Na Austrália, Ali Abunimah, criador da Electronic Intifada, deu palestras para dezenas de universitários em Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, etc. que compraram seu livro para si e para presentear.
Confira o que está acontecendo na sua região e organize algo em solidariedade com os palestinos: Events | Israeli Apartheid Week.
Dates pre-established:/ Datas pré-estabelecidas.
Ali Abumina speech in Melbourne
And presently on tour in the US the play "There is a Field" written by Jen Marlowe and directed by Noelle Ghoussaini. It returns to New York for two performances on April 13 and 14. Information about dates can be found here.
Brasil:16-20/04.Brasília,SP, RGS - Porto Alegre,18-24 abril ; e outros acrescentados o tempo todo, consulte o BDS-Brasil, Stop the Wall Brasil e IAW.
America Latina: Do dia 10 ao 27 de abril;
Chile: 11-17/04. BDS Chile.
* Following 2016 IAW events, Italian students launch the 'Studenti Contro II Technion Campaignn in support of BDS.
On January 29th 168 Italian scholars from more than 50 universities signed a pledge calling on their institutions to cut ties with the Israel institute of Technology (Technion) in Haifa. The number has soared rapidly, topping 332 signatures last week. The petition follows similar endorsements by scholars and academic associations across Europe, the US and South Africa.
During the IAW (Israeli Apartheid Week) 2016, students’ associations and groups across Italian campuses have initiated the “Studenti Contro Il Technion” campaign, embracing Michel Foucault’s claim: “Knowledge is not for knowing, it is for cutting”. However, the events organized for this occasion have been met with a clear “closure” attitude by their universities. The Deans of the universities of Turin and Cagliari have denied the students the spaces for conferences about BDS, basing their decisions on the absence of a “counterpart” in the programs. Students have on the contrary rejected their Deans’ claims and recalled that when it comes to “criticizing” the State of Israel, Italian institutions have often attempted to resist and impede these forms of peaceful resistance, de facto preventing the opinion of the oppressed to be heard. They have therefore occupied rooms inside the university premises and carried out their IAW program despite the Deans’ denial.
A Semana contra o Apartheid Israelense continua a todo vapor no nosso continente, mas as notícias da semana passada vieram direto da Palestina e dos refugiados nos quatro cantos do mundo.
Um deles foi uma maratona que aconteceu no dia primeiro de abril (que abordarei mais na frente) e o outro foi do Dia da Terra Dia da Terra, que tratarei primeiro.
Em resposta coletiva imprecedente nessa década, no dia 30 de março de 1976, palestinos da Galiléia inteira saíram às ruas espontaneamente para protestar e a IDF matou seis deles e feriu mais de 100 participantes.
Desde então, esse dia vem sendo celebrado como Yom al-Ard - Dia da Terra, com eventos coletivos anti-colonisação pelos palestinos locais e pelos da diáspora.
Every year on March 30, exiled Palestinians return home to protest the Israeli occupation celebrating the LandDay .
In early March of 1976, Israel published plans to expropriate about 20,000 dunums (2,000 hectares) of land around the Palestinian villages of Sakhnin and Arraba, which would later be used to establish new Jewish settlements and a military training camp. These plans were part of an official state policy to Judaize the Galilee following the creation of the state of Israel.
In a collective response on March 30, 1976 - marking one of the first displays of mass coordinated action by Palestinians inside Israel - Palestinians demonstrated from across Galilee in the north all the way to the Negev in the south. Six Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli forces and more than 100 were injured.
March 30 has since been commemorated annually by Palestinians as Yom al-Ard (Land Day), with collective anti-colonisation actions across historic Palestine and in the Palestinian diaspora.
For the exiled community of Lifta, Yom al-Ard is among the most important days for community-based action. Displaced from their village on the western slopes of Jerusalem in 1948, many villagers fled only a couple of kilometres across the Green Line to East Jerusalem.
Many of these refugees later fled internationally when East Jerusalem was occupied in 1967 and later annexed by Israel in 1981.
