Só de outubro de 2015 a julho de 2016, Israel assassinou 218 palestinos na Cisjordânia e feriu 17.072 gravemente.
Há dois anos, nesta época, começou a criminosa Operation Protective Edge na Faixa de Gaza. Antes dela, Israel já fizera três operações militares de porte similar, sem contar os crimes "banais" de genocídio a médio prazo através do bloqueio e da "dieta" sem proteinas a que submete a Faixa de Gaza.
Sem contar a impunidade pelos crimes contra a imunidade, apesar da queixa formal feita pela Palestina no ICC.
Desde a OPE em 2014, Israel não cumpriu seu compromisso, o bloqueio continua, o aeroporto e o porto não foram construídos e os ataques esporádicos, quando não diários, da IDF, continuam matando gazauís noite e dia.
O blog de hoje é para marcar a data e atualizar a situação na Faixa e um pouquinho na Cisjordânia, com artigos de colegas e vídeos.
Quem quiser detalhes sobre a OPE, veja os blogs de julho e agosto de 2014 e 2015.
Eis as estatísticas - Statistics
Quem quiser detalhes sobre a OPE, veja os blogs de julho e agosto de 2014 e 2015.
Eis as estatísticas - Statistics
. During OPE, Israeli military fired 14.500 tank shells and more than 35.000 artillery shells.
Durante a OPE, os tanques da IDF usaram 14.500 balas e a artilharia, mais de 35.000.
. More than 73 medical facilities were damaged and 16 health care workers were reportedly killed in the attacks.
Mais de 73 postos de saúde e hospitais foram destruídos ou danificados e 16 para-médicos, enfermeiros e médicos foram mortos.
. According to the UN, 22 schools were destroyed and 118 damaged, and six teachers killed.
22 escolas foram destruídas e 118 danificadas, e seis professores foram mortos e muitos aleijados.
. The UN estimates that at least 373.000 children in Gaza require direct and specialized psychological support.
373 mil crianças em Gaza necessitam de tratamento psicológico direto e especializado.
. More than 1.500 Palestinian children were orphaned after Israel's 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip.
Mais de 1.500 crianças palestinas ficaram orfãs durante a OPE.
. During Israel's attack in 2014, 11.231 Palestinians were wounded, including 410 elderly people. 10% of the wounded now have permament disabilities.
11.231 palestinos foram feridos. Inclusive 410 idosos. 10 por cento do total de feridos ficaram com deficiência físicas permanentes.
551 crianças palestinas foram mortas. 3.374 foram feridas. Mais de 300 ficaram com deficiências físicas graves e permanentes.
. 900 hundred Gazans still in need of care for injuries sustained in 2014.
900 gazauís ainda não foram tratados dos ferimentos sofridos em 2014.
. In Israel's 2014 assault on Gaza, 142 Palestinian families lost 3 or mor family members in individual attack.
Durante a OPE, os tanques da IDF usaram 14.500 balas e a artilharia, mais de 35.000.
. More than 73 medical facilities were damaged and 16 health care workers were reportedly killed in the attacks.
Mais de 73 postos de saúde e hospitais foram destruídos ou danificados e 16 para-médicos, enfermeiros e médicos foram mortos.
. According to the UN, 22 schools were destroyed and 118 damaged, and six teachers killed.
22 escolas foram destruídas e 118 danificadas, e seis professores foram mortos e muitos aleijados.

. More than 1.500 Palestinian children were orphaned after Israel's 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip.
Mais de 1.500 crianças palestinas ficaram orfãs durante a OPE.
. During Israel's attack in 2014, 11.231 Palestinians were wounded, including 410 elderly people. 10% of the wounded now have permament disabilities.
11.231 palestinos foram feridos. Inclusive 410 idosos. 10 por cento do total de feridos ficaram com deficiência físicas permanentes.
551 crianças palestinas foram mortas. 3.374 foram feridas. Mais de 300 ficaram com deficiências físicas graves e permanentes.
. 900 hundred Gazans still in need of care for injuries sustained in 2014.
900 gazauís ainda não foram tratados dos ferimentos sofridos em 2014.
. In Israel's 2014 assault on Gaza, 142 Palestinian families lost 3 or mor family members in individual attack.
142 famílias palestinas perderam 3 ou mais membros em um único dos inúmeros ataques.
. More than half of the children displaced lack safe spaces to play.
Mais da metade dos meninos desabrigados ncontinua sem espaço seguro para brincar.
Até agora, cerca de 40 crianças palestinas foram mortas pelas bombinhas que a Força Aérea israelense jogou durante a OPE em 2014.
