabasi, 56, killed in rafah
345. Mohamed Mahmoud mamar, 30, killed in rafah
346. Hamzah Mahmoud mamar, 21, killed in rafah
347. Anas Mahmoud mamar, 17, killed in Rafah
348. Mohamed Ali Jundiya, 38, killed in Gaza
349. Mohamed Ali moharib, 38, killed in Al- Shujayea Area
350. Fahmi Abdalaziz Abu-saeed, 29, from the central province
351. Ahmed Tawqeeq Zanoon, 26, killed in Rafah
352. Suhaib Ali Juma Abu-qurat, 21, killed in Rafah
353.Asama Khalil Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
354. Khalil Asama Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
355. Amamat asama Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
356. Hala Saqir Abu-heen, unidentified, unidentified
357. Hameed Sabah Mohamed Abu-fojo, 22, unidentified
358. Tawfeeq Marshood, 52, Killed in Gaza
359. Hiba Hamid Alsheikh Khalil, 14, Killed in Gaza
360. Tawfeeq Albarawi Marshood, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
361. Ahmed Esehaq Al-Ramalaweey, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
362. Hiba Hamid Alsheikh Khalil, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area(Name is Repeated, but different area)
363. Marwa Sulaiman AlSarsaweia, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
364. Raeid Mansoor Nayfa, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
365. Asama Rabhi Eid, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
366. Ahid Moosa Alsarsaq, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
367. Al-Masaf Fooad Jabir, Unidentified, Palestinian medic killed in Al-Shujayea area
368. Khalid Hamid, Unidentified, Palestinian journalist killed in Al-Shujayea area
369. Unidentified body, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
370. Unidentified body, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
372. Kanan Akram Al Halaq, 5, killed in El-Ramal
373. Hany Mohamed Al Halaq, 29, killed in El-Ramal
374. Souad Mohamed Al Halaq, 62, killed in El-Ramal
375. Saji Al Halaq, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
376. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
377. Ahmed Yassen, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
378. Unidentified body
379. Rayan Tayseer Abo Jamea, 8, killed in Khan Younis
380. Fatma Mahmoud Abo Jamea, age unreported but elderly, killed in east Khan Younis
381. Manwa Abdelbasset Ahmed Al Sabea, 37, killed in Beit Hanoun
382. Osama Khalil Ismeal Al Hayya, 30
383. Osama Rabahi Shata Ayyad, 31
384. Ibrahim Aref Ibrahim al Ghallayeeni, 26
385. Israa Yasser Atiya Hamdeeya, 28
386. Akram Mohammed Ali Alsakafi, 63
387. Eman Khalil Abd Ammar, 9
388. Eman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamada, 40
389. Ahmed Izhaq Yousif al Ramlawi, 33
390. Ahmed Sami Diab Ayyad, 27
391. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanoona, 28
392. Omama Osama Khalil al Hayaa, 9
393. Tala Akram Ahmed al Atoowi, 7
394. Tawfiq Brawi Salem Marshood, 52
395. Hatem Ziyad Ali al Zaboot, 24
396. Mohammed Riyad Mohammed Hamed, 25
397. Khadijah Ali Mousa Shehada, 62
398. Khalil Osama Khalil al Hayya, 7
399. Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbih, 53
400. Deema Adel Abdullah Asleem, 2
401. Dina Rushdi Omar Hammada, 15
402. Rahaf Akram Ismeal Abu Juma, 4
403. Saji Hassan Akram al Hallaq, 4
404. Samya Hamed Mohammed Alshiekh Khalil, 3
405. Soad Mohammed AbdulRazaq al Hallaq, 62
406. Samer Osama Khalil al Hallaq, 29
407. Shadi Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 15
408. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18
409. Adel Abdullah Salem Isleem, 39
410. Assem Khalil Abd Ammar, 4
411. Ahed Saad Mousa al Sirsik, 30
412. Aisha Ali Mahmood Ziyad, 54
413. Abdul Rahman Akram Mohammed al Sekafi, 22
414. AbdulRahman AbdulRazq AbdulRahman Alshaikh Khalil, 24
415. Abdullah Mansour Radhwan Ammarah, 23
416. Abed Rabouh Ahmed Mohammed Ziyad, 58
417. Assem Atiah Saeed al Sekafi, 26
418. Alaa Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 11
419. Alaa jamal Aldeen Mohammed Bardaa, 35
420. Ali Mohammed Hassan al Sekafi, 27
421. Omar Jameel Soubhi Hamoodeh, 10
422. Ghada Soubhi Saedi Ayyad, 9
423. Ghada Ibrahim Sulieman Adwan, 39
424. Fadi Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 10
425. Fatima AbdulRahim AbdulKadir Abu Amooneh, 55
426. Fidaa Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24
427. Fahmi AbdulAziz Saad Abu Saeed, 29
428. Kanan Hassan Akram al Hallaq, 6
429. Maysa AbdulRahman Saeed al Sarsaw, 37
430. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6
431. Sakafi al Mohammed Hassan Mohammed Al Sakafi, 53
432. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2
433. Mohammed Raed Ihsan Akeela, 19
434. Mohammed Ziyad Ali al Zaaboot 23
435. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mouhareb Jundiya, 38
436. Mohammed Hani Mohammed al Hallaq, 2
437. Marah Shaker Ahmed al Jama, 11
438. Marwan Mounir Saleh Kunfouth, 23
439. Marwan Salman Ahmed Al Sarsaw, 13
440. Mousaab alKhair Saleh Aldeen Saeed Al Sekaf, 27
441. Mona Suleiman Ahmed Alshiekh Khalil, 49
442. Mona AbdulRahman Mahmood Ayyad, 24
443. Narmeen Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20
444. Hala Akram Hassan al Hallaq, 27
445. Hala Soubhi Saeedi Ayyad, 25
446. Hala Saqer Hassan al Hayya, 29
447. Hani Mohammed Ahmed al Hallaq, 29
448. Hiba Hamed Mohammed Alshiekh Khalil, 13
449. Yousif Ahmed Younis Mostafa, 62
450. Yousif Salem Hamtou Habib, 62
451. Unidentified
452. Joudat Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 24
453. Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 5
454. Haifaa Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 9
455. Yasmine Ahmed Salama Abou Jamaa, 25
456. Suhaila Bassam Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 35
457. Shaheenaz Waleed Mohammed Abou Jamaa, 1
458. Unidentified (female)
459. Husam Husam Abou Qanees, 5
460. Unidentified (child)
461. Younis Ahmed Mousa Shaikh al-Eid, 23, Rafah
462. Abdullah Tarad Abou Hajeer 16, Al Nusriyat
463. Zakariah Masoud alAshkar, 24 Al Zaytoun
464. Kamal Talal Hassam Almasri, 22, Bait Hanoun
465. Raed Issam Dawood, 30, AlZaytoun
466. Mahmoud Hassan Nakhla
467. Kamal Masoud, 21, Al Zaytoun
468. Saleh Badaoui, 31 Al Zaytoun
469. Majdi Mahmoud Alyazaji, 56
470. Mohammed Sameeh, Al Ghalban
471. Karam Ibrahim Atiya, 25, east Khan Younis
472. Nidal Ali Abou Diqa 26, east Khan Younis
473. Nidal Jumaa Abou Assi 43, east Khan Younis
474. Mayar Alyazaji 2, Al Karamah
475. Unidentified, 5, Al Karamah
476. Mohammed Mahmoud AlMaghrabi, 24, Khan Younis
477. Yasmine Nayef Alyazaji, Al Karamah