Still, a nucleus of Lifta's community-in-exile remains to this day in East Jerusalem, living only a kilometre or two from their original homes but denied the right to return. Every year on Yom al-Ard, members of the community make the short journey to their home village to clean the cemetery, pray alongside the spring and walk among old memories.
Palestinian Land DayINFOGRAPHIC Al Jazeera:
What is Palestinian Land Day?
Isto porque os palestinos celebraram no 30 de março o que celebram todo ano desde 1976: o Dia da Terra. É o dia em que os palestinos cidadãos israelenses e os demais protestam contra a ocupação israelense com passeatas, debates e comemorações diversas.
Tudo começou no início de março de 1976 quando Israel expropriou cerca de 2.000 hectares de terra em volta dos vilarejos Sakhnin e Arraba para fincar invasões judias e um campo de treinamento da IDF. A medida era parte da estratégia de judeinizar a Galiléia.Em resposta coletiva imprecedente nessa década, no dia 30 de março de 1976, palestinos da Galiléia inteira saíram às ruas espontaneamente para protestar e a IDF matou seis deles e feriu mais de 100 participantes.
Desde então, esse dia vem sendo celebrado como Yom al-Ard - Dia da Terra, com eventos coletivos anti-colonisação pelos palestinos locais e pelos da diáspora.
In early March of 1976, Israel published plans to expropriate about 20,000 dunums (2,000 hectares) of land around the Palestinian villages of Sakhnin and Arraba, which would later be used to establish new Jewish settlements and a military training camp. These plans were part of an official state policy to Judaize the Galilee following the creation of the state of Israel.
In a collective response on March 30, 1976 - marking one of the first displays of mass coordinated action by Palestinians inside Israel - Palestinians demonstrated from across Galilee in the north all the way to the Negev in the south. Six Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli forces and more than 100 were injured.
March 30 has since been commemorated annually by Palestinians as Yom al-Ard (Land Day), with collective anti-colonisation actions across historic Palestine and in the Palestinian diaspora.
For the exiled community of Lifta, Yom al-Ard is among the most important days for community-based action. Displaced from their village on the western slopes of Jerusalem in 1948, many villagers fled only a couple of kilometres across the Green Line to East Jerusalem.
Many of these refugees later fled internationally when East Jerusalem was occupied in 1967 and later annexed by Israel in 1981.
Still, a nucleus of Lifta's community-in-exile remains to this day in East Jerusalem, living only a kilometre or two from their original homes but denied the right to return. Every year on Yom al-Ard, members of the community make the short journey to their home village to clean the cemetery, pray alongside the spring and walk among old memories.
What is Palestinian Land Day?
Lamis Andoni: Here We Shall Stay.
We run to tell a different story:
ISM latest report on the Jordan Valley: On Saturday 2nd April, Palestinians and international activists alike worked together in solidarity to plant olive trees in the town of al-Bikaa in the Jordan Valley. The town falls under area C of the occupied territories. The act of planting the trees that day was symbolic and had several meanings behind the days actions...
O segundo evento importante na Palestina na semana passada foi a quarta Maratona anual pela Liberdade de Movimento. Aconteceu no dia 1° de abril, como sempre, e deste evento mostrarei apenas vídeos. Prescindem de palavras.
Maratona Palestina pela Liberdade de Movimento
PalestineMarathon, in Bethlehem, for Free Movement
More than four thousand people ran for Palestine last week in Bethlehem. It was the fourth edition of the the Palestinian Marathon for Free Movement, in Bethlehem, on April 1st. Following, videos that show the event.
They run to tell a different story. History, not the hasbara told by the mainstream media.

A celebração contará com um Festival que durará uma semana, do dia 4 a 9 de abril, com uma série de espetáculos, palestras e debates que acontecerão no local do Freedom Theatre de Jenin, nos territórios palestinos ocupados, na Cisjordânia.
In April 2016, The Freedom Theatre of Jenin will celebrate its tenth anniversary with a six-day Festival and Forum on Cultural Resistance, April 4-9 in Jenin Refugee Camp are, among many others, Omar Barghouthi, Hala Nassar,... Ilan Pappé, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Reem Talhami, Nabeel Al-Raee, Manal Tamimi, Khaled Katamesh... the list goes on and on! How could you possibly miss it?
