Os países árabes também sediaram vários eventos e nos EUA, os atos mais importantes estão previstos para o início de abril um pouco antes da América Latina.
O nosso Continente está entrando na parada nos próximos dias. Confira o que está acontecendo na sua região ou/e organize algo: Events | Israeli Apartheid Week.
Dates pre-established:/ Datas pré-estabelecidas.
Brasil:16-20/04.Brasília,SP, RGS - Porto Alegre,18-24 abril ; e outros acrescentados o tempo todo, consulte o BDS-Brasil, Stop the Wall Brasil e IAW.
America Latina: Do dia 10 ao 27 de abril;
Chile: 11-17/04. BDS Chile.

Australia: FOPWA, Justiceforpalestinebrisbane. And more coming everywhere, all the time. many things happening this week.
USA: Mainly between 03/27 to 04/03: Check the map of events to make sure of not missing anything in your area. And most of all, learn about anti-
AJ+ Inside AIPAC
Abby Martin: Inside AIPAC
Na semana passada, fiz um longo discurso sobre a importância dos vídeos nesta nova Intifada. No dia 24 de março, fui coberta de razão e uma vez mais, ativistas da ONG israelense B'Tselem flagraram um soldado da IDF executando um jovem palestino em Hebron, em sangue frio, a queima-roupa, na maior indiferença de seus colegas e dos invasores civis israelenses que assistiram à cena, já banalizada desde outubro, sem pestanejar. Crime de guerra. Mais um crime a ser acrescentado na longa lista dos crimes da IDF. E mais um impune. Justamente na semana em que o Tribunal da Háguia condenou o sérvio Radovan karadzic por crimes contra a humanidade. Crimes que os generais, oficiais, soldados e primeiros ministros israelenses cometem diariamente, há décadas, à vontade.
IDF soldier executed young Palestinian lying injured on ground after the latter lightly stabbed a soldier in Tel Rumeida, Hebron. It happened in the morning of 24 Mars. The Israeli soldier sustained medium-level injuries.Palestinians Ramzi al-Qasrawi and ‘Abd al-Fatah a-Sharif were shot, and while Ramzi was killed on the spot, Abd al-Fatah was injured and fell to the ground. In video footage captured by Hebron resident ‘Emad abu-Shamsiyah, who sent it to B’Tselem and has been harassed since, by soldiers and by settlers.
Abd al-Fatah is seen lying on the road injured, with none of the soldiers or medics present giving him first aid or paying him any attention at all. At a certain point, a soldier is seen aiming his weapon at the Palestinian youngster and shooting him in the head from close range, killing him. Although this occurs in the plain view of other soldiers and officers, they do not seem to take any notice.
Extrajudicial street killings are the direct consequence of inflammatory remarks made by Israeli ministers and officials, augmented by Israeli general public atmosphere of dehumanization of Palestinians. The law enforcement authorities are by and large turning a blind eye to repeated grave extrajudicial killing by the Israeli occupation forces, and these backed in the field by commanders. The message to the Israeli public is undeniable: attempting to injure a civilian or a soldier is a death sentence.
Following the internationa comotion, Binyamin Netanyahu hung the Hebron executioner out to dry, although the soldier was just following orders from his superior officers. Netanyahu actually employed the same logic as the Hannibal Directive. Soldiers take the fall, not officers, not polititians.
972mag: The Hebron executioner "was simply following the ewample that dozens before him have set, and have been praised for".
Abd al-Fatah is seen lying on the road injured, with none of the soldiers or medics present giving him first aid or paying him any attention at all. At a certain point, a soldier is seen aiming his weapon at the Palestinian youngster and shooting him in the head from close range, killing him. Although this occurs in the plain view of other soldiers and officers, they do not seem to take any notice.