478. Wajdi Alyazaji, Al Karamah
479. Safinaz Alyazaji, Al Karamah
480. Mahran Kamel Joundiya, 32, east Gaza
481. Tamer Nayef Joundiya, 30, Al Shujayea
482. Rahma Ahmed Joundiya 50, Al Shujayea
483. Ibrahim Shubaan Bakroon 37, Al Shaaf
484. Yousif Gazi Hamadiya 25, Al Shujayea
485. Moataz Jamal Hamadiya 18, Al Shujayea
486. Aed Jamal Hamadiya, 21, Al Shujayea
487. Aya Yassir Alqasas
488. Aisha Yassir alqasas, Al Qasas residence
489. Nasma Eyad Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
490. Lamiaa Eyad Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
491. Atiya Yousif Dardooneh 26, Jabaliya
492. Fatima Ahmed Alaraja, Rafah
493. Esraa Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
494. Yasmine Alqasa, Al Qasas residence
495. Arwa Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
496. Alia Siyam, Al Qasas residence
497. Faiza Saber Siyam, Al Qasas residence
498. Sumaya Siyam, Al Qasas residence
499. Fadi Azmi Briyem, Al Sharqiya
500. Othman Salem Bryiem, Al Sharqiya
501. AbulMajeed Briyem, Al Sharqiya
502. Jehad Mahmoud Al Maghrabi 22, Khan Younis
503. Fadi Basheer Alabadela 22, Khan Younis
504. Ibrahim Dieb Ahmed Alkilani 53, Burj Alsalam
505. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas 37, Burj Alsalam
506. Yassir Ibrahim dieb Alkilani, 8, Burj Alsalam
507. Elias Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 4, Burj Alsalam
508. Tagreed Shaaban Mohammed Alkilani, 45, Burj Alsalam
509. Sawsan Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 11, Burj Alsalam
510. Reem Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani ,12, Burj Alsalam
511. Ayda Shabaan Mohammed Derbas,47, Burj Alsalam
512. Sura Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas, 41, Burj Alsalam
513. Yaseen Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 9, Burj Alsalam
514. Yenas Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas, 30, Burj Alsalam
515. Wael Jamal Harb, 32
516. Hassan Khodir Baker, 60, east Gaza
517. Mahmoud Suleiman Abou Sabha, 55, Khan Younis
518. Abdullah Ismeal Albahysi, 27, Dier Albalah
519. Mosaab Saleh Salameh,19 , Khan Younis
520. Mohammed Nasser Haroun 38, Al Nasriyat
521. Naji Jamal Alfajam 26, Khan Younis
522. Ibtihal Ibrahim AlRamahi, Dier Albalah
523. Yousif Ibrahim AlRamahi,Deir Albalah
524. Eman Ibrahim AlRamahi, Dier Albalah
525. Salwa Abou Muneefi, Dier Albalah
526. Samira Abou Muneefi, Dier Albalah
527. Haitham Samir AlAga, 26, Khan Younis
528. Waleed Sulieman Abou Thaher, 21, Khan Younis
529. Yasmine Ahmed Abou Amoor, 25, Rafah
530. Sameh Zaheer Alsuwafeeri, 29
531. Mohammed Mousa Abou Fayyad, 36
532. Fatima Hassan Azzam, 70, Al Zaytoun
533. Mariam Hassan Azzam 50, Al Zaytoun
534. Suha Naeem Al Kharwat 25, north Gaza
535. Mona Rami Al Kharwat 4, north Gaza
ISRAELI DEAD until July 23: 31 (19 named bellow)
1. Dror Khenin, 37, killed near Erez crossing, checkpoint to enter Gaza Strip.
2. Eitan Barak, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
3. Unnamed civilian, Bedouin community near Dimona
4. Bar Rahav, 21, soldier killed inside Gaza
5. Bnaya Rubel. 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
6. Adar Barsano, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
7. Amotz Greenberg, 45, soldier killed inside Gaza
8. Moshe Melako, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
9. Tzafri Bar-Or, 32, soldier killed inside Gaza
10. Tzvi Kaplan, 28, soldier killed inside Gaza
11. Gilad Yaakovi, 21, soldier killed inside Gaza
12. Oz Mandelovitz, 21, inside Gaza
13. Nissim Sean Karmeli, 21, inside Gaza
14. Max Steinberg, Californian soldier killed inside Gazza
15. Sean Carmeli, Texan soldier killed inside Gaza
16. Dolev Keidar, 38, soldier killed in Israeli territory by resistants who infiltrated Israel from Gaza through a tunnel that emerged near Kibbutz Nir-Am
17. Nadav Golmacher, 23, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
18. Baynesain Kasahun, 39, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
19. Yuval Heiman, 21, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
A maior hecatombe da IDF desde a chamada "Segunda Guerra do Líbano" em 2006. Onde o Hizbollah venceu Israel graças a sua rede de túneis. (Blog de 18/05/14)
"WHAT’S COMING NEXT, by Norman Finkelstein.
Winston Churchill was a scoundrel.[*]
For five years he kept the population of London under the unceasing fire of the German Luftwaffe. He used the inhabitants of London as a human shield in his crazy war. While the civilian population was exposed to the bombs and rockets, without the protection of an "iron dome", he was hiding in his bunker under 10 Downing Street.
He exploited all the inhabitants of London as hostages. When the German leaders made a generous peace proposal, he rejected it for crazy ideological reasons. Thus he condemned his people to unimaginable suffering.
From time to time he emerged from his underground hideout to have his picture taken in front of the ruins, and then he returned to the safety of his rat hole. But to the people of London he said: "Future generations will say that this was your finest hour!"
The German Luftwaffe had no alternative but to go on bombing the city. Its commanders announced that they were hitting only military targets, such as the homes of British soldiers, where military consultations were taking place.
The German Luftwaffe called on the inhabitants of London to leave the city, and many children were indeed evacuated. But most Londoners heeded the call of Churchill to remain, thus condemning themselves to the fate of "collateral damage".
The hopes of the German high command that the destruction of their homes and the killing of their families would induce the people of London to rise up, kick out Churchill and his war-mongering gang, came to naught.
The primitive Londoners, whose hatred of the Germans overcame their logic, perversely followed the coward Churchill's instructions. Their admiration for him grew from day to day, and by the end of the war he had become almost a god.
A statue of him stands even today in front of the Parliament in Westminster.
Four years later the wheel had turned. The British and American air forces bombed the German cities and destroyed them completely. A stone did not remain on a stone, glorious palaces were flattened, cultural treasures were obliterated. "Uninvolved civilians" were blown to smithereens, burned to death or just disappeared. Dresden, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was totally destroyed within a few hours in a "fire storm".
