Confira o que está acontecendo na sua região e organize algo em solidariedade com os palestinos: Events | Israeli Apartheid Week.
In the UK, British activists are still active
USA: Mainly between 03/27 to 04/03: Check the map of events to make sure of not missing anything in your area. And most of all, learn about anti-
April 13th, Massachusetts: Harvard Law School Event on Egypt, Gaza and the World.
America Latina: Do dia 10 ao 27 de abril;
Chile: 11-17/04. BDS Chile.
Brasil: 16-20/04. Brasília,SP, RGS - Porto Alegre,18-24 abril ; e outros acrescentados o tempo todo,
consulte o BDS-Brasil, Stop the Wall Brasil e IAW.
Palestinian poet Taha Muhammad Ali reads his poem: Revenge
* Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
* A week in the Palestinian territory without fatalities. 1st time in almost 6 months .
However, the IDF has demolished more Palestinian homes since the start of this year than in all of 2015. Under our noses.
* O Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU colocará as empresas que trabalham com as colônias/invasões israelenses na Cisjordânia em uma lista negra a ser divulgada aos 194 membros das Nações Unidas e à grande mídia internacional.
United Nations Human Rights Council blacklisted Israeli firms working in settlements: UNHCR voted to establish a database of Israeli compagnies working in illegal settements in order to blacklist them.
* Glenn Greenwald: Fighting Israeli occupying forces is "terrorism". Boycotting Israel is "Anti-Semitism". What's allowed?
* Mondoweiss: Another Ppalestinian boy is shot in the head with rubber coated-bullet, in the occupied Jerusalem.
* Ma'an: Israeli court expels one more Palestinian family, in act of collective punishment, forbidden by international law.977 …
* Palestinians slam EU 'double standard' on settlements. Observers cite disconnect between European actions and rhetoric on labelling Israeli settlement products.
Na semana passada, como relatam os links-artigos acima, Israel despejou mais dezenas de palesinos para destruir suas casas e confiscar suas terras para instalar mais assentamentos/invasões judias ilegais.
Por outro lado, as agressões, execuções sumárias, contra palestinos, não documentadas em vídeo, mas não menos reais, continuaram. Assim como os estragos e danos a locais públicos, como em uma universidade.
Nesse ínterim, o Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas, sob pressão dos EUA e certamente com a cumplicidade da França, continua ambíguo. Ao mesmo tempo que anuncia a confecção da lista negra das empresas israelenses instaladas na Cisjordânia ocupada e condena, sem muita ênfase, os crimes israelenses, critica também os palestinos por resistirem à crueldade do ocupante com violência.
E o direito de resistência, inerente ao ser humano e especificado nos documentos internacionais que regem o tema?
Condenar Israel não basta. É uma atitude covarde e também condenável. É preciso agir com sanções concretas, como as que foram feitas contra a África do Sul na época do apartheid, e com intervenção militar, com tropas da ONU no terreno para forçar Israel a respeitar as leis internacionais.
A condenação verbal, pró-forma, de Israel - ocupante expancionista e genocida, tem de ser absoluta, e não relativizada com ataques ao ocupado que se defende do invasor bárbaro.
Last week, the Israeli occupation forces raided, once again, a Palestinian university in the occupied West Bank vandalizing and terrorizing.
Meanwhile, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said it was “extremely concerned” about the apparent extrajudicial execution of a Palestinian youth by an Israeli soldier.
But the statement left me wondering why the UN body also expects Palestinians to protect the army that is occupying them and helping Israeli /settlers/invasors steal their land.
Abd al-Fattah al-Sharif and Ramzi al-Qasrawi, both 21, were shot dead after allegedly stabbing a soldier, who was lightly injured, in the West Bank city of Hebron on the morning of 24 March.
A video filmed by a human rights worker showed an Israeli soldier, later identified as Elor Azarya, aiming his rifle and shooting the young Palestinian in the head as he was lying on the ground injured and incapacitated.
With depressing predictability, Israeli leaders and the general public have rallied around the Israeli murderer, many hailing him as a hero. Azarya, who is facing charges of manslaughter – downgraded from murder – has been ordered freed on bail.
There are many unanswered questions about the UN High Commission's position.
Rupert Colville, the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, called for a “prompt, thorough, transparent and independent investigation” into the slaying of Abd al-Sharif and other killings in similar circumstances.