Extrajudicial street killings are the direct consequence of inflammatory remarks made by Israeli ministers and officials, augmented by Israeli general public atmosphere of dehumanization of Palestinians. The law enforcement authorities are by and large turning a blind eye to repeated grave extrajudicial killing by the Israeli occupation forces, and these backed in the field by commanders. The message to the Israeli public is undeniable: attempting to injure a civilian or a soldier is a death sentence.
Following the internationa comotion, Binyamin Netanyahu hung the Hebron executioner out to dry, although the soldier was just following orders from his superior officers. Netanyahu actually employed the same logic as the Hannibal Directive. Soldiers take the fall, not officers, not polititians.
972mag: The Hebron executioner "was simply following the ewample that dozens before him have set, and have been praised for".
* Israeli town sponsors rally in support of "national hero", the criminal who executed injured Palestinian last week.
* The Guardian: If this murder was not filmed Israel would have denied it using its hasbara. How many of the 209 Palestinians were executed as well?
Video shows full backing of Israeli war criminals.
30/03/16: "An Israeli military court says evidence is "inconclusive" against one of its soldiers who was caught on camera shooting dead a wounded Palestinian.
Lieutenant Colonel Ronen Shor, the judge, said on Tuesday there was "reasonable doubt" about the circumstances of the shooting "given the complexity of the events" surrounding a stabbing incident and the killing that followed.
Shor also ruled that the soldier would be held in custody for two more days. Prosecutors earlier said the shooting was "intentional" and asked the court to extend the soldier's detention until April 7 while the investigation was ongoing. But the judge said he can be held only until Thursday.
The case has sparked anger and political tensions, with many Palestinians saying the shooting of 21-year-old Abed al-Fattah proved their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings."
A execução sumária de Bashar Massalha também foi filmado, mas menos mediatizado. Vários outros foram ignorados. The sumary execution of Bashar Massalha was filmed too. Here is a subtitled version. And despite promises fo Justice Ministry, no investigation into the Israeli volunteer cop who murdered him were engaged.
Meanwhile, Ma’an reports that Imad Abu Shamsiya, the human rights worker who shot the video documenting the execution of the incapacitated Palestinian in Hebron last week, has received death threats from Jewish settlers who occupy the city.
Israeli settlers on Friday gathered outside his home in Hebron to hurl abuse at him, a day after he captured on camera an Israeli soldier’s killing of the wounded Palestinian that has sparked international outcry.
Ma’an states that the videographer, Imad Abu Shamsiya, said, “I now fear for my life and the life of my family. I’m afraid they might attack my house and do me harm.”
Human Rights Watch confirms the threats on Shamsiya, conveyed from settlers by soldiers to the photographer:
Imad told international reporters and Human Rights Watch in a phone interview that Israeli forces had threatened him both at the scene and later, when he went to give a statement to the military. A few minutes after he filmed the shooting from the roof of a nearby building, he said, “more journalists gathered on the roof, and the Israeli soldiers noticed us. They pointed their guns at us and screamed at us to get down. Soldiers came into the building and told the [owner] not to allow people there or the family would pay the price.”
Imad said that after B’Tselem shared the video with military investigators, the military asked him to give a statement. During questioning at a military office in Hebron, he felt the interrogator was trying to intimidate him to make him say that he had not filmed the video:
“He told me, ‘How will you benefit from this video? It got a lot of publicity. Your name is known to everyone. Who is going to protect you and your family from right-wing Israelis? Remember you live in [Tel Rumeida], surrounded by Israeli settlers, who will be able to protect you there?’ I felt that I was being threatened. They took the original footage from me.”
Abu Shamsiyyeh said he had received two phone calls on March 24 from a Hebrew-speaker, calling from a private number, but did not understand what was said. “I feel in danger and my children are afraid,” Abu Shamsiyyeh told Human Rights Watch. “I’m not letting them out of the house. I’m afraid of walking in the street.”
