Barack Obama começou a presidência descumprindo suas promessas de justiça na Palestina e está terminando o segundo mandato presenteando o diabo com os resquícios de alma que ainda possuía.
"We affirm today the unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel". Foi com essas palavras que Susan Rice, a US National Security Adviser, fechou um negócio genocida em Washington na semana passada.
Após cerca de onze meses de negociação, na quarta-feira, dia 14 de setembro de 2016, os Estados Unidos e Israel assinaram um acordo de 'cooperação' militar que garante ao rogue state of Israel US$38 bilhões durante 10 anos. De 2019 a 2028. Durante 2017 e 2018, Israel continuará recebendo seus US$3 bilhões costumeiros que usa e abusa em seus crimes de guerra no Oriente Médio.
Como se sua frase acima não bastasse, em nome de Obama, Rice teceu elogios a um genocida: "We are all thinking of and praying for president Shimon Peres," que espero seja recebido no inferno por Ariel Sharon já torradinho e sofrido, graças à justiça divina.
Sem vergonha, Rice fez questão de retraçar a cumplicidade de Obama na limpeza étnica da Palestina gabando-se: "Since 2009, the U.S. provided almost $24 billion in military aid to Israel. We are proud that no other administration has done so much to enhance Israel's security. We can't know what will happen in the next ten years, but the US will always be there for Israel."
Como se a bajulação de Rice não bastasse, Obama fez questão de acrescentar em comunidado: "Both prime minister Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU [the deal] will make significant contribution to Israel's security... The continued supply of the world's most advanced weapons technology will ensure that Israel has the ability to defend itself from all manner of threats."
Amoral até a última palavra. A mais alta tecnologia bélica contra estilingues, pedras e facas de cozinha na Cisjordânia, e uns foguetes artesanais na Faixa de Gaza.
Covardia pouca é bobagem.
Aliás, as colônias/invasões judias na Cisjordânia cresceram durante o governo de Obama mais do que nos precedentes. Por que será?
A aberração não para aí. Em caso de novas operações militares (chamadas guerra a fim de esconder a disparidade covarde dos massacres), além dos US$38 bilhõezinhos, Israel continua com o direito de solicitar e obter mais milhões e bilhões para sistemas de mísseis.
O porquê de Obama assinar esse acordo tão perto de deixar a Casa Branca indica duas coisas: Israel teme que Trump ganhe, ou, querem deixar a ogra Clinton começar o governo sem este ônus para poder apoiar outros acordos impopulares.
The following are the main points of the agreement:
− Israel will get $3.8 billion dollars annually, $500 million of which will be allocated to developing missile defense systems.
− Israel commits not to approach Congress for additional budgets for missile defense systems. In the event of an emergency, Israel can request additional budgets for missile defense systems, but only if the administration agrees to it.
− The agreement does not prevent Israel from asking Congress for additional aid on security issues, such as the fight against tunnels or the development of cyber defense systems.
− Once the agreement goes into effect, there will be a gradual phasing out of Israel’s right to use 26 percent of the American aid to buy equipment from Israel defense industries.
− When the agreement goes into effect, Israel will immediately stop using 14 percent of the American aid to buy fuel for the Israel Defense Forces.
Beyond that, a senior US official admitted: “Like any understanding, changes can be introduced by mutual agreement. With regards to missile defense, in an extreme situation or in the event of a major armed conflict involving Israel we would be able to consider changes together if needed. We have proven we have given Israel additional assistance in times of need like Operation Protective Edge in 2014. There is no reason to think this will not be the case in the future, if needed.”
Como se sua frase acima não bastasse, em nome de Obama, Rice teceu elogios a um genocida: "We are all thinking of and praying for president Shimon Peres," que espero seja recebido no inferno por Ariel Sharon já torradinho e sofrido, graças à justiça divina.
Sem vergonha, Rice fez questão de retraçar a cumplicidade de Obama na limpeza étnica da Palestina gabando-se: "Since 2009, the U.S. provided almost $24 billion in military aid to Israel. We are proud that no other administration has done so much to enhance Israel's security. We can't know what will happen in the next ten years, but the US will always be there for Israel."