“A major concern is that such cases appear not to have been systematically subjected to criminal investigations,” Colville stated.
So far, so good. But here’s the part that had me confused: “We urge the Palestinian authorities to take all feasible measures to prevent attacks on Israelis, which are reprehensible.”
Colville added that the Israeli “security forces are entitled to defend themselves and others from these types of attacks,” but urged them “to ensure all members of their security forces fully comply with their obligation to use force with restraint.”
Recall that the two youths in Hebron had allegedly attacked an armed occupation soldier deployed in their city to protect settlers who are there in violation of international law.
Indeed, most of the attacks or alleged attacks by Palestinians since an increase in confrontations began last October have targeted occupation forces at checkpoints and near settlements in the West Bank.
As even senior Israeli military officers have acknowledged, the predominantly young Palestinians involved aim to “attack symbols of the Israeli occupation,” as the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz reported.
We can all agree that attacks targeting civilians, regardless of who may be the perpetrator or the victim, are indeed reprehensible.
But the UN statement contains no such qualification; it condemns all armed actions by Palestinians regardless of the circumstances. Which is troubling.
And the internationally recognized right to resist?
Does the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights consider attacks on armed occupation forces by persons living under foreign, belligerent military occupation to be reprehensible? If so, what is the legal basis for such a position?
What is the basis for demanding that persons living under military occupation act as a protection force for their occupiers?
Do “Palestinian authorities” also have a responsibility to protect the settlers, or only to ensure the safety and security of the Israeli army?
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights apparently recognizes that armed, belligerent occupation forces are “entitled to defend themselves” against the people they occupy.
Does it similarly recognize that the Palestinian population living under a military occupation about which the international community has done precisely nothing except issue toothless statements for almost 50 years are similarly entitled to resist and defend themselves against said occupation?
Colville does not respond to these questions. So I am left to conclude that the UN’s highest human rights official makes no distinction between attacks on civilians and resistance against armed occupation forces, while supporting the right of the occupation forces to use violence against those they occupy.
This view defies a broad international consensus that occupied and colonized peoples do indeed have a right to resist.
No one seriously questions the right of French, Belgian and Dutch citizens to have engaged in armed resistance against German occupation, or of Indonesians and Algerians to have resisted Dutch or French occupation.
This consensus has been expressed in numerous UN General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 3246 of 29 November 1974 which “strongly condemns” all governments which do not recognize “the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people.”
The same resolution “[r]eaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle.”
The right and duty to resist occupation is even enshrined in the constitution of Sweden, which declares that “Any public body in occupied territory shall act in the manner that best serves the defense effort and resistance activities.”
It is, of course, much harder to make the case internationally that Palestinians – just like other occupied peoples through history – have a right to resist, when their best known face works night and day to help Israel crush all resistance.
In the end of March, Haaretz reported that Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is “insisting on continuing security cooperation with Israel.” This assistance to Israel involves, among other activities, PA complicity in the torture of Palestinian prisoners and suppressing protests against the occupation. Which is the very contrary of resistance and is widely viewed by Palestinians, including some inside Abbas’ own Fatah faction, as a reprehensible form of collaboration.
The fact is that in the end of the day, it is up to Palestinians to debate and decide the best forms of resistance, and in the current situation one of the most powerful means of standing up to Israel is the nonviolent, civil society-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Israel sees BDS as such a major threat to its dominance and impunity that it is now making outright threats against individual activists.
There is a difference between choosing the appropriate tactics for how to protest and resist, on the one hand, and negating the right to resist and even collaborating with the occupation, on the other.
Palestinians may choose not to use armed struggle, just as Nelson Mandela adopted and then suspended armed struggle in South Africa when he and his comrades thought the conditions were appropriate. But they never gave up the right.
As the history of South Africa also shows, the path away from violence is always easier when there are effective alternatives.
So those, like the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who apparently find all Palestinian, though not Israeli, violence reprehensible, should be the first in line to promote nonviolent strategies like BDS.
But no one, not Abbas nor any UN official, is entitled to strip Palestinians of their fundamental right to resistance and self-defense.
From here on, I'll post a few RealNews speakers's video of the Conference on Israel's Influence: Good or Bad for the USA? Which happened in Washington DC in March 2016.