Badia Dwaik of Human Rights Defenders in Hebron also confirms the report of threats to Shamsiya since the video was posted. He writes that Shamsiya is a volunteer with his organization. Dwaik relates his conversation with Shamsiya after the video was published.
Imad recounts the execution: “On Thursday morning at 8:30, I was having coffee with my wife Faiza as usual when I heard several bullet shots near my house in Tel-Rumeida. I left the house quickly with my video camera towards the location of shooting.The first thing I saw was an Israeli soldier on the side of the street pointing his rifle at a young man on the ground who was wearing a black jacket and black trousers. While filming I heard noises from other soldiers so I pointed the camera towards the noise where I saw another young man covered in his blood, with blood coming out of his face. This man was wearing a grey jacket, while the first guy in black seemed to be still alive as I was filming. In less than a minute, a large group of soldiers and settlers gathered in the location and an Israeli ambulance arrived and gave aid to an Israeli soldier without attending to either Palestinian men. The man in the grey jacket didn’t move while the man in black was moving his arms and legs while on the ground. After the solider was put in the ambulance, I heard the soldiers getting ready to shoot while I was still filming, and a soldier stepped towards the man wearing a black jacket, shooting him in the head directly from a very close distance even though he didn’t form any threat to the soldiers or settlers as he was on the ground. The man immediately died and his head was blown up to pieces visible on the ground. This is what I documented with my camera from the Human Rights Defenders Group and what I saw with my eye, and my wife Faiza was with me all the time helping me record.”
The execution is part of a pattern of control of the Palestinian population near the Hebron settlements.
Since the start of Intifada in October, occupation forces have carried out several tactics to make life even harder for Palestinians by rebuilding and expanding the military checkpoint on Al-Shuhada street [in Hebron]; the checkpoint consists of two lanes now for entry and exit, where a thorough inspection inside the ‘container ‘is carried out through a glass barrier with CCTV and recording devices, and the residents are required to show their ID and a number that identifies the place of their residence. Each person is required to carry such a number, in what is a new strategy to displace the residents by making life impossible.
Enquanto soldados da IDF com crimes de guerra e contra a humanidade comprovados de maneira irrefutável ficam soltos ou incorrem a tapinhas na mão e são tratados como heróis, o cabo Shachar Berrin, religioso criado na Austrália, incorre pena por ter visto o óbvio e ter ousado denunciar o fascismo crescente em Israel. Eis extratos do relato de Gideon Levy no ano passado do que levou o rapaz a ser ostracizado.
Corporal Shachar Berrin, an immigrant from Australia and a religiously observant lone soldier – he has no family in Israel – is a member of the rescue unit of the Home Front Command, and is stationed in the Jordan Valley.
The punishment, delayed for the time being, was meted out by his battalion commander. The charge: taking part in a political meeting and in an interview the media, without permission from the army.
But Berrin did not take part in any sort of “political meeting,” nor did he give an interview. The 19-year-old soldier was in the audience in the hall of the Mishkenot Sha’ananim conference center, in Jerusalem, for a taping of “The New Arab Debates” – a program of the German television network Deutsche Welle that’s broadcast around the world, moderated by former BBC interviewer Tim Sebastian.
The proposition debated by the panel appearing on the show was: “The occupation is destroying Israel.” The speakers consisted of the settler-activist Dani Dayan and a member of the left-wing Meretz party, Uri Zaki. Berrin, who was in uniform, stood up to address Dayan. The settlers and right-wing activists in the audience filmed him, and in less than 12 hours he was ordered to return to his base, where he was tried and convicted – even before the program was broadcast. Berrin makes his comment at minute 43 of the hour-long show.
This whole incident shows that when rapid, determined action is called for, the Israel Defense Forces knows how to act. When soldiers kill Palestinian children, the investigation is stretched out over years, gathering dust before usually going nowhere. But if a soldier dares to attest publicly that his fellow soldiers are humiliating Palestinians, the IDF mobilizes rapidly to trample, punish and silence. That’s what happened to Shachar Berrin.