Jenin Freedom Theatre
Jenin Freedom Theatre
Juliano talks about the Freedom Theatre in 2011
A play / Uma peça
Tenho de retornar ao assunto principal da semana passada que foi a execução sumária de um jovem palestino de 21 anos por um soldado israelense que foi julgado, sumariamente, condenado por homicídio involuntário, em vez de assassinato bárbaro, e já está solto.
Nesse ínterim, o ativista da B'Tselem que filmou a cena está sofrendo ameaças que não param, tanto dos invasores judeus que terrorizam Hebron quanto dos soldados. Como diz Emad Abu Shamsiyeh, "Israel faz o que quer", e fica por isso, mas ele está pronto para depor na Háguia e onde o chamarem.
Emad Abu Shamsiyeh, who filmed the Israeli soldier executing the injured Palestinian says: 'Israel does whatever it wants' and is ready to testitfy.
Emad Abu Shamsiyeh, who filmed the Israeli soldier executing the injured Palestinian says: 'Israel does whatever it wants' and is ready to testitfy.
B’Tselem director Hagai El-Ad wrote to OC Central Command Roni Numa and Chief of Police Roni Alsheich informing them of death threats made against ‘Emad Abu Shamsiyeh, the B’Tselem volunteer who filmed the incident in which a soldier shot and killed ‘Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif in Hebron on 24 March 2016.
In the letter, Hagai requested assurance that the military and police commanders are aware of the danger to which Emad and his family are exposed. He emphasized their duty to do all that is in their power to protect the family from further violence, including issuing clear, adequate directives to soldiers and police officers stationed in Hebron.
Hagai el-Ad stressed that this is far from a hypothetical matter: Emad Abu Shamsiyeh is well known in his neighborhood, Tel Rumeida, and in recent years has suffered several attacks by settlers living there. In light of that, and given the threats issued against him, we fear that these attacks will be exacerbated.
In the letter, Hagai requested assurance that the military and police commanders are aware of the danger to which Emad and his family are exposed. He emphasized their duty to do all that is in their power to protect the family from further violence, including issuing clear, adequate directives to soldiers and police officers stationed in Hebron.
Hagai el-Ad stressed that this is far from a hypothetical matter: Emad Abu Shamsiyeh is well known in his neighborhood, Tel Rumeida, and in recent years has suffered several attacks by settlers living there. In light of that, and given the threats issued against him, we fear that these attacks will be exacerbated.
Since the footage was released, Emad and his family have already been subjected to threats of murder, stones thrown at their home, and hateful posts on Facebook. Most of this violence was instigated by Hebron settlers.
About Hebron murderer, the IDF appealed and court ordered the soldier to be relased on-base confinement. He has still not been charged with a crime: :Israeli soldier behind Hebron execution released to open detention.
About Hebron murderer, the IDF appealed and court ordered the soldier to be relased on-base confinement. He has still not been charged with a crime: :Israeli soldier behind Hebron execution released to open detention.

* 972mag: According to Israeli human rights group Yesh Din, in the period between 2003 and 2013 (excluding 2010), military police opened criminal investigations into the killing of 179 Palestinians. Of those investigations, only 16 led to indictments. None of the indictments carried murder charges.
* The only way to ensure Palestinian lives matter: and that is to end the occupation.
* IDF appealed and court ordered Hebron murderere to be relased to five days of on-base confinement. He has still not been charged with a crime: :Israeli soldier behind Hebron execution released to open detention.
Jonathan Cook, uma vez mais, bota os pingos nos iis.
Jonathan Cook's latest article: Cold-blooded execution puts on trial a wider Israeli culture that strips Palestinians of their humanity.
Watch: Shocking videos by AJ+ and by David Sheen and Dan Cohen: Israelis rally for Israeli soldier who executed the Palestinian. Feel the Hate.
