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The Listening Post: Netanyahu's media manipulation
On The Listening Post this week: Netanyahu's media scandal - the story
of the tape that caused 'explosions' across Israel. Plus, the dilemma
Zimbabwean journalists face when covering Mugabe.
Oito anos atrás, os Estados Unidos e o mundo civilizado exultavam de alegria por os estadunidenses terem elegido um presidente democrata tido como "intelectual", filho de pai imigrante africano, carismático, cheio de energia positiva. Na fachada.
Ao ponto do "Yes we can!" inspirar na Espanha o "Podemos" e quantos outros movimentos de mudanças para frente.
Muitos dos eleitores de Barack Obama viam seu/s mandato/s como
"a last chance to break
from US neoliberal soulcraft, rooted in market-driven brands that shun
integrity and profit-driven policies that trump public goods", como disse um Democrata que sonhava com menos desigualdade social. Nevertheless,
Obama did not put an end to the money-making activities that have little or
nothing to do with truth, integrity or the long-term survival of the planet. He
assured a smooth and quiet transition to a postmodern version of the full-scale
gangsterization of the world.
Obama não produziu Donald Trump, mas contribuiu
bastante para sua emergência. Seus fãs que se recusam a admitir seus
deslizes que provocaram a avalanche são co-responsáveis ao tecerem-lhe elogios
quando deveriam julgá-lo e condená-lo sem condescendência com sua aparência boa
Sua traição aos eleitores e co-partidários
progressistas começou cedo. Obama recusou-se a ouvi-los - tanto os eleitores
quanto sua base de apoio político - quando estes suplicaram que rompesse os
laços nocivos com Wall Street e transferisse as prioridades financeiras
para Main Street. Ou seja, os necessitados.
Mas a ala liberal Democrata falou mais alto e Obama já
em março de 2009 reuniu-se com a cúpula de Wall Street e proclamou seu
apoio ao capital. Resultado, nenhum banqueiro que surrupiara dinheiro alheio
foi parar atrás das grades e a miséria não parou de aumentar, sobretudo na
população negra.
No tocante às questões ecológicas, foi a mesma
enganação. Na última hora quis dar uma de bonzinho liberando verba
internacional, mas durante o governo, investiu milhões em energias
"sujas" fora dos EUA, de baixo do pano.
Obama, who says he recognizes
the threat to humanity posed by climate change, still invested at least $34
billion to promote fossil fuel projects in other countries. That is three times
as much as George W Bush spent in his two terms, almost twice that of Ronald
Reagan, George HW Bush and Bill Clinton put together. He financed 70 foreign
fossil fuel projects. When completed they will release 164 million metric tons
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year – about the same output as the
95 currently operating coal-fired power plants in Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Obama financed two natural gas
plants on an island in the Great Barrier Reef, as well as two of the largest
coalmines on the planet. Obama did have his Clean Power Plan for the US,
estimated to reduce carbon emissions by 2.5 billion tons over 15 years. But the
foreign projects he approved will produce about the same carbon emissions as
the Clean Power Plan savings. These foreign emissions increases financed by
Obama aren’t counted toward US totals, but the impact on climate change is
identical regardless the place of origin.
Moreover, under Obama has
reversed the steady drop in U.S. oil production which had continued unchecked
since 1971. The U.S. was pumping just 5.1 million barrels per day when Obama
took office. By April 2016 it was up to 8.9 million barrels per day. A 74%
increase! In 2015, the U.S. pumped the most oil in 43 years. The U.S. is now
the world’s No. 1 petroleum producer if we include both crude and natural gas.