In the question-and-answer segment, after Dayan remarked that the fact that Israel is in 11th place in the World Happiness Report demonstrated that the occupation is not destroying it, Berrin asked for the floor and said (in English): “My name is Shachar Berrin and my question is for Dani Dayan. It was mentioned that Israel is the 11th happiest country in the world… I propose that what makes a country good isn’t whether it is happy or not, it’s the ethics and morality of the country. When soldiers are conditioned and persuaded on a daily basis to subjugate and humiliate people and consider other human beings as less than human, I think that seeps in, and I think that when the soldiers go home… they bring that back with them.”
Tim Sebastian asked Berrin whether he was speaking “from personal experience.”
Berrin: “Sure. Definitely. Just the other week, when some Border Police soldiers were rough with Christian tourists, another soldier, a colleague, said she couldn’t believe what they were doing: ‘I mean, come on, they are people, not Palestinians.’ I think that resonates throughout the occupied territories. I serve in the Jordan Valley, and we see every day how soldiers… look at these people not as human beings, not as someone who is equal, but someone who is less than them. And to think that we can just leave the racism and the xenophobia – that they will only be racist when they humiliate Palestinians – of course not… I think that once you are conditioned to think something, you bring it back with you and that it deeply affects Israeli society and causes it, as our president says, to be more racist.”
Murmurs were heard in the audience: “He’s a jobnik [derogatory term for noncombat soldier], he’s a liar.” Dayan also lashed out: “You’re not the only person who was in the army. I was in the army, I have a daughter in the army. It’s demagogy. I think the guy is lying.”
Sebastian: “You think he’s lying? On the basis of what? Because you don’t like it?”
Dayan: “I challenge him to bring one example in which a [commanding officer] gave him an order to treat Palestinians inhumanely.”
Sebastian: “You’ve never seen the reports from [the organization] Breaking the Silence?”
Dayan: “Breaking the Silence is also one of those groups that are part of an orchestrated effort against Israel.”
Sebastian: “They’re all liars?”
Falando em Breaking the Silence, os reservistas da IDF que ousam denunciar os crimes que seu exército rogue comete, são perseguidos sem parar, inclusive seus familiares. O fascismo em marcha:
* 972mag: The Israeli media is branding Breaking the Silence as traitors. The campaign against the Israeli Left continues: why did Channel 2 air a segment that paints Breaking the Silence as a traitorous organization that peddles in state secrets?
Why Netanyahu is so threatened by Breaking the Silence.
* Haaretz: In Targeting Breaking the Silence, Ya'alon Is Shooting the Messenger. All such tactics have the same goal: To divert discussion from the injustices that left-wing organizations expose into a debate over the organizations themselves.
* Haaretz: Bibi, Leave My Grandparents Out of Your Politics. I work for Breaking the Silence. But why should my grandparents be woken up by a 1 A.M. phone call telling them their granddaughter is a whore? Will anyone end the incitement?
UpFront com Naomi Klein: I support the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (#BDS) campaign against Israel entirely. I don't pick and choose on BDS.
* The Guardian: If this murder was not filmed Israel would have denied it using its hasbara. How many of the 209 Palestinians were executed as well?
Video shows full backing of Israeli war criminals.
30/03/16: "An Israeli military court says evidence is "inconclusive" against one of its soldiers who was caught on camera shooting dead a wounded Palestinian.
Lieutenant Colonel Ronen Shor, the judge, said on Tuesday there was "reasonable doubt" about the circumstances of the shooting "given the complexity of the events" surrounding a stabbing incident and the killing that followed.
Shor also ruled that the soldier would be held in custody for two more days. Prosecutors earlier said the shooting was "intentional" and asked the court to extend the soldier's detention until April 7 while the investigation was ongoing. But the judge said he can be held only until Thursday.
