Fiquei em estado de choque com os 46% de votos no candidato do "bispo" Edir Macedo, o neo- fascista Jair Bolsonaro.
Meus colegas estrangeiros ficaram desentendidos quando viram o mapa do Brasil cortado em dois com a maioria democrática na parte de cima em vez da parte de baixo, mais rica.
(Sim. Obrigada ao Nordeste!)
Disseram espantados: "Então, além de ser o litoral brasileiro com mais beleza é também a região com os brasileiros mais esclarecidos! Pensávamos que a região mais culta fosse a do Sul"!
Ah, se opulência indicasse cultura e consciência!
Votar contra o Bolsonaro é votar contra o fascismo. Confio que muitos anti-petistas entendam isso.
Hitler também foi eleito democraticamente em 1933 com um discurso populista e prometendo o mundo e os fundos aos alemães. Logo não quis mais sair, ficou e acabou com seu país cometendo barbaridades na Alemanha e mundo afora.
No segundo turno das eleições presidenciais, não se trata de PT vs o candidato do "bispo" - eu também esperava que o PT tivesse sido ético em vez de ser como os outros partidos. Mas sou capaz de enxergar que era e é um movimento democrático que na presidência permitiu que a polícia entrasse até em sua casa. O Lula está sendo punido. Pronto. Agora no Brasil trata-se de escolher entre democracia e fascismo.
Os representantes da democracia são Haddad (homem bem-preparado) e Manu (mulher extraordinária!).
Os representantes da democracia são Haddad (homem bem-preparado) e Manu (mulher extraordinária!).
Os representantes do neofascismo são Bolsonaro e seu patrocinador Edir Macedo, em cuja versão do Mein Kampf do Hitler - Plano de Poder - deixa claro que faria o que quisesse no e com o Brasil quando encontrasse o "messias" adequado. Encontrou.
Sou da geração que cresceu sob a ditadura e faço parte do grupo reduzido que lutou contra ela na faculdade. Fui eleita oradora da turma de formandos de todos os cursos da UFG em julho de 1979, nosso patrono era Dom Pedro Casaldáliga (presença proibida), escrevi meu discurso, no dia da formatura fui informada que fora "reprovada por falta, em fotojornalismo", matéria de terreno na qual tinha passado com boas notas. Não podendo mudar as notas já registradas, para eu não fazer o meu discurso "subversivo" ao colar grau, me reprovaram, no dia da formatura, por falta. Também ilegal e absurdo, mas decisão tomada com a cumplicidade da professora que era "dedo duro" da ditadura. Era assim, tinha um dedo-duro por sala. Pelo menos um. No curso de jornalismo devia ser até mais entre colegas e um ou dois professores mau-caráter.
Bolsonaro defende esses caras. Bolsonaro pensa como esses caras que reprimiram, tolheram a liberdade, prenderam, torturaram, mataram.
Em momentos críticos como este que o Brasil vive, voto branco, nulo e abstenção é subir no muro e depois cair nas masmorras de um regime autoritário.
Temos de tomar o partido da democracia.
Imparcialidade ou muxoxo contra o PT não dá. Não significa protesto e sim apoio ao inimigo público número 1, o da ignorância e da violência.
Quem não quiser votar no Haddad e na Manu por si, vote pelos filhos, para que cresçam podendo escolher seu próprio caminho, livres.
Minha geração cresceu sem este direito, tolhida na palavra, desconfiada, com medo de falar e até de pensar.
Minha geração cresceu sem este direito, tolhida na palavra, desconfiada, com medo de falar e até de pensar.

Não podemos condenar nossos filhos e netos a um Brasil inculto, retrógado e repressivo.
ELE NÃO! Em nenhuma circunstância!.
Arnaldo Antunes: Isso não é um poema, é um desabafo
Caetano Veloso entrevista a Manu
Boulos contra a volta à ditadura, vota Haddad
Roger Waters, o líder do Pink Floyd, é uma pessoa extraordinária, e politizada. Além de grande músico, é um homem bom-caráter, humano, inteligente, culto, bem-informado e solidário.
Seus shows no Brasil foram programados na hora certa, crucial.
Provou mais uma vez em seus shows no território nacional o quanto vale. Do primeiro show em São Paulo ao último em Porto Alegre na sua turnê "Us + Them" cedeu o espaço normalmente dedicado à defesa da Palestina à luta pela democracia no Brasil, contra o Bolsonaro. Em uma imagem colocada no telão durante a apresentação, Waters argumenta que o neofascismo está em ascensão no mundo, e cita os "culpados" espalhados ao redor do globo. No Brasil, ele aponta Jair Bolsonaro.
Além de indicar o candidato patrocinado pelo "bispo" Edir Macedo como propagador do neofascismo no Brasil, Roger aponta Donald Trump, nos Estados Unidos; Viktor Orbán, na Hungria; Marine Le Pen, na França; Sebastian Kurz, na Áustria; Nigel Farage, no Reino Unido e assim por diante.