The official aim was to destroy the German war industry, but this was not achieved. The real aim was to terrorize the civilian population, in order to induce them to remove their leaders and capitulate.
That did not happen. Indeed, the only serious revolt against Hitler was carried out by senior army officers (and failed). The civilian population did not rise up. On the contrary. In one of his diatribes against the "terror pilots" Goebbels declared: "They can break our homes, but they cannot break our spirit!"
Germany did not capitulate until the very last moment. Millions of tons of bombs did not suffice. They only strengthened the morale of the population and its loyalty to the Führer.
And so to Gaza.
Everyone is asking: who is winning this round?...
... when a tiny fighting force in a tiny territory achieves a standoff with one of the mightiest armies in the world, it can be considered a victory.
The lack of an Israeli political aim is the outcome of muddled thinking. The Israeli leadership, both political and military, does not really know how to deal with Hamas.
It may already have been forgotten that Hamas is largely an Israeli creation. During the first years of the occupation, when any political activity in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip was brutally suppressed, the only place where Palestinians could meet and organize was the mosque.
At the time, Fatah was considered Israel's arch-enemy. The Israeli leadership was demonizing Yasser Arafat, the arch-arch-terrorist. The Islamists, who hated Arafat, were considered the lesser evil, even secret allies.
I once asked the Shin-Bet chief at the time whether his organization had created Hamas. His answer: "We did not create them. We tolerated them."
This changed only one year after the start of the first intifada, when the Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin was arrested. Since then, of course, reality has been completed reversed: Fatah is now an ally of Israel, from the security point of view, and Hamas the arch-arch-terrorist.
But is it?
Some Israeli officers say that if Hamas did not exist, it would have to be invented. Hamas controls the Gaza strip. It can be held responsible for what happens there. It provides law and order. It is a reliable partner for a cease-fire.
The last Palestinian elections, held under international monitoring, ended in a Hamas victory both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When Hamas was denied power, it took it in the Gaza strip by force. By all reliable accounts, it enjoys the loyalty of the large majority in the territory.
All Israeli experts agree that if the Hamas regime in Gaza were to fall, far more extreme Islamic splinter groups would take over and plunge the Strip, with its 1.8 million inhabitants, into complete chaos. The military experts don't like that.
So the war aim, if one can dignify it as such, is not to destroy Hamas, but to leave it in power, though in a much weakened state.
But how, for God's sake, does one do that?
One way, demanded now by the ultra-right-wingers in the government, is to occupy all of the Gaza Strip.
To which the military leaders again answer with a question: And then what?
A new permanent occupation of the Strip is a military nightmare. It would mean that Israel assumes the responsibility for pacifying and feeding 1.8 million people (most of whom, by the way, are 1948 refugees from Israel and their descendants). A permanent guerrilla war would ensue. No one in Israel really wants that.
Occupy and then leave? Easily said. The occupation itself would be a bloody operation. If the "Molten Lead" doctrine is adopted, it would mean more than a thousand, perhaps several thousands of Palestinian dead. This (unwritten) doctrine says that if a hundred Palestinians must be killed in order to save the life of one Israeli soldier, so be it. But if Israeli casualties amount to even a few dozens of dead, the mood in the country will change completely. The army does not want to risk that.
For a moment on Tuesday it seemed as if a cease-fire had been achieved, much to the relief of Binyamin Netanyahu and his generals.
But it was an optical illusion. The mediator was the new Egyptian dictator, a person loathed by Islamists everywhere. He is a man who has killed and imprisoned many hundreds of Muslim Brothers. He is an open military ally of Israel. He is a client for American largesse. Moreover, since Hamas arose as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, General Abd-al-Fatah Al-Sisi hates them with all his heart, and does not hide it.
So, instead of negotiating with Hamas, he did something exceedingly stupid: dictate a cease-fire on Israeli terms without consulting Hamas at all. Hamas leaders learned about the proposed cease-fire from the media and rejected it out of hand.
My own opinion is that it would be better if the Israeli army and Hamas negotiated directly. Throughout military history, cease-fires have been arranged by military commanders. One side sends an officer with a white flag to the commander of the other side, and a cease-fire is arranged – or not. (An American general famously answered such a German offer with "Nuts!").
In the 1948 war, on my sector of the front, a short cease-fire was arranged by Major Yerucham Cohen and a young Egyptian officer called Gamal Abd-al-Nasser.
Since this seems to be impossible with the present parties, a really honest broker should be found.
In the meantime, Netanyahu was pushed by his colleagues/rivals to send the troops into the Strip, to try at least to locate and destroy the tunnels dug by Hamas under the border fence to stage surprise attacks on border settlements.
What will be the end of it? There will be no end, just round after round, unless a political solution is adopted.
This would mean: stop the rockets and the bombs, end the Israeli blockade, allow the people of Gaza to live a normal life, further Palestinian unity under a real unity government, conduct serious peace negotiations, MAKE PEACE".
Uri Avnery, 19/07/2014
Norman Finkelstein on Why and Who in Gaza (before the invasion)
sous titré en français
sous titré en français
NAMING THE DEAD on hundreds of Israeli strikes since Monday, July 7, until 7:00 GMT, July 23.
The 108 victims under 18 in yellow .
Nome dos mortos já identificados. Estatística apenas desta Operação Protective Edge, de segunda-feira dia 7 de julho às 07:00 GMT do dia 23.
Os 108 menores de 18 anos em amarelo.
Ashraf al-Qedra, a spokesman for the Gaza health ministry, is providing the list bellow with the Palestinians killed since the start of Israel's campaign on Monday, July 7.
Casualties on the Israeli side are also listed below, names provided by the IDF. Mortos israelenses também estão anotados.
It has been impossible to update de list bellow.
As mortes se sucedem tão depressa e o caos é tão grande que está difícil atualizar os nomes constantemente.
Mapa da Faixa de Gaza abaixo, em blogs anteriores sobre o mesmo assunto.
PALESTINIANS DEAD until July 22: over 607 (535 named bellow, 108 under 18 in yellow)
1. Mohammed Shaaban, 24, killed in Gaza.
2. Amjad Shaaban, 30, killed in Gaza.
3. Khader al-Bashiliki, 45, killed in Gaza.
4. Rashad Yassin, 27, killed in the Nusseirat refugee camp.
5. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, killed in Khan Younis.
6. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
7. Bakr Mohammed Judeh, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
8. Ammar Mohammed Judeh, 26, killed in Khan Younis.
9. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, killed in Khan Younis.
10. Mohammed Ibrahim kawareh, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
11. Mohammed Aahed Habib, 22, killed in Gaza.
12. Ahmed Moussa Habib, 16, killed in Gaza.
13. Saqr Ayesh al-Ajuli, 22, killed in Jabalia.
14. Ahmed Nael Mahdi, 16, killed in Gaza.
15. Basil Salem Kawareh, 10, killed in Khan Younis.
16. Hafez Mohammed Hamad, 30, Islamic Jihad commander, killed in Beit Hanoun.
17. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26 killed in Beit Hanoun.