The case has sparked anger and political tensions, with many Palestinians saying the shooting of 21-year-old Abed al-Fattah proved their claims that Israel is guilty of using excessive force and carrying out extrajudicial killings."
A execução sumária de Bashar Massalha também foi filmado, mas menos mediatizado. Vários outros foram ignorados. The sumary execution of Bashar Massalha was filmed too. Here is a subtitled version. And despite promises fo Justice Ministry, no investigation into the Israeli volunteer cop who murdered him were engaged.
Meanwhile, Ma’an reports that Imad Abu Shamsiya, the human rights worker who shot the video documenting the execution of the incapacitated Palestinian in Hebron last week, has received death threats from Jewish settlers who occupy the city.
Israeli settlers on Friday gathered outside his home in Hebron to hurl abuse at him, a day after he captured on camera an Israeli soldier’s killing of the wounded Palestinian that has sparked international outcry.
Ma’an states that the videographer, Imad Abu Shamsiya, said, “I now fear for my life and the life of my family. I’m afraid they might attack my house and do me harm.”
Human Rights Watch confirms the threats on Shamsiya, conveyed from settlers by soldiers to the photographer:
Imad told international reporters and Human Rights Watch in a phone interview that Israeli forces had threatened him both at the scene and later, when he went to give a statement to the military. A few minutes after he filmed the shooting from the roof of a nearby building, he said, “more journalists gathered on the roof, and the Israeli soldiers noticed us. They pointed their guns at us and screamed at us to get down. Soldiers came into the building and told the [owner] not to allow people there or the family would pay the price.”
Imad said that after B’Tselem shared the video with military investigators, the military asked him to give a statement. During questioning at a military office in Hebron, he felt the interrogator was trying to intimidate him to make him say that he had not filmed the video:
“He told me, ‘How will you benefit from this video? It got a lot of publicity. Your name is known to everyone. Who is going to protect you and your family from right-wing Israelis? Remember you live in [Tel Rumeida], surrounded by Israeli settlers, who will be able to protect you there?’ I felt that I was being threatened. They took the original footage from me.”
Abu Shamsiyyeh said he had received two phone calls on March 24 from a Hebrew-speaker, calling from a private number, but did not understand what was said. “I feel in danger and my children are afraid,” Abu Shamsiyyeh told Human Rights Watch. “I’m not letting them out of the house. I’m afraid of walking in the street.”
Badia Dwaik of Human Rights Defenders in Hebron also confirms the report of threats to Shamsiya since the video was posted. He writes that Shamsiya is a volunteer with his organization. Dwaik relates his conversation with Shamsiya after the video was published.
Imad recounts the execution: “On Thursday morning at 8:30, I was having coffee with my wife Faiza as usual when I heard several bullet shots near my house in Tel-Rumeida. I left the house quickly with my video camera towards the location of shooting.The first thing I saw was an Israeli soldier on the side of the street pointing his rifle at a young man on the ground who was wearing a black jacket and black trousers. While filming I heard noises from other soldiers so I pointed the camera towards the noise where I saw another young man covered in his blood, with blood coming out of his face. This man was wearing a grey jacket, while the first guy in black seemed to be still alive as I was filming. In less than a minute, a large group of soldiers and settlers gathered in the location and an Israeli ambulance arrived and gave aid to an Israeli soldier without attending to either Palestinian men. The man in the grey jacket didn’t move while the man in black was moving his arms and legs while on the ground. After the solider was put in the ambulance, I heard the soldiers getting ready to shoot while I was still filming, and a soldier stepped towards the man wearing a black jacket, shooting him in the head directly from a very close distance even though he didn’t form any threat to the soldiers or settlers as he was on the ground. The man immediately died and his head was blown up to pieces visible on the ground. This is what I documented with my camera from the Human Rights Defenders Group and what I saw with my eye, and my wife Faiza was with me all the time helping me record.”
The execution is part of a pattern of control of the Palestinian population near the Hebron settlements.
