The Netherlands welcomes Trump in his own words: "Because we realize it's better for us to get
along, we decided to introduce our tiny country to you. In a way that
will probably appeal to you the most."
Na semana passada, a evacuação de uma minúscula invasão judia na Cisjordânia deu a volta ao mundo. Quem conhece a hasbara/propaganda israelense deu o nome certo ao evento melodramático - Amona Show.
Como durante a evacuação das colônias/invasões judias ilegais na Faixa de Gaza, a preparação do espetáculo foi minuciosa para que a grande mídia tomasse partido dos vilãos da história.
A IDF mobilizou oito batalhões e 3 mil policiais para evacuar os invasores com uma delicadeza que só se vê quando lidam com este tipo de bandido. Ou seja, nada de soldados protegidos e armados até os dentes; nada de tiros com bala de borracha ou com bala real; nada de gazes que nocauteiam o cidadão e provocam a morte de crianças e adultos menos resistentes ou que a bala atinge um órgão vital; nada de coronhadas; nada de insultos e escárnio. Não. Nada do que é usado contra os palestinos quando manifestam pacificamente por seus direitos inalienáveis nem do que foi recentemente usado contra os etíopes-israelenses-judeus de segunda classe quando solicitam seus direitos de cidadãos. Não.
O que a hasbara filmou para o mundo foi soldados vestidos quase a paisana (comparado com o aparato que ostentam normalmente) e com bandeirinhas israelenses pregadas na manga.
A hasbara nem se dá ao trabalho de esconder a política dos dois pesos e duas medidas da polícia. Uma para os colonos/invasores judeus na Cisjordânia e outra para os nativos palestinos.
Na África do Sul, esta força de repressão tinha um nome: Apartheid police.
O show foi montado pela última vez, pois o governo israelense espera em breve anexar a Palestina totalmente. Ou melhor, anexar a Cisjordânia e manter os gazauís concentrados no que Tel Aviv transformou em um campo de concentração contemporâneo.
As Nações Unidas têm de reagir agora, neste ano, ou temo que fique tarde demais.
The evacuation of Amona proceeded after foreplay that dragged on and on; including the usual repertoire of schticks, featuring endless hearings in the High Court of Justice, sitting as an especially incongruous Purim-costumed version of a state with justice and equality before the law, including the justices playing dumb; the army that cordons off the area but allows hundreds of young settlers to freely infiltrate, barricading themselves inside homes while vowing to eschew violence; the soldiers demonstrating their sensitivity as they prepare for action – any moment now they’ll be bursting into tears; the nauseating headlines – “This was my home,” “The final hours”; the Palestinian landowners for whose benefit this show has been put on, who will never be allowed to get anywhere near their land, now evacuated; and, of course, the appropriate Zionist reaction, without which no eviction could possibly proceed – build another 1,000 housing units, and counting.
While the Israeli parliament passed contentious bill retroactively legalizing thousands of West Bank settlement homes.
While the Israeli parliament passed contentious bill retroactively legalizing thousands of West Bank settlement homes.
The pretending will be soon over. This evacuation sample, in which – for a moment there – Israel wraps itself in the image of a state of law and order, moves out a handful of settlers who occupied land “illegally” – as though there was a single settlement in the land that conducted itself legally, and in their stead is instating another thousand people on land that is just as shamefully stolen.
The masks are winding down. The annexation of Palestine is approaching. The arrangement is nigh, between Tel Aviv and Washington. And following it will come the hangover of the settlers’ triumph.
That is what Amona was about.
It is now or never. If the United Nations - I mean the 191 other nations - do not not stand up for Palestinian rights, right now, nobody in the Middle East will ever know what peace means. There will be a big Israel from the Mediterranean to the Jordan that the zionists are building, but at what price?
A country of apartheid.
A country of hatred between the Jewish invasors and the Christian & Muslin Palestinians whose country was invaded, raided again and again, plundered day after day, and whose homes, whose land, was stolen from right under our noses.