A partir daqui, vou postar uns vídeos da "Conferência sobre a influência de Israel: Bom ou Ruim para os EUA?"
O primeiro será Gideon Levi, jornalista israelense dissidente.
* Artigo que analisa bem a relação dos 'intelectuais' franceses com a ocupação israelense da Palestina.
Enlightening article about french 'intellectuals' and the Palestine question.
* Para os francófonos, entrevista da France Culture: Nous sommes nés 1 an après la destruction par Israël du dernier cinema de la Bande de Gaza.
* Os ingleses de interesses escusos não ficam atrás dos franceses que vendem a alma pro diabo.
Ben White's latest article: The Conservatives are fast cementing the British gov't's reputation as one of Israel's stronget allies.
* Este artigo do Mondoweiss vai para um amigo francês que acha que sionismo é só uma questão de expansionismo: Zionism is not really secularnot-really-secular …
* Idem. Village Voice: Strong reply by JA Myerson to the tired 'liberal' Zionist JJ Goldberg, one of the many gatekeepers of Israel.
* A week in the Palestinian territory without fatalities. 1st time in almost 6 months .
However, the IDF has demolished more Palestinian homes since the start of this year than in all of 2015. Under our noses.
TeleSur: Tariq Ali talks to Dr. Ghada Karmi, a Palestinian refugee author.
United Nations Human Rights Council blacklisted Israeli firms working in settlements: UNHCR voted to establish a database of Israeli compagnies working in illegal settements in order to blacklist them.
* Glenn Greenwald: Fighting Israeli occupying forces is "terrorism". Boycotting Israel is "Anti-Semitism". What's allowed?
* Mondoweiss: Another Ppalestinian boy is shot in the head with rubber coated-bullet, in the occupied Jerusalem.
* Ma'an: Israeli court expels one more Palestinian family, in act of collective punishment, forbidden by international law.977 …
* A Palestinian baby sits in his crib in Khirbet Tana, which was demolished by Israeli forces, east of Nablus.
* Three days of destruction: Israeli authorities demolish structures all over the West Bank http://www.btselIsrael spent three days demolishing homes and other structures all over the occupied West Bank. Since the beginning of 2016, Israeli demolitions have left 510 Palestinians, including 275 minors homeless.* Palestinians slam EU 'double standard' on settlements. Observers cite disconnect between European actions and rhetoric on labelling Israeli settlement products.
Por outro lado, as agressões, execuções sumárias, contra palestinos, não documentadas em vídeo, mas não menos reais, continuaram. Assim como os estragos e danos a locais públicos, como em uma universidade.
Nesse ínterim, o Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas, sob pressão dos EUA e certamente com a cumplicidade da França, continua ambíguo. Ao mesmo tempo que anuncia a confecção da lista negra das empresas israelenses instaladas na Cisjordânia ocupada e condena, sem muita ênfase, os crimes israelenses, critica também os palestinos por resistirem à crueldade do ocupante com violência.
E o direito de resistência, inerente ao ser humano e especificado nos documentos internacionais que regem o tema?
Condenar Israel não basta. É uma atitude covarde e também condenável. É preciso agir com sanções concretas, como as que foram feitas contra a África do Sul na época do apartheid, e com intervenção militar, com tropas da ONU no terreno para forçar Israel a respeitar as leis internacionais.
A condenação verbal, pró-forma, de Israel - ocupante expancionista e genocida, tem de ser absoluta, e não relativizada com ataques ao ocupado que se defende do invasor bárbaro.
Last week, the Israeli occupation forces raided, once again, a Palestinian university in the occupied West Bank vandalizing and terrorizing.
Meanwhile, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said it was “extremely concerned” about the apparent extrajudicial execution of a Palestinian youth by an Israeli soldier.
But the statement left me wondering why the UN body also expects Palestinians to protect the army that is occupying them and helping Israeli /settlers/invasors steal their land.
Abd al-Fattah al-Sharif and Ramzi al-Qasrawi, both 21, were shot dead after allegedly stabbing a soldier, who was lightly injured, in the West Bank city of Hebron on the morning of 24 March.
A video filmed by a human rights worker showed an Israeli soldier, later identified as Elor Azarya, aiming his rifle and shooting the young Palestinian in the head as he was lying on the ground injured and incapacitated.