Since the start of Intifada in October, occupation forces have carried out several tactics to make life even harder for Palestinians by rebuilding and expanding the military checkpoint on Al-Shuhada street [in Hebron]; the checkpoint consists of two lanes now for entry and exit, where a thorough inspection inside the ‘container ‘is carried out through a glass barrier with CCTV and recording devices, and the residents are required to show their ID and a number that identifies the place of their residence. Each person is required to carry such a number, in what is a new strategy to displace the residents by making life impossible.
The murder of Hadeel Hashlamon, 18, in occupied territory last September, was the beginning for the series of executions. It was documented by a volunteer from Brazil working with Eappi program. The photos were distributed to international media agencies, and the volunteer recounted the story on his own blog. Since then,the area witnessed more execution-style murders from Tel-Rumeida through Al-Salemeh neighbourhood, to the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba, forming an Israeli settlement belt known as the Jewish neighbourhood that came to exist after expelling Palestinians through a number of policies. The map of executions is not random. The locations of these execution-style murders is seen to be in areas around settlers, especially in Hebron; Imad says that 13 murders in cold blood were carried out in Tel-Rumeida and Al-Shuhada street, as well as executions near Al-Ibrahimi mosque and Kiryat Arba.This is in addition to Palestinians murdered in what is known as Gush Etzion north of Hebron, and Beit Enon [east of Hebron]. This makes it clear that there is a plan to cement the settler reality and escalate strategies against the residents of the land, particularly in the heart of Hebron to link all settlements through the Jewish neighbourhood, using all policies possible of ethnic cleansing and silent displacement, making Hebron a living example of apartheid in the world today.

Corporal Shachar Berrin, an immigrant from Australia and a religiously observant lone soldier – he has no family in Israel – is a member of the rescue unit of the Home Front Command, and is stationed in the Jordan Valley.
The punishment, delayed for the time being, was meted out by his battalion commander. The charge: taking part in a political meeting and in an interview the media, without permission from the army.
But Berrin did not take part in any sort of “political meeting,” nor did he give an interview. The 19-year-old soldier was in the audience in the hall of the Mishkenot Sha’ananim conference center, in Jerusalem, for a taping of “The New Arab Debates” – a program of the German television network Deutsche Welle that’s broadcast around the world, moderated by former BBC interviewer Tim Sebastian.
The proposition debated by the panel appearing on the show was: “The occupation is destroying Israel.” The speakers consisted of the settler-activist Dani Dayan and a member of the left-wing Meretz party, Uri Zaki. Berrin, who was in uniform, stood up to address Dayan. The settlers and right-wing activists in the audience filmed him, and in less than 12 hours he was ordered to return to his base, where he was tried and convicted – even before the program was broadcast. Berrin makes his comment at minute 43 of the hour-long show.
This whole incident shows that when rapid, determined action is called for, the Israel Defense Forces knows how to act. When soldiers kill Palestinian children, the investigation is stretched out over years, gathering dust before usually going nowhere. But if a soldier dares to attest publicly that his fellow soldiers are humiliating Palestinians, the IDF mobilizes rapidly to trample, punish and silence. That’s what happened to Shachar Berrin.
In the question-and-answer segment, after Dayan remarked that the fact that Israel is in 11th place in the World Happiness Report demonstrated that the occupation is not destroying it, Berrin asked for the floor and said (in English): “My name is Shachar Berrin and my question is for Dani Dayan. It was mentioned that Israel is the 11th happiest country in the world… I propose that what makes a country good isn’t whether it is happy or not, it’s the ethics and morality of the country. When soldiers are conditioned and persuaded on a daily basis to subjugate and humiliate people and consider other human beings as less than human, I think that seeps in, and I think that when the soldiers go home… they bring that back with them.”
Tim Sebastian asked Berrin whether he was speaking “from personal experience.”