A country that is bound to collapse all covered in blood.
Check out the film: The Settlers.

Têm razão.
O mundo hoje seria diferente se tivessem feito o mesmo quando Obama bombardeava casamentos em Kandahar, treinava jihadistas e os armava para combater Assad na Síria, guiava a OTAN no desmantelamento da Líbia, dirigia a Ucrânia a uma guerra fratricida fortificando os neo-nazistas, coletava conversas privadas de milhões de compatriotas e de dirigentes estrangeiros - inclusive a nossa presidente, expulsava centenas de milhares de "undocumented workers", alimentava na marra prisioneiros em Guantánamo, fornecia armamento pesado e aviões militares aos sauditas para continuarem sua guerra expansionista contra o Yêmen, armava os israelenses e apoiava Netanyahu em sua ocupação genocida, e quantas outras ações criminosas imperdoáveis.
Porém, esses liberais, então, estavam sedados pela vitrina Democrata e pela hasbara.
É por isso que, apesar de todos os pesares, prefiro Trump na Casa Branca do que a Clinton.
Agora as coisas são claras. As cartas estão na mesa para os gringos e os estrangeiros verem do que o governo estadunidense é feito.
Quem governa os EUA não é o presidente. Nunca foi. São as corporations. O que, no caso de Trump, é até um alívio, porque elas precisam manter um certo equilíbrio mundial para poderem lucrar ainda mais. Então vão pôr um cabresto na ideologia Ku Klux Klan dele.
Quanto ao seu "America will come first," que assustou o Ocidente como se fosse novidade, aviso aos marinheiros de primeira viagem: "America" always came first!
Só que agora acabou a enganação da vitrina politicamente correta.
Falar em liberdade individual e grampear seus concidadãos de maneira indiscrimada sem gerar passeatas, foi na era Obama.
Bombardear inocentes a torto e a direito sem chocar as almas sensíveis Democratas, foi na era Obama.
Levantar muro na fronteira do México, expulsar milhares de estrangeiros diariamente debaixo do pano, sem gritos de protestos das ONGs de Direitos Humanos, foi na era Obama.
Tratar todo muçulmano como suspeito e cidadão de terceira classe (os negros são os de segunda) sem ser taxado de anti-democrata, foi na era Obama.
Deixar Israel expandir-se na Cisjordânia e bloquear & bombardear quase dois milhões de seres humanos trancafiados no campo de concentração Gaza, e ainda por cima presentear a ocupação ilegal com mais de 30 bilhões de dólares a mais, sem ser criticado em altos brados, foi na era Obama.
Mentir de cara lavada e um sorriso sedutor que desarma a busca da verdade, foi na era Obama.
A era Trump é a do despertar.
A era Trump é a da queda da máscara.
A era Trump é a da verdadeira cara de quem governa o gigante estadunidense com pés de barro.
Como disse o analista Jon Reynolds, "If Hillary had won, the drone strikes would have continued. The wars would have continued. The spying would continue. Whistleblowers would continue being prosecuted and hunted down. And minorities would continue bearing the brunt of these policies, both in the US and across the world. The difference is that in such a scenario, Democrats [and the world], if the last eight years are any indication, would remain silent — as they did under Obama — offering bare minimum concern and vilifying anyone attacking their beloved president as some sort of hater. Cities across the US would remain free of protests, and for another 4-8 years, Democrats would continue doing absolutely nothing to end the same horrifying policies now promoted by a Republican.”
What's Awlaki's teenage son when Obama kills him? Collateral Damage."
PS2. Wikileaks - Trump on US government on Friday night: O'Reilly: "Putin's a killer" .
Trump: “...we’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think—our country’s so innocent?”
1 point for him.
A verdade sai da boca das crianças e dos débeis mentais.
PS3. Max Blumental: "America [The United States] is one of the world's great exporters of atrocities. If you're too infantile to admit that, you don't understand why Trump is president".