In oil production itself, the U.S. ranks No. 3, just behind Russia and Saudi
Arabia. If Bush had this record, it would be jumped on to expose him all
the more as a tool of the oil companies. Different standard for Democrat
Obama's administration
accelerated the destruction of the earth, and many environmental groups and
liberal-leftists soft pedaled or even covered it up. On top of this, in
2010 Project Censored called the US military the biggest polluter on the
planet. What measures did Obama take? He exempted it from climate change
regulation! “The Pentagon [which accounts for 80% of US government fuel usage]
is also exempt from an executive order by President Obama requiring other
federal agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.” Obama proudly
said in 2012, quoted in the film This Changes Everything: “Over the last
three years I’ve directed my administration to open up millions of acres for
gas and oil exploration across 23 different states. We’re opening up more than
75% of our potential oil resources offshore. We’ve quadrupled the number of
operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough oil and gas pipelines to
encircle the earth and then some. So, we are drilling all over the place, right
now.” Drill, baby, drill! Yet this is how Obama scammed us in his feel-good
farewell speech – though many liberals like how he makes them feel good, and
often don’t want to hear about the reality: “Take the challenge of climate
change. In just eight years we’ve halved our dependence on foreign oil, we’ve
doubled our renewable energy, we’ve led the world to an agreement that has the
promise to save this planet.” In calling out Obama on his criminal record
against the planet we must also call out our left-liberal and environmentalist
friends who helped downplay it. And this struggle takes new form today in this
broad anti-Trump coalition, which left-liberals will try to use to herald in a
new Obama in 2020.
Por outro lado, à demanda de responsabilização e punição dos torturadores civis e militares
estadunidenses no Iraque, Afeganistão, Guntánamo e quantas mais bases externas
de abusos selvagens, Obama empurrou com a barriga até as vozes serem abafadas
ou se calarem, exaustas.
À demanda de transparência nos assassinatos por drones
- seus oito anos foi o período mais negro dessa campanha covarde - que custaram
a vida de centenas de mulheres, velhos e crianças do Paquistão ao Yêmen - Obama
respondeu incansavelemente que nenhuma vida de civis fora tirada por seus
ataques, apesar das provas cabais que faltava com a verdade. Até ter de admitir
o irrefutável, mas por alto, que a few had been killed. 65 or so.
Aí, em 2015, Warren Weinstein, um refém estadunidense, foi morto
em um desses ataques, uma entrevista coletiva foi organizada de imediato e sua
família recebeu compensação financeira substancial.
Enquanto os civis que eram mortos semanalmente nos
países árabes por ataques de drones US ficavam ao Deus dará, reforçando nos
jovens muçulmanos o ódio contra os ocidentais e aproximando os mais frágeis do
Estado Islâmico e do Al Qaeda.
Para entender melhor, eis abaixo as estatísticas dos
ataques de drones US, de pouco interesse da grande mídia.
Afeganistão, só desde 2015:
Afeganistão, só desde 2015:
Bureau of Investigative
Journalism data - Total strikes: 1307-1308.
Total killed: 2,375-3,035. Civilians killed: 125-182. Children killed: 6-23. Injured: 338-390.
Total killed: 2,375-3,035. Civilians killed: 125-182. Children killed: 6-23. Injured: 338-390.
USAF data - Missions with at least one weapon release: 1,026. Total weapons
released: 2,284.
By the way, Obama spent nearly
his entire presidency talking about withdrawing from Afghanistan. He intended
the withdrawal deadline to pressure the corrupt Afghan government to reform,
but critics argued, rightly, that it would instead incentivize hedging behavior
as US local allies, in the face of uncertainty, became preoccupied with
securing their personal interests instead of their country’s. And clearly, the
deadline emboldened the Taliban and undermined the surge. Six years later, the
Taliban is resurgent, but the Afghan government has not cleaned up its act: The
withdrawal incurred the costs critics feared without accomplishing the goals
its advocates intended—and the withdrawal will not end up actually happening,
making the entire exercise profoundly futile.
Paquistão desde 2004:
Total strikes: 424. Obama strikes: 373.
Total strikes: 424. Obama strikes: 373.
Total killed: 2,499-4,001. Civilians killed: 424-966. Children killed: 172-207. Injured: 1,161-1,744.
Total killed: 2,499-4,001. Civilians killed: 424-966. Children killed: 172-207. Injured: 1,161-1,744.