Since 2014, more than 40 children in Gaza have been killed by unexploded munitions left over from Israel's Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
Doaa Yasseeen, de 11 anos, sobreviveu, mas perdeu a mão, enquanto outros meninos perdem este ou outros membros do corpo.
No ano passado, Doaa encontrou um objeto estranho no caminho da escola, no canto da estrada, e o pegou, por curiosidade. Mais tarde, a bombinha deixada pelos israelenses explodiria em sua mão arrrancando-a.
"Pensei que fosse um brinquedo".
Pois é, o formato é justamente para induzir meninos a este erro.
Doaa, como outros tantos meninos palestinos que sobrevivem a este e outros traumas provocados pela ocupação israelense e seus crimes, está tentando adaptar-se à nova vida seguindo terapia física e psicológica. As sessões ajudam os meninos a recuperar auto-confiança para enfrentar o futuro, incerto, até cair a próxima bomba ou pisarem em uma outra bombinha.
. On anniversary, 900 remain in need of care for injuries sustained in 2014.
. Two years after the the 2014 war, thousands of families are still in limbo, waiting to rebuild.
. OPE leaves more than a hundred amputees in Gaza. Read the full report in English, Arabic or Hebrew.
.+972: Telling the stories of Gaza's obliterated families'.
. Al Jazeera: . //Gaza's schools remain in ruins two years after OPE.
Amnesty International:://Two years and still no justice for war crimes victims in Gaza.
. More than half of the children displaced lack safe spaces to play.
Mais da metade dos meninos desabrigados ncontinua sem espaço seguro para brincar.
Since 2014, more than 40 children in Gaza have been killed by unexploded munitions left over from Israel's Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
Doaa Yasseeen, de 11 anos, sobreviveu, mas perdeu a mão, enquanto outros meninos perdem este ou outros membros do corpo.
No ano passado, Doaa encontrou um objeto estranho no caminho da escola, no canto da estrada, e o pegou, por curiosidade. Mais tarde, a bombinha deixada pelos israelenses explodiria em sua mão arrrancando-a.
"Pensei que fosse um brinquedo".
Pois é, o formato é justamente para induzir meninos a este erro.
Doaa, como outros tantos meninos palestinos que sobrevivem a este e outros traumas provocados pela ocupação israelense e seus crimes, está tentando adaptar-se à nova vida seguindo terapia física e psicológica. As sessões ajudam os meninos a recuperar auto-confiança para enfrentar o futuro, incerto, até cair a próxima bomba ou pisarem em uma outra bombinha.
. On anniversary, 900 remain in need of care for injuries sustained in 2014.
. Two years after the the 2014 war, thousands of families are still in limbo, waiting to rebuild.
. OPE leaves more than a hundred amputees in Gaza. Read the full report in English, Arabic or Hebrew.
.+972: Telling the stories of Gaza's obliterated families'.
. Al Jazeera: . //Gaza's schools remain in ruins two years after OPE.
Amnesty International:://Two years and still no justice for war crimes victims in Gaza.
Press TV: ONGs urge Israel to lift GAza's blockade

Ben White: Five reasons why Gaza is still Under blockade.
Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim claimed last week that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip had been “largely lifted” as part of the newly-inked reconciliation deal between Israel and Turkey.
The normalisation of Turkish-Israeli relations, six years after Israeli forces killed 10 Turkish citizens aboard a ship bound for Gaza, will see Ankara deliver humanitarian aid to the fenced-in enclave, as well as “build a 200-bed hospital, a housing project and a desalination plant in Gaza” – though “under the condition that materials go through the Israeli port of Ashdod first.”
Unfortunately, none of this constitutes a lifting of the blockade. No amount of aid can alter the core elements of the Israeli-imposed restrictions on the Gaza Strip and its 1.8 million inhabitants. So here are five ways in which the blockade remains unaltered.
1. Restrictions on what enters Gaza.
A weekly average of 2,145 truckloads have entered the Gaza Strip in 2016 (almost half of it construction materials), 76 percent of the pre-blockade figure. Israel maintains an “extensive” list of ‘dual-use’ items, including items “whose use is overwhelmingly civilian and critical for civilian life.” Reconstruction after Israel’s 2014 offensive has made slow progress; it was only in October last year that the first home was rebuilt, and some 90,000 Palestinians remain displaced.
2. Restrictions on goods exiting Gaza.
The exit of goods from the Gaza Strip for sale either abroad, or, more importantly, in the enclave’s key markets of the West Bank and Israel, remains highly restricted. In the week of June 14-20, for example, just 26 truckloads of goods left, a mere one tenth of pre-blockade levels. Last year, a senior World Bank official said that Israel’s blockade and the 2014 war had meant that “Gaza’s exports virtually disappeared” (he’s not exaggerating – exports fell 97 percent between 2007 and 2012).