PS4. Trump wants to ban Muslins because demonization works best when its targets are invisible, distant and unknown. Visibility and familiarity are the best antidotes to bigotry.
PS3. Max Blumental: "America [The United States] is one of the world's great exporters of atrocities. If you're too infantile to admit that, you don't understand why Trump is president".
PS4. Trump wants to ban Muslins because demonization works best when its targets are invisible, distant and unknown. Visibility and familiarity are the best antidotes to bigotry.
Abby Martin: The Rise of History's Biggest Empire. Abby debuts teleSUR's The Empire Files exploring the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet.
How many of the 800,000 protesters who marched against Trump would have flown to Washington to express their contempt for President Hillary Clinton?
Zero, I’d wager. And yet it’s Clinton who wanted to implement the no-fly zones in Syria that would have put Washington in direct confrontation with Moscow. Just like it was her who wanted" to teach Putin a-thing-or-two" in Ukraine. But is that what the people want? Would people prefer to be led into World War 3 by a bonefide champion of liberal values than concede the post to a brassy billionaire who might want to find common ground on fighting ISIS with his Russian counterpart?
It seems like a no-brainer to me. And it’s not like we don’t know who is responsible for the killing in Syria either. We do.

Here’s how analyst Solomon Commisiong sums up the double standard: “Supporters of Barack Obama, and liberals in general, are disingenuous frauds. They had no issues protesting the likes of the amoral warmongering George W. Bush or the racist xenophobe, Donald J. Trump, however when it comes to Barack Obama they can find no reason to protest his mass murdering escapades. Obama supporters were recently nostalgic and teary eyed after he gave his last major speech as president of the United States, yet can find little reason to shed tears over the masses of civilians who were destroyed directly as a result of Obama’s policies. Where were the emotions and tears when men, women and children were getting blown to bits by USA drone attacks, indiscriminate air strikes and bombs?…Those who protested the racist and xenophobic Trump, but not Obama or Clinton, are nothing more that disingenuous frauds and amoral cowards.”
Let’s be honest, Obama got a pass from his supporters inside and outside his country strictly because of appearances; because he looked and sounded like a thoroughly reasonable bloke "who only acted on the loftiest of principles". Obama was hailed as a moral giant, a political rock star, a leader among leaders. But it was all fake, all make-up and glitz behind which operated the same vicious national security state extending its tentacles around the world, toppling regimes wherever it went, and leaving anarchy and destruction in its wake. Isn’t this Obama’s real legacy when you strip away the sweeping hand gestures and pompous rhetoric?
It is.
Trump must be fought.
But he must be fought advisedly.
Without his narrow-mindness.
Wisely and effectively.
He may be a clown, but let's not forget that every United States president is a puppet of stronger powers and interests that go way above and beyond the imediate reasons and consequences of his overt or covert crimes and violations at the time.
John Pilger comments on the new president of the United States
Fortunatelly, Trump does not have Obama's advantage.
Trump is not a public relations invention upon which heartsick liberals pin their highest hopes.
Trump is Trump warts and all, the proverbial bull in the china shop.
Of course Trump will be a lousy president - judging by the Wall Street cutthroats and hard-edged military men he’s surrounded himself with. But the American people and the world are no longer asleep, so there’s going to be limits to what he can hope to achieve.
So the question is: How should one approach the Trump presidency?
Veteran journalist Robert Parry answers this question in a recent piece at Consortium News. Here’s what he said: “ There is a risk that the "Left" will trade places with the Right on the question of war and peace, with Democrats and progressives associating themselves with Hillary Clinton’s support for “endless war” in the Middle East, the political machinations of the CIA, and a New Cold War with Russia, essentially moving into an alliance with the Military (and Intelligence) Industrial Complex. If — in a rush to demonize and impeach President Trump — Democrats and progressives solidify support for wars of choice in the Middle East, a New Cold War with Russia and a Davos-style elitism, they could further alienate many people who might otherwise be their allies. In other words, selectivity in opposing and criticizing Trump – where he rightly deserves it – rather than opportunism in rejecting everything that Trump says might make more sense. A movement built entirely on destroying Trump could drop Democrats and progressives into some politically destructive traps.”