With depressing predictability, Israeli leaders and the general public have rallied around the Israeli murderer, many hailing him as a hero. Azarya, who is facing charges of manslaughter – downgraded from murder – has been ordered freed on bail.
There are many unanswered questions about the UN High Commission's position.
Rupert Colville, the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, called for a “prompt, thorough, transparent and independent investigation” into the slaying of Abd al-Sharif and other killings in similar circumstances.
“A major concern is that such cases appear not to have been systematically subjected to criminal investigations,” Colville stated.
So far, so good. But here’s the part that had me confused: “We urge the Palestinian authorities to take all feasible measures to prevent attacks on Israelis, which are reprehensible.”
Colville added that the Israeli “security forces are entitled to defend themselves and others from these types of attacks,” but urged them “to ensure all members of their security forces fully comply with their obligation to use force with restraint.”
Recall that the two youths in Hebron had allegedly attacked an armed occupation soldier deployed in their city to protect settlers who are there in violation of international law.
Indeed, most of the attacks or alleged attacks by Palestinians since an increase in confrontations began last October have targeted occupation forces at checkpoints and near settlements in the West Bank.
As even senior Israeli military officers have acknowledged, the predominantly young Palestinians involved aim to “attack symbols of the Israeli occupation,” as the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz reported.
We can all agree that attacks targeting civilians, regardless of who may be the perpetrator or the victim, are indeed reprehensible.
But the UN statement contains no such qualification; it condemns all armed actions by Palestinians regardless of the circumstances. Which is troubling.
And the internationally recognized right to resist?
Does the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights consider attacks on armed occupation forces by persons living under foreign, belligerent military occupation to be reprehensible? If so, what is the legal basis for such a position?
What is the basis for demanding that persons living under military occupation act as a protection force for their occupiers?
Do “Palestinian authorities” also have a responsibility to protect the settlers, or only to ensure the safety and security of the Israeli army?
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights apparently recognizes that armed, belligerent occupation forces are “entitled to defend themselves” against the people they occupy.
Does it similarly recognize that the Palestinian population living under a military occupation about which the international community has done precisely nothing except issue toothless statements for almost 50 years are similarly entitled to resist and defend themselves against said occupation?
Colville does not respond to these questions. So I am left to conclude that the UN’s highest human rights official makes no distinction between attacks on civilians and resistance against armed occupation forces, while supporting the right of the occupation forces to use violence against those they occupy.
This view defies a broad international consensus that occupied and colonized peoples do indeed have a right to resist.
No one seriously questions the right of French, Belgian and Dutch citizens to have engaged in armed resistance against German occupation, or of Indonesians and Algerians to have resisted Dutch or French occupation.
This consensus has been expressed in numerous UN General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 3246 of 29 November 1974 which “strongly condemns” all governments which do not recognize “the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people.”
The same resolution “[r]eaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle.”
The right and duty to resist occupation is even enshrined in the constitution of Sweden, which declares that “Any public body in occupied territory shall act in the manner that best serves the defense effort and resistance activities.”
It is, of course, much harder to make the case internationally that Palestinians – just like other occupied peoples through history – have a right to resist, when their best known face works night and day to help Israel crush all resistance.
In the end of March, Haaretz reported that Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas is “insisting on continuing security cooperation with Israel.” This assistance to Israel involves, among other activities, PA complicity in the torture of Palestinian prisoners and suppressing protests against the occupation. Which is the very contrary of resistance and is widely viewed by Palestinians, including some inside Abbas’ own Fatah faction, as a reprehensible form of collaboration.
The fact is that in the end of the day, it is up to Palestinians to debate and decide the best forms of resistance, and in the current situation one of the most powerful means of standing up to Israel is the nonviolent, civil society-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
Israel sees BDS as such a major threat to its dominance and impunity that it is now making outright threats against individual activists.

Palestinians may choose not to use armed struggle, just as Nelson Mandela adopted and then suspended armed struggle in South Africa when he and his comrades thought the conditions were appropriate. But they never gave up the right.
As the history of South Africa also shows, the path away from violence is always easier when there are effective alternatives.
So those, like the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, who apparently find all Palestinian, though not Israeli, violence reprehensible, should be the first in line to promote nonviolent strategies like BDS.
But no one, not Abbas nor any UN official, is entitled to strip Palestinians of their fundamental right to resistance and self-defense.