Most recent strike: May 21 2016. See the databases for previous strikes under President Obama: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.
Somalia desde 2007:
Drone strikes: 32-36.
Total killed: 242-418. Civilians killed: 3-10. Children killed: 0-2. Injured: 5-24.
Other covert operations: 10-14
Total killed: 59-160. Civilians killed: 7-47. Children killed: 0-2. Injured: 11-21.
Yêmen desde 2002:
Confirmed drone strikes: 143-163.
Total killed: 592-860. Civilians killed: 65-101. Children killed: 8-9. Injured: 100-234.
Possible extra drone strikes: 90-107.
Total killed: 357-509. Civilians killed: 26-61. Children killed: 6-9. Injured: 82-109.
Other covert operations: 20-83.
Total killed: 210-443. Civilians killed: 68-102. Children killed: 26-28. Injured: 43-132.
Total killed: 210-443. Civilians killed: 68-102. Children killed: 26-28. Injured: 43-132.
Most recent strike: January 8 2017.
PS. For details of the killings by US drones see the Bureau of
Investigative Journalism : Naming the Dead project.
Trocando em miúdos, Barack Obama foi o presidente dos
Estados Unidos que mais matou civis nos países acima. Sem contar a
responsabilidade in/direta dos milhões de mortos na Líbia e na Síria.
Duas das três maiores operações militares de Israel na
Palestina - Operation Pillar of Defence (2012) e Operation
Protective Edge (2014) aconteceram durante os mandatos de Obama.
Aliás, a Operation Cast Lead 2008/09 aconteceu entre Bush e Obama, por
Ehud Olmert saber que contava com o apoio da Casa Branca.
Em 2014, além de não condenar Israel pela chacina na Faixa de Gaza, Obama liberou mais
US$225 milhões de ajuda financeira à "pobre" IDF para que continuasse
seus crimes de guerra.
Enquanto isso, dentro dos EUA, Obama prosseguia a
campanha de aniquilamento da Educação pública iniciada no mandato de George W.
Bush. O professor da Universidade de Princeton Cornel West, ativista negro de
longa data, descreve assim a situação do ensino US e a cumplicidade da mídia: Obama’s education policy unleashed more market forces that
closed hundreds of public schools for charter ones. The top 1% got
nearly two-thirds of the income growth in eight years even as child
poverty, especially black child poverty, remained astronomical. Labor
insurgencies in Wisconsin, Seattle and Chicago (vigorously opposed by
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a close confidant of Obama) were passed over in
In 2009, Obama called New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg an “outstanding mayor”. Yet he overlooked the fact that more than 4 million people were stopped-and-frisked under Bloomberg’s watch. Along with Carl Dix and others, I sat in a jail two years later for protesting these very same policies that Obama ignored when praising Bloomberg.
the mainstream media and academia failed to highlight these painful
truths linked to Obama. Instead, most well-paid pundits on TV and radio
celebrated the Obama brand. And most black spokespeople shamelessly
defended Obama’s silences and crimes in the name of racial symbolism and
their own careerism. How hypocritical to see them now speak truth to
white power when most went mute in the face of black power. Their moral
authority is weak and their newfound militancy is shallow.
The gross killing of
US citizens with no due process after direct orders from Obama was cast
aside by neoliberal supporters of all colors. And Edward Snowden,
Chelsea Manning, Jeffrey Sterling and other truth-tellers were demonized
just as the crimes they exposed were hardly mentioned.
president’s greatest legislative achievement was to provide healthcare
for over 25 million citizens, even as another 20 million are still
uncovered. But it remained a market-based policy, created by the
conservative Heritage Foundation and first pioneered by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts.
Obama’s lack of courage to confront Wall Street criminals and his lapse of character in ordering drone strikes unintentionally
led to rightwing populist revolts at home and ugly Islamic fascist
rebellions in the Middle East. And as deporter-in-chief – nearly 2.5
million immigrants were deported under his watch – Obama policies
prefigure Trump’s barbaric plans."