18. Mahdi Mohammed Hamad, 46 killed in Beit Hanoun.
19. Fawziya Khalil Hamad, 62, killed in Beit Hanoun.
20. Dunya Mahdi Hamad, 16, killed in Beit Hanoun.
21. Suha Hamad, 25, killed in Beit Hanoun.
22. Suleiman Salman Abu Sowaween, 22, killed in Deir al-Balah.
23. Siraj Ayad Abdelal, 8, killed in Khan Younis.
24. Abdel Hadi Jumaa al-Sufi, 24.
25. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, killed in Beit Hanoun.
26. Nayfeh Farajallah, 80,
27. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweik, 60, killed in Beit Hanoun.
28. Khaled Abu Kweik, 31, killed in Beit Hanoun.
29. Mohammed Arif, 13, killed in Gaza.
30. Mohammed Malake, 18 months, killed in Gaza.
31. Hanaa Malake, 27, killed in Gaza.
32. Hatem Abu Salem, unreported age
33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimre, 22, killed in Gaza.
34. Sahar Hamdan al-Masri, 40, killed in Beit Hanoun.
35. Mohammed Ibrahim al-Masri, 14, killed in Beit Hanoun.
36. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, killed in al-Maghazi.
37. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra, 5, killed in al-Maghazi.
38. Aicha Najm, 20, killed in al-Maghazi.
39. Salah Awad al-Nawasra, 6, killed in al-Maghazi.
40. Mahmoud Nahed al-Nawasra, unreported age.
41. Amal Yousef Abdel Ghafour, 27, killed in Khan Younis.
42. Raneem Judeh Abdel Ghafour, 18 months, killed in Khan Younis.
43. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balaawi, 24, killed in Rafah.
44. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22, killed in Rafah.
45. Ibrahim Ahmed Abdeen, 42, killed in Rafah.
46. Mustafa Abu Murr, 20, killed in Rafah.
47. Khaled Abu Murr, 23, killed in Rafah.
48. Mazen Faraj al-Jarba, 30, killed in Deir al-Balah.
49. Marwan Isleem, 27, killed in Deir al-Balah.
50. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, killed in Beit Hanoun.
51. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, killed in Beit Hanoun.
52. Salima Hassan Maslam al-Arja, 60.

54. Hamid Shihab, 37, journalist, killed in his car that had the letters "TV" affixed to it in large red stickers when it was struck by an Israeli missile
55. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan, 24
56. Mohammed Khalil Qanan, 26
57. Suleiman Al-Astal, 55
58. Hamdi Badie Sawali, 33
59. Mohammed al-Akkad, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
60. Ahmed Sawali, 28, killed in Khan Younis.
61. Raed Shalat, 37.
62. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, killed in Khan Younis.
63. Asmaa Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
64. Tarik Saad al-Hajj, 18, killed in Khan Younis.
65. Saad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, killed in Khan Younis.
66. Najlaa Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, killed in Khan Younis.
67. Fatima al-Hajj, 12, killed in Khan Younis.
68. Omar al-Hajj, 20, killed in Khan Younis.
69. Basima Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, killed in Khan Younis.
70. Ahmed Salim al-Astal, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
71. Moussa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, killed in Khan Younis.
72. Raed al-Zawarea, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
73. Bahaa Abu al-Leil, 35, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
74.Salem Qandil, 27, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
75. Amer al-Fayyoumi, 30, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Gaza.
76. Abdallah Ramadan Abu Ghazal, 5, killed in Beit Hanoun.
77. Islamel Hassan Abu Jamaa, 19, killed in Khan Younis.
78. Mohammed Ehsan Farwane, 18, killed in Khan Younis.
79. Mahmoud Talee Wallud, 26, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Jabalia.
80. Hazem Ibrahim Baaloushe, 30, Islamic Jihad member, killed in a civilian car in Jabalia.
81. Udai Rafik al-Sultan, 27, killed in Jabalia.
82. Hassan Awda Abu Jamaa, 75, killed in Khan Younis.
83. Yasmin Mohammed al-Mutwak, 4, killed in Beit Hanoun.
84. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan, 24, killed in Beit Hanoun.
85. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, killed in Jabalia.
86. Sami Andan Shaldan, 25, killed in Gaza.
87. Jumaa Atiah Shallouf, 25, killed in Rafah.
88. Bassam Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, killed in Deir al-Balah.
89. Abdellah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, killed in Deir al-Balah.
90. Anas Rizk Abu al-Qas, 33 killed in Gaza.
91. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, killed in Rafah.
92. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 26, killed in Rafah.
93. Ghalia Deeb Jaber Ghanem, 57, killed in Rafah.
94. Wissam Abdel Razek Hassan Ghannam, 31, killed in Rafah.
95. Mahmoud Razek Hassan Ghannam, 28, Islamic Jihad member, killed in Rafah.
96. Kifah Shahadeh Deeb Ghannam, 33, killed in Rafah.
97. Raed Hani Abu Hani, 31, killed in Rafah.
98. Shahraman Ismaeil Abu al-Qas, 42, killed in Al-Breij.
99. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, killed in Al-Breij.
100. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, killed in northern Gaza.
101. Shahd al-Qreinawi, 7, killed in Al-Breij.
102. Abdel Halim Abdel Moeti, 54.
103. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, killed in Gaza.
104. Saber Sukkar, 80, killed in Gaza.
105. Nasser Mohammed Sammame, 49, killed in Gaza.
106. Rami Abu Musaed, 23, killed in Deir al-Balah.
107. Mohammed al-Sumeiri, 24, killed in Deir al-Balah.
108. Husam Eddine al-Razayne, 39, killed in Jabalia.
109. Anas Youssef Qandil, 17, killed in Jabalia.
110. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, killed in Jabalia.
111. Youssef Mohammed Qandil, 33, killed in Jabalia.
112. Mohammed Idris Abu Sanena, 20, killed in Jabalia.
113. Hala Weshahi, 31, killed in the disabled centre in Jabalia.
114. Suha Abu Saada, 38, killed in the disabled centre in Jabalia.
115. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, killed in Gaza.
116. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, killed in Gaza.
117. Mohammed al-Suweiti, 20, killed in Gaza.
118. Ibrahim Nabil Hamade, 30, killed in Gaza.
119. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, killed in Gaza.