Right on. It seems a very reasonable approach to a very thorny situation in a country that have been spilling blood all over the world for the last five decades.
The most important thing of all, right now, is to be on guard.
Thing straight and act on behalf of justice, always, every time.
Abby Martin & Chris Hedges: War, Propaganda & the Enemy Within. Abby interviews Chris on American myths, war and revolt.
He explains the 'folly of Empire,' the dangers posed by right-wing
extremism and the urgent need for a new system.
Chris Hedges is
a former New York Times journalist and a rightful winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He
is the author of several books including his most recent, "Wages of
Rebellion: the Moral Imperative of Revolt." He publishes a weekly column
on and is the host of Days of Revolt, airing every Monday
night on teleSUR english.
As to Palestine, among Trump’s first acts as President was suspending Barack Obama’s last – a grant of 221 million dollars in discretionary humanitarian aid to Palestine, which was another act of hasbara, as Obama knew it could and would be reverted.

Move the US Embassy to East Jerusalem right now and end this charade once and for all!
Donald trump is a simple man with a simple mind. It’s his way or none. What I see is that he loves to show off, to make believe he is the smartest, toughest and most creative thinker in the room even when he knows he’s far from it. To Trump there’s nothing like the grand dare, even when he knows he’s not up to it. And when all else fails, he simply makes up the narrative to suit his view. In Trump’s world honesty is for the weak, reality for those who can’t lie and then simply move on.
For decades American presidents - Democrats and Republican alike - have determined that they could pontificate to the world about justice for Palestinians but finance Israel in its drive to purge them from the river to the sea without costs that they were unwilling to bear.
However, these same presidents discerned a bright red line beyond which they could not cross without unleashing consequences far too explosive to contemplate… namely, moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to the capital of Palestine in Jerusalem.
Apparently Donald Trump does not care.
To the politically naive, such a move would be of little practical consequence… a mere symbolic gesture.
To millions of Palestinians, indeed hundreds of millions of Arabs, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem without their specific invitation would constitute a point of no return… a veritable disaster in waiting.
In one fell swoop, it would signal an end to two separate yet related fictions that, since Oslo, have helped to enable a relative calm in Palestine even in the presence of the loss of much of it to settlers:
1) that the United States was interested in even the semblance of neutrality. 2) that the PA has the ability to represent the traditions and aspirations of the Palestinian people with meaningful capability and authority.
So, Mr. Trump, proceed at your own peril.
If you feel, as Ambassador-to-be Friedman does, that Jerusalem is “Israel’s eternal capital”… proceed with your folly. Move the American embassy, quick.
To millions of Palestinians, the only answer will be militant and fierce resistance, and it will come.
As sure as the early morning call Palestinian Muslins to prayer.
As sure as the bells call Palestinian Christians to mess on Sunday morning.
Trump, you, your zionists backers and Netanyahu want to taste the ultimate intifada?
You may finally have it. A war with no end in sight.
And let's hope that God - One and Only - will make justice, after all.
With over seven million displaced Palestinians around the world, hundreds of thousands are refugees inside their own country—many live packed into these refugee camps after being ethnically cleansed from their villages just miles away. They are blocked from returning home, in violation of international law.
Yasmeen Elkhoudary, Israel has set a great example of racist bans and walls for Trump to follow: Israel: An inspiration for Trump.
Broken Homes - Al Jazeera Interactives
PCHR: Weekly report on Israeli Human Rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Terriotory
Broken Homes - Al Jazeera Interactives
PCHR: Weekly report on Israeli Human Rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Terriotory
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