Besides, the USA is broke. the national operating debt has reached gargantuan proportions. The debt is almost $20 trillion, about $3-4 trillion over the yearly GDP.
Quanto à ocupação da Palestina, Obama cercou-se desde o início de judeus mais mais do que menos simpatizantes sionistas que garantiram, durante seus oito anos de mandato, sua visão partidária da política externa em geral e do Oriente Médio em particular. Listo abaixo apenas as pessoas relacionadas com relações exteriores no alto escalão do governo. Fonte: Jewish virtual.
Members of his staff until the end:
Tony Blinken | Deputy National Security Advisor |
Danielle Borrin | Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public Engagement |
Gary Gensler | Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
Jack Lew | Secretary of the Treasury |
Eric Lynn | Middle East Policy Adviser |
Matt Nosanchuk | Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach |
David Plouffe | Senior Advisor to the President |
Daniel Rubenstein | Ambassador to Syria |
Dan Shapiro | Ambassador to Israel |
Gene Sperling | Director, National Economic Council |
Aviva Sufian | Special Envoy, U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services (Inaugural role) |
Adam Szubin | Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury) |
Janet Yellen | Chairwoman, Federal Reserve |
David Cohen | Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency |
David Saperstein | Ambassador for Religious Freedom |
Amy Rosenbaum | Director of Legislative Affairs |
Raffi Freedman-Gurspan | Liaison to the LGBT Community |
Former Members | |
Ben Bernanke (2006-2013) | Chairman, Federal Reserve |
Mary Schapiro (2009-2012) | Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission |
Steven Simon (2009-2012) | Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council |
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) | Chief of Staff to the President |
David Axelrod (2009-2011) | Senior Advisor to the President |
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) | Solicitor General of the United States |
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) | Director of the Office of Management and Budget |
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) | Deputy White House Chief of Staff |
James B. Steinberg | Deputy Secretary of State |
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 | Special Assistant to the President |
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) | Chief of Staff to the Vice President |
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) | Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President |
Susan Sher (2009-2011) | Chief of Staff to the First Lady |
Alice Rivlin | Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & Reform |
Lee Feinstein (2009) | Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor |
Mara Rudman (2009) | Foreign Policy Advisor |
"The United States was the first country to recognize Israel
in 1948, minutes after its declaration of independence, and the deep
bonds of friendship between the U.S. and Israel remain as strong and
unshakeable as ever.” (Statement on the 61st Anniversary of
Israel's Independence, April 28, 2009)
“The American people and the Israeli peoples share a faith in the future and believe that democracies can shape their own destinies and that opportunities should be available to all. Throughout its own extraordinary history, Israel has given life to that promise.” (Televised Statement to the Israeli Public, October 21, 2009)
“The American people and the Israeli peoples share a faith in the future and believe that democracies can shape their own destinies and that opportunities should be available to all. Throughout its own extraordinary history, Israel has given life to that promise.” (Televised Statement to the Israeli Public, October 21, 2009)
“A strong and
secure Israel is in the national security interest
of the United States not simply
because we share strategic interests ... America’s commitment to
Israel’s security flows from
a deeper place -- and that’s the
values we share. As two people
who struggled to win our freedom
against overwhelming odds, we understand
that preserving the security for
which our forefathers -- and foremothers
-- fought must be the work of every
generation. As two vibrant democracies,
we recognize that the liberties and
freedoms we cherish must be constantly
nurtured. And as the nation that
recognized the State of Israel moments
after its independence, we have a
profound commitment to its survival
as a strong, secure homeland for the
Jewish people ...Because we understand the challenges Israel faces, I
and my administration
have made the security of Israel a
priority. It’s why we’ve
increased cooperation between our
militaries to unprecedented levels.