120. Ahmed Mazen al-Balawi, 26, killed in Gaza.
121. Rateb Sobhi Youssuf al-Saifi, 22, killed in Al-Zaitoun.
122. Azmi Mahmoud Taha Obeid, 51, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
123. Nidal Mohammed Ibrahim Abu al-Malsh, 22, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
124. Suleiman Saeed Younis Obeid, 56, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
125. Ghassan Ahmed al-Masri, 25, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
126. Mustafa Mohammed Taha Anabe, 58, killed in shelling on Radwan street.
127. Rifaat Yousef Amer, 36, killed in Gaza.
128. Mohamed Idriss Abo Sowaylim, 20, killed in Jabalia.
129. Fadi Yaqoub Sukar, 25, killed in Gaza.
130. Qassim Jabr Adwan Ouda, 16, killed Khan Younis.
131. Mohammad Ahmed Bassal, 19, killed in Gaza.
132. Muhannad Yousuf Daheir, 23, killed in Rafah.
133. Mahmoud Abdallah Sharahta al-Shammal, 53.
134. Shadi Mohammed Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
135. Imad Bassam Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
136. Nahed Naeem al-Batesh, 41, killed in Gaza.
137. Bahaa Majed al-Batesh, 28, killed in Gaza.
138. Qusai Issam al-Batesh, 12, killed in Gaza.
139. Aziza Yousuf al-Batesh, 59, killed in Gaza.
140. Mohammed Issam al-Batesh, 17, killed in Gaza.
141. Ahmed Naaman al-Batesh, 27, killed in Gaza.
142. Yahia Alaa al-Batesh, 18, killed in Gaza.
143. Jalal Majed al-Batesh, 26, killed in Gaza.
144. Mahmoud Majed al-Batesh, 22, killed in Gaza.
145. Marwa Majed al-Batesh, 25, killed in Gaza.
146. Majid Sobhi al-Batesh, unkown age, killed in Gaza.
147. Khaled Majed al-Batesh, 20, killed in Gaza.
148. Ibrahim Majed al-Batesh, 18, killed in Gaza.
149. Manar Majed al-Batesh, 13, killed in Gaza.
150. Amal Hassan al-Batesh, 49, killed in Gaza.
151. Anas Alaa al-Batesh, 10, killed in Gaza.
152. Qusai Alaa al-Batesh, unknown age, killed in Gaza.
153. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, killed in Deir al-Balah.
154. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, killed in Nuseirat.
155. Mohammed Ghazi Arif, 35, killed in Gaza.
156. Ghazi Mustafa Arif, 62, killed in Gaza.
157. Ahmed Yousef Dalloul, 47, killed in Gaza.
158. Hijazia Hamed al-Hilou, 80, killed in Gaza.
159. Muayed al-Aaraj, 3, killed in Khan Younis.
160. Fawziya Abdelal, 73, killed in Gaza.
161. Haitham Ashraf Zaareb, 21, killed in Rafah.
162. Laila Hassan al-Awdat al-Maghazi, 41.
163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14.
164. Ruwaida Abu Harb, 30.
165. Izzedine Bulbul, 25, killed in Gaza.
166. Hussein Abdel Qader Muheisen, 19, killed in Gaza.
167. Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23, killed in Beit Hanoun.
168. Maher Thabet Abu Mur, 24, killed in East Rafah.
169. Mohammed Salem Abu Breis, 65, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
170. Saddam Mousa Moammar, 23, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
171. Moussa Shahda Moammar, 60, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
172. Hanadi Hamdi Moammar, 27, killed in east Deir al-Balah.
173. Adham Mohammed Abdel-Fatah Abdelal, 25, killed in Gaza.
174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj, 60, killed in Deir al-Balah.
175. Abdallah Mahmoud Baraka, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
176. Tamer Salam Qudeih, 37, killed in Khan Younis.
177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, killed in Khan Younis.
178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, killed in Rafah.
179. Mohammed Yassir Hamdan, 24, killed in Gaza.
180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, killed in Khan Younis.
181. Mohammed Younis. Abu Youssef, 25, killed in Khan Younis.
182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, killed in Rafah.
183. Omar Ahmed Sheikh al-Eid, 24, killed in Rafah.
184. Jihad Ahmed Sheikh al-Eid, 48, killed in Rafah.
185. Kamal Atef Yousuf Abu Taha, 16, killed in Khan Younis.
186. Ismael Nabil Ahmed Abu Hatab, 21, killed in Khan Younis.
187. Ahmed Younis. Abu Youssef, 28, killed in Khan Younis.
188. Bushra Khalil Zaareb, 53, killed in East Rafah.
189. Atwa Umeir al-Ammour, 58, killed in east Khan Younis.
190. Ismael Salim al-Najjar, 46, killed in Khan Younis.
191. Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, killed in Khan Younis.
192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Mousa, 77, killed in Khan Younis.
194. Ismael Fattouh, 24, killed in Gaza.
195. Saleh Saeed Dahleez, 20, killed in Rafah.
196. Yassir Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, killed in Rafah.
197. Khalil al-Ashafi, 66, killed in Hajar al-Deek.
198. Mohammed Abdallah al-Rahuk, 23, killed in Rafah.
199. Mohammed Ismael Abu Ouda, 27, killed in Rafah.
200. Mohammed Sabri al-Debari, 20, killed in Rafah.
201. Abdallah Mohammed Abdallah al-Arjani, 19, killed in Khan Younis.
202. Ahmed Adil Ahmed al-Nawajha, 23, killed in Rafah.
203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, killed in Khan Younis.
204. Farid Mahmoud Abu Daqqa, 33, killed in Khan Younis.
205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shana, 33, killed in Rafah.
206. Khodra Salameh Abu Dakka, 24, killed in Khan Younis
207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Dakka, 24, killed in Khan Younis.
208. Ibrahim Ramadan, 10, killed in Khan Younis.
209. Ahed Bakr, 9, Gaza beach
210. Zakaria Bakr, 9, Gaza beach
211. Mohammed Bakr, 11, Gaza beach
212. Ismail Bakr, 11, Gaza beach
214. Hamza Raed Thari, 6, killed Jabalia
215. Akram Mohamed Abo Amer, 34, Killed in Khan Younis
216. Kamal Mohamed Mohamed Abo Amer, 38, killed in Khan Younis.
217. Hussein Abdel Latif Al Astal, 23, killed in Kahn Younis.
218. Roqayyah Al Astal, 70, killed in Khan Younis.
219, Yasmin Al Astal, 4, killed in Khan Younis.