3. Restrictions on the movement of people – including to and from the West Bank.
Even after ‘concessions’ made by Israel after ‘Operation Protective Edge’, the rate of travel at Gaza’s Israeli-controlled Erez crossing is still just 3 percent of the figures in September 2000. Moreover, Israel continues to prevent Palestinian families visiting each other, and studying in West Bank universities is off-limits for Palestinian students in Gaza. Israeli permit-holders are thusprimarily a restricted number of “medical and other humanitarian cases, merchants, and aid workers.”
4. Israeli forces’ attacks on fishermen and farmers.
Israeli occupation forces continue to routinely attack Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, especially fishermen at sea, and farmers working their land near the border fence. Just since Monday, Israeli forces have opened fire at Palestinian fishermen and (twice) at farmers. Between June 7-20, according to UN figures, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians in these so-called ‘Access Restricted Areas’ at land and sea on 32 separate occasions.
5. Egypt keeps the Rafah door shut.
While Israel controls almost all of the Gaza Strip’s crossings (and is the occupying power), the Egyptian authorities play a key role in maintaining the chokehold on Gaza. This week, Egyptopened the Rafah crossing for five days, in both directions, but this is the exception, rather than the rule. For example, in the UN’s update for April – a month in which the Rafah crossing was closed entirely – it was recorded that the crossing had been closed since October 24, 2015, “except for 42 days.”
In conclusion. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in Gaza last week that “the closure of Gaza…is a collective punishment for which there must be accountability.” Many Palestinians, however, see the UN – and perhaps now Turkey – as helping Israel to “administer the siege rather than challenging its continuation.” Sadly, in terms of its impact on the ground, the Turkey-Israel deal appears to be “more noteworthy for what it doesn’t achieve than what the agreement actually entails.”
It has been two years since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge, its mots recent military offensive on Gaza.
Palestinians living in the strip continue to live with the conséquences of that attack everyday.
Tens of thousands of homes were destroyed or damaged.
Reconsctruction is painfully slow, with the United nations taking more than a year to rebuild the first bombed out home.
That is partly because of the Israeli blockade, no in its tenth year.
Israel's hasbara says the blockade of Gaza is necessary to stop the movement of weapons and rocke making material. And that it allows "some" humanitaria aid in.
The United Nations says the blockade constitutes an illegal form of collective punishment.
This Inside Story below examines conditions for the 1.8 million Palestinians stuck in Gaza and asks: Why hasn't life improved two years after the war?
Inside Story: Who is stopping the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip?

Unprecedented: Last week, British Policy summoned Tzipi Livni, over 'suspected' Gaza war crimes. Summons was cancelled later, under pression.
Na semana passada, um dos criminosos de guerra israelenses, Tzipi Livni, um dos ministros responsáveis pelo massacre em Gaza na Operação Cast Lead em 2018/09, levou um susto em sua visita à Inglaterra.
A célebre Scotland Yard mandou um "convite" à embaixada de Israel para que ela fosse à polícia prestar depoimento em relação a acusação contra ela de crimes de guerra. Ela recusou o convite e depois, sob pressão política, a polícia inglesa foi obrigada a fechar o processo. O lobby sionista tem bracos largos em Londres, como em todas as capitais ocidentais.
Apesar da corrupção ideologico-financeira dos governos, há muitos ativistas que defendem os palestinos em toda oportunidade. Sobretudo em Londres. Dezenas marcaram o aniversário fatídico da OPE na porta da casa do primeiro ministro. Dozens of Pro-Palestine activists gathered to a protest outside the gates of Downing Street in London, Friday.
Apesar da corrupção ideologico-financeira dos governos, há muitos ativistas que defendem os palestinos em toda oportunidade. Sobretudo em Londres. Dezenas marcaram o aniversário fatídico da OPE na porta da casa do primeiro ministro. Dozens of Pro-Palestine activists gathered to a protest outside the gates of Downing Street in London, Friday.
Nesse ínterim, uma menina palestina de 10 anos foi presa por "corajosos" soldados da IDF, que acabaram sendo obrigados a levar a mãe com ela porque viram câmeras interncionais filmando.
A detenção aconteceu após uns colonos-fascistas-judeus-mirins terem alegado que ela jogou pedras neles quando estavam azucrinando a vida dela e de seus amiguinhos.
Na terra dela. Em Hebron, na Cisjordânia.