* 972mag: The only zionist educator the Israelis should have listened to. Yitzhak Epstein warned imigrant Jews against the humiliation of Palestinians way back in 1905.
* Mondoweiss: A 'Genius' approach for fixing NY Times pro-Israel bias.
* 12-year-old on the run from Israeli forces: Ramzi Abu Ajamia says he plans to dodge apparent arrest order for as long as possible, but boy's father fears his life.
Press TV: Demolition of Palestinian homes doubled in 2016
Jonathan Cook's latest article: Cold-blooded execution puts on trial a wider Israeli culture that strips Palestinians of their humanity.
Watch: Shocking videos by AJ+ and by David Sheen and Dan Cohen: Israelis rally for Israeli soldier who executed the Palestinian. Feel the Hate.
Videos da AJ+ e de David Sheen & Dan Cohen mostrando manifestações isarelenses de apoio ao soldado assassino que foi absolvido de seu homicídio a sangue frio.
Desde o início da Terceira Intifada em outubro de 2015, que os soldados das Forças Israelenses de Ocupação têm praticado indiscriminadamente execução sumária, considerada crime de guerra na convenção de Genebra, sem punição pelo crime. Muito pelo contrário, os assassinos a sangue frio são celebrados como heróis pelo homicídio. Inside Story abordou o problema desde o início, como mostra o vídeo abaixo.
Since the beginning of the Third Intifada in October 2015, soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Forces have been practicing summary executions without any restraint, and the murderers have not been punished.
Inside Story talked about the subject in the very beginning, last year. Check it out.
* Jessica Montel: Why all the fuss about Israeli settlements in the West Bank? Join my WEBINAR and find out. Thursday April 7.
* 972mag: The only zionist educator the Israelis should have listened to. Yitzhak Epstein warned imigrant Jews against the humiliation of Palestinians way back in 1905.
* Mondoweiss: A 'Genius' approach for fixing NY Times pro-Israel bias.
Children Behind bars
* 972mag: Poisoned umbrellas? Israel intel minister calls for "targeted civilian eliminations" of BDS activists.
* EuroMedHR calls on Israeli authorities to put an immediate end to incitement against BDS leaders.
* Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights: The EU helps Israel oppress Palestinians.
* BDS: Despite Israel’s descent into unmasked, right-wing extremism, particularly with the current escalation of its brutal occupation and repression, the EU helps Israel oppress Palestinians
* Ben White: Israeli journalists enlist against #BDS.
Abaixo, Gershon Baskin, jornalista israelense, comenta a recente entrevista de Ilana Dayan com Mahmoud Abbas - Abu Mazen.
Gershon Baskin: WHERE IS THE ISRAELI PARTNER FOR PEACE? After watching the Ilana Dayan interview with Abu Mazen I can say that I personally sent messages to Netanyahu from Abu Mazen several times over the past 3 years, as did others, proposing direct negotiations. Netanyahu turned down every single request. Abu Mazen, through me, invited several other senior Israeli politicians to meet with him, even before the last 6 months of violence, and they refused. Abu Mazen ask me to invite several senior Likud figures to meet with him and Netanyahu vetoed those meetings. Abu Mazen asked me to pass an invitation from hi to Aryeh Deri, who for months I have been trying to respond positively to that invitation, and Deri never even bothered to respond - even after he had me speak to his senior advisor, Barak Seri - he didn't even have the courtesy to respond. I personally arranged for Buji Herzog to meet with Abu Mazen, before the elections and after the elections. I proposed to Herzog that they hold a joint press conference and speak about how they could reach an agreement. Abbas agreed and said that if Herzog is ready, he is also ready. Herzog refused. In his meeting, after elections he told Abu Mazen that he was thinking about joining the coalition. Where is the Israeli partner for peace?
My new column - I have no doubt that this one will seriously piss off my right-wing friends...
Atendendo a inúmeros pedidos de mais vídeos da poetisa Rafaeef Ziadah, eis um vídeo inspirado de seu poema: "We Teach Life, sir".