220. Osama Mahmoud Al Astal, 6, killed in Khan Younis.
221. Hussam Jamal Shamloukh, 23, killed in Sheikh Ajleen in Gaza.
222. Mohamed Kamel Abdel Rahman, 30, killed in Gaza.
222. Mohamed Kamel Abdul-Rahman, 30, Gaza.
223. Mohamed Mahmoud al-Qadim, 22, Deir al-Balah.
224. Zainab Mohamed Saeed al-Abadla, 71, Khan Younis.
225. Mohamed Abdul-Rahman Hasouna, 67, Rafah.
226. Ahmed Raihan, 23, Beit Lahya.
227. Saleh Salem Fayyad, 25, Deir al-Balah.
228. Abdullah Salem al-Akhras, 25, Rafah.
229. Bashir Mohamed Abdul-Aal, 20, Rafah.
230. Mohammed Ziad Ghanem, 25, Rafah.
231. Mohamed Ahmed al-Hut, 41,Rafah.
232. Ismaeil Youssef El Kafarneh, age unknown, Beit Hanoun.
233. Fullah Tarek Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
234. Jehad Essam Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
235. Wassim Essam Shehebar, age unknown, location unknown.
236. Hamza Hossam Al Abadleh, 29, killed in Khan Younis.
237. Rahaf Khalil Al Jabbour, 4, killed in Khan Younis.
238. Abed Ali Ntaiz, 26, Gaza
239. Mohamed Salem Ntaiz, 4, Gaza
240. Mohamed Shadi Ntaiz , 15, Gaza
241. Salah Saleh El-Shafei, 24, Khan Younis
242. Majdi Suleiman Salama Jbara, 22, Rafah
243. Fares Jumaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months, Rafah
244. Nasim Mahmoud Naser. 22, Beit Hanoun
245. Karam Mahmoud Naseer, 20, Beit Hanoun
246. Omar Eid Awad al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah
247. Salima Suleiman Ghayadh, 70, Rafah
248. Rani Saqr Abu Tawila, 30, Gaza
249. Hammad Abdul-Karim Hammad Abu Lihya, 23, Khan Younis
250. Mohamed Abdul Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, Khan Younis
251. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyaz, 25, Khan Younis
252. Basem Mohammed Mahmoud Madhi, 22, Rafah
253. Amal Khader Ibrahim Dabour, 40, Beit Hanoun
254. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, Beit Hanoun
255. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23 years, Khan Younis
256. Munther Radwan, 22, Khan Younis
257. Ahmed Fawzi Radwan, 23, Khan Younis
258. Mahmoud Fawzi Radwan, 24, Khan Younis
259. Hani Asad Abdul-Karim al-Shami, 35, Khan Younis
260. Mohamed Hamdan Abdul-Karim al-Shami, 35, Khan Younis
261. Mahmoud Fawzi Redouane (24) killed in Khan Younis
262. Hani Assaad Abdelkarim Al-Shami (35) killed in Khan Younis
263. Mohammed Hamdan Abdelkarim al-Shami (35) killed in Khan Younis
264. Hossam Muslim Abu Eissa (26)
265. Ahmed Abdallah Bahnassaoui (25)
266. Saleh Zgheidi (20) killed in Rafah
267. Alaa Abu Shabat (23) killed in Rafah
268. Ahmed Saled al-Ghalban (23) killed in Khan Younis
269. Hamada Abdallah Mohammed Al Bashti (21)
270. Abdallah Jamal Smeiri (17) Killed in Khan Younis
271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish (40)
272. Walaa Al Qarra (20) Killed in Khan Younis
273. Raafat Mohammed Al Bahloul (35) killed in Khan Younis
274. Mohammed Awad Matar (37) killed in Gaza
275. Hamza Mohamed Abu Hsain (27) killed in Rafah
276. Youssef Hassan Ibrahim Al-Asstal (23) killed in Gaza
277. Emad Hamed Elwan (7) killed in Gaza
278. Qassem Hamed Elwan (4) killed in Gaza
279. Sara Mohammed Al Bustan (13) killed in Gaza
280. Rizk Ahmed Al Hayek (2) killed in Gaza
281. Naim Moussa Abou Jarad (23)
282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad (30)
283. Seham Moussa Abu Jarad (26)
284. Rajaa Alyan Abu Jarad
285. A child from the same family
286. Mustafa Faisal Abu Sneina (32)
287.Ammar Faisal Abu Sneina (18)
288. Nizar Fayez Abu Sneina (38)
289. Ismail Ramadan Salmy Alllawlahi (21)
290. Ghassan Salem Mussa Abu Azeb (28) killed in Khan Younis
291. Haniyeh Abderrhman Abu Jarad (2)
292. Mussa Abderrahman Abu Jarad (6 months)
293. Ahlam Mussa Abu Jarad (4)
294. Mohammed Talal Al Sanee, 20, killed in Rafah
295. Unnamed.
296. Amjad Salem Shaeth, 15, in Moraj
297. Ayad Ismael AlRaqab, 26, in Bani Sila in Khan Younis
298. Yehia Bassam Mohammed AlSarri, 20, in Khan Younis
299. Mohammed Bassam AlSarri, 17, in Khan Younis
300. Mahmoud Reda Salhiya, 56, in Khan Younis
301. Mostafa Reda Salhiya, 21, in Khan Younis
302. Mohammed Mostafa Reda Salhiya, 22, in Khan Younis
303. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasr, 13, in Khan Younis
304. Wasm Reda Salhiya 15, in Khan Younis
305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hasan Aziz, 34, Abraj Al-Nada in north Gaza