Veja o vídeo da palsolidarity.
A detenção aconteceu após uns colonos-fascistas-judeus-mirins terem alegado que ela jogou pedras neles quando estavam azucrinando a vida dela e de seus amiguinhos.
Na terra dela. Em Hebron, na Cisjordânia.
Veja o vídeo da palsolidarity.
Breaking the Silence took writer Mario Vargas Llosa, a 'friend of Israel' for a Hebron tour to see if he changes his mind about who is the real victim.
Breaking the Silence leva o escritor Mario Vargas Llosa para uma volta em Hebron. O escritor peruano é um dos 'amigos' de Israel, sem nunca ter se preocupado com a ocupação. Daí a preocupação Mudou de ideia, um pouco.
. Mom is in Gaza, kids are in the West Bank: A Palestinian family torn apart by the Occupation.
. ://Will Marwan Barghouti be the Palestinian Nelson Mandela?
Amira Hass: No chortage of Discrimination when it comes to Water in the West Bank.
+972: What does justice look like for victims of Jewish terrorism?
. BDS pide a aAlmodovar no presentar su pelicula Julieta en Jérusalem.
Head to Head: Should the US be neutral in Israel occupation of Palestine?
Ten years of siege, two years since the 2014 Israeli massacre – it’s high time for accountability and for a two-way military embargo on Israel!
A message from the Palestinian BDS National Committee, the broadest coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations that leads the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights.
Two years ago today, Israel began a brutal military attack on Palestinians in Gaza in which more than 2,300 Palestinians were killed and 100,000 people were displaced.
Israel deliberately attacked entire civilian areas in Gaza and inflicted as much human suffering as it could. The UN and human rights organisations have documented Israel’s war crimes during the massacre.
Gaza has just entered its tenth year of siege, a policy described by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe as “incremental genocide.” The siege has almost entirely prevented meaningful reconstruction since the 2014 attack.
As Abdulrahman Abunahel, our coordinator in Gaza, puts it “One of my worries is that the longer Israel maintains its siege of the world’s largest open-air prison, the more the official international community adapts and accepts Israel’s gradual and deliberate reduction of Gaza into an uninhabitable prison camp where close to 2 million Palestinians face slow death.”
“But as a refugee living in Gaza, it is not enough to just call for the end to Israel’s siege. We need to keep growing our BDS campaigns until the Palestinian people can exercise our right to self-determination, including the right of refugees to return home.”
Help us get spread the word: click here to share our graphic about Gaza and the campaign for a military embargo on Facebook.
Israel is able to carry out its brutal military attacks and repress Palestinian popular resistance with impunity. As our Links that Kill fact sheet sets out, Israel is only able to do this because of the massive weapons trade and military cooperation, including research, it maintains with countries across the world.
Over the period 2009-2018, the US is providing military aid to Israel worth $30bn. EU arms exports to Israel during 2014 alone were worth over $1bn (mostly from Germany) and its armsimports from Israel reached a whopping $1.6 bn in 2015.
While India, Colombia and Brazil remain among the top importers of Israeli weapons, it has been recently revealed that Israel has supplied weapons that were used in committing crimes against humanity in Rwanda and South Sudan, among others.
Israel uses its criminal attacks on Palestinians to test its military technology and then exports its weapons as “field tested”. Up to 85% of Israel’s military industry production is exported and 60% of the world’s drones are manufactured by Israel.
Israel is not just oppressing Palestinians – it is exporting its ruthless model of securitization and militarized repression to the world. From the streets of Ferguson to the favelas of Rio to theborders of Fortress Europe, Israeli weapons and ruthless techniques are used to maintain oppression.
Our campaign for a two-way military embargo on Israel is growing. More than a dozen banks have divested from Elbit Systems over its role in Israel’s military violence, for example. Pleaseshare our military embargo graphic on Facebook and check out our fact sheet for more ideas on how to get involved.
We just published a round-up of the impact and growth of the BDS movement so far in 2016.We’re inspired by the way our movement continues to grow and challenge international support for Israel’s crimes, despite Israel doing everything it can to attack and undermine our movement. Please take a look at the round-up and consider sharing it with your family, friends and colleagues.
Thank you for your continued support for our nonviolent struggle for freedom, justice and equality.
RT: Free Running / Parkour in battered Gaza. Liberdade em corrida "livre" por Gaza.
Journeyman: Bangsy's mural left trail of conflict in Palestine
TELESUR: Palestine Travel Show -
Viagem turística na Palestina - na Cisjordânia ocupada
Parte I (14')
Parte II: 14'
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