It’s why we’re making our most
advanced technologies available
to our Israeli allies. It’s why,
despite tough fiscal
times, we’ve increased foreign
military financing to record
levels. And that includes
additional support –-
beyond regular military aid -– for
the Iron Dome anti-rocket
system ... So make no mistake, we
will maintain Israel’s qualitative military
edge.” (Speech at the 2011 AIPAC Policy Conference, May 22,
"America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring. And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day ... The Jewish people have forged a successful state in their historic homeland. Israel deserves recognition. It deserves normal relations with its neighbors. And friends of the Palestinians do them no favors by ignoring this truth, just as friends of Israel must recognize the need to pursue a two state solution with a secure Israel next to an independent Palestine." (Speech to the United Nations General Assembly, September 21, 2011)
"America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable, and our friendship with Israel is deep and enduring. And so we believe that any lasting peace must acknowledge the very real security concerns that Israel faces every single day ... The Jewish people have forged a successful state in their historic homeland. Israel deserves recognition. It deserves normal relations with its neighbors. And friends of the Palestinians do them no favors by ignoring this truth, just as friends of Israel must recognize the need to pursue a two state solution with a secure Israel next to an independent Palestine." (Speech to the United Nations General Assembly, September 21, 2011)
"[America] will stand steadfast with Israel in pursuit of security and a lasting peace." (State of the Union Address, February 12, 2013)
"I care deeply
about preserving that Jewish democracy, because when I think about how I
came to know Israel, it was based on images of kibbutzim, and Moshe
Dayan, and Golda Meir, and the sense that not only are we creating a
safe Jewish homeland, but also we are remaking the world. We’re
repairing it. We are going to do it the right way.""Precisely because I care so deeply about the State of Israel, precisely because I care so much about the Jewish people, I feel obliged to speak honestly and truthfully about what I think will be most likely to lead to long-term security, and will best position us to continue to combat anti-Semitism, and I make no apologies for that precisely because I am secure and confident about how deeply I care about Israel and the Jewish people."
"I think it would be a moral failing for me as president of the United States, and a moral failing for America, and a moral failing for the world, if we did not protect Israel and stand up for its right to exist, because that would negate not just the history of the 20th century, it would negate the history of the past millennium"
"To me, being pro-Israel and pro-Jewish is part and parcel with the values that I've been fighting for since I started getting involved in politics. There’s a direct line between supporting the right of the Jewish people to have a homeland and to feel safe and free of discrimination and persecution, and the right of African Americans to vote and have equal protection under the law. These things are indivisible in my mind."
O balanço do governo de Obama está muitos graus abaixo de zero no tocante à poltícia internacional e à Palestina em particular. Nos últimos oito anos, os invasores judeus que ocupam as colônias/invasões civis judias na Cisjordânia passaram de 300 mil a 500 mil. O maior crescimento de todos os tempos. A abstenção no voto da resolução que condena esta prática israelense ilegal foi apenas um soprinho de vingança na árvore sólida que o presidente democrata cultivou para seu substituto levar avante o projeto sionista de limpeza étnica da Palestina.
Aliás, Donald Trump vai tirar proveiro de várias más ações de Obama que aumentarão sua má reputação.
Inclusive do record de deportação de imigrantes sem documento.
Um dos atos condenáveis do presidente democrata aconteceu no dia 23 de dezembro de 2016. No mês passado Obama assinou o National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), uma lei federal que é usada como um cavalo de Tróia contra as liberdades civis dos estadunidenses e contra a informação fiável.
Em 2011, Obama já assinara lei semelhante que autorizava detenção indeterminada de qualquer cidadão suspeito ou acusado justa ou injustamente de terrorismo. Na lei recém assinada Obama foi mais longe ainda aprovando uma passagem de Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, que significa exatamente o que você imagina. Hasbara, em toda linha. Lavagem cerebral e desinformação garantidas juridicamente.
Onde o mundo vai parar quando nossos governantes se outorgam o direito legal de mentir aberta e desavergonhadamente sobre assuntos que vão do básico à segurança nacional?
E depois dizem que é o Putin que é o vilão deste período da história...
In plain English, this act establishes an official propaganda arm of the United States government - and how many more will follow?.