306. Saeed Ali Issa, 30, in Hajar Al-Deek
307. Raed Walid Laqqan, 27, in Khan Younis
308. Mohamed Jihad al-Kara (29) Khan Younis
309. Rochdi Khaked Nasr (24) Khan Younis
310. Raed Walid Laqqan (27) Khan Younis
311. Raafat Ali Bahloul (36) Khan Younis
312. Bilal Ismaeel Abu Daqqa (33) Khan Younis
313. Mohamed Ismaeel Samour (21) Khan Younis
314. Ismaeel Ramadan al-Loulhi (21) Khan Younis
315. Mohamed Ziad al-Rahl (6) Beit Lahia
316. Mohamed Abu Zaanouna (36) Gaza
317. Mohamed Rafiq al-Rahl (22) Beit Lahia
318. Fadhl Mohamed al-Banna (29) Jbalya
319. Mohamed Atallah Awda Saadat (25) Beit Hanoun
320. Mohamed Abel Rahman Abu Hamad (25) Beit Lahia
321. Maali Abu Zeid al-Wasta (24) location unknown
322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zouaydi (23) Beit Lahia
323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zouaydi (37) Beit Lahia
324. Rouya Mahmoud al-Zouaydi (6) Beit Lahia
325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zouaydi (2) Beit Lahia
326. Ahmed Hamouda (10) Beit Lahia
327. Omar hamouda (7) Beit Lahia
328. Mohamed Rezq Mohamed Hamouda (18) Beit Lahia
329. Mohamed Khaled Jamil al-Zouaydi (20) Beit Lahia
330. Mohamed Ahmed al-Saaedi (18)
331. Tarek al-Hattou (26)
332. Mahmoud al-Sherif (24)
333. Abdel Rahman Barrack (23)
334. Mahmoud Anwar abu-shabab 16 killed in rafah.
335. Moemin Tayseer Al Abd Abudan 24, killed in Al-Wustah
336. Abdalaziz Sameer abu-zaatar, 31, killed in Al-Wustah
337. Mohamed Ziyad Zaboot, 24, killed in Gaza
338. Hatim Ziyad Zaboot, 22, killed in Gaza
339. Ahmed Maheer Mohamed Abu-Thuraya, 25, killed in Al-Wustah
340. Abdullah Ghazy Abdullah Al-masry, 30, killed in Al-Wustah
341. Ayman Hashim Al-naoqi, 25, killed in Al-Wustah
342. Akram Mahmoud Al-Mutawaq, 37, killed in jabaliah
343. Salim Ali Abu Al-saada, unknown age, killed in khan younis
344. Husni Mahmoud Alabasi, 56, killed in rafah
345. Mohamed Mahmoud mamar, 30, killed in rafah
346. Hamzah Mahmoud mamar, 21, killed in rafah
347. Anas Mahmoud mamar, 17, killed in Rafah
348. Mohamed Ali Jundiya, 38, killed in Gaza
349. Mohamed Ali moharib, 38, killed in Al- Shujayea Area
350. Fahmi Abdalaziz Abu-saeed, 29, from the central province
351. Ahmed Tawqeeq Zanoon, 26, killed in Rafah
352. Suhaib Ali Juma Abu-qurat, 21, killed in Rafah
353.Asama Khalil Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
354. Khalil Asama Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
355. Amamat asama Alhay, unidentified, unidentified
356. Hala Saqir Abu-heen, unidentified, unidentified
357. Hameed Sabah Mohamed Abu-fojo, 22, unidentified
358. Tawfeeq Marshood, 52, Killed in Gaza
359. Hiba Hamid Alsheikh Khalil, 14, Killed in Gaza
360. Tawfeeq Albarawi Marshood, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
361. Ahmed Esehaq Al-Ramalaweey, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
362. Hiba Hamid Alsheikh Khalil, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area(Name is Repeated, but different area)
363. Marwa Sulaiman AlSarsaweia, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
364. Raeid Mansoor Nayfa, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
365. Asama Rabhi Eid, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
366. Ahid Moosa Alsarsaq, Unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
367. Al-Masaf Fooad Jabir, Unidentified, Palestinian medic killed in Al-Shujayea area
368. Khalid Hamid, Unidentified, Palestinian journalist killed in Al-Shujayea area
369. Unidentified body, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
370. Unidentified body, unidentified, killed in Al-Shujayea area
372. Kanan Akram Al Halaq, 5, killed in El-Ramal
373. Hany Mohamed Al Halaq, 29, killed in El-Ramal
374. Souad Mohamed Al Halaq, 62, killed in El-Ramal
375. Saji Al Halaq, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
376. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
377. Ahmed Yassen, age still unreported, killed in El-Ramal
378. Unidentified body
379. Rayan Tayseer Abo Jamea, 8, killed in Khan Younis
380. Fatma Mahmoud Abo Jamea, age unreported but elderly, killed in east Khan Younis
381. Manwa Abdelbasset Ahmed Al Sabea, 37, killed in Beit Hanoun
382. Osama Khalil Ismeal Al Hayya, 30
383. Osama Rabahi Shata Ayyad, 31
384. Ibrahim Aref Ibrahim al Ghallayeeni, 26
385. Israa Yasser Atiya Hamdeeya, 28
386. Akram Mohammed Ali Alsakafi, 63
387. Eman Khalil Abd Ammar, 9
388. Eman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamada, 40
389. Ahmed Izhaq Yousif al Ramlawi, 33
390. Ahmed Sami Diab Ayyad, 27
391. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanoona, 28
392. Omama Osama Khalil al Hayaa, 9
393. Tala Akram Ahmed al Atoowi, 7
394. Tawfiq Brawi Salem Marshood, 52
395. Hatem Ziyad Ali al Zaboot, 24
396. Mohammed Riyad Mohammed Hamed, 25
397. Khadijah Ali Mousa Shehada, 62
398. Khalil Osama Khalil al Hayya, 7
399. Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbih, 53
400. Deema Adel Abdullah Asleem, 2
401. Dina Rushdi Omar Hammada, 15
402. Rahaf Akram Ismeal Abu Juma, 4
403. Saji Hassan Akram al Hallaq, 4
404. Samya Hamed Mohammed Alshiekh Khalil, 3
405. Soad Mohammed AbdulRazaq al Hallaq, 62
406. Samer Osama Khalil al Hallaq, 29
407. Shadi Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 15
408. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18
409. Adel Abdullah Salem Isleem, 39
410. Assem Khalil Abd Ammar, 4
411. Ahed Saad Mousa al Sirsik, 30
412. Aisha Ali Mahmood Ziyad, 54
413. Abdul Rahman Akram Mohammed al Sekafi, 22
414. AbdulRahman AbdulRazq AbdulRahman Alshaikh Khalil, 24
415. Abdullah Mansour Radhwan Ammarah, 23
416. Abed Rabouh Ahmed Mohammed Ziyad, 58
417. Assem Atiah Saeed al Sekafi, 26
418. Alaa Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 11
419. Alaa jamal Aldeen Mohammed Bardaa, 35
420. Ali Mohammed Hassan al Sekafi, 27
421. Omar Jameel Soubhi Hamoodeh, 10
422. Ghada Soubhi Saedi Ayyad, 9
423. Ghada Ibrahim Sulieman Adwan, 39
424. Fadi Ziyad Hassan Isleem, 10
425. Fatima AbdulRahim AbdulKadir Abu Amooneh, 55
426. Fidaa Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24
427. Fahmi AbdulAziz Saad Abu Saeed, 29
428. Kanan Hassan Akram al Hallaq, 6
429. Maysa AbdulRahman Saeed al Sarsaw, 37
430. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6
431. Sakafi al Mohammed Hassan Mohammed Al Sakafi, 53
432. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2
433. Mohammed Raed Ihsan Akeela, 19
434. Mohammed Ziyad Ali al Zaaboot 23
435. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Mouhareb Jundiya, 38
436. Mohammed Hani Mohammed al Hallaq, 2
437. Marah Shaker Ahmed al Jama, 11
438. Marwan Mounir Saleh Kunfouth, 23
439. Marwan Salman Ahmed Al Sarsaw, 13
440. Mousaab alKhair Saleh Aldeen Saeed Al Sekaf, 27
441. Mona Suleiman Ahmed Alshiekh Khalil, 49
442. Mona AbdulRahman Mahmood Ayyad, 24
443. Narmeen Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20