AJ+: Israeli reservists are shwoing tourists the occupied West Bank
From here on, I'll post a few RealNews speakers's video of the Conference on Israel's Influence: Good or Bad for the USA? Which happened in Washington DC in March 2016.
A partir daqui, vou postar uns vídeos da "Conferência sobre a influência de Israel: Bom ou Ruim para os EUA?"
O primeiro será Gideon Levi, jornalista israelense dissidente.
Enlightening article about french 'intellectuals' and the Palestine question.
* Para os francófonos, entrevista da France Culture: Nous sommes nés 1 an après la destruction par Israël du dernier cinema de la Bande de Gaza.
* Os ingleses de interesses escusos não ficam atrás dos franceses que vendem a alma pro diabo.
Ben White's latest article: The Conservatives are fast cementing the British gov't's reputation as one of Israel's stronget allies.
Philip Weiss, editor de Mondoweiss
* Idem. Village Voice: Strong reply by JA Myerson to the tired 'liberal' Zionist JJ Goldberg, one of the many gatekeepers of Israel.
* Mondoweiss: Another Palestinian boy is shot in the head with rubber coated-bullet, in the occupied Jerusalem.
* Ma'an: Israeli court expels one more Palestinian family, in act of collective punishment, forbidden by international law.977 …
Mais de cem escritores, incluindo Alice Walker, Ahdaf Soueif e a palsitna Susan Abulhawa - autora do magnífico Mornings in Jenin, e do recente The Blue between Sky and Water, traduzido em 19 línguas. Recomendo ambos incondicionalmente.
More than 100 writers, including Pulitzer Prize winners Junot Diaz and Alice Walker, have called on the PEN American Center to reject sponsorship from the Israeli Embassy for PEN's upcoming week-long World Voices Festival in NYC. The call is part of the cultural boycott campaign against Israel, par of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Alice Walker said: "As a PEN member, I want this organization that is supposed to be a campion of writers' rights to stand up for Palestinian writers, academics, and students who are suffering under a repressive Israeli regime that denies their right to freedom of expression."
The Guardian: Israeli backing for New York festival rejected in angry letter by authors : Writers pull out of U.S. Pen literary festival over Israel sponsorship.
* Joe Catron latest article: NLG calls for IRS investigation of racist Jewish national fund.
* No dia 9 de abril foi o aniversário de 66 anos do massacre de Deir Yassin durante a Naqba, em 1948. Os palestinos marcaram a data lembrando os familiares assassinados e defendendo seus direitos inalienáveis sobre a terra de seus antepassadados.
Os ativistas israelenses do 972mag também marcaram a data com fotos e um artigo sobre a limpeza étnica que está acontecendo hoje, em Jerusalém, sob as vistas de todos: Deir Yassin is now Jerusalem. Check the video.
Rula Jebreal, jornalista palestina baseada nos EUA
* Ma'an: Israeli court expels one more Palestinian family, in act of collective punishment, forbidden by international law.977 …
* A Palestinian baby sits in his crib in Khirbet Tana, which was demolished by Israeli forces, east of Nablus.
* Three days of destruction: Israeli authorities demolish structures all over the West Bank http://www.btselIsrael spent three days demolishing homes and other structures all over the occupied West Bank. Since the beginning of 2016, Israeli demolitions have left 510 Palestinians, including 275 minors homeless.
Huwaida Arraf, advogada palestina
Assim como o vídeo abaixo.
More than 100 writers, including Pulitzer Prize winners Junot Diaz and Alice Walker, have called on the PEN American Center to reject sponsorship from the Israeli Embassy for PEN's upcoming week-long World Voices Festival in NYC. The call is part of the cultural boycott campaign against Israel, par of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Alice Walker said: "As a PEN member, I want this organization that is supposed to be a campion of writers' rights to stand up for Palestinian writers, academics, and students who are suffering under a repressive Israeli regime that denies their right to freedom of expression."
The Guardian: Israeli backing for New York festival rejected in angry letter by authors : Writers pull out of U.S. Pen literary festival over Israel sponsorship.
Maria Hood, acadêmica
Tareq Radi, universitário
Os ativistas israelenses do 972mag também marcaram a data com fotos e um artigo sobre a limpeza étnica que está acontecendo hoje, em Jerusalém, sob as vistas de todos: Deir Yassin is now Jerusalem. Check the video.
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