Roger foi vaiado em São Paulo por grande parte do público pró-fascista que o atacou com palavrões, como é a praxe da classe média-alta que tem estudo mas é inculta, despolitizada e mal-educada.
Roger foi vaiado em São Paulo por grande parte do público pró-fascista que o atacou com palavrões, como é a praxe da classe média-alta que tem estudo mas é inculta, despolitizada e mal-educada.
Roger não se deixou abater e tem pregado nos shows a igualdade e reiterado o protesto contra o neofascista Bolsonaro colocando no telão a hashtag que ganhou popularidade nas redes durante os atos contra o candidato da "Igreja" Universal, Bolsonaro: #EleNão.
A turnê de Roger Waters começou em São Paulo no dia 8 de outubro, depois em Brasília, ontem, e continua em Salvador (dia 17), Belo Horizonte (dia 21), Rio de Janeiro (dia 24), Curitiba (dia 27) e Porto Alegre (dia 30). Em todos, nossa democracia está sendo defendida com o mesmo afinco.
Obrigada Roger!
Roger Waters is a very special human being. A real one. Besides what he is doing in my country right now, taking a brave stand against the neofascit candidate, he always takes the right side.
The British musician and activist Roger Waters wore his Palestinian Keffiyeh when presenting the men's category Coupe des Mousquetaires of the Tennis French Open in which Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal won the title this year for the 11th time.
The former Pink Floyd member joined the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, BDS, movement in 2011 but he had supported it for years before, when Palestinian advocates of the boycott convinced him to visit the separation wall to reconsider his planned 2006 concert in Tel Aviv.
His act of solidarity at the popular international sport event came just days after he took some time ahead of a concert in Berlin to defend the BDS movement and highlight the plight of Palestinians in Gaza after the recent extrajudicial killings perpetrated by Israeli forces on the border between Gaza and Israel during this year’s Great March for Return protests, in which more than 100 demonstrators were killed by sniper fire.
Endorsing the movement, Waters penned an opinion piece published by The Guardian in 2011 saying: “In 1980, a song I wrote, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, was banned by the government of South Africa because it was being used by black South African children to advocate their right to equal education.”
He added: “Twenty-five years later, in 2005, Palestinian children participating in a West Bank festival used the song to protest against Israel's wall around the West Bank. They sang: 'We don't need no occupation! We don't need no racist wall!',” he continued.
Now, Waters is one of the most high-profile members of the BDS movement.
And there are true activists like Roger Waters.
Listening to Roger's politics is rock and roll and heartwarming. He is a real trustworthy humanitarian.
The Pink Floyd genius is now the most prominent voice of the BDS movement that is defending Palestinian rights. At the moment, it feels like Waters is the only white man taking on the state of Israel (not forgetting the brilliance of Finkelstein). Indeed, considering the fact that Israel is the heart of Western geopolitics–the true target of Waters’ activism is the Western Empire itself. And he knows it.
In contrast, when listening to Bono pontificate, we hear bombers flying overhead. While Waters was in St. Petersburg this September, on tour, Bono was to be found in Paris, also on tour, but meeting up with the French President, Emmanuel Macron, as well. The U2 mediocrity claimed afterwards that he and “the bomber of Syria” were talking about Africa. It was the continuation of a discussion Bono began years ago with “the bombers of Iraq”–Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and George W. Bush.
Waters and Bono come from two different cultures: Waters from the 1960s and Bono from the 1980s. Pink Floyd’s debut album was released in 1967, while U2’s debut album saw the light in 1980. This is significant, because the bandleaders of both groups appear to have absorbed the politics of their formative years. Revolution in the case of Waters, and counterrevolution in the case of Bono. And the words of both today, respectively, continue to give expression to progress on the one hand, and regress on the other.
The culture wars between the 1960s and 1980s, between the culture of Che Guevara and the culture of Ronald Reagan, never went away. Beneath the current battle between populism and its elite critics, the undercurrents of class, imperialism and anti-imperialism are as strong as ever. And even millionaire musicians are pulled one way or the other.
In an interview with RT, in St. Petersburg, Roger Waters summed up in one word the culture of Che Guevara (the anti-imperialist culture) which he is perpetuating. That word is “empathy”. The ability to connect with another’s pain or suffering. And the will to fight to end this pain or suffering, basically sums up the attitude of Che and the “1960s”.
This attempt to understand the weak or vulnerable “other” motivates Roger Waters’ support of the Palestinians today. In fact, “empathy” forces him to open up to Russia. In his RT interview, he tells us that during his concerts–in response to the anti-Russian psy-ops which distorts the West today–he asks his audience: “do you know that Russia sacrificed twenty million of its people, so that you can be free of Nazism?”