444. Hala Akram Hassan al Hallaq, 27
445. Hala Soubhi Saeedi Ayyad, 25
446. Hala Saqer Hassan al Hayya, 29
447. Hani Mohammed Ahmed al Hallaq, 29
448. Hiba Hamed Mohammed Alshiekh Khalil, 13
449. Yousif Ahmed Younis Mostafa, 62
450. Yousif Salem Hamtou Habib, 62
451. Unidentified
452. Joudat Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 24
453. Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 5
454. Haifaa Tawfiq Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 9
455. Yasmine Ahmed Salama Abou Jamaa, 25
456. Suhaila Bassam Ahmed Abou Jamaa, 35
457. Shaheenaz Waleed Mohammed Abou Jamaa, 1
458. Unidentified (female)
459. Husam Husam Abou Qanees, 5
460. Unidentified (child)
461. Younis Ahmed Mousa Shaikh al-Eid, 23, Rafah
462. Abdullah Tarad Abou Hajeer 16, Al Nusriyat
463. Zakariah Masoud alAshkar, 24 Al Zaytoun
464. Kamal Talal Hassam Almasri, 22, Bait Hanoun
465. Raed Issam Dawood, 30, AlZaytoun
466. Mahmoud Hassan Nakhla
467. Kamal Masoud, 21, Al Zaytoun
468. Saleh Badaoui, 31 Al Zaytoun
469. Majdi Mahmoud Alyazaji, 56
470. Mohammed Sameeh, Al Ghalban
471. Karam Ibrahim Atiya, 25, east Khan Younis
472. Nidal Ali Abou Diqa 26, east Khan Younis
473. Nidal Jumaa Abou Assi 43, east Khan Younis
474. Mayar Alyazaji 2, Al Karamah
475. Unidentified, 5, Al Karamah
476. Mohammed Mahmoud AlMaghrabi, 24, Khan Younis
477. Yasmine Nayef Alyazaji, Al Karamah
478. Wajdi Alyazaji, Al Karamah
479. Safinaz Alyazaji, Al Karamah
480. Mahran Kamel Joundiya, 32, east Gaza
481. Tamer Nayef Joundiya, 30, Al Shujayea
482. Rahma Ahmed Joundiya 50, Al Shujayea
483. Ibrahim Shubaan Bakroon 37, Al Shaaf
484. Yousif Gazi Hamadiya 25, Al Shujayea
485. Moataz Jamal Hamadiya 18, Al Shujayea
486. Aed Jamal Hamadiya, 21, Al Shujayea
487. Aya Yassir Alqasas
488. Aisha Yassir alqasas, Al Qasas residence
489. Nasma Eyad Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
490. Lamiaa Eyad Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
491. Atiya Yousif Dardooneh 26, Jabaliya
492. Fatima Ahmed Alaraja, Rafah
493. Esraa Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
494. Yasmine Alqasa, Al Qasas residence
495. Arwa Alqasas, Al Qasas residence
496. Alia Siyam, Al Qasas residence
497. Faiza Saber Siyam, Al Qasas residence
498. Sumaya Siyam, Al Qasas residence
499. Fadi Azmi Briyem, Al Sharqiya
500. Othman Salem Bryiem, Al Sharqiya
501. AbulMajeed Briyem, Al Sharqiya
502. Jehad Mahmoud Al Maghrabi 22, Khan Younis
503. Fadi Basheer Alabadela 22, Khan Younis
504. Ibrahim Dieb Ahmed Alkilani 53, Burj Alsalam
505. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas 37, Burj Alsalam
506. Yassir Ibrahim dieb Alkilani, 8, Burj Alsalam
507. Elias Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 4, Burj Alsalam
508. Tagreed Shaaban Mohammed Alkilani, 45, Burj Alsalam
509. Sawsan Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 11, Burj Alsalam
510. Reem Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani ,12, Burj Alsalam
511. Ayda Shabaan Mohammed Derbas,47, Burj Alsalam
512. Sura Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas, 41, Burj Alsalam
513. Yaseen Ibrahim Dieb Alkilani, 9, Burj Alsalam
514. Yenas Shaaban Mohammed Dirbas, 30, Burj Alsalam
515. Wael Jamal Harb, 32
516. Hassan Khodir Baker, 60, east Gaza
517. Mahmoud Suleiman Abou Sabha, 55, Khan Younis
518. Abdullah Ismeal Albahysi, 27, Dier Albalah
519. Mosaab Saleh Salameh,19 , Khan Younis
520. Mohammed Nasser Haroun 38, Al Nasriyat
521. Naji Jamal Alfajam 26, Khan Younis
522. Ibtihal Ibrahim AlRamahi, Dier Albalah
523. Yousif Ibrahim AlRamahi,Deir Albalah
524. Eman Ibrahim AlRamahi, Dier Albalah
525. Salwa Abou Muneefi, Dier Albalah
526. Samira Abou Muneefi, Dier Albalah
527. Haitham Samir AlAga, 26, Khan Younis
528. Waleed Sulieman Abou Thaher, 21, Khan Younis
529. Yasmine Ahmed Abou Amoor, 25, Rafah
530. Sameh Zaheer Alsuwafeeri, 29
531. Mohammed Mousa Abou Fayyad, 36
532. Fatima Hassan Azzam, 70, Al Zaytoun
533. Mariam Hassan Azzam 50, Al Zaytoun
534. Suha Naeem Al Kharwat 25, north Gaza
535. Mona Rami Al Kharwat 4, north Gaza
ISRAELI DEAD until July 23: 31 (19 named bellow)
1. Dror Khenin, 37, killed near Erez crossing, checkpoint to enter Gaza Strip.
2. Eitan Barak, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
3. Unnamed civilian, Bedouin community near Dimona
5. Bnaya Rubel. 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
6. Adar Barsano, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
7. Amotz Greenberg, 45, soldier killed inside Gaza
8. Moshe Melako, 20, soldier killed inside Gaza
9. Tzafri Bar-Or, 32, soldier killed inside Gaza
10. Tzvi Kaplan, 28, soldier killed inside Gaza
11. Gilad Yaakovi, 21, soldier killed inside Gaza
12. Oz Mandelovitz, 21, inside Gaza
13. Nissim Sean Karmeli, 21, inside Gaza
14. Max Steinberg, Californian soldier killed inside Gazza
15. Sean Carmeli, Texan soldier killed inside Gaza
16. Dolev Keidar, 38, soldier killed in Israeli territory by resistants who infiltrated Israel from Gaza through a tunnel that emerged near Kibbutz Nir-Am
17. Nadav Golmacher, 23, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
18. Baynesain Kasahun, 39, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
19. Yuval Heiman, 21, soldier killed in Israeli territory in the same way
A maior hecatombe da IDF desde a chamada "Segunda Guerra do Líbano" em 2006. Onde o Hizbollah venceu Israel graças a sua rede de túneis. (Blog de 18/05/14)
The Children of Gaza have names
As crianças de Gaza têm nome
"WHAT’S COMING NEXT, by Norman Finkelstein.
(1) Netanyahu exploited the ceasefire ultimatum (a trap laid by Blair, but of course with Obama’s connivance), and the downing of the Malaysian airliner (which displaced Gaza from the headlines), to launch the ground invasion. However, it is only a limited invasion because of the broad constraints still imposed on Israel by international public opinion. It gives Netanyahu enough time and leeway to clobber Hamas and “mow the grass” in Gaza.
(2) But Netanyahu can’t declare victory until the Hamas projectile attacks cease, and without a full-scale invasion he can’t stop them. Here’s where Abbas comes in. Abbas will negotiate an agreement with Egypt whereby the PA will staff Rafah crossing, enabling Abbas to declare that he won an end to the blockade. The quid pro quo, however, is that he will agree to prevent any arms smuggling into Gaza and to disarm Hamas. Because
(a) Hamas’s key demand was to end the blockade,
(b) Hamas is isolated politically and neutered militarily, and
(c) Abbas is technically the head of the Unity government, Hamas will be forced to agree to these terms.
If things go according to plan, it will mark the end of Hamas as a resistance movement, to the joy of the Arab states, the US, EU, Israel and, of course, the PA."
We hope that US/Israeli/French/Blair's plan won't work at all.
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