Berrin: “Sure. Definitely. Just the other week, when some Border Police soldiers were rough with Christian tourists, another soldier, a colleague, said she couldn’t believe what they were doing: ‘I mean, come on, they are people, not Palestinians.’ I think that resonates throughout the occupied territories. I serve in the Jordan Valley, and we see every day how soldiers… look at these people not as human beings, not as someone who is equal, but someone who is less than them. And to think that we can just leave the racism and the xenophobia – that they will only be racist when they humiliate Palestinians – of course not… I think that once you are conditioned to think something, you bring it back with you and that it deeply affects Israeli society and causes it, as our president says, to be more racist.”
Murmurs were heard in the audience: “He’s a jobnik [derogatory term for noncombat soldier], he’s a liar.” Dayan also lashed out: “You’re not the only person who was in the army. I was in the army, I have a daughter in the army. It’s demagogy. I think the guy is lying.”
Sebastian: “You think he’s lying? On the basis of what? Because you don’t like it?”
Dayan: “I challenge him to bring one example in which a [commanding officer] gave him an order to treat Palestinians inhumanely.”
Sebastian: “You’ve never seen the reports from [the organization] Breaking the Silence?”
Dayan: “Breaking the Silence is also one of those groups that are part of an orchestrated effort against Israel.”
Sebastian: “They’re all liars?”
Falando em Breaking the Silence, os reservistas da IDF que ousam denunciar os crimes que seu exército rogue comete, são perseguidos sem parar, inclusive seus familiares. O fascismo em marcha:
* 972mag: The Israeli media is branding Breaking the Silence as traitors. The campaign against the Israeli Left continues: why did Channel 2 air a segment that paints Breaking the Silence as a traitorous organization that peddles in state secrets?
Why Netanyahu is so threatened by Breaking the Silence.
* Haaretz: In Targeting Breaking the Silence, Ya'alon Is Shooting the Messenger. All such tactics have the same goal: To divert discussion from the injustices that left-wing organizations expose into a debate over the organizations themselves.
* Haaretz: Bibi, Leave My Grandparents Out of Your Politics. I work for Breaking the Silence. But why should my grandparents be woken up by a 1 A.M. phone call telling them their granddaughter is a whore? Will anyone end the incitement?
UpFront com Naomi Klein: I support the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (
Desde o início da Terceira Intifada em outubro de 2016, as Forças de ocupação e os invasores civis israelenses já mataram 203 jovens palestinos até hoje. Mais de dois mil meninos froma hospitalizados por ferimentos graves a bala.
A resistência matou cerca de 30 israelenses, a maioria absoluta nos territórios palestinos ocupados, e feriu cerca de vinte mais, sem gravidade.
* No Brasil: Movimento contra a colaboração com a Mekoroot cresce na Bahia
* E o país do futebol deveria interessar-se em saber que mais três jogadores palestinos foram presos pelo delito de serem bons de bola: Three Palestinian football players arrested by Israel
* Youngest Israeli prisoner is a 12-year-old Palestinian girl.
* Jewish Voice for Peace: Reflections on the UC Regents Meeting
* A new report examines how “Israeli agricultural export companies are profiting from the Israeli colonisation of Palestinian land” - and how their produce ends up in British supermarkets.
Palestinian farmers and workers urge support for Israel boycott
* OCHA: 176 truckload of goods exited Gaza in February - 23% of 2005 monthly average pre-intensification of Israeli blockade.
* Since the beginning of 2016, Israeli occupation forces have destroyed 468 homes and other Palestinian structures across the West Bank
* UNHCR establishes database of businesses involved in Israeli settlements
* UN: At least 36 crimes of Israeli occupation forces opening fire on Palestinian civilians & property in Gaza in only two weeks.
* What do G4S, SodaStream, Veolia, and Ahava have in common? They all lost to#BDS movement. http://bit.ly/1RuAM57 .