Of course there has always been governmental coordination in the US used to spread lies about American foreign policy. Actually, the White House doesn't even have to work very hard because the corporate media usually march in lock step and repeat their every claim uncritically. But now its on paper. And Trump can use it as he likes.
The head of this global Engagement Center will be appointed by the president elected Donald Trump.
The man whom Obama labeled as unfit for the presidency is now the propaganda commander-in-chief.
Throughout the 2016 US presidential campaign the corporate media, in the US and abroad, Democratic Party operatives and the pundit class all proclaimend tha Donald Trump is a fascist. The fascistic nature of US political, law enforcement and economic systems - at national and international level - were conveniently omitted from these warnings, but assertions of Trump's untrustworthiness were repeated endlessly. Still are. If that characterization has any validity at all then Barack Obama's establishment of a de facto Propaganda Department is a terrible blow to democracy in the US and to all information that comes from there, and from NATO.
Obama has repeated warnings about "fake news" (in full awareness) and Russian influence. This is one of the reasons why progressives are being exhorted to protest Trump on January 20th and fight back against Republican policies. That is as good and worthy goal but it will also mean fighting against Democratic Party treachery as well.
As a matter of fact, for the sake of coherence, there should be no reason for dismay or consternation when Trump appoints the Global Engagement Center chief propagandist. After all, Barack Obama, the darling of many progressives in the US and abroad, will have laid the goundwork for his "fascist" successor.
Aliás, seu sucessor "fascista" deveria fazer com Obama o que este fez com seu predecessor há oito anos. Ao
assumir a presidência em 2009, o recém-eleito presidente Democrata expôs os crimes de George W.
Bush para desresponsabilizar-se dos mesmos.
Se Trump fizesse o mesmo, quanta gente iludida não ficaria decepcionada com o presidente negro que alimentou tanta esperança e seduziu tanta gente, imerecidamente.
His legacy is a sham.
All of his foreign policy machinations have created wars or have come to nothing.
Obama produced real hell in foreign countries: his bloody coup in Ukraine followed by civil war there, and, before that, the irreversible catastrophe in Lybia, and the devastating years-long attempt to overthrow the non-sectarian leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, and replace him with a pro-Israel government. To this end, Obama lied and said he was supporting only ‘moderate rebels’.
The fact is that despite his acclaimed diplomatic overtures in China, Cuba, and Iran - the former concerning climate change and cybersecurity, the middle being a total thaw in relations, and the latter concerning fissile material stockpiles - in the long run, looking at the big picture, nothing really changed for the better in Obama's years; as all the deals were meant, as always, to benefit, unilaterally, the United States.
E como dizia meu pai, um bom negócio é o que é bom para todas as partes envolvidas. Quando uma delas lesa as demais, o ressentimento gerará divergência e desastre.
Bottom line, Obama's interference in Ukraine and regime change attempt in Syria only succeeded in spreading chaos in both countries, in upsetting Vladimir Putin and in bringing Russia and China together to counter american influence.
Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran meet to discuss the future and fortunately do so without an American presence. The first time it happens in world politics.
Vladimir Vladimirovitch no longer even bothers with trying to engage the people he called, for a while, "our American partners".
The gringo is hurting badly; the giant is severely wounded, on the ground.
When Obama expelled Russian diplomats in a fit of impotent pique, Putin declined to do the same. Why bother when he knows he has won. For better or worse, the world is his, his stage.
No ano 2017, em que a Rússia celebra o aniversário de 100 anos da Revolução, a Terra muda de mãos. Moscou é a nova capital do mundo. O Kremlin dá as cartas. O Czar Putin reina. Incontestavelmente.
Aliás, Donald Trump vai tirar proveiro de várias más ações de Obama que aumentarão sua má reputação.
Inclusive do record de deportação de imigrantes sem documento.