Como se a bajulação de Rice não bastasse, Obama fez questão de acrescentar em comunidado: "Both prime minister Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU [the deal] will make significant contribution to Israel's security... The continued supply of the world's most advanced weapons technology will ensure that Israel has the ability to defend itself from all manner of threats."
Amoral até a última palavra. A mais alta tecnologia bélica contra estilingues, pedras e facas de cozinha na Cisjordânia, e uns foguetes artesanais na Faixa de Gaza.
Covardia pouca é bobagem.
Aliás, as colônias/invasões judias na Cisjordânia cresceram durante o governo de Obama mais do que nos precedentes. Por que será?
A aberração não para aí. Em caso de novas operações militares (chamadas guerra a fim de esconder a disparidade covarde dos massacres), além dos US$38 bilhõezinhos, Israel continua com o direito de solicitar e obter mais milhões e bilhões para sistemas de mísseis.
O porquê de Obama assinar esse acordo tão perto de deixar a Casa Branca indica duas coisas: Israel teme que Trump ganhe, ou, querem deixar a ogra Clinton começar o governo sem este ônus para poder apoiar outros acordos impopulares.

− Israel will get $3.8 billion dollars annually, $500 million of which will be allocated to developing missile defense systems.
− Israel commits not to approach Congress for additional budgets for missile defense systems. In the event of an emergency, Israel can request additional budgets for missile defense systems, but only if the administration agrees to it.
− The agreement does not prevent Israel from asking Congress for additional aid on security issues, such as the fight against tunnels or the development of cyber defense systems.
− Once the agreement goes into effect, there will be a gradual phasing out of Israel’s right to use 26 percent of the American aid to buy equipment from Israel defense industries.
− When the agreement goes into effect, Israel will immediately stop using 14 percent of the American aid to buy fuel for the Israel Defense Forces.
Beyond that, a senior US official admitted: “Like any understanding, changes can be introduced by mutual agreement. With regards to missile defense, in an extreme situation or in the event of a major armed conflict involving Israel we would be able to consider changes together if needed. We have proven we have given Israel additional assistance in times of need like Operation Protective Edge in 2014. There is no reason to think this will not be the case in the future, if needed.”
The senior American officials noted that the new aid pact was formulated during a period of very difficult budget pressures in the United States. Even though there have been continuous reductions in foreign aid budgets, the amount give to Israel under the new agreement is more than under the old one – both in nominal terms and in real terms.
“Now that’s going to go towards building a further arsenal of state-of-the-art U.S. equipment, while simultaneously supporting U.S. industry and jobs. It’s a win-win for Israeli security and the U.S. economy.”
Win-win for both rogue states.
“Now that’s going to go towards building a further arsenal of state-of-the-art U.S. equipment, while simultaneously supporting U.S. industry and jobs. It’s a win-win for Israeli security and the U.S. economy.”
Win-win for both rogue states.
Lose-lose for Palestine, Lebanon, and the world.
Inside Story: How will new US-Israel military deal affect Middle East?
Palestinos: Não reclamem!
Um palestino de 18 anos foi assassinado na semana passada simplesmente
por entrar na buffer zone que Israel estabeleceu na Faixa de Gaza e que
toma quase 1/4 do exíguo território.
Palestinian Center for Human Rights
International Solidarity Movement – Nonviolence. Justice. Freedom.
B'Tselem | The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the ...
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In 2013,Yesh Din began systematically documenting incidents in which Palestinian crime victims chose not to file a complaint with the Israel police. According to Yesh Din's records, out of 413 incidents of ideologically motivated offenses documented by the organization between 2013 and 2015, 30 percent of the victims explicitly specified that they were not interested in filing a complaint with the Israel Police.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights
International Solidarity Movement – Nonviolence. Justice. Freedom.
B'Tselem | The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the ...
Judeus estadunidenses a caminho de Gaza - 12/09/16
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