sign this petition to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes
when he makes an official state visit to Britain in September 2015.
Ajude Gaza concretamente boicotando Israel e contribuindo no site abaixo
In an 11-part series exclusive to Byline, Norman Finkelstein subjected Amnesty International’s reports on Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s summer 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip, to a forensic critique. But why is it important to keep organizations like Amnesty honest? Jamie Stern-Weiner, who is co-authoring a forthcoming book, How to solve the Israel-palestine conflict, with Finkelstein and Mouin Rabbani, sat down with Finkelstein to discuss the politics of human rights organizations, and their role in the struggle for justice in Palestine.

Remembering the dead of injuries caused during Israeli OPE.
Palestinos mortos em 2014 de ferimentos durante a OPE.
Source/Fonte: IMEMC-International Midlle East Media Center. 2015.
1. Mohammad al-Ma’sawani, 22, Gaza
2. Widad Abu Zeid, Rafah
September 02 - 02 de setembro
1. Bassem ‘Ajjour, 55, Gaza.
2. Ziad ar-Reefy, 9, Gaza.
September 03 - 03 de setembro
1. Nasser Abu Maraheel, 42, Nusseirat – Gaza
September 04 - 04 de setembro
1. ‘Etaf Mohammad ‘Ajrour (elderly), Gaza City.
September 06 - 06 de setembro
1. Mahmoud Suleiman Sheikh Eid, Rafah
September 08 - 08 de setembro
1. Mohammad Ibrahim ar-Reyati, 22, Rafah.
September 09 - 09 de setembro
1. Rahaf Abu Jame', 5, Khan Younis.
September 10 - 10 de setembro
1. Samira Hasan al-Louh, 53, Central Gaza.
2. Abdul-Fattah abu Salmiyya, 72, Rafah.
September 14 - 14 de setembro
1 Anas Taiseer al-Hinnawi, 22, Jabalia.
September 19 - 19 de setembro
1. Ayman Ziad Abu Jibba, 23, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (killed when Israeli unexploded shells detonated)
2. Abdullah Jibril Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
3. Mohammad Riyadh Abu Aser, 24, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (idem)
October 04 - 04 de outubro
1. Jamal Abu Lebda, 50, Khan Younis.
October 10 - 10 de outubro
1. Arafat Suheil Tafesh, Tuffah - Gaza.
Max Blumenthal: The 51-Day War (book that I strongly recommend)
Max is an award winning journalist and bestselling author. His previous books include Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013, Nation books):
DN: Has the World abandoned Gaza?
Russel Tribunal on Palestine: Blog do dia 05/10/2014
Enquanto a prisão-campo de concentração Faixa de Gaza vive confinada, aterrorizada por drones que a sobrevoam dia e noite e devastada por bombas de dois em dois anos e bombardeada uma vez por semana, na Cisjordânia, os meninos são mal-tratados com a mesma violência, de outro jeito. Dê uma olhada no documentário australiano abaixo.
A 48-Year Long Sin. As a Jew, an Israeli, and a former soldier, I cannot forget, and I expect the same of the society to which I belong. I expect us all to question the orders that guide our soldiers in Gaza. What was the policy that informed hese orders? Is this more ›
Stone Cold Justice
We Won’t Be Silenced. Our appeal to the Israeli public is derived from the understanding that, in a democratic country, the public citizenry is responsible for the policies and actions of their state, and it’s the same public’s responsibility to change the path along more ›
AJ: People and Power
Anti-Sionismo não tem nada a ver com anti-semitismo!!
Mensagem para Gil & Caetano e outros "ingênuos" do gênero
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