Em 2011, Obama já assinara lei semelhante que autorizava detenção indeterminada de qualquer cidadão suspeito ou acusado justa ou injustamente de terrorismo. Na lei recém assinada Obama foi mais longe ainda aprovando uma passagem de Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, que significa exatamente o que você imagina. Hasbara, em toda linha. Lavagem cerebral e desinformação garantidas juridicamente.
Onde o mundo vai parar quando nossos governantes se outorgam o direito legal de mentir aberta e desavergonhadamente sobre assuntos que vão do básico à segurança nacional?
E depois dizem que é o Putin que é o vilão deste período da história...
Of course there has always been governmental coordination in the US used to spread lies about American foreign policy. Actually, the White House doesn't even have to work very hard because the corporate media usually march in lock step and repeat their every claim uncritically. But now its on paper. And Trump can use it as he likes.
The head of this global Engagement Center will be appointed by the president elected Donald Trump.
The man whom Obama labeled as unfit for the presidency is now the propaganda commander-in-chief.
Throughout the 2016 US presidential campaign the corporate media, in the US and abroad, Democratic Party operatives and the pundit class all proclaimend tha Donald Trump is a fascist. The fascistic nature of US political, law enforcement and economic systems - at national and international level - were conveniently omitted from these warnings, but assertions of Trump's untrustworthiness were repeated endlessly. Still are. If that characterization has any validity at all then Barack Obama's establishment of a de facto Propaganda Department is a terrible blow to democracy in the US and to all information that comes from there, and from NATO.
Obama has repeated warnings about "fake news" (in full awareness) and Russian influence. This is one of the reasons why progressives are being exhorted to protest Trump on January 20th and fight back against Republican policies. That is as good and worthy goal but it will also mean fighting against Democratic Party treachery as well.
As a matter of fact, for the sake of coherence, there should be no reason for dismay or consternation when Trump appoints the Global Engagement Center chief propagandist. After all, Barack Obama, the darling of many progressives in the US and abroad, will have laid the goundwork for his "fascist" successor.

Se Trump fizesse o mesmo, quanta gente iludida não ficaria decepcionada com o presidente negro que alimentou tanta esperança e seduziu tanta gente, imerecidamente.
His legacy is a sham.
All of his foreign policy machinations have created wars or have come to nothing.
Obama produced real hell in foreign countries: his bloody coup in Ukraine followed by civil war there, and, before that, the irreversible catastrophe in Lybia, and the devastating years-long attempt to overthrow the non-sectarian leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, and replace him with a pro-Israel government. To this end, Obama lied and said he was supporting only ‘moderate rebels’.
The fact is that despite his acclaimed diplomatic overtures in China, Cuba, and Iran - the former concerning climate change and cybersecurity, the middle being a total thaw in relations, and the latter concerning fissile material stockpiles - in the long run, looking at the big picture, nothing really changed for the better in Obama's years; as all the deals were meant, as always, to benefit, unilaterally, the United States.
E como dizia meu pai, um bom negócio é o que é bom para todas as partes envolvidas. Quando uma delas lesa as demais, o ressentimento gerará divergência e desastre.
Bottom line, Obama's interference in Ukraine and regime change attempt in Syria only succeeded in spreading chaos in both countries, in upsetting Vladimir Putin and in bringing Russia and China together to counter american influence.
Russia, Syria, Turkey and Iran meet to discuss the future and fortunately do so without an American presence. The first time it happens in world politics.
Vladimir Vladimirovitch no longer even bothers with trying to engage the people he called, for a while, "our American partners".
The gringo is hurting badly; the giant is severely wounded, on the ground.
When Obama expelled Russian diplomats in a fit of impotent pique, Putin declined to do the same. Why bother when he knows he has won. For better or worse, the world is his, his stage.
No ano 2017, em que a Rússia celebra o aniversário de 100 anos da Revolução, a Terra muda de mãos. Moscou é a nova capital do mundo. O Kremlin dá as cartas. O Czar Putin reina. Incontestavelmente.
Glenn Greenwald exposes on MSBC one of Obama's crimes against human right of privacy
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