Help get Benjamin Netanyahu arrested for war crimes: sign this petition
Sign the petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes
Sign the petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.
Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo
07 - 22 Aug / London / Exhibition: P21 Gallery presents Gaza on Gaza

Nevertheless, in the evening the Palestinians confirmed they had agreed to a long term ceasefire.
No body was found during the truce, on Monday, August 18. Nenhum corpo foi encontrado sob os escombros no dia 18 de agosto de 2014.
Reservistas da IDF, forças israelenses de ocupação,
Shovrim Shtika - Breaking the Silence
Rank: Lieutenant. Unit: Infantry. Area: Gaza strip:
My job is to look at the area, determine what’s a threat to [the forces] and demarcate it as a target. When and how we activate [firepower], that’s done according to the rules of engagement, according to the situation, according to the specific intelligence that exists at the time. In the end you also okay it with your commander, who’s a person with really a whole lot more experience and he’s the final authority in the unit, and he tells you, “Listen, I want [targets] here, and here, and here too.” Usually what the commander does is tack on another five or 10targets on top of the list you made, approves all the stuff you listed, and that's it.
When the commander adds targets, that’s after he already calculated the safety ranges from civilians?
No, no. The commander worries about the safety of his troops and he doesn’t care about anything professional. When he sees something that’s a threat – no matter the reason –he tells you, “Add a target there, we'll approve it later.” The commander's logic being that we don’t want this thing threatening us. The moment the smallest thing poses a threat to me, I wipe it out. And I know that if I enter into an engagement there, the target will already be marked and I'll say over the two-way radio that I’m being threatened from over there. I mean, that’s the commander’s logic. The most serious [‘target list’ I prepared] was during the entry [to the Gaza Strip]. I marked the spots and went to the commander and he told me, “OK listen, mark another one here. And an artillery target here.”
What was there?
Nothing. Just to broaden [the list]. I brought a transparency like that to the commander and he tells me, “Listen, I want a line of artillery targets here as well.” And you mark a line there, or you mark a specific target, and then he tells you “OK, I want as much as possible –the most.” The commander gets this transparency and he tells you, “Listen, this is the first line – I can't take any risks on the first line of houses, use artillery on those.”
Did he have any intelligence on those houses?
No, no, he has no intelligence. The commander takes a look, goes, “I go in here with my soldiers, and I want to get everyone out after the war.” The brigade, which [works] really closely with the intelligence [corps], has to approve or not approve [the targets] for you. In the end it’s [the brigade] that’s in control –me, I don't have artillery, they’re the ones in control. There were many times that they, for instance, canceled things, canceled stuff. But because of the heavy workload and the madness and the fighting and the wounded, then [over in the brigade] they get a transparency, go ‘whatever,’ and approve it. You know, everything is written down, and it just gets fed straight into the system, “These are the targets,” coordinate one, coordinate two.
Vice News: Gaza six months on
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