A resistência matou cerca de 30 israelenses, a maioria absoluta nos territórios palestinos ocupados, e feriu cerca de vinte mais, sem gravidade.
O Mossad, serviço de inteligência israelense especialista em assassinatos e atos bárbaros, está usando meios inimagináveis para bloquear a informação sobre a Palestina na internet. Mossad touts cyberwar against BDS (but they can't stop us).
Aliás, o diretor da NSA gringa, que espiona presidentes e jornalistas, fez uma visita 'secreta' a Israel na semana passada para estreitar a cooperação entre seu órgão e as Forças Israelenses de Ocupação. Director of NSA made secret visit to Israel last week.
Aliás, o diretor da NSA gringa, que espiona presidentes e jornalistas, fez uma visita 'secreta' a Israel na semana passada para estreitar a cooperação entre seu órgão e as Forças Israelenses de Ocupação. Director of NSA made secret visit to Israel last week.
* No Brasil: Movimento contra a colaboração com a Mekoroot cresce na Bahia
* E o país do futebol deveria interessar-se em saber que mais três jogadores palestinos foram presos pelo delito de serem bons de bola: Three Palestinian football players arrested by Israel
* Youngest Israeli prisoner is a 12-year-old Palestinian girl.
Muitos meninos palestinos se encontram também em prisão domiciliar na Cisjordânia.
* A new report examines how “Israeli agricultural export companies are profiting from the Israeli colonisation of Palestinian land” - and how their produce ends up in British supermarkets.
Palestinian farmers and workers urge support for Israel boycott
* Since the beginning of 2016, Israeli occupation forces have destroyed 468 homes and other Palestinian structures across the West Bank
* UNHCR establishes database of businesses involved in Israeli settlements
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Feliz Páscoa! Happy Easter! From occupied Palestine |
* What do G4S, SodaStream, Veolia, and Ahava have in common? They all lost to
* In 2016, Israel has shot dozens of times at farmers & fishermen, hit a school & killed 2 children.
In the first two months of 2016 alone, Israeli occupation ofrces have also opened fire on Palestinians & property in the Gaza Strip more than 45 times. Killed by Israeli airstrikes on Gaza last 5 months: Nur Hassan, 25 & pregnant, Rahaf Hassan, 3 Israa Abu Khussa, 6 Yassin Abu Khussa, 10. These routine shootings by Israeli occupation ofrces, targetin civilians in Gaza working their lands, fishing, etc, get hardly any media coverage.
In the first two months of 2016 alone, Israeli occupation ofrces have also opened fire on Palestinians & property in the Gaza Strip more than 45 times. Killed by Israeli airstrikes on Gaza last 5 months: Nur Hassan, 25 & pregnant, Rahaf Hassan, 3 Israa Abu Khussa, 6 Yassin Abu Khussa, 10. These routine shootings by Israeli occupation ofrces, targetin civilians in Gaza working their lands, fishing, etc, get hardly any media coverage.
Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades, meanwhile, has still not fired a single rocket out of the Gaza Strip since the August 2014 ceasefire.
* Não se há de esquecer os refugiados palestinos na Síria. Refugiados duas vezes. Kait Bolongaro: Syria's Palestinians: Twice a refugee.
Max Blumenthal talks to Israeli journalist Gideon Levy in the Real News
This map is used to teach Israeli school kids the geography of "Israel". No 'Green Line'. Palestinian towns erased.
AJ+: "There is no "P" in Palestine, so it shouldn't exist", says Israeli law maker.
Cristiano Ronaldo continua seu combate pela Palestina, discretamente. AJ+: Cristiano Ronaldo will make a Palestinian boy dream come true.
Cristiano Ronaldo continua seu combate pela Palestina, discretamente. AJ+: Cristiano Ronaldo will make a Palestinian boy dream come true.

E viva o boicote:
Israeli Companies Leaving West Bank in response to boycott pressure… (for more see Gush-shalom)
TELE SUR news on Palestine