Rafaeef resiste de Londres, de Toronto, do mundo livre. Já jovens palestinas resistem de dentro, de maneira pacífica ou violenta.
AJ+: Palestinian women in the Resistence
Agora, vou cantar vitória de boca cheia: Sou brasileira, com muito orgulho, com muito amor!
Comecei a semana passada cheia de orgulho de ser brasileira.
(Apesar da nossa burguesia gananciosa e ignorante que quer dar um golpe de estado dando uma de chocada com a corrupção da qual desfruta e com a qual compactua em seus respectivos estados de governadores de legendas diferentes da do governo federal. A corrupção no Brasil começa nos municípios, nas câmaras municipais, passa para os governos estaduais, as assembléias legislativas, e é de lá que chega em Brasília, e não o inverso, como os golpistas tentam insinuar. Sou contra a traição do Lula, contra a corrupção em todos os meios, níveis, e também contra punições paliativas de bodes expiatórios que livrem a barra de predadores das riquezas e do patrimônio nacional)
(Apesar da nossa burguesia gananciosa e ignorante que quer dar um golpe de estado dando uma de chocada com a corrupção da qual desfruta e com a qual compactua em seus respectivos estados de governadores de legendas diferentes da do governo federal. A corrupção no Brasil começa nos municípios, nas câmaras municipais, passa para os governos estaduais, as assembléias legislativas, e é de lá que chega em Brasília, e não o inverso, como os golpistas tentam insinuar. Sou contra a traição do Lula, contra a corrupção em todos os meios, níveis, e também contra punições paliativas de bodes expiatórios que livrem a barra de predadores das riquezas e do patrimônio nacional)

Desta vez foi por causa da queda de braço, que durou sete meses, entre Brasília e Tel Aviv, sob indiferença de nossa mídia e ignorância do nosso povo pouco informado sobre as questões israelo-palestinas.
Binyamin Netanyahu, após espernear, ameaçar e proferir os impropérios que lhe são peculiares, no dia 28 de março, acabou sendo obrigado a retirar a candidatura do invasor que queria mandar como embaixador para o nosso país tropical, abençoado por Deus e com o Cristo Redentor a nos proteger desses lobos em pele de carneiro.
O nome do fora-da-lei que o Planalto impediu que sujasse nossa terra com seus sapatos sujos de terra surrupiada é Dani Dayan. Esse homem é um dos 500 mil colonos israelenses que residem em terra palestina nos territórios ocupados na Cisjordânia.
Bravo Dilma! Bravo Mauro Vieira! Obrigada por defenderem causas justas sem se deixarem corromper pelo lobby sionista!
Ao verem que não aidantaria esperar a mudança de presidente (com a qual estavam contando para resolver o problema), imagine à porta de que país Netanyahu bateu para salvar a face? Do padrinho gringo, é claro. Amoral até a pontinha dos cabelos. O tal Dayan virou cônsul em Nova York.
* Mondoweiss: Rejected by Brazil, Israeli settler leader Dani Dayan was given diplomatic post in the US .
The Guardian: Brazil Israel backs down in row over ambassador
972mag: From the West Bank to NYC: American Jews must challenge Dani Dayan wherever he goes.
Abaixo, vídeo do fora-da-lei em questão. Só perde em cinismo para o Eduardo Cunha.
* Mondoweiss: Rejected by Brazil, Israeli settler leader Dani Dayan was given diplomatic post in the US .
The Guardian: Brazil Israel backs down in row over ambassador
972mag: From the West Bank to NYC: American Jews must challenge Dani Dayan wherever he goes.
Abaixo, vídeo do fora-da-lei em questão. Só perde em cinismo para o Eduardo Cunha.
Head to Head with Dani Dayan
Behind every mole planted by Ad Khan stands the Samara stettlers committee
Vou finalizar com a palestra do jornalista israelense Gideon Levy na National Press Conference, em março, em Washington DC.
REAL NEWS conferece on Israel's influence, in Washington DC
National Press Conference 03/16, Gideon Levy
National Press Conference 03/16, Gideon Levy
For those who missed his last year's speech
Rap for Palestine
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