This attempt to understand the weak or vulnerable “other” motivates Roger Waters’ support of the Palestinians today. In fact, “empathy” forces him to open up to Russia. In his RT interview, he tells us that during his concerts–in response to the anti-Russian psy-ops which distorts the West today–he asks his audience: “do you know that Russia sacrificed twenty million of its people, so that you can be free of Nazism?”
Bono doesn’t ask this question. Instead, during his current live shows, he wraps himself up in the flag of power. And shamelessly declares his love of the Empire that’s attacking Russia, with sanctions and up close coups, and war games. The flag is that of the European Union. And the Empire is the iron fist that hides behind that flag: NATO.
Unlike Roger Waters–who wants to connect with the biggest open prison in the world: Gaza–Bono goes out of his way to connect with the corporatist project that is the EU. Forget the weak and vulnerable, within the EU, being bombed by austerity, and being dragged into war after war – Bono’s main concern is defending the flag of the super state.
In a Europe dominated by corporations and their lobbyists: Bono’s words and actions are those of an ultra elitist. Listen to his EU-speak: ‘Well, U2 is kicking off its tour in Berlin this week, and we’ve just had one of our more provocative ideas: during the show we’re going to wave a big, bright, blue EU flag… some of us it has become a radical act.’
Bono ends this piece in a German newspaper with the usual delusion: ‘I feel privileged to have witnessed the longest stretch of peace and prosperity ever on the European continent.’
The fact that the EU itself has ended whatever “peace and prosperity” there was in Europe, completely undermines Bono’s sinister “blindness”. By imposing neoliberalism, bailouts, austerity and NATO’s wars (Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Russia) upon Europe, the EU has delegitimized itself. Is it therefore right for Bono to defend this state of affairs, or is it radically right wing?
In his interview with RT, Roger Waters says that there’s always a right and a wrong thing to do. In the context of Palestine, the boycott of Israel is the right thing to do. It is so because the boycott stands on the shoulders of history. Roger Waters points to the 1948 declaration of universal human rights–which itself rests on every slave revolt in the past. Anything which aids this trajectory of humanity is righteousness for itself.
There’s no greater slave revolt today, than that of the Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation. In fact it’s the lynchpin to the struggle for global justice. Today’s great crime against humanity is Western warmongering in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen). And the basis for this is the Western war against Palestine, which began in 1917. In short, the Western Empire today revolves around the repression of Palestine.
There’s no greater slave revolt today, than that of the Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation. In fact it’s the lynchpin to the struggle for global justice. Today’s great crime against humanity is Western warmongering in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen). And the basis for this is the Western war against Palestine, which began in 1917. In short, the Western Empire today revolves around the repression of Palestine.
This, of course, means that Israel is not alone. Without the support of the USA and EU, Israel wouldn’t last a day. Israel works for the West. Therefore, to boycott Israel is to condemn USA and Europe reign of terror. This is where Bono comes in. His concern is not Africa but Western weakness. And his job is to prop it up.
Bono wants to make NATO great, ruling over the whole world.
Roger Waters doesn’t. He places humanity before the West. And is willing to abandon the West in order to achieve a better world. His music, therefore, is a universal act of resistance, whereas Bono’s is a provincial act of imperialism. By holding up the flag of the EU in a concert, Bono is flying the flag of Israel and burning the flag of Palestine. In the language of Roger Waters' generation, one could say that Bono is a Pig.
We, on the other hand, who boycott Israel and the White House dictatorship are human. In essence we’re children of the 60s. We want to break down the apartheid wall in Palestine and all others.
Thank you for not giving up, Roger.
Thank you for not giving up, Roger.
Sophie Shevardnadze interview with Roger Waters in Saint Petersburg to RT, 7/9/2018
#StopTheWar is a hashtag coming from many activists in #Gaza who urge the international community to hinder Israel’s attempts to launch another large-scale aggression against the occupied, blockaded, unlivable, and exhausted Gaza Strip. #GazaUnderAttack.
The people of Gaza have been subjected to decades of expulsion, occupation, siege and massacre. They have now seized control of their Fate. They are risking life and limb as they protest nonviolently to reclaim their basic rights. It takes just one minute to send a video showing your support for Gaza in its moment of truth. Do it now! Send your videos to METOOGAZA.COM.
The people of Gaza have been subjected to decades of expulsion, occupation, siege and massacre. They have now seized control of their Fate. They are risking life and limb as they protest nonviolently to reclaim their basic rights. It takes just one minute to send a video showing your support for Gaza in its moment of truth. Do it now! Send your videos to METOOGAZA.COM.
Renowned scientists urge cientific Community to consider the facts before engaging in activities with Israeli colonial-based Ariel University, and not engage any attemps to use science to normalise Israel(s occupation of the Palestinian territory. Check it out here.
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